Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 732: I stabbed a sword into her heart

Inside the hotel.

Song Wanfei lived in the same room with her assistant. Her face didn't look very good. She held a goblet with her white fingers and shook it gently, and the red liquid inside was rippling in the cup.

She stared at the night outside the window with a deep gaze, and then sighed heavily.

Assistant Ji Jiaojiao wiped her hair with a bath towel, and walked to her side, looking at Song Wanfei's slender back with beautiful eyes, her eyes couldn't help but feel pain.

"Ms. Song, it's late at night, wash and go to bed, don't think too much."

Song Wanfei nodded and drank the red wine in the glass, her slender neck was slightly tilted back, and she looked lonely all over her body.

Ji Jiaojiao naturally took her wine glass and set it aside. As Song Wanfei's personal assistant, she had long been used to taking care of Song Wanfei personally, "Go."

Song Wanfei said nothing, grabbed her pajamas and went into the bathroom.

Ji Jiaojiao suppressed her inner urge, dried her hair, and threw herself on the bed and took a deep breath.

She closed her eyes, and then it took a while to calm her emotions.

Song Wanfei is her boss, her leader...

She hypnotized herself, hypnotized for a long time, and did a good job of mental construction. Then she started to grab the mobile phone next to her and open a game to paralyze herself.

As a result, when she was almost finished playing the game, the bathroom door was pushed open and Song Wanfei walked out.

Although she is in her thirties, she can't tell her age at all because of the good maintenance. The skin can be broken by blows, and the figure is slender, looking like a young woman of twenty-seven or eighteen years old.

Ji Jiaojiao's psychological construction for a long time fell apart at a glance.

She took a deep breath and turned her gaze away forcefully, forcing herself not to see Song Wanfei.

Song Wanfei didn't notice the cautious thoughts of the assistants beside her. She grabbed the hair dryer on the table at will to blow her hair.

As a result, Ji Jiaojiao walked over, "Song called, let me play for you."

I couldn't help but grabbed the hair dryer and started blowing Song Wanfei's hair.

Ji Jiaojiao is always very considerate, and she takes care of her almost in every possible way.

Song Wanfei still didn't care much, but she was too nervous during the day. At this moment, after taking a hot shower, she suddenly relaxed, and she fell asleep on the table under the warm hair dryer.

Ji Jiaojiao looked at her quiet sleeping face with a heart pounding.

After drying Song Wanfei's hair, she gently put away the hair dryer, but did not wake the other party.

She looked at Song Wanfei's moist lips quietly, and couldn't help but want to get closer... to get closer.

At this moment, Song Wanfei opened her eyes suddenly, "Have you finished blowing? So sleepy."

She murmured and moved to her bed.

Ji Jiaojiao was shocked, suppressed her crazy heartbeat, and said stiffly, "Yes, good night."

She quickly lay down on her own bed and covered the quilt.

Until Song Wanfei fell asleep next to her, she quietly moved her gaze to Song Wanfei's face again.

It's so beautiful--

But she didn't have the guts to do anything, so she closed her eyes too.


"Cough, cough—" A suppressed cough awakened Ruan Su who was sleeping.

She sat up abruptly and saw that the thin line next to her was holding her lips and coughing uncomfortably.

The man was probably afraid of waking her up, so he tried his best to use a small voice and tried to suppress his cough.

However, Ruan Su was so sensitive, she still woke up.

She stretched out her hand and gently patted Bo Xingzhi's generous back, "Is it poisoned?"

Bo Xingzhi hid his wet palms and gasped, "Wake you up?"

"It doesn't matter whether I wake up or not. What else is uncomfortable except for coughing? Do you want me to call Fan Lian over?" Ruan Su looked worriedly at Bo Xingzhi's face.

There was no light in the room, she could only see the outline of the man's handsome face in the shadow through the white moonlight outside the window.

Her long eyelashes shimmered slightly, and she felt very uncomfortable.

Bo Xingzhi shook his head, "It's okay, I'll go to the bathroom."

With that, he got off the bed and went directly to the bathroom, the bathroom light was an induction lamp.

As soon as he entered, the light was on.

The man lowered his eyes and saw a patch of bright red blood in his palm.

He turned on the faucet, flushed the blood away, and then pressed the toilet as if he had just gone to the toilet.

But the moment he turned around, his eyes were completely dark, and he suddenly stopped.

After a while, he opened his eyes again, still completely dark.

He didn't dare to go forward, afraid of making any movement, and he didn't want to tell Ruan Su that he didn't want to see her worrying about his sadness.

"Why didn't you come out?" Ruan Su hadn't slept, she walked to the bathroom door, opened the door curiously, and saw Bo Xingzhi standing at the door.

