Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 792: Fortunately there is a sober person!

"There is a formation here." Ruan Su raised his eyebrows. "This formation attracted these weasels, so the parent who took the lead in defending rights would be unlucky. It seems that he was in a car accident some time ago? Then he was bitten by a weasel again?"

If she remembers correctly, it should be like this.

Zhuang Xiaoyue shrugged, "Isn't that? It's unlucky enough, I just said why my stepmother suddenly seemed to be relaxed. So, she really did it. It made my house a mess."

"I broke this formation first, and then collected these weasels. It's not a good thing for a weasel to squat at home." Ruan Su said as he began to draw spells on the group of weasels.

The weasels seemed to feel the danger coming, and began to become impatient.

Constantly screaming, some sharp, some hoarse, it sounds like a fight between trapped beasts.

But in the end, all of them lay down on the ground one after another.

Ruan Su said to Zhuang Xiaoyue, "It's okay. Find a few servants to install them and throw them in the woods in the suburbs. They shouldn't find them again. Don't kill them."

Zhuang Xiaoyue felt relieved, "Great, how come they all fainted?"

"It's nothing more than a small formation that confuses animals." Ruan Su smiled, "The next thing is your stepmother..."

This Mrs. Zhuang is uneasy every day. If you don't do anything today, you will do it tomorrow.

"By the way, what happened to the children's English training classes she was doing?" Ruan Su asked again when he thought of it.

Zhuang Xiaoyue gets annoyed when she talks about it.

"Don't mention it, my dad repaid her gambling debts. The money for the training class is no matter whether she is alive or not. Now the parents are still defending their rights and heard that they are going to go to court. If they lose the lawsuit, the court will definitely enforce it. When the time comes, 100% of her property will be auctioned or seized to pay off debts. My dad said, don’t care about her. It’s her thing if she loses, and it’s her thing to be auctioned off to pay off debts. It doesn’t matter.”

"Does she have a separate property under her name?" Ruan Su chatted with Zhuang Xiaoyue as he set up the formation.

"That must have to be! She has real estate, a car, and some stocks and bonds under her name. You can sell any of them to the parents, but she doesn't sell it. She just doesn't see the coffin and weep. "

Zhuang Xiaoyue's tone was full of contempt.

"There will always be a day when the law will punish her. Justice will never be late. It's just a matter of sooner or later." Ruan Su stood up, "Well, in the future, your house will be safe and there will be no more mess. Look at your stepmother, don't Let her do things again and nothing will happen."

"Miss Ruan, thank you." Zhuang Xiaoyue gratefully took out a big red envelope, "This is for you."

"Are you crazy? No money." Ruan Su felt that it was just a matter of effort.

Zhuang Xiaoyue took the red envelope and stuffed it into Ruan Su's hand, "But you helped us over and over again...I really don't know how to thank you."

Ruan Su saw that she was pushing hard, so he had to take it over, "Then I will donate it directly and donate it to the Master Su Foundation to help some people in need."

"Here you are, you can do whatever you want." Zhuang Xiaoyue grinned openly, smiling very happily, showing two rows of white teeth.

She looks good, and she looks better with a smile like this.

It's as brilliant as the sun.

"Well, I won't talk to you, I have to go home for dinner!" Ruan Su patted the dust on his body.

"Don't, let's have dinner at my house tonight!" Zhuang Xiaoyue was anxious when she heard that she was going home. "How about you going back to Empire H some time ago? Did things go well?"

She also saw what happened to Ruan Su's 100-year-old doctor, so she was a little worried.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Ruan Su felt her care, and a smile appeared in her clear eyebrows, "I'm leaving."

She went directly out of the dealer and got into her BMW. Thinking of what Zhuang Xiaoyue had just mentioned, she couldn't help but call Jiang Xinyu.

"How things had been?"

"The murderer was not found, but...there are some experts who are knowledgeable in that area. It seems to be called the soul group, who is responsible for those strange and strange phenomena. They should be those who have the same ability as you." Jiang Xinyu was a little worried. , "But their speech is always mysterious and makes people very impatient."

"I see, the soul team... just let them deal with it, this matter will be our innocence." Ruan Su did not expect that there should be such a special organization above it, and it seems that the organization has also sensed the particularity of this case.

Then she doesn't need to worry.

Although Baisui Medicine had a murder case, it was not easy to remove it.

Ruan Su had a few more conversations with Jiang Xinyu and then hung up.

Drive directly to Ye's house.

Ruan Su didn't go home for two or three days. Mrs. Ye arranged for the chef at home to make a table of delicious dishes, which Ruan Su liked to eat.

Ye Lingzhi just came over to give old lady Ye some supplements, but when he saw that the main house made such a large table of dishes, he suddenly said sourly, "Grandma, is there any happy event today?"

