Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 614: I'm so angry! Face hurts!

The smell of the plastic sisters can be felt if you stay far away.

Yu Qing was trembling all over by Madam Tang's operation, but she resisted it.

She chuckled in a low voice, "Mrs. Tang, you didn't mean to hurt you when I heard about the Grayly Contest? Oh, why did this come out?"

Madam Tang's face suddenly became very ugly.

When she framed her own sister, the Shen family did not let her go.

It also caused Li Zhuoyan to fall, and the Xie family did not let her go.

She was immediately detained and went to jail.

But... Money can make the ghost push away.

In addition, Tang Zhizhong was also involved in various dealings, spent a lot of money, and found a lot of contacts, and finally got her out.

Fortunately, the time was short and she didn't suffer anything.

It's just that the Tang family in Xie's family also lost a building and went directly to Li Zhuoyan's name.

This matter is only over.

When I thought that the Tang family gave Li Zhuoyan a building, Li Zhuoyan directly became a charter wife.

Madam Tang was itchy teeth with anger, and she fell a bit without any injuries or sequelae.

I have to pay such a high price.

A building, from the capital!

A two-bedroom apartment in the capital of Beijing is worth millions, let alone an entire building!

Mrs. Tang originally wanted to plastic Yu Qing, but she was stabbed by Yu Qing unexpectedly.

She held her breath in her chest and couldn't swallow it.

It was Tang Wanrou who tugged at her sleeves and smiled and said to Qing, "Professor Yu, my dad still has some connections, and our Tang family is not a small family. My mother was also confused at the time, and did nothing to hurt the world. It’s a big thing or a small thing. Outsiders don’t know that they thought my mother had committed something serious!"

Tang Wanrou's remarks both reasonably explained that Mrs. Tang hadn't done anything rubbish, and inadvertently showed off a wave of Tang family connections.

Anyone who commits a crime in a foreign country can get people back, which is considered capable.

Madam Tang immediately cast an admiring look at her daughter.

Yu Qing glanced at the mother and daughter, with a hypocritical smile on her face, "That's great, Mrs. Tang is really lucky this time. But don’t think I’m talking too much. It’s better to keep a low profile. Otherwise, you will run into ghosts at night."

Put it nicely, she is caring about Mrs. Tang, but who can't hear the irony in her words.

Mrs. Tang's face turned green. People who didn't know thought that Yu Qing was playing TVB and was talking about the lines in it!

But she resisted, she glanced at Jing Baizhi again, thinking about Jing Baizhi's love for Ouyang Tian, ​​"The young master of your sister's house heard that the young master Tian was very close to Ruan Su? , Introduce him to a lady who is also a celebrity daughter, isn’t she better than Ruan Su’s married woman?"

Jing Baizhi's face turned pale, this Madam Tang really owes her lips!

"Ms. Tang likes to worry about my son's marriage so much. People who don't know think you want to marry your daughter to him!"

At this moment, a mocking voice came.

I saw an elegant and noble middle-aged woman walking towards them carrying an LV bag.

The women's dress is simple and generous, but yet noble.

Behind her was a young man, and looking at their similar looks, they knew that they were mother and child.

"Wenzheng, do you need to speak so badly?" Madam Tang rolled her eyes, "I am also for the good of your family. Ruan Su is married."

"My boss will always be my boss, I don't dare to think too much about her." Ouyang Tian pouted, "Unlike some people, there are always some nasty thoughts in their minds."

"Who are you scolding! Why are you so rude?" Madam Tang's eyes fell out quickly with anger, and this Ouyang Tian was too bad.

"Whoever disgusts me, I will scold someone!" Ouyang Tian smiled sullenly.

"Tim'er, let's go in." Wen Zheng pretended to be inadvertent and fanned the air. "The air here is really too muddy."

"You! You!" Madam Tang was so angry that she couldn't speak.

What Wen Zheng meant clearly was that wherever she was, the air became unpleasant.

damn it!

How can this be so hateful for mother and son!

Wen Zheng walked two steps forward and suddenly turned his head to look at Mrs. Tang again, "Oh, yes, I forgot to ask Mrs. Tang. I remember a rumor came out last year that Lei Lao wants to recognize Miss Tang as his goddaughter. Today's Is the heroine Miss Tang?"

When Yu Qing heard it, she was shocked. "Why haven't I heard about this?"

"You are obsessed with your research every day. It's normal if you haven't heard of it." Wen Zheng smiled, "Mrs. Tang? If it's Miss Tang, I would congratulate you in advance."

With that, she went in directly.

Yu Qing smiled, don't know why she always felt like it wasn't Tang Wanrou! If so, how would this mother and daughter jump?

So just now Wen Zheng deliberately stimulated the mother and daughter.

Thinking of being able to reach this level, Yu Qing felt better, and took Jing Baizhi into it.

