Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 781: Everything is important!

"It doesn't matter."

Ruan Su interrupted the Chief of Police, "All Zhang Jinen's information is here, and I hope you can solve the case as soon as possible."

She said concisely, and her expression was very cold.

But there is no arrogance, or other emotions exposed.

She didn't feel the polite remarks of the police chief at all.

She just wanted to get this thing done quickly.

The police chief didn't expect Ruan Su to react like this, shouldn't ordinary people follow him to chat with each other.

But she actually...

Well, maybe the big guy is the big guy, different.

He hurriedly responded, "Okay, you can rest assured."

Ruan Su didn't speak any more, she slowly stood up, and when she was about to leave, Gu Yan stopped her, "Miss Ruan, can I have a meal with my face?"

Ruan Su curled her lips at her, "You don't have to eat, next time. I'm on the plane at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. So... sorry."

Gu Yan didn't continue to entangle him. He smiled and said, "That's OK, I have a chance to make another appointment."

After leaving the police station, Jiang Xinyu was a little reluctant, "Boss, are you leaving now? The murder case here has not been dealt with yet! Why are you going back?"

Ruan Su glanced at him from the corner of his eye, "What? Can't bear me?"

Jiang Xinyu chuckled, "It doesn't feel like I haven't seen you for a long time. The Xinfeng kid heard that you are back, and wants to have dinner with you tonight! And Wenyu."

"I have something to go back." Ruan Su's eyes dimmed, thinking of the president's so-called confession banquet.

"That's all right." Jiang Xinyu had to say again, "Do you need me to book the plane ticket for you?"

"No, my uncle has a private jet." Ruan Su checked the time, and it was eleven o'clock in the morning, which was only enough for a light meal. So he said to Jiang Xinyu, "Go back to the hotel for lunch and let Wenyu and Xinfeng come over."

"All right, I will inform the two children right away." Jiang Xinyu's handsome face is full of smiles, and it's not bad to be able to have a light meal together.

There is a restaurant on the fifth floor of the hotel, which is not luxurious, just an ordinary restaurant.

Ruan Su and Jiang Xinyu ordered directly after they entered. Jiang Xinfeng and Bo Wenyu arrived very quickly, and arrived in about twenty minutes.

Bo Wenyu wore a small lavender shirt with a pleated skirt underneath, which looked refreshing and youthful.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing with my elder brother? My elder brother can't get in touch every day, as if he's missing. You too, ran to country M. It's so hard to meet you!"

Jiang Xinfeng followed behind her, wearing a simple shirt and jeans. The two men looked very attractive and harmonious.

"Sister Su, long time no see. What are you up to lately!"

Ruan Su couldn't help showing a faint smile when he saw the appearance of the two of them. She looked very beautiful with her smile, with crooked eyebrows and very eye-catching.

The four of them have high looks, and all of them are handsome men and beautiful women.

Fortunately, there are no customers in the restaurant now, because it's still early.

It's not twelve o'clock yet.

The dishes were also served quickly, and a table was filled.

"I have to catch a plane in the afternoon, so the time is a bit tight. Without asking about your two tastes, Jiang Xinyu and I ordered directly. I hope you don't mind."

Ruan Su picked up the chopsticks and said sorry to the two young men and women.

"We are not picky eaters, we eat everything. Sister-in-law, don't you know what I'm like?" Bo Wenyu smiled, and she could see that she was very happy.

Of course I am happy to see Ruan Su.

Her agent is just like Jiang Xinfeng in Boss Entertainment.

"By the way, Sister-in-law, "Mi Xiaogu's Travelling Miles" has reached the frontier, and this season is about to end. Will you go there when it ends?" Bo Wenyu suddenly thought of the topic that Yan Yidao and Lin Yi discussed some time ago.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi made the show totally ignited, and there is nothing wrong with them going back together to participate in the final episode.

Ruan Su shook his head, "No time, too busy."

What's more, Bo Xingzhi and her now... are still separated from each other, and the possibility of reunion is very low.

Bo Wenyu nodded, holding a green vegetable, "Okay, then."

"Sister Su, there is a pretty good script called "The Secret Room Script Escape". Do you want me to pick it up?" Jiang Xinfeng also has something to ask Ruan Su.

Although the agent analyzed it with him, he still wanted to hear Ruan Su's opinion.

"This kind of suspense is hard to explode because it is too small." Ruan Suguang twisted his eyebrows slightly after hearing the name, "but it will reflect your acting skills, and you may win prizes. It's just that you need to worry about the box office."

In the past two years, these kinds of escape rooms and script kills are very popular. It seems that screenwriters and directors also want to keep up with the trend.

It's just... She is not very optimistic about this subject matter.

"Yo! Who am I! It turns out to be Young Master Jiang and Young Master Jiang! Young Master Jiang's company is deeply involved in a homicide scandal and is still in the mood to eat here? Are you not afraid that the police will arrest you?"