Mrs. Ye glanced at her, "It's nothing, but Xiao Su will come back for dinner tonight. Oh, or you can stay. There are too many people and lively."

Ye Lingzhi felt uncomfortable when she said that Ruan Su came back for dinner.

Obviously a granddaughter, they are the surname Ye, OK? Ruan Su is just a foreigner, okay?

Why are you so favored?

Feeling uncomfortable, she didn't dare to show it.

But she didn't want to make Ruan Su too comfortable, especially the last time about perfume, which caused her to be unable to mix herself in the perfume industry now. She had to squat at home and receive the little pocket money. She felt even more uncomfortable.

She smiled and sat down by the dining table, "Or I call Xinyun and Junmei over, too, our sisters haven't had dinner with Ruan Su for a long time."

"Okay, there are many dishes prepared anyway. It just so happens that your little aunt is back." The old lady Ye did not reject Ye Lingzhi's proposal, "Call those two girls."

Ye Junmei and Ye Xinyun came over soon, and as soon as they entered the door they smelled the scent of sub-food.

"Grandma, how did you make so many delicious foods?" Ye Xinyun smiled, holding a pot of Yunzhu in his hand.

"It's not for you girls to relieve their greed." The old lady Ye smiled, and her eyes fell on the pot of Yunzhu, "Oh, how can this Yunzhu be raised so well?"

"That's why I prepared to give it to grandma!" Ye Xinyun handed Yunzhu to the servant, "If I don't raise it well, how can I give it away?"

"You girl will please me." Mrs. Ye likes to grow flowers, but her technique of growing flowers is not very good. She always raises them in a short time.

Ye Lingzhi secretly scorned and flattered.

Ye Junmei smiled and said nothing.

Isn't it just a matter of abilities to make old ladies happy?

When Ruan Su came back, he saw the three sisters of the Ye family sitting neatly, and the old lady Ye, the old man Ye and Ye Yanli from Song Jiayan.

Such a bunch of people are waiting for herself.

After washing her hands, she went directly to the table and sat next to Mrs. Ye.

"Okay, Xiao Su is back, let's all start together." Mrs. Ye gave an order, so everyone picked up the chopsticks one after another.

Ye Yanli glanced at Ruan Su, "What is Miss Zhuang looking for?"

Ruan Su didn't intend to let Ye Junmei and Ye Xinyun know such details, so he said, "A little thing, ask me to go shopping tomorrow!"

"Yes, yes, you should get along with your friends more, so as not to be so boring." Mrs. Ye agreed with her to move around with Zhuang Xiaoyue more.

Ruan Su picked up some vegetables for Mrs. Ye, then a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "I see, grandma."

Seeing Ruan Su and the old lady Ye interact so warmly, Ye Lingzhi was jealous to death.

But she had made such a big mistake before, so she didn't dare to speak, she could only watch and feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, she regrets a little bit. Why did she come to see people show off her grandparents' love?

Find abuse by yourself.

It's ridiculous.

Ye Xinyun and Ye Junmei didn't say anything, they just looked at Ruan Su and Mrs. Ye with a smile, but they inevitably felt a little sour in their hearts.

After all, Mrs. Ye liked this kind of thing, and everyone wanted to do it.

It’s just that it has to be done secretly and without traces, not so obvious, which is very difficult.

Why! People like Ruan Su are born to be liked by old ladies.

They are incomparable.

In the presidential palace at this time, Bo Xingzhi was having dinner with the president.

He didn't have any appetite, so he only moved a few chopsticks and wiped the corners of his lips with a tissue.

The president glanced at him displeased, "What? Are you reluctant to accompany my father to dinner?"

This... Isn't it okay to find trouble?

Bo Xingzhi sighed silently, "Your menopause is coming."

The president's face suddenly became more gloomy, "This is the tone you use to speak to your father? What about your upbringing?"

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows, "What is upbringing? I have no father and no mother since I was a child, so I'm sorry no one educates me."

"You!" The president was so angry that he almost choked to death when he was stopped by Bo Xing.

This stinky boy, deliberately, he must be deliberate.

He won't stop if he doesn't **** himself off.

One day I will be **** off by this kid.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he patted the table fiercely with a "pop", "What do you want? You haven't been back in a few days. It's so difficult for me to ask you to come back? When you come back, you give me a bad face. What do you want to do?"

Bo Xingzhi sneered, "Why don't you want to do it."

The whole restaurant is filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

The servants bowed their heads, all silent, afraid to look at their father and son for fear of being affected by the president's anger.

"Come with me to an important meeting tomorrow." The president threw his chopsticks on the table severely, dropped these words and turned away.

It was all caused by that Ruan Su. If there was no such bitch, the son would be 100% obedient to him, and the father would be kind and filial.

The more he thinks, the more angry he gets, this Ye Family! It seems that I can't stay!

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