Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 578: It's a rare treasure appearing!

"Her mother and father are not ordinary people. She is destined not to be an ordinary child. The things she carries must be cultivated from an early age." Ruan Su said indifferently, as if seeing everyone's doubts, "Don't always take her age. In small things, it is because of her young age that she has to cultivate her keen sense of smell since she was young."

After the dinner, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi were ready to leave without staying too much.

The crowd sent them out, and before getting into the car, Ruan Su glanced at Ji Youyou, "The Middle East is your territory, you remember what I told you."

Ji Youyou nodded cautiously, "Don't worry, I will definitely find out."

After getting in the car, Bo Xingzhi frowned and looked at Ruan Su beside him. Before he could ask, Ruan Su took the initiative to explain, "I have found out that the goods in the Yejia Wig Factory were shipped from the Middle East. Come here. If we conduct a large-scale investigation in the Middle East, we must join hands with Ji Youyou."

"Middle East?" Bo Xingzhi narrowed his eyes. "The leader of the largest criminal gang in the Middle East is called the Viper. This person is sinister and cunning. It is very likely that this is related to the framing of the Ye Family."

"The poisonous snake is doing a lot of evil. If it is really him this time, then we will give his lair directly to the people!" Ruan Su's eyes were full of cold murderous aura.

Bo Xingzhi held her in his arms, "Let's take a break, I will call you when I get to the hotel."

"Okay." She nestled in the man's generous chest and slowly closed her eyes.


The next day, the weather was clear and sunny.

In the Ji's restaurant, the atmosphere was strange.

At this time, Li Yanzhu was sitting in the corner of the restaurant with a weird look, while drinking the milk in front of him, while secretly aiming at two people not far away.

Looking at the atmosphere of the two, her brows tightened a little further, and her face became more and more weird.


"It's delicious, I want to eat it." Ji Youyou's voice came.

Li Yanzhu raised his eyebrows and came again.

The two of them who turned her eyes to the front saw Ji Youyou nestled in Li Yanbei's arms, leaning comfortably, her little mouth still chewing and chewing uncomfortable.


Sprinkle dog food early in the morning?

As soon as Ji Youyou's red lips opened, Li Yanzhu saw that his strong and cold elder brother immediately picked up another steamed dumpling and put it into Ji Youyou's mouth.

And that woman comfortably enjoyed the treatment of being served by her eldest brother.

The corners of Li Yanzhu's eyes twitched. Why are these two people so sweet?

Last night, he was still very respectful.

This is because there is no elder in front of them, so the two of them have become presumptuous?

And the eldest brother seemed to be instructed by Ji Youyou to not mind at all, on the contrary he still vaguely felt that he was very happy.

Li Yanbei thought all over his heart, but the two people at the table didn't regard her existence as the same thing and continued their conversation.

"Yanbei, my waist is so sore. You rubbed it for me. You were too intense last night." Ji Youyou leaned in Li Yanbei's arms, suddenly moved and stretched out a small hand to pull Li Yan. North's clothing corner.

She spoke very indifferently as if she was talking about drinking water and eating.

He didn't feel anything wrong.

When Li Yanzhu, who was not far away, heard this, the corners of her mouth suddenly twitched, and her entire face froze.

Ji Youyou and eldest brother...what happened last night?

Could she not put such ambiguous words on this kind of dining table?

Li Yanbei lowered his eyes to look at the woman in his arms, pursed his lips, and rubbed her waist without any refusal to reach out.

There is a piece of tenderness in Li eyes.

"You pinch it so painful, lightly!" Ji Youyou frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction.

Li Yanbei looked at Ji Youyou's cute little face, his big palm was lightened a bit, and then he couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed her. "We will do more in the future. You won't be sour when you get used to it."

this! ! !

Li Yanzhu looked like a ghost, staring at Li Yanbei in horror!

I rub, is this what her cold eldest brother said?

This... the atmosphere in the restaurant was so ambiguous that she almost got a nosebleed.

Ji Youyou turned her head and stared at the man behind her. Seeing the man's serious look, she couldn't help but twitched her mouth, "My waist is still very sore."

Li Yanbei frowned slightly, his thin lips pressed tightly, "Continue tonight."

"I don't care, I can't do it anymore." Ji Youyou thought about her old waist, and stopped doing it again. The man's hands are too strong and his waist is about to break.

"Huh! The set of exercise methods that Miss Ruan gave you. If you don't cooperate with me to give you a massage to relax after the exercise, you will easily get out of shape." Li Yanbei said with a gloomy face, getting close to his little woman's. Opportunity, he would not miss it.

After Ji Youyou exercised last night, he hurriedly gave her a massage, but she also drove him back to the room because she thought she was too strong.

Early in the morning, she continued to say that she had a sore back, which was really too weak.

Li Yanzhu was still talking, thinking her brother is too hungry, right?

Now I finally understand and realize that I am thinking too much... It turned out to be exercise massage... Not so intense OXX?

It seems that I am impure.

