Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 747: Those who follow me prosper, those who rebel against me perish!

Ye Yanli felt very strange and weird, "Xiao Su... how come you have never heard of such a master before? What did he teach you?"

After all, a dead person was brought back... Anyway, it felt a little weird and strange.

Ruan Su looked at him with a calm gaze, "Some little tricks are not enough, you will know in the future."

She took a lot of effort to accept these metaphysical things.

She was afraid of frightening everyone in the Ye family, so she didn't plan to tell it bluntly for the time being.

She didn't want to break the originally peaceful and peaceful Ye family because of her arrival.

After all... She only saw Niu Dao Ren hit the spell into her body, she hadn't experienced other things either.

Therefore, she didn't know how to tell them what was strange and special about her master.

She may need a lot of practice.

Only then will I realize the mystery of this new ability I have learned.

When Ye Yanli heard her say this, he didn't say anything more, but he groaned and said, "Since your master taught you, now that the old man has passed away, our Ye family naturally needs to bear the obligation to bury him. Don't worry, I will find him a feng shui treasure in Liubaoshan and bury him there."

Liubaoshan is a cemetery, and the cemetery there is not cheap.

But whether it was for the Ye family or Ruan Su, it was a trivial matter.

Ruan Su nodded, "Thank you, uncle. I will pay for the cemetery and it cannot be counted towards the Ye family's account."

"Does the funeral need to be prepared?" Old lady Ye really felt a little crippled. Fortunately, it was Ruan Su, if it was replaced by someone else.

It's strange that she was not frustrated when she came back to memorizing a dead person early in the morning.

I feel uncomfortable when I think about it.

But the thought that they were Ruan Su’s master again, and the amazing dance of Ruan Su last night, made Ling Yichen green with anger.

If there were no such masters, how could Xiao Su be so arrogant and show Ye Jiao's face so much?

After thinking about this level, Mrs. Ye didn't feel so complacent.

"My master will be a low-key person all his life. It is better to be buried in a low-key way, so that he can go with peace of mind." Ruan Su saw that the enchanter had sorted out the appearance of the Dao Ren Niu, and went to check it last.

Dao Ren's messy beard and hair were cleaned up, and his ragged clothes were changed into a set of clean clothes.

It doesn't look terrifying.

Ye Xinyun looked at Ruan Su looking at the cow Taoist beside the coffin, and couldn't help but scream from the groundhog in his heart, that was a dead man! Dear, you dare to watch for so long!

Is there a mistake? !

After checking for a while and finding that there is no problem, Ruan So said to the housekeeper, "Let's cover the coffin!"

So the Ye family quietly cremated the Dao Ren Niu, and then buried his ashes on the Liubao Mountain.

Standing in front of the tombstone, Ruan Su knelt down and knocked his head three times at the photo of Niu Daoren.

"Master, don't worry, I, Ruan Su, swear in front of you that I will never become the flower of evil in my life. I will punish the evil, give full play to what I have learned, and live up to the expectations of the master."

After speaking, she knocked her head three more times before she got up.

She turned and went down the mountain, and she didn't know when the light rain began to float in the sky.

The rain fell on her body coolly, and she suddenly remembered that the day when Bo Xingzhi's grandfather was buried... it was also raining like this.

She sighed, as if it was a long time ago.

Too much has happened in the past two years.

As she walked, she was trapped in the memory, and suddenly... she had a flash of inspiration. If she has a firm grasp of the calculation, can she calculate that her mother is still alive?

The master once said that he has a younger sister who is still alive!

My sister is alive!

She breathed tightly.

Does that mean that the mother is also alive?

At that time, she should ask about her mother...Unfortunately, the master passed away before she could have time.

But where is she going to find her sister?

Impatient feelings surfaced in her heart. When she came to the bottom of the mountain, she saw Ye Weili standing by the car waiting for her with a transparent umbrella.

After seeing her, he immediately greeted her with an umbrella, "Xiao Su, are you getting wet?"

He was afraid that Ruan Su and the master had something secret to tell, so he didn't dare to go up the mountain to pick her up.

Fortunately, it was a drizzle, not a downpour.

After getting in the car, he found an unopened disposable towel from the trunk and said, "Wipe your hair."

"It's just a little bit of water vapor," Ruan Su said, but still took the towel and wiped his hair.

With a warm heart, Ye Yanli cared for her very much. This kind of long-lost family affection was something she had never felt before in Ruan Su.

She threw the towel into the car trash can.

Looking at Liubao Mountain from the distance, the line of sight is getting farther and farther and farther away.

She said silently in her heart, Master, rest in peace!


