Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 634: The legendary boy of that year has disappeared!

After returning to the room, Ruan Su went into the bathroom.

Tired and exhausted.

She dazedly stretched out her hand to pull the bathroom door, only to slip under her feet and almost fell, and she fell forward uncontrollably.

Seeing that she was about to fall to the ground, she was about to come to a backflip to see if she could help herself.

A pair of big warm hands held her around her waist and lifted her up.

Ruan Su suddenly fell into Bo Xingzhi's arms.

Only a snow-white yukata was wrapped around her body, revealing a snow-white slender neck and fragrant shoulders.

There was still a touch of moisture on his body.

Bo Xingzhi only felt a group of tenderness nestled in his arms, and the heat on Ruan Su's body passed over, and the exquisite curve of his body was tightly attached to him without any reservation.

Bo Xingzhi's throat tightened and held Ruan Su tighter.

His eyes darkened and his complexion was as usual, but his ears were hot, and his body was tight and dumbly said, "I'm going to take a bath."

He rushed into the bathroom and quickly took a hot shower.

When he rushed out, he found that Ruan Su had fallen asleep on the bed.

He looked at her beautiful sleeping face and couldn't help laughing out loud.

I turned out to be like a hairy boy just now...


But why is she so **** sweet?

Ruan Su only felt that he was awakened as soon as he fell asleep in a daze.

The man's thin lips lingered on her collarbone, itchy and numb.

"Don't make trouble." She raised her hand to hug the man's waist.

But Bo Xingzhi turned over, shrouded her under him, and looked at her condescendingly, "I think..."

The night is long...the stars are shining...

Everything is just right.


Just after five o'clock the next morning, the genius was overwhelmed.

Bo Xingzhi called Ruan Su up. She yawned and looked at Bo Xingzhi with wet eyes, "Why get up so early?"

"I'll take you to watch the sunrise." Bo Xingzhi stretched out his hand and squeezed her smooth face, trying to make her sober.

Hearing what he said, Ruan Su was stunned, barely cheering up to wash.

She wore a pair of harem pants, a pair of sneakers on her feet, and her upper body was just a simple T-shirt with a black jacket on the outside.

It looks very casual and suitable for traveling.

After getting in the car, Bo Xingzhi handed her a sandwich and a carton of milk.

"I'm afraid of traffic jams on the road late, so let's solve it in the car for breakfast."

The man’s magnetic voice sounded, Ruan Su smiled at him, "Okay!"

She bowed her head and started eating sandwiches, watching the misty sky outside the window.

The car drove all the way in the direction of Stonehenge, because they had gone early, they could step into Stonehenge and admire the magnificent and mysterious relics up close.

"Every year on June 21st, on the eve of the summer solstice, many British people will travel long distances to celebrate at Stonehenge before the dawn of the summer solstice. Watch the sunrise here, drum and dance to welcome the arrival of the summer solstice."

Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's hand and walked forward, while saying, "The sunrise here is beautiful."

He pointed to the rising sun behind Stonehenge, his slender fingers almost transparent in the sun.

Even if it is not the summer solstice, it is only February and March, but there are still many people watching the sunrise.

There are many locals and tourists from other places.

Ruan Su's beautiful face was stained with golden light by the rising sun. Looking around, the sun climbed up from behind the Stonehenge, the sun instantly flooded the earth, and the prosperity was billowing with magnificent waves.

When the sun is fully up, everything will come into view, and the massive and mysterious Stonehenge appears unpredictable and solemn.

After staying in Stonehenge for a while, they headed to the nearby village of Lacock, one of the most beautiful villages here.

Lacock is a quaint "delicate town".

The charming architecture and rural feel remain unspoiled, and the town of Lacock has had no new buildings in nearly 200 years. Basically all the buildings in the town date back to the 18th century or earlier.

The entire town of Lacock is like a carefully drawn oil painting. It seems to be tranced by time, but it is perfectly preserved.

The winding roads in the town, the architectural style of wood and stone and the unique stone roof make it one of the most beautiful towns in Britain.

Bo Xingzhi took her hand and strolled in this peaceful town, admiring the scenery above the town.

A breeze touched her, and the breath she carried seemed to carry a sense of tranquility.

Lunch was eaten in the shade of the small town, spread a checkered tablecloth, Song Yan brought a lot of food in the car, not only burgers and fries, fruit salad, even he also brought a frying pan, on the spot I fried a few steaks.

"The picnic feels pretty good." Ruan Su was blowing in the breeze, eating the steak that had just been fried, and watching the handsome man raise the red wine in his hand.

"If you like, we will often go on a picnic outside in the future."

Thin lines of eyes floated to her, picking up a tissue to help her gently wipe the wine stains on the corners of her lips.

After a short half-day tour, the car drove towards London.

