Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 645: It's a success! Her blood?

Hearing that Jun Moli was awake, Ye Tan hurriedly walked in with breakfast, "Mo Li, are you hungry? I went to buy your favorite pan-fried buns and some porridge and side dishes."

Jun Moli shook his head at her and coughed twice, "I will wash first."

Washing is the most basic courtesy and respect. He can't drag his waking face to talk to this junior Ye Yanli.

As soon as he got out of bed and put on slippers, Ye Tan came over and helped him into the bathroom.

Ye Yanli looked at this ward, a very ordinary ward, and the old couple did not have the luxury of choosing a high-level *** ward. I just chose a relatively quiet single room with all the furniture and the like, which can meet daily needs.

Although the aunt and uncle came from nobles like their Ye family, they have maintained the tradition of diligence and thrift throughout their lives. This is what Ye Yanli admired most.

Thinking of Jun Moli's illness, he felt a little sad.

When Ruan Su called, he told him everything. His chest felt a little painful, and he sat on one side of the sofa and waited quietly.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

It was Mrs. Ye who called, "Ali, have you seen your aunt and uncle? How are they?"

Ye Yanli was still a little excited, "Mom, it's not so good, my uncle has a very serious illness."

Mrs. Ye's fingertips trembled, and the phone in her hand almost fell, "What did you say?"

At this moment, Jun Moli was helped out by Ye Tan spiritually.

Ye Yanli quickly said to Mrs. Ye, "Mom, don't talk about it. I'll talk to you in detail tonight."

He hung up the phone and looked at the two old people respectfully. After the corners of his lips trembled, he said hoarsely, "Aunt, why haven't you come home?"

Ye Tanyouyou glanced at him, and then said, "I have no face to go back. I'm sorry Ye Family. I'm tired of you, you have changed a lot over the years. You are more handsome and more mature. I heard that some time ago... The Ye family also suffered..."

She couldn't stop her heartache when she mentioned this matter.

If it weren't for not wanting to lose face in front of her nephew, she might really burst into tears on the spot.

But she held back.

She maintained her unique elegance and dignity, and took a deep look at Ye Yili, "Go back, your uncle will have the operation soon, and Dr. Ruan is the chief surgeon. I believe she will succeed. Don’t let it go. Your mother and father are worried about us... we are having a good time."

"Does it mean that being chased and intimidated by others is a good life? Are those hooligans who haunt you so much that you are living well? Why don't you seek help from the Ye Family?"

Ye Yanli's handsome face was full of excitement and complex expressions, and his tone was also very rapid, as if choking, he took a deep breath and continued, "Auntie, uncle, we are a family. Back then. Don’t blame you...Don’t be like this..."

He looked at Ye Tan with hot eyes, "What's more, aunt, I'm about to get engaged soon, do you really want to see what kind of woman I want to marry?"

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Ye Tan's expression was stunned, and his eyes widened in shock, "I'm tired of...You are going to get married?"

She closed her eyes, tears running down her cheeks.

She had always loved Ye Yanjin and Ye Mili's sister and brother as her own children.

If it hadn't been for her to take Ye Yanjin out to play, she wouldn't have lost the child.

"Auntie, I sincerely invite you and uncle to attend my engagement banquet, okay?" Ye Yanli nodded heavily and took Ye Tan's hand.

"Your uncle is afraid that he won't be able to go. He has just finished the operation by that time and needs to restore his body." Ye Tan felt the long-lost family affection, and the love for Ye Weili finally made her nod, "I will definitely go by then and see you. The girl you were destined for."


Ye Yanli did not leave the hospital, and stayed here to accompany the bed at night, letting Ye Tan go back to the hotel to have a good rest.

He could see that Ye Tan was already very tired and exhausted.

Ruan Su came to the hospital early in the morning. She wore a white coat and a pair of white sneakers on her feet. She might be able to stand up during the operation. She deliberately wore a pair of comfortable shoes.

"Today is the day for surgery. I will prepare pre-surgery preparations with my colleagues. You don't need to be nervous, Mr. Jun. There will be anesthesia at that time. You just wake up after sleeping and it's OK."

Seeing her come in, Ye Yanli hurriedly gave her the place in front of the hospital bed, "Miss Ruan, do you have an operation today?"

Ruan Su nodded, "Well, it will start in half an hour, otherwise it will be delayed until the afternoon."

She exhorted Jun Moli again. Jun Moli smiled very peacefully, "I believe in Miss Ruan's medical skills."

Ruan Su’s delicate eyebrows revealed a touch of self-confidence, "I also believe that Mr. Jun will definitely get through this difficult time."

After speaking, she walked out of the ward, Ye Yanli pursed her thin lips, and chased it out.

