Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 550: Assassination! none of your business!

Bo Xingzhi held Ruan Su firmly in his arms.

A pair of narrow eyes stared at the surrounding warily.

This is his private hunting ground, why would anyone sneak over?

He squinted slightly, his eyes filled with biting chills and murderous aura.

The tall back makes people feel inexplicably intimidating, and the cold and frosty breath makes people obey from the bottom of his heart. He is just cold, and there is an invincible coercion, which seems to be born with a killing aura.

The opponent's target is obviously Ruan Su.

Bo Xingzhi's brows sank, a group of fierce anger surged in his chest, and a pair of sharp eyes gazed at the depths of the forest grimly.

There are countless people in black who are outflanking the two of them.

Everyone is holding a bow and arrow in his hand!

The strong palms under the thin camouflage uniform were pinched together tightly.

He tightened his lips, frowning tightly.

Wushuang's handsome face was dark and terrible.

He waved his hand!

Suddenly, like a cheetah, a powerful force was condensed, and the body suddenly rushed out.

Rushed towards the man in black who was headed.

A gust of wind blew!

Ruan Su also reacted immediately. She looked at the back of the man running wildly. She squinted slightly, raised the shotgun in her hand and shot towards the swarming black man.




A person fell down in response.

A strong wind blew, blowing the leaves in the forest.

Bo Xingzhi's face was dark, and the tall and arrogant figure rushed towards the man in black, with a majestic and cold aura.

The pupils of the other party's eyes suddenly shrank, as he saw the appearance of a ghost, before he could react, he was smashed into his head by the man's fist.

The people in black at the back suddenly saw their scalp numb.

Everyone knows how ruthless this man Bo Xingzhi is.

But this time the task they received... was to kill him!

The hearts of the people in black trembled fiercely. They were all mercenaries, a group of desperadoes. They had never been so scared in their lives.

But this man is more frightening than Hades.

Bo Xingzhi narrowed his eyes fiercely, and dangerous information flashed across his eyes.

"The woman who dared to assassinate me, nine lives are not enough!"

We don't want to kill her, we want to kill you!

The people in black couldn't help screaming inside.

The man is like a leopard, and he doesn't know where he draws out two pistols and shoots left and right!

The sound of banging guns kept ringing.

And the people in black are not to be outdone. They shoot arrows and drew their guns. All of a sudden, there was a mess in this forest.

Ruan Su felt a fierce wind behind her, and her heart was shocked and her body flashed fiercely, turning to the side.

Dangerously avoid a bullet coming in.

At the same time, she immediately raised the shotgun in her hand and shot another person down.

She frowned and was out of bullets.

An unidentified light flashed in her Kurosawa eyes, and she rushed towards the two men in black closest to her, kicking the opposite door with her slender legs.

This woman! ruthless! Harder than all the women they have ever seen.

A man in black swallowed abruptly, suppressing the nervousness in his heart that he wanted to escape, and tried his best to thin the line.

As long as this man dies, the task is over, and ten million will be done.

The coldness in Bo Xingzhi's eyes became deeper, and his brows wrung harder.

A gust of wind surged, it was obviously a hot day, but the surrounding air seemed to be frozen all at once.

The man in black felt the cold atmosphere around him, and his pores all over his body could not help being erected.

For money, for money...

No matter how terrifying this man is, no matter how strong his aura is, he must be killed!

"We have a lot of people! There are only two of them, and we must have a chance of winning."

A man in black shouted loudly.

"Very good!" Bo Xingzhi coldly stared at the men in black in front of him. A dozen of them have fallen, and there are more than a dozen!

His eyes flashed sharply, "My wife! Here you are!"

Ruan Su lowered his eyes and saw the dagger in his hand, and Bo Xingzhi threw a dagger to her.

The corners of the woman's lips twitched slightly, revealing an evil, bloodthirsty smile.

The people in black who were staring at had their scalp numb, and a gust of wind swept across, facing each other.

The man in black was sweating in his palms, **** it!

Why can this woman be so strong?

Obviously, he has been on the battlefield, and he has done one task after another. There are countless people who have been killed, but they are oppressed by her aura, and she can't help taking a step back.

At this moment, Ruan Su suddenly moved!

The man in black heard a "pumping red" before he could see clearly...

The dagger that glowed with cold had already pierced his chest.

He stared suddenly, but he could only stare more and more, and finally fell heavily to the ground, no breathing.

At this time, Bo Xing squinted his eyes and smashed his fist. The man in black was smashed to his ribs and he kept coughing up blood.

In the face of this overbearing and powerful man, these mercenaries were also unable to become an army.

When there were only three or four men in black, they couldn't help but want to escape.

But under Bo Xingzhi's wolf-like gaze, their legs seemed to be filled with lead, and their hearts trembled fiercely.