Ruan Su was a little sleepy on the road, and fell asleep leaning on Bo Xingzhi before he knew it.

When the car stopped steadily, she opened her eyes and looked at everything outside the window.

Bo Xingzhi's eyes fell on her, "Get out of the car and take you around the Aerospace Exhibition."

Aerospace exhibition?

Ruan Su raised her eyebrows slightly. She visited the auto show, but it was the first time the aerospace show.

The man wrapped her slender waist from behind, looking at her face that had just woke up with a thin red and bright and beautiful face, "It's so beautiful."

But before Ruan Su had time to react, the man's lips fell on her cheeks, the big palm turned her over to face him, and her thin lips covered her red lips accurately.

Ruan Su pushed him a bit and watched the aerospace show when he watched the space show.

Bo Xingzhi let go of her, with a spoiled smile at the corner of his mouth.

He took her shoulders and got out of the car and walked towards the exhibition hall.

The Farnborough International Aviation Exhibition in London is a gluttonous feast that aerospace fans all over the world cannot miss.

The air show is divided into professional days and public open days. Today and tomorrow are professional days, mainly for professional negotiations, industry forums, corporate contracting, and media releases.

Waiting until the day after tomorrow, the end of the week for the public open day, audiences and some enthusiasts will enjoy the cool flight performance here and experience the fun of aviation in depth.

The entire air show is divided into 4 indoor exhibition halls and dozens of corporate VIP rooms. The interior layout of the exhibition hall is very dense and crowded.

This year, Exhibition Hall No. 1 became a permanent building and also served as the latest exhibition and conference center of this year's Aerospace Exhibition. The air show will welcome more than 70,000 aerospace professionals and about 1,500 companies from all over the world.

Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su to the door of Exhibition Hall 1, and Song Yan immediately handed over the invitation letter.

Today and tomorrow will only be open to industry insiders, so after seeing the invitation letter, the welcoming guests immediately took them to the arranged seats.

It didn't take long for AA Group Chairman Boller to give a speech. After his speech, the minister of the Ministry of Aerospace gave a speech.

Ruan Su knows that this AA group is the largest aerospace manufacturing company in Europe and the United States. The most popular passenger aircraft in the world is now manufactured by their company. Not only that, they also have their own airlines, and people gave him a title: King of Airplanes.

There are many different media reporters around, all carrying long guns and short cannons at the leaders who are speaking on stage.

After seeing Bo Xingzhi, Boller walked towards him immediately, "Bo, oh, long time no see."

Seeing how he stretched his arms to hug him, Bo Xingzhi immediately reached out and held Boller's hand, and soon let go again, "Long time no see."

After the two exchanged a few words, Boller saw Ruan Su beside him, and his eyes lit up, "What is this beautiful lady?"

Bo Xingzhi smiled and tightened Ruan Su's waist, "This is my wife Ruan Su."

"Hello." Boller greeted Ruan Soda enthusiastically and stretched out his right hand.

Ruan Suqian smiled slightly, and shook his big hand with a face, "Hello."

After talking with Bo Xingzhi for a while, Boller went to the VIP meeting room not far away.

Ruan Su was intriguingly strolling with Song Yan at the air show.

After the opening speech of the air show, there was an air show.

The Royal Air Force "Red Arrows" aerobatic team is the protagonist of the air show in this year's air show. The various exciting and super-maneuverable aerobatics are simply exciting.

Ruan Su didn't expect to see an acquaintance, and Li Yanbei also came with Ji Youyou.

She raised her eyebrows, "I really don't meet anywhere in life."

Ji Youyou was very excited when she saw her, "Miss Ruan, long time no see."

"It didn't take long. I was seeing each other some time ago." Ruan Su smiled and looked to the sky again. At this time, the flight demonstration team was doing difficult moves, which looked very shocking.

Li Yanbei also looked into the air, and after watching for a while, he said, "Back then, there was a young man in the Imperial Air Force Department of H. I heard that he was a legend. That plane was much harder to drive than this performance. The steep circling, jumping and circling all. It’s nothing. Air typing is his unique skill. The H Empire Air Typing Aerobatic Team was created by him."

Ji Youyou also knows the project of aerial typing, but he doesn't fully understand it.

"I heard it's hard to type in the air!"

Li Yanbei nodded and continued, "The main principle of air typing is that the computer system of the lead aircraft sends control signals to each aircraft through GPS or WIFI, and adjusts the smoke oil control switch of each aircraft to form the effect of air typing. 10 It is clearly visible within kilometers."

"And aerial typing tests the tacit cooperation between the teams. Some characters are more complex, requiring higher aircraft control skills and years of training."

"But... the young man only trained the team for three months and was able to successfully complete all kinds of difficult aerial typing."

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