Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 574: Your Aunt Su is rubbish! My Aunt Su is the best

"It turned out to be Xuehai's "Soul"!" Aunt Li also changed her expression. Everyone knows how famous Xuehai is.

Especially in the past few days, Xuehai has also made a splash at the Gleneagles Grand Prix.

It was called a Niubi, and it almost became the idol of the whole people.

Usually when Li Yanzhu is okay, he will also play "Soul" to relieve the boredom of several elders in the family.

It can be said that almost everyone is too familiar with the song "Soul".

It's just that this tune is very difficult, but a five-year-old child can play it?

How can it be?

And he is still a child from the Middle East, where such a talented child can be brought up in places like the Middle East?

Li Ranran played very easily, and was familiar with it.

Maybe she was not as good as the original, or maybe she was not as good as Tang Wanrou's mother and daughter. But for a five-year-old child, being able to bounce to this level is already the ceiling among five-year-olds, right?

After the little guy finished playing, he slowly jumped out of the chair, very ladylike, without half frizz.

It looked very stylish. She stepped on her two calves and walked to Ji Youyou. She looked at the shocked Li family and said, "This piano is a bit unwieldy. I didn’t have Aunt Su give it to me. That one works well."

"What are you talking about? My piano is a limited edition of a world-famous brand. Do you know how much it is worth?" Li Yanzhu screamed, an unseen child said that she loved the piano like a treasure.


"Aunt Su said, the most important thing about the piano is not its appearance, nor its price. Your piano is very beautiful and expensive, but it doesn't necessarily work well." Li Ranran said solemnly, " You may love its appearance and price, but it is really not that comfortable to use."

Mrs. Li felt very comfortable, making you look down on my granddaughter and daughter-in-law.

Look, my granddaughter is so talented.

Of course she also wanted Li Yanbei to find a well-known celebrity, with a good family background, good character, and good looks.

But who knows that my son has to like this girl, this girl looks good, but the things that happened to him... Mrs. Li felt sympathetic and a little uncomfortable for Ji Youyou in her heart.

But now that the granddaughter is so good, she is indescribably happy as a grandmother.

At the moment, he ordered the servant to take a gift box from his room.

"Miss Ji, this is a little bit of my heart, and I hope you can accept it." Mrs. Li said and delivered the gift box to Ji Youyou.

When Ji Youyou opened it, she was slightly taken aback. Inside were two sets of neatly arranged jewelry. One big and one small.

The larger ones are clearly worn by adults, and the smaller ones are for children.

"I don't know if you have this kind of custom in the Middle East. Our H Empire is very fashionable here. When a child is born, there will be a set of jewelry for the new year. This is pure gold, and I specially found a craftsman to make it."

Mrs. Li smiled and said, "Although this is the first time I have seen her with the child, these things are still indispensable. Gold is not worth a few dollars. The most important thing is meaning."

As she said, she took out another bank card, "This is for the child. You can use this card for whatever you want to buy."

Seeing the bank card that Mrs. Li had taken out, Aunt Li couldn't help frowning, "Sister-in-law, this is the secondary card for your living expenses. How can you give it to her? Let her draw whatever you want?"

Every room in Li's family has a living expenses card, just like the monthly silver that every room received in ancient times.

Every month, Li Yanbei arranges the finances to put some pocket money into the accounts of each room in the Li family, so that they can be used as living expenses.

"Miss Ji gave birth to such a lovely daughter for Yanbei." Mrs. Li said in a powerful voice, "I don't care what others think, I recognize this child."

"Don't recognize it too early, who knows if there are some people who look like vixen, so they hooked men into a daze and raised children for others." Li Qiyun said sarcastically, this dead **** actually gave the second card to him. Ji Youyou, she didn't want to get some jewelry from this **** and refused to give it to her.

She was very unbalanced.

"Aunt I am an idiot? Or a fool? Let others play tricks?" Li Yanbei said coldly, and directly threw himself and Li Ranran's paternity test in front of Li Qiyun.

"Aunt, please take a look at this document with wide-eyed eyes!"

"What is this?" Li Qiyun frowned and picked up the file on the table and opened it. When she saw the final result of the file, her face was as if she had swallowed a few kilos of flies.

"What's written on it?" The old lady Li was also very curious and confused. Aunt Li sat next to Li Qiyun, and she just saw the result of the father-daughter relationship when she tilted her head.

Are you really a father and daughter?

She endured the horror, her expression was a bit silly, "Mom, this paternity test book says that the child and Yanbei are father-daughter. It's really... father-daughter."

Old Madam Li also had doubts in her mind before, suspecting that Ji Youyou had deceived Li Yanbei, but as soon as the paternity test came out, she immediately had to look at Li Ranran's head again.

