Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 737: Separated! It's empty!

Ruan Su just looked at him indifferently, as if he hadn't heard his voice.

Turn around and walk towards the boarding gate.

A trace of contempt flashed through the man's eyes, what kind of pride?

"Miss Ruan, can you tell us what is going on? Is it okay?" Song Wanfei helped Yu Zihe and walked behind Ruan Su, she said eagerly, "Song Yan is also gone, Bo is also gone. ...Did they have an accident?"

She is not a simple person, nor is she a fool.

Yu Zihe suddenly came back inexplicably, but the two people around them disappeared.

Ruan Sumeng turned around, her face was calm, but there was a trace of unspeakable sadness in her eyes, "It is a good thing for Young Master Yu to come back. As for Song Yan, he is safe, he is just by his side with Bo Xingzhi."

"They... go where they should go, and their lives are safe. As for the rest, I will tell you later."

Ruan Su didn't say anything more, but continued to move forward.

She is straight, and her whole body is shrouded in indifference.

It seems that the heart is empty and the soul is gone.

There is a hole in the whole person.

It was the first time for Yu Zihe to see Ruan Su. He was very confused and said to Song Wanfei, who was supporting him, "This lady doesn't seem to be in a good mood..."

"She is Mr. Bo's wife, Ruan Su. You have been imprisoned here for the past two years, and you may not know her." Song Wanfei whispered to Yu Zihe and explained what happened to Ruan Su, and Yu Zi could hear it. Very surprised, "Is it such an extraordinary woman?"

"Your savior will naturally not be an ordinary person." Song Wanfei sighed in a low voice. She was naturally happy that Yu Zihe could come back in her selfishness.

But seeing Ruan Su seem to have paid a lot of money, she always feels unsure in her heart.

If it was a huge price, she would not be able to repay this favor if she had to pay it back for a lifetime.

Therefore, Song Wanfei was very uneasy.

I always want to figure out what is going on.

After getting off the plane, Ruan Su said goodbye to Song Wanfei and Yu Zihe, and was about to leave, but Song Wanfei stopped her.

Then I took out a document from my bag, "Miss Ruan, this is the latest chip data developed by our Yu Consortium. Now I give you a copy, I hope it will help you."

Such a precious thing? give her?

Ruan Su was taken aback for a moment, and then she smiled again, she smiled lightly.

"Mrs. Yu, you are too polite. It is a good thing to save Young Master Yu back to benefit the country and the people. I am not trying to save anything of your Yu family, whether it is money, wealth, or technology. I don't need it."

"But, you and Mr. Bo save my husband back. It's always because Yu owes you a great favor. This is a life-saving grace, and there is no return. Only such a little skill can be used." Song Wanfei was beautiful. Looking at Ruan Su with clear eyes, "Miss Ruan lacks nothing. I really don't know how to thank you."

Ruan Su didn't expect Song Wanfei to be so generous, and Jiang would give her the most advanced technology.

She was a little shocked, but she refused completely.

"It's enough for you to have this mood. As for other things, it doesn't matter. Money is something outside of your body. You will continue to improve chip technology so that in the future, our H Empire's technology can lead the world. It is enough."

"Thank you, Miss Ruan, and also thank Boss for me. This is just a piece of information, so you can accept it." Yu Zihe gave a pale smile and he was free!

He looked at the blue sky above his head, at the busy traffic outside the airport, free!

He can finally breathe freely and can accompany his relatives...

And all this is thanks to Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su.

The gratitude in his heart cannot be expressed in words, but he has no objection to Song Wanfei's willingness to send technical information to Ruan Su.

On the contrary, he was in favor.

Ruan Su still shook his head, "It's just out of morality to save you. There are no other requirements."

She smiled again, "There will be a period later."

Yu Zihe could see that she really didn't want it, so she had to say, "I hope we will have a chance to cooperate in the future. But whenever Miss Ruan and Bo always need help, just speak up. Naturally, Wan Fei and I will do our best."

Ruan Su saw what he said sincerely, and observed his face and limbs. He couldn't help but said again, "Master Yu, you have rheumatism in prison. I have a prescription here. You can go back and try it."

"You... can you see that I have rheumatism?" Yu Zihe was taken aback, looking at the unbelievably beautiful woman in front of him with some surprise.

"I know some medical skills." Ruan Su nodded, "I will post the prescription to your wife's WeChat account. Goodbye."

Song Wanfei and Yu Zihe watched her leave. After a while, Song Wanfei said, "Let's get in the car too."

The two got into the car and sat in the back row, while Ji Jiaojiao sat in the seat of the co-pilot.

