Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 647: Framed! seek death! Slap!

Ruan Su looked at Bo Xingzhi's handsome face and felt a little wanting to laugh, but she held back it.

Can not spoil the atmosphere.

Lord Li's situation is very stable.

Everyone in the Ye family also breathed a sigh of relief.

But sisters Ye Xiaozhi and Ye Xiaozi still felt unwilling.

It was late at night, and there were two beds in the lounge next to the intensive care unit.

Ye Yanli rested on one of the beds, Ye Tan was on the other, and the Ye family sisters were sitting on the sofa.

Among the people who came from the Ye family this time, the two sisters were young, and they came here just for performance.

So the performance is very good, even if it is very tired and hard to stay in the hospital, but the two of them still clenched their teeth.

He refused to leave anyway.

The first half of the night was fine, but in the second half of the night, the sisters were a little bit unable to hold on.

Take a look at Ye Yanli, who was already drowsy, and Ye Tan, who had already fallen asleep because of his emotional tension.

Ye Xiaozi glanced at them, then quietly pulled up his sister Ye Xiaozhi to stand up, "Go, go out and get some air."

"What's the breath? I'm exhausted." Ye Xiaozhi didn't want to move at all.

She is now lazy, feeble and too tired to open her eyes.

Ye Xiaozi glared at her with hatred of iron and steel, "I can't go to the toilet with me? You are too lazy to die!"

Her voice was low, as if she was afraid to make Ye Yanli and Ye Tan noisy.

Ye Xiaozhi saw her sister look a little angry, so she couldn't screw it up and didn't go, so she stood up and followed Ye Xiaozi lazily.

When the sisters came out of the rest room, Ye Xiaozi suddenly came to his senses, grabbed Ye Xiaozhi and walked quickly in the direction of the toilet.

"Hey, don't go so fast! I won't be able to catch up with you."

Ye Xiaozhi was pushed into the toilet while being dragged by her.

"What are you doing! Go so fast!"

"Aren't you stupid?" Ye Xiaozi glared at Ye Xiaozhi. "You are willing to look at Ruan Su's limelight. You see the aunt's attitude towards her, but I am not grateful. The moment I saw the woman, Come on, my God is too unfair."

"But I'm so tired now, I just want to go to sleep. What are you telling me about these?" Ye Xiaozhi looked at Ye Xiaozi inexplicably. After watching for a while, she suddenly realized, "I wipe it, you won't have anything else. Have an idea? Are you going to **** her? Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Ye Xiaozi curled his lips, "Why are you dull? Only now are you reacting?"

"Isn't I too sleepy and tired? I'm so tired that I just want to sleep, and my head is muddy." Ye Xiaozhi quickly defended himself.

"I'll quickly wake me up." Ye Xiaozi turned on the faucet, took a handful of water and smeared Ye Xiaozhi's face. Ye Xiaozhi was agitated, and quickly jumped back, "Okay, you're your dear. Sister, would you like to do this to me?"

This cruel woman.

"Are you awake now?" Ye Xiaozi looked around, then took another look at the long corridor outside. After finding that there was no one, she whispered to Ye Xiaozhi's ear and whispered.

A few minutes later, Ye Xiaozhi stared at her in shock, "This is not possible, I don't agree. If we are caught, we will kill people, and the police will come."

"How could it be? We just sneaked in secretly, just pulled out the oxygen cylinder, then... these responsibilities will all be pushed to Ruan Su's head, she is a doctor, she is not responsible, what does it have to do with us? "Ye Xiaozi's face was cruel and vicious, "Jun Moli will not die. The operation has been successful, why is he still dead?"

"But in case..." Ye Xiaozhi was anxious, always feeling that this was not good. "At that time, the Dongchuang incident...we were found out to be us..."

"I won't be found out. I secretly went to the locker room during the day and stole two sets of nurses' clothes. The two of us quickly put on them." Ye Xiaozi walked to the innermost compartment of the toilet, where there were sundries. Yes, there are usually mops and the like.

She picked up the bag hanging on the wall and took out two white nurse suits from inside.

"You have one set, I have one set, and quickly change it."

Ye Xiaozhi looked at these two nurse outfits in shock, "My God, how did you get it? Can we really do it?"

"Oh, why are you talking so much nonsense, don't you know that the villain always dies from talking too much? Hurry up and go." Ye Xiaozi changed his clothes after repeated attempts.

Then Ye Xiaozhi was still holding the nurse pretending to be a little bit crooked, and immediately urged her. "Quickly change!"

When Ye Xiaozhi heard it, she shut up and started changing clothes.

After the two hid their clothes, they slipped out of the toilet quietly.

Walk towards the intensive care unit.

In the intensive care unit at this time, the nurse was not there. The nurse who was on duty just registered, and the two women took the opportunity to sneak in.

