Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 649: Must be punished!

Ye Xiaozhi can’t take care of the Dongchuang incident. She just wants Ye Yanli not to punish her so severely. She's not a member of the Ye family, so why are you so good to her?"

"Just without Ruan Su, would we be nice to you? As far as your sisters did, who would be nice to you?" Ye Yanli was so angry that he was so handsome, "Because they are both surnamed Ye, so That’s why you will always take care of you because of that trace of poor blood. What about you? Is that what you do to us? How did my uncle provoke you? Are you going to punish him?"

"When did you take care of us?" Ye Xiaozi smiled angrily after hearing Ye Yanli's words. "I want to go to Covenant University, have you helped me?"

"Xiaozhi wants to go to the hospital to be a doctor, have you helped her?"

"We bear the Ye family's surname, but we can't enjoy any benefits, nor can we exercise any privileges."

"My dad wants an extra pension insurance, you won't help me!"

"You are ashamed to say to take care of us? Why are you so big and thick-skinned."

Ye Xiaozi was dead fish and the net broke, anyway, Ye Yanli had never thought of protecting their sisters.

No matter what their sisters do or say, he doesn't like them and is impatient.

She also gave it up altogether.

I vented all the grievances in my heart for so many years.

Ye Mianli's face was as ugly as he swallowed ten catties of shit. His face was as dark as ink, and Ye Xiaozi's arrogant expression was tightly locked. "You want to go to Covenant University, but your score is not One point or two points. You are the **** seventy points! What do I take to send you in at seventy points? You don't reflect on your poor grades, but instead resent that I didn't find a back door for you?"

"Xiaozhi wants to be a doctor. She can't even pass the most basic doctor qualification certificate. If she doesn't have that kind of certificate, can she be a doctor and harm those patients? Then it will be her who will destroy herself!"

"Is life a child's play?"

"Your dad already has an old-age insurance plan, and he wants to have a double share! This is against the empire's laws and regulations. Do you want me to break the law?"

"I want to ask, why do you have such a thick skin, as thick as a city wall, that you still have the face to question me? Why should I help you do these things that don't meet any regulations?"

"Does the surname Ye have to have these privileges? No, it's impossible!"

Ye Yanli refuted Ye Xiaozi's words word by word. He sneered, "Are you really yours for the empire? The surname Ye wants to dominate? Sorry, in the future, the Ye family will not have any status as your sisters! Starting today, you have been kicked out of the genealogy!"

"Why are you?" Ye Xiaozi yelled heartbreakingly, her expression terrifying, she looked terrifying. "You are not the master of the house yet! What right do you have to deal with us!"

"I am the heir, and I am in charge of the Ye family now!" Ye Nianli glanced at her, only to think that their sisters were really greedy and disgusting.

When Ye Xiaozhi heard Ye Yanli's words, she was completely blindfolded.

"Uncle, no! We will definitely change in the future, we will never dare to do it again."

"We must be obedient."

She knelt in front of Ye Mianli with a plop, grabbed Ye Mianli's trousers, crying bitterly, "No, uncle, don't kick us out of the genealogy!"

"The two of us are crazy, please let us go."

"What do you ask him to do? What is he?" Ye Xiaozi pulled Ye Xiaozhi up in a hand, "Let's go!"

"Go? You want to murder and put the blame on you, do you think you can go?" Ruan Suqing's cold voice sounded behind the two of them.

Ye Xiaozi's face became paler, she turned her head back to Ruan Su, and shouted hoarsely, "What on earth are you doing? There is nothing wrong with Lord Li, we did not succeed at all!"

Ruan Su shook her phone, "I have already called the police, and the police will tell you how to punish you."

"You are too much! Why do you want to call the police! We did not succeed at all!" Ye Xiaozhi was so angry that he cursed, "Aren't you relying on someone to support you!"

"The law will teach you a good lesson." Ruan Su glanced at the security captain. "Take a good look at the two of them and wait for the police to come."

Ye Yanli didn't say anything, shook his head helplessly, and stepped out here with Ruan Su and the doctors and nurses.

Ruan Su looked at Ye Mianli as he walked, "Are you not angry if I call the police?"

Ye Yanli was taken aback for a moment, "Why should I be angry? The two sisters deserved the crime."

Ruan Su curled her lips, her glaze-like eyes were filled with misty luster, and her porcelain-white face looked white and shiny under the lamp, "They are from the Ye family."

"From today on, they are no longer members of the Ye family. No one can tolerate them anymore for harming my uncle!" Ye Yanli's voice was cold.

Ruan Su didn't speak any more, and she didn't sympathize with the Ye sisters at all.

