Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 761: The hope of rejuvenation! ?

Master Wu was puzzled. He dragged his fat belly and ran to Ling Weixue's villa out of breath, and rushed into her room in a hurry.

As a result, he saw Ling Weixue with an annoyed, distorted and terrifying face, his eyes widened in shock, and he stared at Ling Weixue's face that had clearly suffered a backlash.

One after another, red bloodstains like earthworms spread all over the entire face, and the originally white and tender skin was now black, yellow, black and yellow, with strong stench after another.

The stench permeated the whole room.

Ling Weixue rushed towards Master Wu with blood-red tails, she clasped Master Wu’s arm hard, "As you said, I will have the most beautiful face in the future. I don’t need plastic surgery or injections, I will Become beautiful. Why does it become like this?"

Master Wu is very speechless, is he even more angry?

He laid down ten small formations, and then formed a large formation, and now one of the small formations has been destroyed.

Can he not be angry?

On the surface, this small formation is a face-changing curse, but in fact, this face-changing curse has a small formation attached to it, that is, Juyun! To gather the dealer's luck to the Ling family!

it's good now!

This formation is simply abolished!

He blushed with anger and his neck was thick, but he didn't dare to attack the young lady of the Ling family, "Let me think about it. Miss, this is being bitten back. I used your girlfriend's face to change your face. Now this spell has failed and has been destroyed by others. I just don’t know who caused the destruction!"

"What? Was it destroyed?" Ling Weixue almost rolled her eyes with anger and fainted.

She was so angry that she yelled at Master Wu, "Then what should I do? What about my face? Will I have to face such an ugly and smelly face in the future? No! I don't want it!"

"Miss, please stay calm, let me think of a way." Master Wu knew in his heart that this was backlashed by the face-changing curse, and I was afraid it would be hopeless.

But if he said that, Ling Weixue might not be able to accept it.

So he can only stabilize the temper of the eldest lady.

Speaking of this, this eldest lady is also very tortured. The two twin brothers in the family are very handsome, but when they come to her, they are obviously children born by parents. She seemed to doze off when God made her.

Make her facial features very ordinary.

Both parents are handsome men and beautiful women, and her elder brother is also handsome...but she is so mediocre that she can't be found in the crowd.

She was moved to become beautiful. She originally wanted to have a plastic surgery, but she was afraid of being spotted by the ladies and daughters and laughing at it.

It just so happened that Master Wu wanted to deploy ten small formations, so he targeted the dealer's young lady Zhuang Xiaoyue.

it's good now……

It was broken.


Master Wu is the one who wants to cry most.

His great formation!

When will it be possible?

He had deployed ten small arrays for so long, and finally there was only the last one left, but it turned out well... it was directly destroyed.

He has to re-distribute it again.

But it's too difficult to find the front and the target.

But the Ling family brothers didn't understand these things, and told them that they would only pursue results and don't want to know the process.

Master Wu was so angry that there was smoke above his head, and he had to endure the pain in his heart constantly to comfort Ling Weixue.

After finally coaxing her, he left with angrily.

His grandma's, Lao Tzu is not your boyfriend, but he has to do his boyfriend's work.


Don't look at your ugly face either.

Master Wu hurried back to the small courtyard where he lived. He wanted to know who broke his formation and solved his face-changing curse.

He must investigate immediately.

What is going on?

He sat in his room depressed and irritated, Niubi obviously dead.

Does he have any descendants?

No, it's impossible!

Niubi is so lonely, how can there be descendants?

He walked around the house irritably, the more irritable he walked.

Could it be that there is another expert he doesn't know?

He gritted his teeth with anger, he had to find out.

Thinking of this, he went directly to one of his apprentices, "Go and inform the two young masters that I have something to look for in a hurry."

After speaking, he began to check the other small formations that he had laid down by other big families.

After checking and finding that there was no problem, he let out a long sigh.

It seems that Zhuang Xiaoyue's small formation is an accident.

Since it was an accident, he must find a new substitute.


Inside the presidential palace, Bo Xingzhi was lying on the bed, his eyes had no focus or any brilliance.

Song Yan brought dinner to him and said in a low voice, "Master, it's time for dinner."

Bo Xingzhi propped up his arms and sat up. Since acupuncture, he felt that his eyes were much easier. I don't know if it is his psychological effect or the acupuncture actually works.

Or is it because it is also a Chinese medicine reason?

He couldn't help but think of Ruan Su again.

Thinking of Ruan Su, he felt anxious.

Xiao Su... His Xiao Su...

He must get better soon!

Thinking about this, he didn't let Song Yan help him, but fumbled and walked to the dining table.

The familiar smell of food still came from his breath.

These meals are what he usually eats at home, which makes him feel a little bit comfortable.

