Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 596: She took the dog in minutes

The handsome man guarded the young girl domineeringly, staring at Chi Xiaoxian's delicate but hypocritical face mixed with anger.

He didn't like Chi Xiaoxian very much. When in the disaster area, this woman always intervened between him and Yanyan intentionally or unintentionally.

At that time he felt that this woman was probably ill!

Still very sick.

Unexpectedly, she dared to run home to make trouble while he was with Yanyan to the Galerie Contest.

Especially when he took Yanyan home with him, this woman always intentionally or unconsciously showed that she was very diligent, and Yanyan was just a stupid lack of wintry.

Always want to exclude Yanyan, want to harm Yanyan.

Xie Yuan is not often at home, and Mrs. Xie is not very well, and her spirit is not very good. She didn't even notice these little movements.

But Xie Jinyan could see clearly.

He had long wanted to drive this woman away!

Chi Xiaoxian trembled all over, with elite teardrops hanging on his eyes, tears falling down his cheeks.

She stretched out her trembling hand to try to remove the tears on her face, but the tears seemed to be broken beads, and she couldn't stop it.

She cried silently, but her eyes revealed grievances and a trace of stubbornness.

Her hand wiping away tears covered her mouth, while the other hand kept grabbing the corner of her clothes.

After a while, she finally seemed to be relieved to have the strength to speak, "You misunderstood me, Shao Xie... I didn't mean to exclude Miss Li, and I didn't want to hurt anyone. I was just ...I also want to find out how Auntie was poisoned. I'm afraid it was poisoned by the closest person around her. What if she didn't eat it by mistake?"

She took a deep breath, choked and continued, "Especially this chicken soup is actually poisonous, but the chicken soup is stewed by Miss Li again, so I am bold..."

"I don't think you are bold. You wish to buckle this **** bowl to Yanyan's head right away!" Xie Jinyan interrupted her directly, with disgust in his eyes, "Chi Xiaoxian, my mother is not at home, my dad Staying in the hospital. It was only Yanyan when the three of us were at home. What did you do, do you have to tell me now?"

"You really didn't plot against my Xie family? Why did you run all the way over without plotting?"

Chi Xiaoxian was still trembling all over, and suddenly staggered, as if she was too painful to stand still.

Looks weak, innocent and pitiful.

"I... I did nothing."

"Look at what your character is. You don't recognize what you have done." Xie Jinyan sneered. "Dad, I know you sponsored her because you wanted to do good deeds, but she was a white-eyed wolf. When I took a bath, , Deliberately pretending to be very careless, broke into my room and opened the bathroom door."

"What do you mean by her? She just wants to destroy the relationship between me and Yeonyan."

Hearing the scene of Xie Jinyan's large-scale appraisal bitch, everyone was shocked!

Especially Xie Yuan, he didn't like this girl very much, he felt that her eyes were full of calculations. But Mrs. Xie likes it very much, and the family is boring. It's okay to accompany Mrs. Xie.

He never thought that this woman could be so shameless and shameless.

"No, I really went to the wrong room at the time. I thought it was Miss Li's room..." Chi Xiaoxian only felt that everyone was staring at her with strange eyes.

The air in the ward seemed to be suffocated.

She was angry and angry. How could Xie Jinyan say that to her in front of so many people?

It must be Li Zhuoyan instigated.

She put on a victim's painful appearance, "I know Miss Li doesn't like me and hates me very much. Does she slander and humiliate me in front of you?"

She couldn't help crying again, "If you really hate me and don't want me to stay at Xie's house, I will just leave... Back in my small mountain village, I originally wanted to be able to spend time with my uncles and aunts. it seems that you can't tolerate me either."

If you don't know her, you will probably be moved by her cry.


None of these people at the scene were stupid, especially who Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi hadn't seen?

She is so smart and self-righteous that she sees more.

Li Zhuoyan looked at Chi Xiaoxian's speechless performance blankly. At this time, she had already recovered from her previous bewilderment, "I haven't said anything about you, and I haven't said anything about you in front of Brother Yan. Name. So... Miss Chi, where did the poison in the chicken soup come from? There are only you and me at home."

She didn't expect Xie Jinyan to stand up for her without even thinking about it. She didn't have the slightest doubt at all, trusting her 100%.

This feeling... warm, too warm.

Her whole heart seemed to be wrapped in warm sunlight.

The man's stalwart figure stood in front of her, and his back fell in Li Zhuoyan's eyes. It was extremely tall, like a high wall, which made people feel at ease.

Chi Xiaoxian frowned, wiped her tears, as if she had been insulted, "You mean, I put the poison in the chicken soup? You are too much, and you humiliate me so much."