This child... is really her great-granddaughter?

A sense of unreality emerged in my heart.

Ji Youyou ignored them, but said to Mrs. Li, "Thank you, Madam, this gift is very expensive, I can't accept it. And this bank card, I can't even ask for it."

The gold jewellery specially crafted by skilled craftsmen is not comparable to the gold jewellery in ordinary shopping malls.

She is not an ignorant person.

Li Yanbei said, "This is a gift for my daughter-in-law and granddaughter. If you don't accept it, don't you want to be with me?"

Ji Youyou's heart trembled.

Her relationship with Li Yanbei...

Unexplainable, unclear.

After hesitating, Li Yanbei even helped her put away the bank card and jewelry.

Ji Youyou: "..."

She could clearly understand Li Yanbei's desire to protect her... it felt very strange.

Warm, rising...

Especially since she has never been loved and cared by her elders in her life.

Mrs. Li was so warm and kind to her, she felt a little at a loss and at a loss what to do.

But Li Ranran said to Mrs. Li very politely, "Thank you, grandma."

The grandma's yelling made Madam Li's heart melt. "What a good boy."

She couldn't help holding Li Ranran's soft and small body into her arms, and she was heartbroken when she thought of the hardships the child had suffered with Ji Youyou in the past few years.

"In the future, grandma will take care of you, send you to school, send you to kindergarten... and send you..."

"No, Aunt Su will teach me well. I have a special teacher. They are very responsible and excellent." Li Ranran shook his head and refused directly.

Li Qiyun only regarded her as a childish language, and said, "What do you know? Is the education level of Empire H comparable to yours in the Middle East? Who is your Aunt Su? Can she compare to all the education levels of aristocratic kindergartens?"

She only regarded Aunt Su in Li Ranran's mouth as an ordinary nanny-level woman in the Middle East...

However, she completely overlooked a question, that is, how could a woman who can educate Li Ranran to such an excellent piano as just a nanny level?

Li Ranran's face flushed with anger, and she was not so angry when others humiliated her and Ji Youyou.

But now she yelled at Li Qiyun angrily, "My Aunt Su is the best teacher in the world! You must not laugh at her!"

Li Qiyun was startled, " wild boy! How can you be so rude!"

"Aunt, it's you who is rude? Do you know who her Aunt Su is?" Li Yanbei said again, defending her daughter Chi Guoguo, "I just said that this is my wife and child, please You respect them! Otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what? Is it possible to drive me out of Li's house?" Li Qiyun shouted loudly, "Don't forget, I brought it when you were a kid!"

"Forget it, it doesn't make sense." Ji Youyou pulled Li Yanbei a little, and sent the gifts she had brought to everyone. "When I first met, I didn't know what to give away. I hope you all like these jewels."

The servant immediately gave all these exquisitely packaged gift boxes to several Li family wives.

When Li Yanzhu saw the X-designed LOGO and packaging on the gift box, she was slightly shocked, and instinctively told her that all these jewels were fake.

How could she be able to afford X-designed jewelry if she was a scum from the Middle East? And this packaging is obviously different from the packaging she usually buys X's jewelry.

Although it looks more advanced and more stylish, she has never seen this kind of packaging.

Obviously it is fake.

So she didn't even open it, she just said, "Big brother, it's not that I laughed at Miss Ji, it's because...these jewelry is not real at first glance. You are too insincere? I know that X's jewelry is not good. Buy it, because ladies and ladies love to **** the jewelry she designed. You can't make up fakes, right?"

At this moment, the butler came over and said, "Master, Shao Bo and Miss Ruan are here."

Li Yanbei nodded immediately, "Hurry up and invite them in."

When he first got off the plane, he contacted Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su and asked them to come to the Li family's family banquet. After all... Ji Youyou didn't know anyone here.

If Ruan Su is there, he will accompany her.

It happened that Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su were also inside the capital.

The butler quickly walked out of the hall. At this moment, the assistant who had been waiting outside rushed in and said, "Prime Minister Ji, you have come to H Empire. The Prime Minister and President of H Empire already know about it. , The other party’s staff contacted me just now, hoping to invite you to the presidential palace to meet, and also invited President Li."

Ji Youyou nodded lightly, "Please reply to the President and Prime Minister, I will definitely attend the meeting tomorrow."

Everyone in the Li family looked at Ji Youyou in amazement, or Li Yanzhu was the first to react, "Which one are you playing? Are you still pretending to be the prime minister? What are you kidding?"

She pointed to Ji Youyou and laughed out loud, "Brother, what kind of wife do you look for? Why do you like to play these role-plays."

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