"Forget it, Mom, let's go in too." Tang Wanrou flushed red, and yelled at Mrs. Tang angrily, "Last year, Dad suggested to Mr. Lei to accept me as a goddaughter, but Mrs. Lei refused. . Why did this happen?"

"How do I know? No one in our family said that it must be from the Lei family." Madam Tang became more angry as she thought about it, "This banquet can't be attended, let's go back!"

Isn't this attending the banquet to put one's face together and give others a beating!

"Go, you have to go." Tang Wanrou held Mrs. Tang, "I want to see what kind of daughter he accepts. Can he be better than me? I want him to regret it!"

Leiguan Technology Group leads many domestic technology companies and is second to none.

Therefore, the Tang family has always wanted to join forces with Leiguan Technology.

It's a pity... Old Lei has a weird temper, and most people really can't catch him.

Tang Wanrou thought that she was outstanding, beautiful, and a good family background.

It was perfect, and she was so angry that others had robbed her of what originally belonged to her.

The mother and daughter rushed to the banquet hall, and then they were taken to the table of Yu Qing and Jing Baizhi by Lei's assistant.

The guests on this table are almost all the wives of several families they are familiar with.

When the ladies saw Mrs. Tang and Tang Wanrou, they didn't greet them enthusiastically.

Immediately they started chatting with the people around them.

Mrs. Tang's face is a little green, what's up?

Are these **** and boring topics so interesting? Let these old women chat enthusiastically?

She cursed secretly in her heart when she saw Yu Qing craned her neck and looked towards the center.

There is a small stage in the center, the layout is simple and generous, the whole banquet hall is also very cozy, and there is a taste of home everywhere, and it is not very luxurious.

"Why doesn't Lei Lao show up? His daughter doesn't know which celebrity it is."

Yu Qing said with a chopsticks cold ears.

"Hey, here it is! It seems to be here!"

A lady called out suddenly.

Everyone's gazes immediately looked towards the entrance, and saw Old Lei walk in with a big smile, beside him were the three of Xie's family and Li Zhuoyan.

Not only that, but also Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi Song Yan.


Everyone was a little shocked.

"I haven't seen any ladies!"

"Yes, who is Elder Lei's goddaughter? Isn't it Ruan Su?"

"Ruan Su?"

Hearing these two familiar words from Ruan Su, both Mrs. Tang or Tang Wanrou's face suddenly became ugly.

Including the unnatural expressions between Yu Qing and Jing Baizhi.

Among them, no one wants to see Ruan Su often.

When Yu Qing looked at Ruan Su, she was disgusted, but she couldn't help Ruan Su. This was where she was most angry.

Elder Lei was refreshed at happy events. He wandered to the small stage, picked up the microphone and spoke with excitement. His voice was so loud that almost everyone in the room could hear him.

"Don't talk nonsense, and tell you about my goddaughter."

Everyone immediately held their breath and stared at Lei Lao for an instant, for fear of missing something.


Everyone saw Lei Lao rushing through Li Zhuoyan in a white dress and said, "Come on, Yanyan."

Li Zhuoyan blushed and stepped on her slender legs and walked to Lao Lei. She was dressed very elegantly, her complexion was delicate and crystal clear, her eyes were clear, elegant and refined, and she had a refreshing breath.

Standing next to Lei Lao, the well-behaved and elegant appearance made people feel good.

Tang Wanrou stared at Li Zhuoyan in disbelief, her voice almost broken, "Isn't she the goddaughter of the Xie family?"

She yelled, and she immediately attracted everyone's attention!

Everyone looked at her and whispered about her gaffes.

Tang Wanrou was sober violently, and then she realized what stupid she had done. She hurriedly sat down, almost fainting with anger.

Why should all the good things be taken up by Li Zhuoyan alone?

"Wan Rou, she is a little bitch, what are you doing?" Madam Tang was also a little embarrassed by her daughter's embarrassing behavior, "Watch the changes."

"But, Mom..." Tang Wanrou always lost to Li Zhuoyan, and Tang Wanrou couldn't swallow this breath.

If it's Ruan Su, that's all, but what's the reason for Li Zhuoyan? Just because she has a good relationship with Ruan Su?

She didn't realize that she had already admitted that she was inferior to Ruan Su, inferior to Ruan Su.

But now, she was slapped by Li Zhuoyan again and again.

She... She was going to die of anger.

Old Lei didn't take care of Tang Wanrou who was mad and angry. He just said calmly, "Yanyan is my daughter from today. From now on, don't let me hear anyone bullying her. Bullying her is bullying me!"

"She will be the daughter-in-law of the Xie family, the goddaughter of my old fellow!"

This Chi Guoguo's backing attitude is simply not to be too spoiled and too mighty.

I saw all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred from people who wanted to cheat on Lei Lao.

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