She shook her head and looked at Xie Yuan, "Uncle, you believe me, I didn't harm Auntie."

As she said, she rushed to the table like she was crazy, and grabbed the fruit knife in her hand, "If you doubt me anymore, I will punish myself to death to prove my innocence!"

She angrily put the fruit knife to her neck, making a look of death, "Don't stop me, I am lonely in this world, and now I am wronged by you, I might as well die. NS!"

Xie Jinyan looked a little impatiently at her scene of crying, making suicide, and committing suicide.

He took out a sharp dagger from his pocket, "Do you want to prove your innocence? The fruit knife in your hand is not very good. It's better to use my one, my sharp one, you will see blood immediately when you go down. Go to the west."

Ruan Su was almost amused by Xie Jinyan's ability to learn a bitch.

How could she not discover that this man has a talent for acting in comedy?

Chi Xiaoxian stared at Xie Jinyan in shock. She was about to commit suicide. She was a life!

How could he be so indifferent?

Still pass her a knife?

Her secret love heart almost hurts as if it was stabbed several times by the dagger in Xie Jinyan's hand, **** pain.

Li Zhuoyan was also taken aback by Xie Jinyan. She murmured, "Brother Yan, it's not so good..."

Xie Jinyan's face was indifferent, and a mockery appeared on Jun's face, "What's wrong? I sympathize with her self-certified innocence, so I want to perfect her."

As he said, he forcibly stuffed the dagger into Chi Xiaoxian's hand, "Come on, take it, aren't you very determined?"

Chi Xiaoxian rode a tiger in a difficult position.

She originally thought that everyone would believe her if she made such a longer doubt her.


Xie Jinyan is like this?

Her brain was blank, and she couldn't react.

She trembled but couldn't use any force.

"I... how can you watch me die in such a cruel manner? You don't even want to give me a hand? Are you not afraid that I will go to the media to expose your vicious thoughts?"

Ruan Su was amused by her ability to beat him upside down.

"Miss Chi, you figured it out, you wanted to commit suicide, we didn't force you."

"You are the one who forced me. If I die, each of you will bear the reputation of forcing me to death! None of you will be better off!"

Chi Xiaoxian exclaimed angrily.

Bo Xingzhi became more and more irritable, what's in the ink? "Are you going to die? If you die, hurry up and don't waste time."

This sentence seemed to be the last straw that overwhelmed Chi Xiaoxian. She threw the dagger to the ground fiercely, "You are too cruel! Uncle, they are all forcing me to die."

Xie Yuan, who was suddenly called, was a little bit ridiculous, "Miss Chi, if Xiao misses my son, I advise you to die. If you hurt my wife, your life will not be better. Let alone you. I also tried to frame Yanyan. I have already called the police, and a colleague from the police station will come over to investigate everything."

Chi Xiaoxian realized the importance of the matter when Xie Yuan didn't even sound the alarm.

But she calmed down quickly, it was impossible, and the police couldn't find out anything.

She did something unconsciously, no matter what, she would not be found.

At this moment, there was a jumble of footsteps on the door of the ward, followed by a rhythmic knock on the door.

Xie Yuan replied in a low voice, "Please come in."

The door was opened, and a policeman in a uniform walked in and saluted Xie Yuan first, "Xie Mayor!"

Then he took out the cold handcuffs and walked directly towards Chi Xiaoxian.

"Chi Xiaoxian, right?"

While talking and comparing the photos.

Chi Xiaoxian stared at them in astonishment, "I am. What are you doing?"

"You are suspected of deliberate homicide and poisoning, please come with us."

The police answered her expressionlessly.

She shook her head, "No, I didn't do it. You must be mistaken, what evidence do you have?"

"We collected your fingerprints on the Xie family's chicken mother beads, and except for Mrs. Xie's fingerprints, the remaining fingerprints are yours." After Xie Jinyan left in the morning, Xie Yuan asked him to lead a team of subordinates in. The Xie family began to investigate.

"Impossible!" Chi Xiaoxian kept shaking her head. She was wearing gloves when she did it. How could she still get her fingerprints?

"The fingerprint on the mother-of-the-cock bead is so shallow that it is not sure if it is yours. However, we found this in your room." The police suddenly took out a transparent plastic bag with a pair of white gloves in it. "There are remnants of the venom of the **** bead on it. When you put on these gloves, you go to pick the **** bead. You think you will not leave fingerprints, but... these gloves are too bad and can only play a part. It does not completely conceal your fingerprints."

Chi Xiaoxian has always been very frugal, except that he spends a lot of money on clothes to pack himself, in other respects can be said to be very stingy...

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