Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 787: Xiao Su! it's me! coming!

"You couple will show here, old lady, I'm going to go back to my room to sleep."

Mrs. Ye now heard that Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi were together, she didn't worry anymore, and simply went back to the room to sleep.

Seeing her turning away from the back, Ye Yanli directly hugged Song Jiayan up horizontally and embraced a gorgeous princess.

"My wife, we also go upstairs to rest."

As he said, he lowered his head and lightly pecked her red lips.

Song Jiayan blushed, "I hate it."


The night is getting deeper.

After Song Yan left Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su into the hotel, he left directly and drove to the apartment where Jian Qiqi was.

Just after Jian Qiqi finished washing, she heard a knock on the door, and she stared at the door with some alertness.

At this moment, the phone rang, and she picked it up softly, "Hey."

"It's me, open the door." Song Yan's familiar warm voice rang from the phone.

Jian Qiqi came to the anti-theft door without even thinking about it and opened the door.

I saw the man outside the door rushing towards his face with the cold air of the dark night. When he saw Jian Qiqi, his deep eyes were obviously darkened.

Jian Qiqiyi stared at herself subconsciously, and then realized afterwards... that she was surrounded by only a snow-white bath towel all over her body.

Her white shoulders were bare in the air, and a few naughty drops of water spread over her chest. She flushed suddenly and wanted to run subconsciously.

However, Song Yan moved faster, and the big palm stretched out to buckle her shoulders, and the man's hot palm ironed her delicate skin.

Her face was almost bloody.

Suddenly, the indoor temperature seemed to rise several degrees.

Jian Qiqi's face was almost exploding, and her heartbeat kept speeding up wildly.


She just spoke and made a sound.

As a result, the man leaned over, and her thin lips blocked her red lips and swallowed all her voice.

Jian Qiqi's eyes widened in an instant.

The man kept attacking the city and looting the pool, and she didn't remember how he got on the bed in the end.

early morning.

The frantic night is like a storm.

Jane Qiqi slowly sat up with her tired body, everything seemed to be a dream last night.

It happened so suddenly, but it seemed so natural and natural.

She looked at the messy big bed blindly and heard a sound of footsteps.

She looked towards the door with misty eyes and saw that the door of the room was pushed open. The man in the bear apron was standing at the door with a spatula, "Are you awake? Get up if you wake up, I did it. breakfast."

Jian Qiqi couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, looked at Song Yan's refreshed look, and then saw that he was exhausted and weak...

She was in a daze, but the man holding the spatula suddenly stepped away from his long legs and walked towards her. The man's thin lips smiled, "What's the matter? Can't get up? How about... I hold you? "

Jian Qiqi blushed, "No!"

She turned her head a little shyly, not daring to look at Song Yan with a smirk on her face.

Song Yan put a kiss on her cheek, did not continue to tease her, but walked outside. "I'm going out first."

The room suddenly became silent, Jian Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief.

But her heartbeat still accelerated, and it took her a while to calm down.

Thinking of the scenes that made her heart beat faster and her ears flushed last night, her face suddenly became as hot as a cooked shrimp.

Why... why did you do such an intimate thing?


Pain... The whole body was sore and painful, uncomfortable.

In spite of this, an excessive body is so uncomfortable.

At this time, Ruan Su was almost the same as Jian Qiqi, who had just tasted personnel, and his body was like being crushed by a truck.

One can imagine how crazy and wild they were last night.

She looked down at the traces of her body and rubbed her eyebrows a little helplessly.

When he was depressed, Bo Xingzhi walked over in a black bathrobe, holding a green ointment in his hand.

"I will apply it for you, it will be more comfortable."

It's been a long time since I saw Xiao Su...Plus he drank a little more alcohol, and he couldn't control his strength a little.

However, after so long separation, only the lingering lingering can solve the lovesickness.

He has a trace of guilt for his indulgence.

So I quickly prepared the ointment.

Ruan Su looked at the green ointment on the man’s fingertips and snatched it away a little speechlessly, “I’ll do it myself.”

The voice that just woke up in the morning was faintly hoarse, but it was very pleasant to the ear.

Hearing thinly, his body suddenly tensed, his handsome face was slightly condensed, he took a deep breath, and turned stiffly.

I'll call for room service. "

Last night, after exhausting and tossing for so long, Xiao Su urgently needed to replenish his energy and food.

Ruan Su silently curled her lips. If the man was allowed to give her medicine, she would probably continue to be eaten and wiped out. She felt weak when she thought of the terrible scene.

She applied the ointment to herself with difficulty, and the icy cold immediately made her hot body more comfortable, and she moved out of bed to wash in the bathroom with difficulty.

When she walked out of the bedroom after she finished washing, she saw that the outside dining table was already full of exquisite and delicious breakfast.

