Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 588: Official announcement ~ paralyzed!

"What happened?" Ruan Su shifted his gaze to Yan Yidao, Yan Yidao raised his head with an ugly expression, his tone was uncontrollable anger.

"Did our crew enter the paparazzi or out of the ghost?"

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "Today is a banquet. Anyone else came out to disappoint?"

It's too short-sighted.

"Sister-in-law, eldest brother." Bo Wenyu also ran over in a panic, holding her mobile phone, "It's not good, there are fake rumors."

"What kind of rumors?" Ruan Su took her cell phone and glanced at it. "Oh, on the day we were finished, someone sent us to the hot search?"

I saw a row of entries hanging high on the mobile microblog hot search.

"Bo Wenyu wears a bathrobe to enter and exit the Jiangxinfeng room"

"Bao Wenyu and Jiang Xinfeng's love affair exposed"

"Bo Wenyu's fan support club raised 50,000 yuan, and only 10 packs of instant noodles were given away?"

"Bo Wenyu, return our fund-raising funds!"

Almost every entry has a bright red "bang" or "boiling" character.

Either one is enough to affect the resources and reputation of Bo Wenyu.

Especially the last two, now Fanquan always pays attention to support, Bo Wenyu also has a global support club.

It's just that she didn't expect that her back-up club would be financially unclear.

This matter can be big or small, but it will still affect her career. If it is not dealt with in time, it will be eaten back to her immediately.

Sure enough, Ruan Su doesn't pay much attention to the first two hot searches, she mainly cares about the last two.

She clicked on the last one, and Chi Guoguo's fans were madly scolding on Bo Wenyu's Weibo.

"We like you to raise funds and want to give you the best finale."

"As a result, the official support club swallowed our cheer money, did you instruct it?"

"You are so short of that 50,000 yuan? You actually bought ten packs of instant noodles? I raised 666 yuan. What did the official global support team say? I will buy a thermos for the banquet guide and a high-end limited edition for Sister Su Edition lunch box, I bought a Montblanc pen for Jiang Xinfeng, and bought you a bag from the light of the Chinese product X Ning, but the result? I bought ten packs of instant noodles for 50,000 yuan?"

"The explanation given by the support club is almost laughing my teeth, because instant noodles are a local specialty, produced by a local manufacturer, so in order to support it?"

"Bo Wenyu, I want to withdraw from the fan club, and I also want to withdraw from the fan group, you disappointed me too much!"

"I X! I really can't help but swear to death. You are the daughter of the Bo family. The pocket money that Bo always gives you is more than 50,000 yuan, right? All of this money is saved by our food and frugality. I do this because I like you and support you."

"I really want to go, Bo Wenyu. I originally wanted to support your new movie, but I still want to book a show after the movie is released! I have to book at least one! I am also a poor student!"

"I was so angry that I cried! Defaned!"

"You trample on our hearts so much."


Bad reviews of Yishui.

There are also sane fans who are persuading these people, "Wenyu doesn't necessarily know about this, let's wait a while."

"Wait to investigate and see what's going on."

"Yes! If Wenyu doesn't know, aren't we wrong to blame her?"

But these voices were quickly submerged in the verbal abuse, and there was not even a splash of water.

Ruan Su looked at it for a while, and handed the phone to Bo Wenyu, “This matter will be handled by Bo’s public relations, so don’t worry. But...your support club really needs to be managed, and 50,000 yuan is for the fans. It’s not a small number, and many of them are still students."

She narrowed her eyes, "And did Jiang Xinfeng fall in love with you? Did you really wear a bathrobe? Go to his room?"

Her eyes were full of gossip, Bo Wenyu blushed.

"I...I didn't wear a bathrobe, I wore normal clothes. I don't know why I was wearing a bathrobe in the little video released by the paparazzi..."

Bo Wenyu was also speechless, "I went to his room after the play, and heard that he was sick."

"Oh, I'm quite concerned." Ruan Su smiled badly. She poked the man next to her on the arm, "I don't want to stay in the female college!"

Thin Xingzhi's eyes bend, "If you like it together, what's the embarrassment?"

Bo Wenyu quickly glanced at Jiang Xinfeng not far away. Fortunately, Jiang Xinfeng was talking to Jiang Xinyu. The brothers didn't know what they were talking about, so they didn't pay attention here.

She quietly breathed a sigh of relief. If he happened to look over here, she would really be embarrassed.

"Brother, sister-in-law, don't make fun of me."

"But... depending on the shooting angle, it should be taken with a mobile phone, not like a professional camera. Because the lens is very shaky, and the pixels look less clear than the camera."

Ruan Su looked down at the video posted on the hot search again, the so-called evidence of entering and leaving Jiang Xinfeng's room.

Jiang Xinfeng and Bo Wenyu collaborated for the second time, and this time they also acted as CP.