From time to time, she would glance back with the corner of her eye, and she would see the husband and wife holding hands in deep affection.

She was sour and uncomfortable in her heart, but she couldn't help but always wanted to take a peek.

The couple did not notice her little movements.

Song Wanfei saved the prescription, and looked at Yu Zihe distressedly, "Look at you so thin. When I get home, I have to take care of your body."

Rheumatism is not a disease that can be cured easily. Ninety percent are carried for life.

And he is still so young...not to mention that they have no children yet.

Thinking of the child, her heart throbbed again.

Yu Zihe looked at her face and expression, cupped her small face with cold hands, "Don't worry, isn't it rheumatism? It won't kill me."

"We must all be well." Song Wanfei's tears slipped from her eyes.

Yu Zihe raised his hand and gently wiped away her tears, "Didn't I come back safely?"

Although they had been separated for two years, the relationship between their husband and wife was not diluted by time. On the contrary, they cherished each other even more because of the hardships.

He gently embraced Song Wanfei, while looking at the scenery outside the window, his hometown has changed a lot.

Before the car reached the villa area, Yu's father called.

"Lan Fei, Zihe really came back?"

"Dad, we're almost home." Song Wanfei said softly, with a little choking in her voice, "It's safe and sound."

Yu's father's voice immediately became very excited, "It's good to come back, it's good to come back!"

When he hung up the phone, he immediately ordered the kitchen, "Hurry up, prepare the family dinner, and immediately cook all the dishes that the young master loves. And... take out the bottle of aged wine I treasure."

Suddenly, people at home were so busy.

After Yu's mother heard Yu's father's words, stormy seas suddenly rose in her heart.

Yu Zihe came back alive?

How can you let people go so neatly? Didn't you say not to let him go?

After he came back...that family property...

Yu Wenna was also very happy, "Dad, my eldest brother is really back? Great!"

She is really happy. After experiencing the frame and instigation of the trash cousin Yu Ziqing, she is now a lot smarter.

Know who is the real good person.

Mother Yu looked at her daughter's silly look, and she was anxious in her heart.

Seeing that Yu's father was worried and went to the kitchen with various instructions.

She immediately pulled her daughter to one side of the corner, "Are you stupid? Are you crazy? When Yu Zihe comes back, what will you do? He will definitely inherit the company by then."

"Inherit, inherit." Yu Wenna blinked her eyes and looked at Yu mother with a strange look, "Mom, although my eldest brother and I are not a mother, we are a father. No matter what happens in the future, eldest brother. Neither the sister-in-law will harm me, nor will it make me suffer."

"So, in the future, I don't want to hear you guessing about the two of them. You have seen it. My sister-in-law introduced me to the resources in the circle. My elder brother also spoiled me before."

"Human hearts are all flesh-grown. The people who hurt me are outsiders, not my brother and my sister-in-law. I suggest you calm down, okay?"

Yu Wenna said and laughed, "Furthermore, I don't know how to run a company. I'm ready for teaching support. When my eldest brother comes back, I will leave when I see him."

"Nana..." Yu mother looked at her heartbroken, "Mom is doing everything for your good..."

"I know, but money is very important, and feelings are also very important." Yu Wenna said, turning around and walking towards the kitchen, she said, "Dad, I recently learned a new dish, I want to eat it for my eldest brother. ."

It's different from the lively and cheerful atmosphere of Yu's house.

Ruan Su returned to Jingwan Villa alone.

When Jiang Xinyu was not there, the two brothers Liang Hei and Liang Bai also returned to the country with her.

Seeing her desperate look, the brothers didn't know what to say.

"Then what, boss, why don't we go out for a drink?" Liang Bai grinned at last, trying to enlighten Ruan Su in a clumsy way.

"Don't go." Ruan Su glanced at the black and white twin brothers, "I will be lonely in the future. It feels...this is suddenly free, a bit uncomfortable."

In the past, Bo Xingzhi always chased her behind her ass, always sticking to her.

This suddenly disappeared... she felt empty.

"How about... What are you going to participate in the live broadcast of Wanli Xing? Take a break?" Liang Hei suggested again.

"I don't want to go." Ruan Su shook his head.

"Why... go back to your grandmother's house? They should want to live with you? They used to take Mr. Bo into consideration. Now... you are separated. It is only natural for you to go back to live with your relatives. You can spend more time with you. Old people, they are getting old after all." Liang Bai thought for a while and put forward a more pertinent suggestion.

Liang Hei quietly gave him a thumbs up, amazing! If they all live in country M, maybe the boss can still meet Bo...

This is better than not seeing it, right?

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