"Go! Go!"

One of the men who was a little short urged his companions, and if they stayed any longer, they would all die and the entire army would be wiped out.

However, the moment they turned and fled, the tall body of Bo Xingzhi descended like a falcon and hit their backs.

One foot stepped on the chest of the little man, "Say, who sent you here!"

The little man's face changed suddenly and became pale, "We are mercenaries, I would rather die than say!"

Saying that he actually bit the poison hidden in his mouth and teeth, and a mouthful of black blood poured out of his mouth, and he died when he rolled his eyes.

The color of Bo Xingzhi's handsome face and pupils changed a little, and his gloomy pupils were as dark as an abyss.

Ruan Su also ran over. Seeing that the situation was wrong, several other mercenaries also bit the poison hidden in their mouths. Ruan Su wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

A thick blood hung in the air.

Bo Xingzhi's eyes sank, "They came well prepared, and they were perfectly prepared."

"There are too many people who want to kill us." Ruan Su's voice was indifferent, and she knelt down and tore open the clothes of one of the men in black.

Bo Xing stopped raising his eyebrows, "Tear other men's clothes in front of me?"

Ruan Su glared at him, "How jealous are you at this time? Didn't you see me looking for clues during the autopsy?"

The mercenaries of their kind are generally organized and disciplined and belong to the same mercenary organization.

She just wanted to find out which organization they were from.

She looked at the wolf head tattoo on the chest of the man in black, narrowing her eyes, "It belongs to the Wolves Association. It seems that it is necessary to check this association. They dare to assassinate us. Do they want to be exterminated?"



"I've heard of the Wolves Association. The mercenaries in it are very ferocious. They rank ninth in the rankings of the Global Mercenary Association, and they are considered to be a very powerful and established mercenary organization."

Bo Xingzhi stared at the wolf head tattoo with cold eyes. He stripped away the clothes of several other men and found the tattoo on their chests.

It seems that they are indeed from the Wolves Association.

"Let's go back first."

Ruan Su nodded, "Bring our prey."

Bo Xingzhi nodded, he also knew that Ruan Su was very tired after a life and death fight.

On the way back, he carried the prey on his back, holding Ruan Su in one hand, and walked slowly to the car.

The car drove smoothly back to the city of Vienna, returned to the hotel and put the car in the underground garage.

The two went directly into the room, but fortunately they didn't meet other people in the elevator, otherwise the two of them would definitely cause an uproar.

The bodies of Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su were full of blood, and a thick breath of blood wafted over their bodies.

Back in the room, Ruan Su immediately took off his clothes, and Bo Xingzhi also took off his clothes, "You take a shower first, I will dispose of these clothes."

Ruan Suleiji, after taking a hot shower in the bathroom, he found that the room was empty.

Bo Xingzhi hadn't come back, and she couldn't control so much, so she fell asleep directly on the bed.

It was seven o'clock in the evening when I woke up.

She yawned and found that Bo Xingzhi was lying next to her and sleeping soundly.

In the forest today, I almost run out of energy.

At this moment, a knock on the door sounded.

Xie Jinyan’s voice came from outside, "Azhi, Auntie, don’t we have a barbecue party tonight? Are you up yet?"

Ruan Su put on his clothes and opened the door of the room, "Wait for us, I told Bo Xingzhi to get up. I was too tired from hunting today."

"Well, let's go to the roof top first." Xie Jinyan smiled and turned and left.

When Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su came back in the afternoon, they handed the prey to the back kitchen of the hotel. The back kitchen marinated for some time, and then carefully sliced ​​them into thin slices or skewered them into strings.

Song Yan and Xie Jinyan temporarily prepared some barbecue grills.

Have a rooftop barbecue at night, it's totally OK.

The atmosphere on the roof is very nice, with a few tents set up and some colorful lights surrounding it.

It was dark, the moon was hanging in the sky quietly, and the stars were shining non-stop.

Li Zhuoyan opened a few bottles of beer and wanted to help Xie Jinyan barbecue.

"Let me do it."

"You can be on the side. The barbecue makes people uncomfortable. Don't come over." Xie Jinyan took her hand warmly and printed a kiss on the back of her hand. At the end, he added, "Good luck." ."

Li Zhuoyan withdrew her hand abruptly, her face flushed.

When Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su came up, Song Yan and Xie Jinyan had already roasted some venison.

The fragrant barbecue aroma wafts in the night sky, which is particularly attractive.

Ruan Su sniffed, "It smells good!"

I really feel hungry after sleeping for so long.

"The two of you are too interesting, and they don't call us hunting." Xie Jinyan couldn't help but said when he saw Bo Xingzhi, with a bit of teasing, "Let us go too!"

"What does it matter to you when we live in a two-person world?" Bo Xingzhe curled his lips with evil.

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