But Ye Yanli looked at her strangely, "Why are you here?"

He glanced out the window, the sky was dark, it was about five or six o'clock.

How could Ruan Su come to the hospital at this time?

"I couldn't sleep even after I had a nightmare, so I just came to the hospital to have a look. I didn't expect something happened here."

Ruan Su raised his fingers and rubbed his eyebrows.

She walked towards the intensive care unit, opened the door and stepped in. After checking it, she found that there was nothing wrong with Lord Li, then she came out again.

Instructed the little nurse, "Be optimistic, there can be no more mistakes."

"Yes, Doctor Ruan."

Ruan Su went to look in the lounge again, Ye Tan was already awake and came out just after washing up.

Ye Yanli was telling her about the things that happened before.

After Ye Tan listened to this, he just tied one of his silver heads together indifferently, and smiled lightly, "Their sisters are young and ignorant, why are you so embarrassed? It didn't cause any loss. But...the penalty still has to be. Punishment, for doing something wrong, there is no reason to be forgiven at will."

What she said made people feel comfortable.

Ye Yanli nodded emphatically, "Auntie, I won't let anyone hurt you and uncle."

As we spoke, the sky was bright.

The morning sun slowly rose up, and a ray of golden light came in through the window lattice and fell on Ye Tan's body.

She was calm and majestic, smiling faintly, as if she was not angry or angry.

But there was a trace of determination in her firm eyes, "Thank you, disgusted."

She looked at Ruan Su again, "Thank you too, Doctor Ruan."

Ruan Su smiled, "It's easy. I'll go out and buy some breakfast. What do you want to eat?"

"Don't, let me go. I'll treat you." Ye Yanli hurriedly walked toward the door, "There is a breakfast shop nearby, I'll go buy it."

As soon as he opened the door of the lounge, he saw Mr. Ye and Mrs. Ye in front of him. The couple carried a thermos bucket in their hands.

Ye Yanli couldn't help but smile, "It seems that I don't need to go out, my dad and my mom are here."

Except for the Yejia sisters' parents who made a fuss, everyone in the Ye family had no objection to punishing the sisters.

Jun Moli quickly passed the dangerous period and woke up.

Because of his age, he was very weak and fell into a coma again not long after waking up.

While Ye Yanli took advantage of the fact that his parents were in the hospital, he secretly found an excuse to sneak out of the hospital and head towards the most famous paternity test center in Jiangcheng.

With a complicated mood, he handed over the remaining drops of blood in the blood bag that he had always cherished to the staff.

Then he drew a little blood as a sample.

After doing all this, he took a deep breath.

Quietly returned to his car, he sat there for a while before starting the car to leave.

Soon after he left, a man in black called, "Master, he really came to do a paternity test."

"What to do, you should know. Everything is going according to plan." A cold voice came from the other side.

"Yes, don't worry, Master." After hanging up the phone, the man in black walked towards the appraisal center.

But at this moment Ye Tiili was worried and tormented in his heart.

It was an indescribable feeling.

Three days.

The appraisal center said that the results can be seen in only three days.

When he passed the mall, he went in again to buy some fruits and daily necessities.

Only then returned to the hospital.

He dared not tell anyone about this, so he was afraid to give hope to the two elders of the Ye family, and then disappointed them again.

He suppressed his excitement and impulse, and sat in the lounge.

Jun Moli's condition has been well stabilized, and all he needs to do next is to rest.

It's just that it will take some time to be discharged from the hospital.

So his engagement ceremony decided to postpone.

Ruan Su also stayed in the hospital for the past two days, until Jun Moli was sure that she was stable, and she was relieved.

The news that she had performed an operation on Jun Moli spread throughout Jiangcheng, and everyone knew that she had successfully performed another difficult operation.

When she got off work at night, she had just walked out of the lobby on the first floor and came to the entrance of the hospital, and she saw a black BMW parked there.

A middle-aged man walked out of the car and said respectfully to her, "Miss Ruan, our master would like to ask you to get in the car."

Ruan So checked the middle-aged man, and said blankly, "I'm sorry, I'm not interested in the Cheng family."

This steward is no one else, but the steward of the Cheng family.

The housekeeper was embarrassed, "Master misses you very much, Miss Ruan...I'm also a family anyway."

At this moment, the door of the car was opened, and an old man in a gray Tang suit walked out of the car. He looked at Ruan Su with a longing look, "Xiaosu, you are back, grandpa misses you so much..."

He staggered to the front of Ruan Su and looked at her with a pair of turbid eyes, "Can you accompany grandpa to dinner?"

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