Bo Xingzhi was looking down at the phone. Hearing her footsteps, the man raised his eyes, and the deep and narrow phoenix eyes were filled with a faint smile.

"Come over for breakfast."

Ruan Su walked over and sat across from the man, the breakfast was still steaming slightly.

The fragrance is overflowing, making the index finger move.

After breakfast, Ruan Su was about to lie down on the bed and take a rest. She just lay down.

The tall and tall man followed, holding a delicate gift box in his hand, Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "What is it?"

Thin Xingzhi's thin lips rose slightly, "Guess."

"What's the selling point?" Ruan Su bends his eyes slightly, and his long eyelashes tremble slightly, covering his eyelids like a crow feather, and his eyes are particularly moving.

Bo Xingzhi did not speak any more, but gently sent the box to Ruan Su, "open it and take a look."

Ruan Su didn't think much, thinking that this man hadn't seen her for a long time, so he gave a small gift or something.

She gently opened the gift box, but was stunned.

Inside is a key and a small telescope.

"What's this? The key? The telescope? Do you want to watch the stars with me?"

Ruan Su suspiciously picked up the key and placed it in his palm.

"Wait until night you'll know." Bo Xingzhi took her hand and put it to her lips and kissed gently. "Would you like to go for a walk?"

"Tired." Ruan Su was sleepy, "I want to sleep for a while."

She slept until the end of the afternoon, and when she woke up, it was already more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

She didn't expect that she would have slept for so long.

Bo Xingzhi is holding the laptop while working. His movements are very light, trying not to disturb her to sleep.

Hearing the movement, the man slowly raised his eyes, "Wake up?"

Ruan Su nodded, and now he feels that his spirit has finally eased.

"Slightly hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

Bo Xingzhi smiled at her, "Little slanderous cat. Let's change our clothes and go out for dinner."

He ordered the restaurant at noon, but Ruan Su did not wake up.

Just postpone it until now.

Ruan Su jumped out of bed and felt that not only his spirit had recovered, but his physical strength had also recovered a lot.

It’s okay to go out for dinner or something.

So she washed quickly, and when she came out, she found that a brand new white dress had been placed on the bed. The style was simple and generous, and she would like it at first glance.

The man was really clear about her temper and preferences.

Give him a thumbs up.

Bo Xingzhi helped her close the zipper and watched the white dress wrap her graceful body. The man leaned over and kissed her on the neck, "My wife is so beautiful."

"We're going out in a big way, aren't you afraid that the president will find you?" Ruan Su's small hand was tightly wrapped in the big warm palm of the man and stepped into the hotel suite together.

A trace of hostility flashed across the man's stern face, "How about finding it? I'm his son."

The implication is that the president can't do anything to him.

Ruan Su thought of the wonderful poison that has been repeated every time, and was a little worried that the president would repeat the same tricks. "If he thinks of something damaging..."

"It's okay. Soldiers will stop, the soil will be flooded. Just leave these things to me." Bo Xingzhi took her out of the elevator, "There is a nice restaurant nearby. Let's try it."

Looking at the big sun high in the sky at the door, Ruan Su actually had a beautiful sense of stability in the world.

But she knew that it was too difficult for her and Bo Xingzhi to be stable in this world.

Because, at a glance, she saw several men in black wandering outside the hotel.

The sudden change in the eyes of the man after seeing her and Bo Xingzhi had already betrayed their identities.

But what Ruan Su did not expect was that they did not act rashly, but followed them silently.

The restaurant was not far from the hotel. The two walked in front hand in hand. The sun was faintly hot, but Ruan Su did not feel uncomfortable.

She and Bo Xingzhi are too busy, and rarely have such a quiet time for a walk.

She cherishes it very much.

But both of them are eye-catching, handsome men and beautiful women.

Especially the female bird nestling beside the man like a human, the white dress is pure and flawless, making her more and more beautiful and moving like a fairy in the moon.

The man is cold and noble in black, and the two of them are more eye-catching than celebrities.

Attracted the side eyes of many passersby.

It's just that they have long been used to this look.

After walking for about ten minutes, Ruan Su saw a very elegant and high-end restaurant. As soon as Bo Xingzhi took her to the door, an attendant hurriedly opened the door, "Welcome. How many people have the meal?"

Bo Xing said lightly, "Booked the A1 box."

The attendant's eyes lit up, and he immediately reached out his hand respectfully and made an inviting gesture, "It's Xiao Shao, please here."

What a joke, who doesn't know how little the president's son is now!

Who is this woman next to him? Looks so beautiful and beautiful!

Just when Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's hand and was about to go to the box, a voice full of magnetism suddenly sounded, "Xiao Su."


Sorry for the late update today, my grandma passed away... The house is in a mess, ah~~~

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