The whole ward was filled with the sound of machines.

Jun Moli was lying quietly on the hospital bed, carrying an oxygen mask between his breath, watching him inhaling oxygen.

Ye Xiaozi walked towards him step by step, trembling and stretched out his hand...

Ye Xiaozhi followed behind her, and she looked at the surrounding movement from time to time, her heart was pounding.

Seeing that Ye Xiaozi's hand was about to touch the oxygen mask, when he was about to take it off, suddenly!

The door of the intensive care unit was opened and the nurse on duty returned.

She frowned and looked at the two women wearing masks, "It's my class tonight, why did you come in? Who are you? Why don't you have a license?"

Ye Xiaozhi was flustered, she looked at the nurse who walked in dodgingly, and she couldn't say anything. "I...we..."

"We just passed by and found that there was no one in the ward and wanted to come over. After all, how can there be no one on duty in the ICU? Now that you are back, we will leave." Ye Xiaozi finished with a calm expression on his face. Staying in Ye Xiaozhi is going out.

The nurse squinted her eyes slightly, "Although you are wearing nurse outfits, you don't have a badge or an intercom."

She raised the walkie-talkie in her hand, which is a must for every nurse in the hospital.

The walkie-talkie looks very much like the previous PHS.

The small and exquisite look is very convenient.

Hearing her words, the sisters looked at each other. Is this nurse deliberately looking for trouble?

But it was too late, and the little nurse called the security guard directly, "This is the ICU, security guard, come up quickly, someone is pretending to be a nurse!"

"what are you doing!"

"Go!" Ye Xiaozi pushed the little nurse away, pulled Ye Xiaozhi and ran out.

But the little nurse quickly chased it out and screamed as she ran, "Come on! Someone has harmed the patient!"

"The two of them are not nurses! Catch them!"

When she shouted, the doctors and nurses in the duty room were all drowsy. Hearing her scream, they rushed out.

Run towards the two women.

Ye Xiaozi dragged Ye Xiaozhi and ran forward desperately. Ye Xiaozhi was angry, "I blame you, now it's fine, if we get caught, we will be finished."

"What else can you do besides running now?" Ye Xiaozi scolded her angrily.

They ran to the elevator and pressed the elevator desperately, but the elevator descended from the top floor, which was far away!

Seeing that the doctors and nurses were about to run over, they had to walk to the safe passage next to them.

As a result, the security captain had already prepared. Half of the people got on the elevator, and half took the safe passage.

It happened to block the sisters on the stairs.

The little nurse pointed at them pantingly, "Grab them, it's them!"

Ye Yanli had just squinted for a while, feeling that he had just heard the noise outside just as soon as he fell asleep.

He frowned, sat up from the bed, and walked outside.

Ye Tan also woke up, looking at him a little tiredly, "I am tired, what happened?"

Ye Yanli shook his head, "I don't know, I'll go out and have a look, aunt, go to sleep first."

He found that there were no Ye family sisters in the lounge, and he couldn't help frowning. Where did he go?

Most of the night is still restless.

When he came to the corridor, he just saw a few security guards escorting two women in nurse outfits out of the safe passage.

The two women were tied with their hands and pushed Sangsang forward, looking very embarrassed with their disheveled hair.

Ye Yanli looked at them with deep eyes and looked at them, vaguely feeling...this figure is a bit familiar?

The doctor on duty walked up to them angrily, "Why are you going to the intensive care unit? Why are you pretending to be a nurse?"

It was found that their little nurse stepped forward and directly tore off their masks.

Suddenly two similar faces caught everyone's eyes.

After seeing it clearly, Ye Yanli's expression was startled, "Little Zixiaozhi? What are you doing? I didn't get a good rest in the middle of the night, what did you do?"

When the little nurse heard that Ye Yanli knew them, she was even more angry, and told Ye Yanli all the things she had seen just now.

Ye Yanli is not a fool.

The two of them went to the ICU not to care about Lord Grim leaving!

It's definitely a bad idea!

Ye Xiaozi and Ye Xiaozhi looked at Ye Yanli with pale faces, "Uncle... listen to us to explain, it's not..."

"We are afraid that the nurse will not take good care of him, so we want to go over and take a look."

"We really didn't do anything to hurt him!"

"I've seen it all, you two want to remove the patient's oxygen mask." The little nurse blushed with a thick neck. "The person we Doctor Ruan tried desperately to save, but you want to harm him!"

"An oxygen mask, what if he has an accident?"

"Check monitoring! We have monitoring in ICU!" The doctor also said angrily, "Check now!"

As soon as they heard that they needed to check the surveillance, the sisters' complexions suddenly rose like pig liver, and they became ugly and anxious.

Ye Xiaozi's heart was pounding,

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