When she just thought about it, she saw her elder brother pull Ji Youyou up and kiss her little mouth domineeringly, and a lingering kiss came directly in front of her.

Li Yanzhu's eyes stared.

Obviously she is still too tender and too underestimated her elder brother... After all, after so many years of being a vegetarian, she suddenly found her true love. How can she not be hungry?

She took a long breath and felt that she could not stay any longer.

Otherwise, she would eat dog food and vomit, but she was reluctant... After all, the gossip of the big brother... is still very seductive.

It took a long time for Li Yanbei to let go of Ji Youyou. Ji Youyou blushed and stared at him panting.

The little mouth was red and bright by the man.

The corner of Li Yan's northern lips slightly hooked, his eagle eyes gradually deepened, a piece of starlight.

"Continue tonight."

Hearing this, Ji Youyou glared at the man with a smile at the corner of his mouth, thinking that he was simply too tyrannical.

"do not want."

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and Mrs. Li also stepped into the restaurant.

Li Yanbei immediately regained a pure-hearted look, but his movements were still very considerate and gentle. He helped Ji Youyou take a piece of paper and wiped the corners of his lips, "Have you eaten?"

Ji Youyouqi is full of anger, "Okay."

"Grandma, Youyou and I still have things. Let's go to the mall to purchase some things today." With that said, Li Yanbei took Ji Youyou's hand and left.

Today they are going to visit the president of Empire H, so naturally they have to prepare some gifts.


Inside the hotel.

Ruan Su was holding the laptop and crackling there.

Bo Xingzhi walked over, the corners of his perfect mouth were slightly hooked, his deep eyes were staring at her, he put the honey water in his hand in front of Ruan Su, "drink some water."

Ruan Su looked up from the notebook and saw that Bo Xingzhi seemed to be in a good mood, his eyes flickering from time to time, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

This scene was so thin that Song Yan looked astonished behind him. Isn't he just giving Ruan Su a glass of water, the young master needs to be so happy?

He found out that as long as it was to serve Miss Ruan, even if it was to help Miss Ruan carry shoes, the young master would be in a good mood.

Ruan Su raised his head slightly, his black eyes cast a rewarding look at Bo Xingzhi, and then took a sip of water, the temperature of which was just right.

Bo Xingzhi's eyes darkened.

Looking at her red lips, I especially wanted to immediately lower her head and bit her delicate little mouth.

However, he held back.

At this moment, Song Yan's WeChat rang, he looked down for a while and touched his nose, "Master."

"Something?" Bo Xingzhi turned his head to ask Song Yan nonchalantly.

"It was Lu Yanchuan who sent you an invitation post, saying that it was the 5th anniversary of the club house he was in charge of today. There will be a large-scale event. This time the baby will be better than before. I am afraid it will be a treasure that has been treasured for many years. thing."

This matter is said to be big or not, and it is not small.

"He also sent me an invitation post." Ruan Su clicked on a small blinking symbol in the lower right corner of his computer screen, and an electronic invitation post immediately popped up.

Lu Yanchuan’s auction house has a lot of treasures for auction. Although the real owner behind the house is Ruan Su, she doesn't usually manage it, she just takes care of things like collection.

"It seems that he got something precious." Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows, and Lu Yanchuan sent invitations to both of them at the same time, which should be something good.

After all, there are not many things that interest Ruan Su and him.

Ruan Su leaned against Bo Xingzhi's arms, his eyes narrowed slightly, "But he promised the president to go to dinner together."

"But based on your relationship with the president, it doesn't matter if you don't go." Bo Xingzhi stroked his chin, his eyes flashed.

Ruan Su nodded, "That's right, I will send him a WeChat saying that we are not going, let's go to the auction."

Lu Yanchuan must have something not available in the market, so she decided to take a look in person.


At the beginning of the lanterns, the stars were dazzling, and a crescent moon climbed into the sky, but the streets were very lively.

A black Bentley drove quickly across the street, heading towards its final destination.

In front of a magnificent building, the car slowly drove into the underground parking lot.

At this time, the underground parking lot was already full of all kinds of luxury cars.

"Get off." Bo Xingzhi's voice sounded, and Song Yan had already helped him and Ruan Su open the door.

As soon as they came down, there was a sang-sang voice, "Bo Shao."

Ruan Su looked back and saw a familiar face appeared in front of her.

"President Yu." Seeing that the person came was Yu Wenna's father, Bo Xingzhi just nodded slightly, and there was no extra look on his indifferent face.

Yu's father didn't mind Bo Xingzhi's indifference too much either. The last time they had a banquet in Huaqing Mansion together, Yu Wenna hosted a birthday banquet, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi helped Xie Yuan organize a dust-cleaning banquet, which can be said to be very unpleasant.

But he didn't seem to have that thing happened, he was extremely thick-skinned.

Yu Wenna wore a very gorgeous little pink dress, and looked at Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi curiously. After finding that there was no Xie Jinyan, her eyes were a little lost.

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