Lingjia Manor.

Ling's manor was more luxurious than Ye's.

Everything is extremely luxurious and noble.

Especially the expansive swimming pool is particularly eye-catching.

There is also its own horse and golf course.

Next to the clear swimming pool, a tall man wore a tailored white suit with a perfectly handsome face. His eyes were dark and gloomy. He stood there, raised his hand and slowly took off his suit jacket, and then withdrew his shirt. .

He just stood by the pool with a cold look, and only a pair of swimming trunks was left in the end.

"Plop--" With a sound, the man jumped into the pool, splashing a burst of water.

Several servants filed around, taking the red wine and fruit on the tray, bath towels, sunglasses...

Almost every time a man has a must-have item after a swim, everything is available.

Soon, several servants gave another copy of exactly the same item.

There are two recliners under the umbrella, and all these items are neatly placed on the coffee table next to the recliners.

Sure enough... After a while, another man in swimming trunks also jumped into the water with a plop.

The two brothers seem to be playing, you come and I go, one swims faster than the other.

After about half an hour, the two finally got out of the water, and the servant immediately stepped forward and handed over the large bath towel.

The whole body was dripping with water, but it didn't prevent the brothers' strong muscles and perfect body from being caught in the eyes of the servants.

Although it was not the first time I saw it, there were still some maids who had poor concentration and blushed.

Ling Yichen and Ling Yixin sat on the recliners, and the two began to taste red wine in a leisurely manner.

The sun was shining and it was dazzling.

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked over with square steps. The man's eyes sly looked at the beautiful servants standing next to the swimming pool.

"Ling Shao here, even the servants are beautiful and beautiful. It really opened Wu's eyes."

Ling Yichen glanced at him, "Master Wu, what? Are you out of the customs?"

Master Wu chuckled in a low voice, revealing an unpredictable look, as if he were an expert outside the world.

He also stretched out his right hand, pinched a finger, half-squinted, and slowly said, "According to my deduction, the old way of bull nose is dead. Nowadays, there is no longer a counterbalance to me in this world."

"Dead? Didn't you say that he is very powerful and very critical?" Ling Yixin didn't doubt what Master Wu said, but thought that Master Niu died a bit strange!

In his opinion, those powerful people should be immortal!

"Huh! The old man changed his life against the sky a few years ago, but suffered a lot of backlash. He has been stolen to live until now. What else?" Master Wu sneered, "I will be my Master Wu from now on. In the world, no one can stop our big plan!"

"Then let's get back to the subject, Master Wu, is the formation ready? How long will it take?" Ling Yichen couldn't wait, especially after the close contact with Ruan Su last night.

His eager heart was almost like a trapped beast eager to break out of its cage.

Want to go crazy.

His handsome face is full of longing, with a strong light, "Master Wu, is there a way to make women commit..."

Master Wu was taken aback, and then he laughed, "Young Master Ling is handsome and handsome, why? Will there be women who don't like it?"

Ling Yichen snorted coldly, "I love to help or not."

This is his sponsor, can he not help? Master Wu then took out a few pieces of paper, "I will send the detailed usage of these spells to your phone."

Ling Yichen smiled evilly, took the paper talisman, "Thank you, Master Wu."

With a big wave of his hand, he pointed to the maids who were waiting by the swimming pool and said, "These...all of them are rewarded to Master Wu."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Master Ling." Master Wu looked at the maids who had become frightened after hearing this with a coveted expression, "All of them will be in my room tonight, you know?"

"Pump!" With a sound, a maid knelt in front of Ling Yichen, crying bitterly for mercy, "Master, please, don't send me over..."

"My mother is seriously ill and needs money urgently, Master... What if I... my mother?"

The maid who had made mistakes in the past was sent to Master Wu. I heard that she disappeared the next night.

They all circulated in private that the maid was tortured to death by Master Wu. So now their fate... can be imagined.

"It is your blessing to be able to serve Master Wu, I don't know how to cherish it." Ling Yichen sneered, "Throw it in!"

So immediately two cold-looking men in black came over, grabbed the maid's thin arms and threw her directly into the swimming pool.


The maid threw hands and feet in the pool, and her survival instinct made her shout desperately.

No, she don't want to die!

She finally touched the edge of the pool with her hands, but was kicked into the water by the man in black.

"Ah!" The maid couldn't bear the pain, her hand shrank back abruptly, and her whole body plunged into the swimming pool again.

Gudong Gudong, she drank several sips of pool water in a row.

The other maids all lowered their heads, shuddering not to look at the cruel side of the swimming pool.

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