"I'm about to go out, you are here." Bo Xingzhi pulled a stiff smile from the corner of his lips, and walked towards the place where Ruan Su made the sound.

Although he can't see anything, he still pretends to be nonchalant.

At this moment, a soft little hand held his big palm, "Really, you want me to pick you up in the toilet?"

The tip of his nose was slightly sour, and he rubbed Ruan Su's soft hair with his other hand, his voice was faintly hoarse, "Thank you, madam."

"Oh, still so sensational?" Ruan Su was amused by him.

The two lay down again, Bo Xingzhi found her red lips in the dark, covered them accurately, and kissed her gently.

After a long kiss, I reluctantly let go.

Ruan Su sighed, "This poison is really disgusting..."

The man used to be like a wolf like a tiger. Now that I have been hit by countless threads, it turns out to be...

Bo Xingzhi's face was slightly stiff, and he didn't feel anything in his sensitive parts, even if he was restless, it would be futile.

This feeling made him more unacceptable than his blindness.

A man's glory is gone... then is he worthy of being called a man?

"Go to sleep." Bo Xing said after a while, he didn't want to continue talking about this topic.

Ruan Su responded softly and closed his eyes.

In the darkness, Bo Xingzhi couldn't sleep. This time he was blinded for a long time... About an hour later, he still hasn't recovered.

If it doesn’t recover until tomorrow morning...

He couldn't imagine what kind of mood and expression Ruan Su would be like...

He just opened his eyes without any light, and kept them open. He didn't know if it was dawn, and he didn't know anything.

He is waiting, waiting for him to return to light.

I don't know how long it took... Finally, he found that white fish appeared outside the window.

The heart that he had been hanging was slowly put back into his abdomen, and he saw...

Very good.

He finally closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When Ruan Su woke up, it was 7 o'clock in the morning and Bo Xingzhi was still asleep.

She went to the hotel’s cafeteria to fetch some breakfast and came back, but Bo Xingzhi did not wake up yet.

She checked the time, it was past eight o'clock.

Why haven't you woken up yet?

Her heart suddenly touched her throat, put down her breakfast, went to the bed and stretched out her hand to probe the man's breath, breathing...great.

He is still alive...

This feeling is as uncomfortable as having a sword hanging high above her head, always stabbing in.

She was afraid of him losing his vital signs, she was afraid of him...

Bo Xingzhi slept until more than nine o'clock before waking up. After waking up, he didn't get up immediately, but felt that he couldn't see it. Then he sat up when he found that he could see.

"Are you awake?" Ruan Su twitched his lips. "I have brought home breakfast for an hour and it's all cold."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter whether it's cold or not." Bo Xingzhi smiled at her and went to the bathroom to wash.

A few minutes later he sat down at the dining table and took a bite of toast.

But this toast didn't have any taste. He was taken aback, but Jun's face remained as usual.

He put down the toast and took another bite of the gang's leg, and there was no smell.

He lost his sense of taste...

After discovering this fact, he seemed to be okay, and continued to eat the breakfast in front of him.

While drinking milk, the milk still didn't taste any.

But he seemed to be eating something delicious, eating it tastefully.

Ruan Su glanced at him suspiciously, "What's so delicious about this western food? It's not comparable to our breakfast at home."

Bo Xing only smiled, and said calmly, "Because the wife brought it back!"

It's ten o'clock after breakfast.

Today is the day of sentencing.

The verdict will be announced at eleven o'clock.

At about ten thirty, Song Wanfei and her assistant Ji Jiaojiao called them together.

Several people then walked towards the court.

When the verdict was released, Bo Xingzhi frowned.

"The evidence is solid, why don't you release people?"

"Appeal." Song Wanfei looked at the result and felt a throbbing pain in her heart. She knew... Yu Zihe was not that easy to save.

Even if they were fully prepared for everything, but the other party just won't let go.

"Is there no other way besides appeal?..." Ruan Su didn't quite understand these things.

"Well, you can continue to appeal." Bo Xingzhi explained her confusion. "Go back to the hotel first."

This is to be expected, and the other party cannot easily let go.

Song Wanfei was in a very bad mood, so heavy that she seemed to have crushed countless big rocks.

On the way, she couldn't help crying, "Zihe suffered a lot of sins in it, he was such a gentle and elegant person before..."

Song Yan comforted her and embraced her, "Sister, sister, don't cry, brother-in-law will definitely come out."

Ji Jiaojiao looked at her distressedly, especially wanting to replace Song Yan, but she knew that Song Yan and Song Wanfei were siblings...they were relatives, she was just an outsider.

Each of them is very heavy, and Yu Zihe's situation is obvious to all.

The atmosphere inside the car was exceptionally stagnant, and no one spoke for a while.

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