Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 560: It's too weak!

Ye Yan left the Ye family and drove the car all the way.

The car ran wildly on the highway at midnight, and he ran through countless red lights along the way, as if only in this way could he vent his dryness.

Song Jiayan just hung up the phone when she heard a harsh creak in front of the dormitory door.

She opened the door of her dormitory apartment in surprise, and saw a black car steadily stopping at the door of her dormitory apartment.

A long leg stretched out from the car and landed steadily.

The tall man got out of the car.

He was wearing a hidden blue windbreaker and dark shirt, and strode towards her.

Song Jiayan's heart jumped suddenly, "Commander Ye..."

Ye Lili, the commander-in-chief of her exchange and study in Country M, came here late at night?

The man looked down at her, her breath was full of man's clear breath.

"Xiao Yan'er, why? Surprised to see me?"

His hands that used to play the piano but now always fly the plane, with a trace of roughness, gently rubbed Song Jiayan's soft and smooth cheeks.

Song Jiayan was about to say something, but Ye Yanli suddenly lit a cigarette. The blue smoke surrounded him, and his deep eyes were fainting. "I may never show up in front of you again."

Song Jiayan clenched her fist tightly, "No, the Ye Family's grievances will definitely be cleared."

Ye Yanli dropped the cigarette casually and grabbed her back to the dormitory.

As soon as he walked in, the man pressed her into his arms.

With her face close to her ear, she took a deep breath, "Xiao Yan'er, why are you so naive?"

This time it was clear that someone wanted to take Huo Jiliang's hand to get rid of the Ye Family.

Whose way did the Ye family stand in?

Ye Yanli was confused now, he couldn't figure it out clearly.

He looked at Song Jiayan forbearingly. When the girl first saw her, he was attracted by the stubborn look in her eyes.

It's just that now he is no longer qualified to pursue her and get close to her.

He is a man with no future.

He just wanted to see her for the last time before he went to jail, and stamp her pretty face in his mind, just as a thought.

He took a deep breath, took two steps back, and looked at Song Jiayan from a distance.

"Goodbye, Captain Song."

"Commander Ye..." Song Jiayan was embarrassed and bit her lip.

She wanted to take a step forward, but she held it back.

She thought of what her grandfather said on the phone, "Child, you are a person with a marriage contract. I haven't told you for so many years. I don't want to make you uncomfortable because of the marriage contract. You and Shen Sinian, the second young master of the Shen family, have been booked since childhood. Baby dear. That kid has been waiting for you for so many years, so you have to keep your heart!"

Song Jiayan's eyes are a bit pantothenic.

She had never known before that she was still carrying a marriage contract on her back.

It wasn't until today that she called her grandpa for help, and she didn't know... It turned out that she had ordered a baby kiss since she was a child.

Shen Sinian...

Her heart has never been so painful before.

She thought of the first time she saw Ye Yanli, the man stood in front of everyone. His skin was very white and he was dressed very damp. He didn't look like a pilot at all, but an artist.

And the facts have proved that he is indeed extremely famous in the world, and he can't imagine how those thin white piano hands can fly a plane.

This man can not only fly planes, but also make a very complete combat plan.

Those who looked down on him before finally admired him with admiration.

Facts have proved that the Ye Family's blood is truly extraordinary.

He got mixed up in the air force, and soon took the seat of commander-in-chief.

And she also became Ye Yanli's deli subordinate. The deadline for her exchange and study in Country M was about to come, and she was a little sad.

Never thought that such a big thing happened to the Ye Family.

The car's engine started, and it shot out like a bullet with a buzzing sound.

Song Jiayan stood at the door, looking at the deep night sky.

Haven't left for a long time.

Her heart seemed to become empty as the car left.


The changes in the Ye family spread throughout the world overnight.

In many countries, the headlines on the front page are Ye's news.

As a big family with the most stable foundation in Country M, the Ye family has always controlled the most important air force, including the entrances to the ports of the ports.

Many families have long looked forward to it.

Ye Yanli, the heir, was so good that he took the position of commander in a short time after entering the Air Force Department.

It has aroused the envy of many people.

Seeing the scene of Ye Yili being arrested, Jing Baizhi took a glamorous woman by the arm, "Mother, Ye Yili is in jail, who are you going to give to the Air Force Department to do it? Is it yours?"

Jing Sa gently stroked the tail ring on his little finger, his expression was indifferent, and his red lips were slightly open with a faint sarcasm, "The Ministry of the Air Force is fat and poor, and the president will not let me put anyone in. What's more, Ye Ye Yanli is not the only one at home. Ye Jiashu has big roots, and a small warehouse can't shake the roots at all."