"Tomorrow...that Chinese medicine doctor will come again?" Bo Xingzhi took a bite of food and delivered it to his mouth.

Song Yan bends his lips secretly where Bo Xingzhi can't see, but he dared not laugh.

"Yes, first acupuncture and moxibustion for a week, if it works, she will continue acupuncture until the master recovers her eyesight. Master, what do you think?"

"En." Bo Xingzhi did not speak any more, but looked forward to the next day, because he wanted to know if acupuncture worked. If it is really effective, there is hope for his recovery.

Once you have recovered your vision, you can go to Xiaosu!

No one can stop him!

He thought so in his heart, only that the food in his mouth became more appetizing.

Early the next morning, Bo Xingzhi woke up.

After waking up, he freshened up and sat on the bed waiting, waiting for the arrival of the doctor and the Chinese medicine doctor.

There are a lot of luxury cars in the Ye’s garage, and Ruan Su picked a low-key black BMW as a means of transportation.

She went directly to the doctor's house, and after receiving the doctor, the two arrived at the presidential palace.

Like yesterday, he silently came to the small building where Bo Xingzhi was.

Ruan Su is still in a snow-white nurse outfit. She wears a pair of flat nurse shoes and carries a medicine box.

In fact, the medicine box contained her silver needles.

She put down the silver needle and started acupuncture.

The room is so quiet that you can hear a needle drop.

No one spoke, she silently performed her hand movements, and after the silver needle pierced the man's skin like yesterday, she began to help him get his pulse.

After a while, she let go of her hand.

"Does it feel more comfortable? The eyes are relaxed, or is it another reaction?"

Bo Xingzhi replied in a deep voice, "I feel a little relaxed, I don't know if it is my psychological effect."

"It should not be." Ruan Su deliberately lowered his voice, "You will feel it again after you get up tomorrow morning."

She sat on the sofa and looked at the man doing acupuncture, suppressing the desire and longing in her eyes. Instead, she lowered her head slowly, she didn't want to be noticed by the doctor.

When the doctor heard Bo Xingzhi said that he felt something, he was a little excited and excited, "Is it really effective? Bo Shao? If there is, that would be great."

He seemed to see the man's hope for recovery.

I also saw that the torture I had suffered is finally coming to an end.

Song Yan was also very happy. Sure enough, his wife had an accident. As soon as his wife took action, she knew if there was any.


Ruan Su glanced at him and said nothing.

Song Yan knows the meaning in her eyes, and speaks to herself, as if to say to the doctor, but as if to Ruan Su, "Master's appetite has improved in these two days, and the body will definitely recover soon. of."

Ruan Su was satisfied when he heard what he wanted to hear.

As long as a man is willing to eat, it is good if a man is iron or steel, and rice is indispensable.

From time to time in Bo Xingzhi's breath, there would be a familiar fragrance.

He always felt that the female TCM doctor in front of him was Ruan Su.

But... her voice is fundamentally different from Ruan Su. If it were Ruan Su, would Song Yan hide it from him?

Especially the temperature of her fingers is different from Ruan Su.

Bo Xingzhi was thinking wildly in his heart, thinking that he was asleep again.

Half an hour later, Ruan Su pulled out the needle, "Special Assistant Song, let's take a step first."

Song Yan nodded, "Thank you two."

After leaving the presidential palace, Ruan Su got into the car, and the doctor immediately followed the car.

"Then what... I still don't know your last name?"

The doctor smiled and looked at Ruan Su next to him, "You are so good in Chinese medicine. You should be well-known in the Chinese medicine circle?"

Ruan Su shook his head, "I'm just a nameless guy, I don't want to be concerned."

That is, I don't want him to know, the doctor is also very witty. "Since you don't want to talk about it, then forget it."

Ruan Su drove the car back to the doctor quickly, "See you tomorrow, thank you."

Hearing the woman's thanks, the doctor smiled, "Why do you thank me every day?"

Ruan Su pursed his red lips, "You will know later."

Seeing her black BMW car gradually disappeared from the field of vision, the doctor always felt something was wrong.

But he didn't think too much.


Banker Banker.

Zhuang Xiaoyue shed tears of excitement when she looked at the tender and fresh flesh from the place where she used to shed pus in the mirror.

But as soon as the tears overflowed, she quickly wiped them away.

Don't dare to let the tears corrode to tender, fleshy.

Solemnly walked in with a cup of hot milk in his hand, "What's the matter?"

Zhuang Xiaoyue turned to see her brother who was dependent on each other, and couldn't help saying, "Since Mom passed away, you have been taking care of me. Brother, thank you."

Solemnly hugged her gently, "You are my sister, of course I have to be nice to you!"

Father Zhuang had already formed a new family and lived in another villa in this manor.

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