Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 673: This is not accidental

This is a relative of the wife's family!

This feeling...very strange and heartwarming.

In the past, when his wife and the young master were married, they were hidden marriages, and the people on the Ruan family didn't know it. A lot of things happened afterwards.

The Ruan family also knew about the marriage of his wife and the young master, but what about that?

The strange flowers of Ruan's family are not worthy of visiting.

"Grandma, are you here?" Ruan Su heard the movement coming out of the kitchen. She was still wearing a floral apron and her eyes were shining. "Sit down quickly. If you are bored, watch TV for a while. I'll just fry two more dishes."

Ye Tan was stunned when she saw her appearance, "Did you cook the food yourself?"

I used to see Ruan Su as a very good junior. I like it very much. Now when I see Ruan Su, her chest rises. It feels very strange, warm, up, and sour...

She saw Ruan Su's gaze again with love, as if looking through her to see the little niece she had lost. This is their Ye family's child, their child...

The children of their whole family.

In order to welcome them, they are such good children, so they cook them with their own hands.

Ye Tan's nose was sour for a while, "How can you do this kind of thing? I'll do rest."

She said that she was about to walk towards Ruan Su, Ruan Su was stunned, and then laughed again, "Mr. Ye, rest, and **** craft later."

"It's also called Mr. Ye!" Old lady Ye looked at Ruan Su angrily, "This is auntie, or grandma, you can call it whatever you want."

Ruan Su said obediently, "Auntie, you sit down."

Bo Xingzhi also greeted them, "Xiaosu is very good at craftsmanship. I like to eat Xiaosu's dishes the most, and I always want to go home and taste it when I'm out."

The uncle housekeeper has already brought out the fine wine collected at home, "This is a 20-year-old wine, Ye Shao, Mr. Ye, let's wait and have a good drink."

The sound of the cooker hood and the sound of cooking came from the kitchen.

Ruan Su fried another portion of ground three fresh and fried lettuce.

All the dishes were served, and everyone sat down around the table together.

Looking at the dazzling array of food on the table, Song Jiayan looked at Ruan Su who took off her apron and sat next to Bo Xingzhi in shock, "Miss Ruan, you are too good, you cook all these dishes?"

"In the future, Xiaosu will be called Miss Ruan." Ye Yanli raised his hand and knocked Song Jiayan's forehead, his eyes full of dozing.

Ruan Su did not pick up the chopsticks, but took a sip of water first, and screamed, "Auntie, if I want to learn, I will teach you later."

The aunt was caught off guard, and Song Jiayan's ears were red. She hurriedly lowered her head a little shyly, not daring to speak any more.

Quietly raised his eyes to peek at Ye Mili, only to crash into the man's dark eyes.

Suddenly there was another big red face.

The whole family suddenly laughed.

"I really didn't expect that in the rest of my life, I would be able to eat the dishes made by our children." Ye Laozi's eyes were red with emotion, and the feeling in his heart was beyond description.

There are not only hairy crabs, but also sweet and sour fish, dry pot shrimp, dry pot duck head...

The meat and vegetables are also very well paired. The vegetarian dishes include stir-fried seasonal vegetables, ground three fresh vegetables, as well as West Lake Beef Soup, a soup that tastes delicious at the first smell, and almond oil tea.

How can you do it like this?

"It takes a lot of time to prepare such a large table of rich dishes?" Old lady Ye looked at Ruan Su's hands distressedly, "Don't be like this in the future, how hard it is!"

Ruan Su picked up a roast chicken drumstick for Mrs. Ye, "It is a kind of happiness and joy to be able to cook for my family."

"This chicken is also roasted by Xiao Su himself." Bo Xingzhi picked up another chicken leg for Mr. Ye. "Grandpa, you have a taste."

Elder Ye nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay, okay."

Three good words were said in a row.

The meal was very harmonious and the atmosphere was very pleasant.

Especially the Ye family felt that eating the food made by Ruan Su himself was more beautiful than eating the elixir.

The taste is beyond description.

"This shrimp is really good."

"And this Sanxian, how can it be better than the chef of the restaurant outside?"

"This sweet and sour fish is very authentic."

Ruan Su smiled and bends his eyes as they listened to their endless praise.

But Ruan Su was thinking about another thing in his heart, how did his mother get to Cheng's house?

How did the Cheng family adopt their mother?

It seems that this matter needs to be investigated.

After eating, he sent away the Ye family, Ruan Su sent a WeChat message to Mr. Cheng and asked him to have dinner at noon tomorrow.

After Mr. Cheng received Ruan Su's WeChat, his old face was full of surprises, and he made a video call directly.

The voice was filled with joy, "Xiao Su, what do you want to eat at noon tomorrow, grandpa invites you to eat."

"Tongquetai. I have something to ask you tomorrow." Ruan Su's voice was faint. Compared to the excited expression of Old Man Cheng, she seemed to be looking at a stranger with her eyes.