"I don't want to make enemies with the Ye family. I am a little secretary of state confronting the Ye family. Don't I want to live anymore?"

Jing Baizhi curled his lips in disdain. Although her mother did not admit that the Ye family's affairs were related to her, she intuitively told her that the Ye family's affairs must have his mother's involvement. "Mother, aren't you the most powerful person besides the president? How can you face the Ye family? The Ye family hasn't given you any face normally!"

"What do your kids know? When will you return to H Empire? How is Professor Yu Qing?" Jing Sa didn't want to continue this topic, she looked very capable in a professional suit.

Turned around and sat on the sofa, took out the phone, and looked at it casually.

"My teacher is very good, but the research has not made much progress." Jing Baizhi sat down with her again, "Mother, where is my brother?"

"Your brother has other things to be busy lately, so you don't have to ask more."

"Mother, I haven't seen my brother for a long time..." Jing Baizhi said depressedly, "You don't want to tell me that, then you don't want me to ask, why are there so many things?"

"Azhi." Jing Sa looked at Jing Baizhi with a serious expression, "You are my daughter, you can no longer be so carefree. After you graduate, I will arrange for you to enter the National Hospital, which is so important. You can manage your department, can you do it?"

"Mother? National Hospital?" Jing Baizhi's eyes widened in shock.

The National Hospital in Country M is not accessible to ordinary people. All the doctors in it serve the president and the nobles of the four major families.

Similar to the imperial hospital in ancient times, it is the highest level of treatment among doctors.

"So, go back obediently and study well with Yu Qing. Understand?" Jing Sa touched Jing Baizhi's hair, "and the boy from Ouyang's family is not worthy of you at all. You'd better stop thinking about him. ."

Jing Baizhi's face turned pale. Why does his mother know that he likes Ouyang Tian?

"You send someone to investigate me?"

"No, they are protecting you in secret." Jing Sa raised her red lips and looked extremely cold. "My daughter is the first lady in Country M. How can it be done without anyone protecting you?"

But Jing Baizhi's heart was raging, and her mother sent someone to watch her...

She suppressed the discomfort in her heart, "Mom, I just think Ouyang Tian is handsome when playing games, nothing else..."

"It's best to be like this." Jing Sa smiled brightly and softly, "Otherwise, my mother doesn't know what she will do for you. After can a gamer be worthy of me. Where's your daughter?"

She stretched out her hand and gently stroked Jing Baizhi's tender little face, "Are you right?"

"Yes...Yes..." A trace of cold sweat oozes from Jing Baizhi's back.

She is threatening her... She is definitely threatening her.

She was afraid of Jing Sa since she was a child and never dared to call her mother intimately.

She didn't want to try Jing Sa's methods at all.

"Take the young lady to take a look at my latest new toy. I think she will like it." Jing Sa stood up, condescendingly looked at Jing Baizhi's pale face, "Let her practice courage. "

"No...mother, I...I have something else, I want to go back to H Empire. I will go back now, and I suddenly remembered that I still have experiments..." Jing Baizhi's face was paler, she just grabbed her bag and thought go.

But two men in black have stopped her, "Miss, please come with us."

Jing Baizhi's forehead was covered with sweat beads, "No...mother..."

She looked at Jing Sa imploringly, but Jing Sa smiled kindly and tenderly, "Go."


Ten minutes later.

Jing Baizhi head-heavy stepped out of the secret room of the Secretary of State's residence.

The sun above her head was shining brightly in her eyes, and she couldn't help it anymore and gagged at a tree on the side of the road.



"Miss, these are just two dolls." One of the men in black behind her said coldly, "Just one doll is scared like this, then how do you inherit everything from the master in the future?"

"No...that's not a doll!" Jing Baizhi raised his head with red eyes and stared at the man in black. "How can she do this? Sewing a living person into a doll? The doll is stuffed with a living one. people!"

She watched the whole process how to sew a person into a rag doll, into a doll...

She is going crazy!

"Miss, how can you be so soft-hearted? Your enemy will never be soft to you." The black-clothed man's voice was full of cold machinery.

"Why can she be so cruel?" Jing Baizhi fiercely grabbed the man in black by the collar, her tears slipped from the corner of her eyes, "Why does she want me to see this kind of thing?"

The man in black is still expressionless, "The master is to exercise your mind."

"These are all traitors who betrayed their masters. This is their due end."

"" Jing Baizhi's mind was filled with the disgusting images that had just appeared. She was so emotional that she could no longer bear the blackness in front of her and fainted.

Jing Sa stood on the roof of the mansion, with a pair of narrow eyes looking at the scene in front of the secret room, his voice drifting in the cold wind, "It's...too weak. It's not like me at all."

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