"Miss Ruan."

Ruan Su stopped and looked back at him, "What's the matter?"

"Thank you for helping me find my aunt and uncle." Ye Nianli felt that he had to thank him in person. "thank you very much."

"I respect the two old gentlemen very much, and I also admire the Ye family's spirit and character. So, you are welcome."

Ruan Su patted him on the shoulder and turned to leave.

There are still many things to prepare for the operation.


A little nurse came over and pushed Jun Moli into the operating room.

With a bang, the shadowless light on the operating table was turned on.

Jun Moli lay on the operating table and closed his eyes slightly.

He heard the gentle voice of the little nurse in his ear, "Don't be nervous, I will shave your hair for you before the operation, it will not hurt at all."

Jun Moli lay there quietly, "Okay."

But in my mind I was thinking, am I going to be a bald head?

There was a smile on the corner of his lips, which was a new try.

I didn't expect that one day I could still passively become a bald one day.

He heard the voice of the little nurse helping him to shave his hair, and he could clearly feel the feeling of the hair falling down one by one.

Soon, an oxygen mask came to his breath, "Sir, please breathe in oxygen. Is it smooth to breathe in and out? Is it comfortable?"

Jun Moli opened his mouth, "Yes."

"Okay, now I will get the needle for you. I will give you an intravenous injection, and the anesthesia will also be injected directly."

Another nurse came over and began to hold his wrist and give him a needle.

He looked at the hanging bottle above his head, and the transparent liquid inside was dripping drop by drop.

After a while, the anesthesiologist walked over with a tube of anesthetic, "I will inject it intravenously. Don't worry, you will fall asleep immediately."

There was an opening in the hose of the sling. The nurse opened it and injected the anesthetic in. She moved very quickly.

Before Jun Moli could react, he lost consciousness for a while before his eyes.

Ruan Su had already changed the sterile surgical gowns, including all the assistant doctors behind him.

She stood in front of the operating table and watched the nurse begin to apply iodophor to Jun Moli's head. She narrowed her eyes slightly, "The operation will begin below."

And outside the ward at this time.

Ye Tan and Ye Mili stayed there, staring silently at the door of the operating room.

At this moment, the elevator door opened, and a pair of elderly people and some relatives of the Ye family came out from inside.


Elder Ye's old voice sounded.

Ye Tan heard his voice, looked in his direction with a slight movement, his pupils suddenly tightened.

She stood up unbelievably and greeted them, "Big brother, sister-in-law, why are you here?"

"Why didn't Li Mo Li have told us about such a big incident and such a serious illness?" Mrs. Ye took Ye Tan's hand angrily, "We are a family, so what's the problem?"

Sisters Ye Xiaozi and Ye Xiaozhi also followed.

They didn't want to come, but they wanted to do a good job in front of Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye. Hearing that they were coming to Country M, they rushed over.

Last time their sisters were kicked out of the Ye Family Manor, they were unwilling, so this time they should strengthen their position in the Ye Family.

"What kind of expert does the doctor hire? Reliable or not?"

"Yes, it must be an internationally renowned expert."

The sisters looked very concerned.

After Ye Tan heard it, he said, "Ms. Ruan is invited, and I am very familiar with her. She is a master of surgery here."

Ruan... heard this familiar word.

The sisters were shocked. Isn't it that nasty woman?

Ye Yanli also continued, "Dad, Mom, it's Miss Ruan Su, she is great. The operation will definitely succeed."

Ye Xiaozi twitched the corners of her mouth, "She is so young, why is she so good? Isn't the doctor more famous as she gets older?"

Ye Xiaozhi also said, "Yes, the older the doctor is, the better the skill is? Can she please?"

Elder Ye felt that the two sisters were making earaches because of the noise, "Shut up! Don't question Miss Ruan, what do you know!"

Ye Tan frowned when she looked at the sisters. Originally, she wanted to ask which room she was in, but now she just feels off her appetite.

Compared with Ruan Su, they are too uneducated.

Very unqualified, and even less demeanor of everyone.

In the operating room at this time, the young nurse's voice rang eagerly, "Old gentleman's blood pressure is too low!"

"Excessive blood loss!"

"Blood transfusion!" Ruan Su immediately gave the order.

"All the blood taken before the operation was infused."

Ruan Su held the scalpel and looked unchanged, "Go to the blood bank again to adjust blood."

The little nurse hurried out, she pushed open the door of the operating room, and the Ye family gathered around her. Before she could speak, she hurriedly said, "Don't stop me, I'm going to get blood. The patient urgently needs a blood transfusion."

With that, she ran away.

After the Ye family heard her voice, Xin suddenly raised his throat.

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