Suddenly, a very abrupt sound sounded, and several people immediately looked towards the source of the sound.

As a result, he saw a middle-aged man slowly walking over with a big belly.

Behind him were a few young men who looked respectful towards him.

Jiang Xinyu glanced at the man blankly, "Mr. An."

This middle-aged man is An Shenghai, the president of Antong Medicine in Beijing. This An Shenghai and Baisui Medicine are rivals, so the relationship between the two has always been the same.

On some specific occasions, you can still get along with each other in peace, and take care of the outside.

Now that An Shenghai sees that Baisui Medicine is so unlucky, it has caused a murder. Don't mention how good he is, who makes the sales of Baisui Medicine always higher than that of Antong.

I didn't expect to meet Jiang Xinyu here.

He smiled so triumphantly that he was happy.

"Oh, let's not hide the truth from Master Jiang, recently we Antong, the sales...the turnover is terribly high. I'm a little bit at a loss."

The sun of the red fruit!

This unabashed show off!

But Jiang Xinyu was unmoved, and didn't seem to be angry at all, "Congratulations to Mr. An."

An Shenghai's fist seemed to have hit the cotton pile. He originally thought that Jiang Xinyu would look like anxious, but in the end...there was no response.

He felt uncomfortable, and he wanted to see Jiang Xinyu unhappy.

So he rolled his eyes and said cheerfully, "Oh, Young Master Jiang, I really admire your calmness. If I were you, I would have turned around in a hurry. Why? I heard the director behind you. You are a big beauty, don’t you want to rely on women for food? Of course, it’s great to have soft meals!"

"Everything has women standing in front of you!"

"Hey, I can't do it anymore. I want to eat and no one gives me this bite."

Jiang Xinyu's face sank when she heard it, and she stared coldly at this unobstructed An Shenghai, "President An, please pay attention to your words."

"I'm telling the truth!" An Shenghai curled his lips, "Why? The facts are not told yet? Wouldn't you be so stingy and angry? I'm just kidding."

Just when An Shenghai was so excited, suddenly, a cold female voice rang, "All the words are left to you alone, it's really noisy! Why don't I know when a crow came in this restaurant, and it keeps coming here? Quack."

An Shenghai stared at Ruan Su for a moment. Suddenly be shocked!

What a beautiful woman. When he first came here, because he was familiar with Jiang Xinyu, he was thinking about how to stimulate Jiang Xinyu.

So at first glance, I just stared at Jiang Xinyu, but I didn't expect that there was such a beautiful woman here.

Seeing the beautiful woman, his face suddenly became a little coveted, "Young Master Jiang, you are not superficial! How can such a beautiful beautiful woman accompany you to eat, count me!"

He directly ignored the words Ruan Su called him a crow just now.

Listening to his vulgar language, Ruan Su's expression became more and more cold and lazy, and his tone was cold and hostile, "Scream again, get out!"

"Hundred-year-old Medicine is all supported by Jiang Xinyu. The chairman is not in the country every day. It is Jiang Xinyu’s soft rice that the chairman eats, you know?" Ruan Suqing’s cold apricot eyes were filled with coldness, as if covered with a layer of frost. There was a chill on his face that turned away thousands of miles away.

The moment she raised her eyes to look at An Shenghai, she twisted her eyebrows slightly.

There is something wrong with this man!

Based on what he did, his fortune in Antong Medicine should not be so good.

Because the facial features on his face showed an unlucky look, how could Antong Medicine be so prosperous?

Obviously, he borrowed luck and luck.

But since he touched her, don't blame her for being rude.

Ruan Su held the chopsticks and put his right hand under the table quietly, and silently drew a talisman under the table where no one could see it, and the talisman flew directly into the center of An Shenghai's eyebrows.

No one else can see it.

She has done it.

It directly broke the fortune borrowed by An Shenghai. He was a nasty and disgusting man. He usually did disgusting things, but he didn't dare to commit serious crimes.

And he didn't know what master he had hired at home, so he made a small side door for him.

That's why he is so sad now.

An Shenghai saw that Ruan Su's aura was so strong, he was a little offended, and after a few curses, he turned around and left.

Jiang Xinfeng glanced sympathetically at his elder brother, "Brother, don't take it to your heart."

Jiang Xinyu is not so glass-hearted at all, but instead feels that it is an honor to have a good relationship with Ruan Su, "What to do? I rely on my boss. I am honored. Without the boss, I would not be who I am today. And you, too! If there is no her, there would be no You. Do you want to transform? I'm afraid the transformation will be unsuccessful after another five years and ten years."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, let's eat." Bo Wenyu hurriedly finished the game, "Sister-in-law, do you think Xinfeng can take this scene?"

She pulled back the topic just now.

"I'm not very optimistic." Ruan Su talked about his own thoughts, "after all, it is too small. Although it is said that acting is very important, the box office is also very important. The box office basically says everything."

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