Mr. Cheng was shocked in his heart, but the smile on his face remained the same, and he maintained it well, "Don't worry, no matter what you ask, I will tell you one to five to ten."

"Okay." Ruan Su hung up the video and saw Bo Xingzhi come out of the bathroom, and the man was walking towards her while wiping his hair.

As soon as I walked over, the phone rang.

He dropped the towel for wiping his hair and answered the phone, "What? Diarrhea?"

Song Yan's voice was a bit anxious, "It is estimated that I have eaten my stomach, and all ten have diarrhea. Tomorrow is the rematch. What should I do?"

Bo Xingzhi squinted his eyes slightly, "All the food and clothing are the best, how can diarrhea be possible? Check, you must find out what is going on."

"Where are the people? Are they all sent to the hospital?"

"Okay, I'll pass now."

Hanging up the phone, Bo Xing stopped blowing his hair and started changing clothes, "I have to go to the hospital."

"What happened?" Ruan Su looked up at him, "Who is sick?"

"Fu Hang and the others don't know why the diarrhea continues. There will be a rematch tomorrow. What should I do then?" There was a coldness between Bo Xing's eyebrows and his eyes, "This matter will not be too simple."

"I'll go over, too." Ruan Su said and began to change clothes. "The game is more important. If you eat a bad stomach, it's easy to handle, if you are drugged, it will be troublesome."

I don't know if the dose given by the other party is large, if it is large, it is estimated that he will be hospitalized.

She has seen many patients who were unable to get out of bed because they collapsed.

So dysentery and diarrhea can be big or small.

"Let's go." Bo Xingzhi was already neatly dressed now, and he couldn't take care of his still wet hair.

But Ruan Su was a little helpless, grabbed a dry towel and wiped him again, "Let's go, there is cold at night, what should I do if I catch a cold?"

The two went downstairs to change shoes. The housekeeper was watching TV in the living room before he slept.

"Why go out so late?"

"Several subordinates in the company are sick. We will go there. If you are sleepy, go to bed first." Bo Xingzhi opened the door after confessing.

The housekeeper is a little worried, is it because he is very sick?

Otherwise, both of them will not be dispatched.

In the middle of the night, a black car was racing on the road.

At this time, in the city's No. 1 Hospital, all the ten participating pilots of Fuhang had already been in the emergency room and were queuing up for inspection.

Song Yan's face was pale, but fortunately, the leftovers they had eaten at night had not been processed, and they were brought from the trash can.

It has been sent for inspection.

See if there is any medicine in the food.

He walked around the corridor anxiously, waiting for the test results to come out.

Fu Hang's faces were blue and white, and they ran to the toilet after a while.

No matter how good the body is, it can't stand the constant pulling like this.

It became harder to look at Song Yan.

I always feel that this incident is not accidental.

Hanging up, Bo Xing stopped blowing his hair and started changing clothes, "I have to go to the hospital."

"What happened?" Ruan Su looked up at him, "Who is sick?"

"Fu Hang and the others don't know why the diarrhea continues. There will be a rematch tomorrow. What should I do then?" There was a coldness between Bo Xing's eyebrows and his eyes, "This matter will not be too simple."

"I'll go over, too." Ruan Su said and began to change clothes. "The game is more important. If you eat a bad stomach, it's easy to handle, if you are drugged, it will be troublesome."

I don't know if the dose given by the other party is large, if it is large, it is estimated that he will be hospitalized.

She has seen many patients who were unable to get out of bed because they collapsed.

So dysentery and diarrhea can be big or small.

"Let's go." Bo Xingzhi was already neatly dressed now, and he couldn't take care of his still wet hair.

But Ruan Su was a little helpless, grabbed a dry towel and wiped him again, "Let's go, there is cold at night, what should I do if I catch a cold?"

The two went downstairs to change shoes. The housekeeper was watching TV in the living room before he slept.

"Why go out so late?"

"Several subordinates in the company are sick. We will go there. If you are sleepy, go to bed first." Bo Xingzhi opened the door after confessing.

The housekeeper is a little worried, is it because he is very sick?

Otherwise, both of them will not be dispatched.

In the middle of the night, a black car was racing on the road.

At this time, in the city's No. 1 Hospital, all the ten participating pilots of Fuhang had already been in the emergency room and were queuing up for inspection.

Song Yan's face was pale, but fortunately, the leftovers they had eaten at night had not been processed, and they were brought from the trash can.

It has been sent for inspection.

See if there is any medicine in the food.

He walked around the corridor anxiously, waiting for the test results to come out.

Fu Hang's faces were blue and white, and they ran to the toilet after a while.

No matter how good the body is, it can't stand the constant pulling like this.

It was harder to look at Song Yan.

I always feel that this incident is not accidental.


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