So there are some CP fans who are happy to see the result, crying out below, "Ahhhhh! Is my knocked CP come true?"

"If it's a boyfriend or girlfriend, it would be nice."

"Yes, yes, I just don't know if it's true or not."

"Wait for the official response."

There are also Jiang Xinfeng’s girlfriend fans, "Crying, husband, don't fall in love!"

"You can only be my man!"

"Haha-Bo Wenyu, you already have Sister Su, so don't grab your husband with us!"

Looking at these comments, Bo Wenyu blushed a little.

The brothers Jiang Xinfeng and Jiang Xinyu happened to come over. He was wearing a white suit and looked very handsome. Jiang Xinyu was taller and stronger than him.

The two brothers are very handsome, but they are very attractive.

"Have you seen the hot search?" Jiang Xinfeng said to Bo Wenyu, his face was flushed, and his eyes flickered.

As soon as Bo Wenyu saw him approaching, his face turned red, "Well, don't worry, I will clarify. The bathrobe in that video must be on the PS later."

"It's okay." Jiang Xinfeng said suddenly. He looked firmly at Bo Wenyu's charming little face, "It's okay."

Bo Wenyu was stunned for a moment, "Ah? What did you say?"

At this moment, suddenly several waiters in the hotel walked over with a small cart.

Jiang Xinfeng walked over quickly, opened it sharply, and swiped it!

I saw a big double-layer cake on the cart.

A bouquet of roses is inlaid in the center of the big cake.

The roses are obviously made of cream and chocolate, and they look very beautiful and dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, countless rose petals suddenly fell from the sky, and floated down in mid-air.

The intoxicating fragrance of flowers reverberated in the air.

Not only that, a bunch of bright roses suddenly appeared in Jiang Xinfeng's hands.

He sent the flowers to Bo Wenyu, "Actually, I fell in love with you when I was filming "Idol Loves Picking Up Garbage", but I have never been embarrassed to confess. Now... Since the paparazzi has given the opportunity to me, If I never confess to you, what kind of man am I?"

Bo Wenyu's head buzzed, and he was a little bit incredulous. Looking at Jiang Xinfeng, he, a top player with thousands of fans, actually confessed to her?

"You...Aren't you afraid of falling fans?"

"What's the matter? You two can have an underground relationship." Qin Xiaoyi concealed her jealousy and said with a smile.

Jiang Xinfeng took Bo Wenyu's hand, "Do you like me?"

He asked affectionately and earnestly, with expectation and hope in his eyes.

Bo Wenyu has a pink face, "I...I like it. It's just..."

"It's not just, you don't have to worry. Since I decided to be with you, I will face the rumors bravely. From the moment I decided to like you, I never thought about hiding or hiding. If you play underground love for fame and fortune, you lose the meaning of dating. I don't want you to be wronged because of me."

The man speaks sonorously.

He raised Bo Wenyu's hand, then raised it in front of the cake, took a photo, and directly lowered his head to turn on the phone and upload Weibo.

"Official announcement, my language."

Also @了薄文语.

Bo Wenyu heard the beep of the mobile phone, and when she turned it on, she was dizzy.

There was a blank inside his head.

The official announcement caught off guard is like a depth bomb.

She was directly blown to pieces.

Not only her, but the entire entertainment circle should be blown to pieces.

Weibo was directly paralyzed by the top stream official's announcement of his love affair.

The technical brothers were forced to work overtime again overnight to expand the server.

If the netizens said what they had guessed before, they are now directly declared to the whole by this official.

Fans of Jiang Xinfeng kept posting videos on Weibo crying, "Why has he been in love since he was in his first year of high school? I should like smaller idols!"

Other fans posted a video on Weibo: "My roommate is ranting at the computer in the dormitory, why is it Bo Wenyu?"

Many fans started to go to the crazy @江心风 on Weibo, crying crazy and getting rid of fans.

The fans were hit by a crazy crit.

"You didn't care about the mood of the fans at all."

"You didn't consider our feelings."

"You are a top-notch, why do you fall in love?"

"I have loved you for so many years! How can you treat me this way!"


Bo Wenyu opened his mouth, and after a while he slowly came over to look at Jiang Xinfeng's handsome face, which almost didn't look like a real person.

"Aren't you... you're not afraid of fans counterattack? You will drop fans..."

Especially when the new movie is about to be released.

"If your fans don't watch our movie..."

Bo Wenyu became a little worried about the box office.

"Rather than hiding, it's better to show your true self. I think that since I decided to be together, yes, yes, no, no, I will be honest and personally announce it." Jiang Xinfeng spoke very sincerely, without any performance element. "And my film, I hope it is because of the script, or my acting skills, everyone is the main creator, rather than simply this is my fan, to support me in order to support me. That doesn't make sense."

Considering that many fans are spitting, I am even I have to work hard...

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