Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 797: The temporary separation is for the future

Ruan Su was taken aback, he couldn't help but shook his head helplessly, and quickly took a photo of Bo Xingzhi and sent it to him.

"It's eating dinner, have you eaten it?"

"The food at Grandma's house looks so delicious." Bo Xingzhi replied in an unspeakable, semi-coquettish tone.

"When you are free, I will bring you over to eat." Ruan Su returned to him.

"I am by the door."

As a result... the next second she saw the message that Bo Xingzhi came back, and she almost didn't spit out the soup just after taking a sip.

She stood up abruptly, with a hint of embarrassment on her face, "Grandma, uncle, you eat first, I'll go out."

Old lady Ye gave her a strange look, "What's wrong? Xiao Su? What happened?"

"Oh, nothing. I'll come as soon as I go." After Ruan Su finished speaking, he went straight out of the restaurant and went straight to the courtyard outside.

But Yejia Manor is quite big. It was too much time for her to walk out on her legs. This time is just for food. The tourist bus driver of Ye's family was also eating, she had to unscrew the key by herself and drove the small tourist bus to the gate.

From a distance, I saw a black car parked there quietly. Ruan Su got out of the sightseeing car and looked helplessly at the handsome face behind the slowly lowering window.

"Are you crazy? You ran here? Hey, no, the president would let you out?"

She glanced suspiciously at Bo Xingzhi, "He has such a big heart?"

"I'm here to visit the old lady and old man." Bo Xingzhi's thin lips opened slightly, and he slowly uttered such a sentence.

Ruan Su was stunned again, an incredible flash of light flashed across his face, "What are you talking about?"

"It's going to be Mid-Autumn Festival. As the grandson-in-law of the Ye family, it is only natural for me to come to visit the elders, so... dear Miss Ruan, take me in."

Bo Xingzhi got out of the car and sat directly on the sightseeing car that Ruan Su drove over.

There are several seats on the sightseeing bus, and it is still that kind of open air. A big man with his height and long legs sits on it, and it seems a bit funny.

Dressed up in his outfit, no matter how he looks, it doesn't fit well with a sightseeing car.

But Ruan Su really has nothing to do with him, "Forget it, anyway, we are a legal husband and wife. There is no reason why you should not come to visit relatives?"

She drove the small sightseeing car and adjusted her head, and walked deep into the manor with Bo Xingzhi.

Song Yan also drove into the manor quickly.


The Ye family members who were eating were shocked!

After hearing that Bo Xingzhi had come, they were too embarrassed to eat, and hurried to greet them.

I just saw the servants coming in and out and starting to carry gifts, one after another high-end gifts of high value were moved to the living room, and a man came to them with the big palm of Ruan Su's small hand.

"Grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt. I'm sorry I haven't come to visit you until now. These are some Mid-Autumn Festival gifts, I hope you can accept them."

The man wore a black suit. The original handsome face might be due to Ruan Su being by his side. He looked extraordinarily soft, with a restrained hostility and seriousness.

The Ye family was shocked again.

It took a while for old lady Ye to slow down, and smiled and said, "It's all my family, what are you polite? Come in. We are having dinner, have you eaten?"

Bo Xingzhi shook his head, "I came out hastily and didn't eat."

"That's just right, add a pair of chopsticks and a chair. You sit next to Xiao Su." Old lady Ye greeted him with a smile, "Don't bring so many gifts next time. It's too strange."

"I see, grandma." Bo Xingzhi lowered his head in response.

Seeing him so obedient, the old lady was even more energetic.

"Go, go in and eat quickly."

As she talked, she thought to herself, fortunately, the food we cooked today was pretty good. It would be shameful if she did mediocre.

They are now the son of the president, but... he and Xiao Su, hey!

Forget it, I don't want to.

The atmosphere of the dinner suddenly became a bit strange because of Bo Xingzhi's joining. After all, everyone was a little bit obstructed by his identity and didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Especially the three sisters of the Ye family, it was the first time that they saw Bo Xingzhi up close, and couldn't help but marvel again.

This man is too handsome!

The facial features are three-dimensional and deep, with almost no shortcomings. It is simply the most perfect and outstanding work of the Creator.

Especially the aura of that body, the aura is so strong that people can't ignore it.

But thinking about Ruan Su's horrible appearance, the three of them instantly balanced.

Only a woman such as Ruan Su 666 can control such a man of great arrogance, right?

After eating a meal, Bo Xingzhe always speaks slowly, helping Ruan Su to peel a shrimp and pick up a dish from time to time.

After the meal, he chatted with Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye for a while.

When Mr. Ye invited him to play chess, he readily agreed.

For this grandson-in-law, Mrs. Ye was naturally satisfied.

But the president's attitude towards their Ye family is obviously... hey! Old lady Ye sighed as she watched the two players playing chess not far away, "Does the president still disagree?"

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't agree. Sooner or later he will agree." Ruan Su pulled her hand, "Don't worry."

These things were nothing at all to the big storms and waves that she and Bo Xingzhi had experienced.

The night was getting deeper, and Bo Xingzhi stood up, "Grandma and grandpa, I will visit you another day. I will go back today."

"Or don't go back, just stay here." Mrs. Ye enthusiastically kept him.

But the man took a deep look at Ruan Su, "No, you guys hurry up and rest, Xiao Su will send me off."

Elder Ye said quickly, "Yes, yes, Xiao Su, send it off to Ah Zhi."

So the two went straight out of the living room and walked into the courtyard.

As soon as she left the house, the man's big hand held her small hand, and Siamese babies generally walked in the courtyard.

The moonlight shone down, with a hint of quietness.

Ruan Su didn't drive a sightseeing car this time, but walked forward with him. Although the road to the gate was long, she didn't feel tired at all.

I don't want to be separated, I don't want to let go.

"Wait for me." Bo Xingzhi looked at her delicate eyebrows softly, he must succeed in seizing power.

Then freely control your own life.

"I believe you, it will be possible." Ruan Su bent his eyebrows toward him. "I have never been nervous or worried, because I have always believed in your abilities."

The man couldn't help holding her in his arms, "Thank you."

The temporary separation is for the future.

His breath got closer and closer, and the familiar and clear male breath instantly wrapped the slender figure in his arms.

Ruan Su only felt the man's thin lips lightly burned to his own.

Song Yan got into the car a step ahead of time, leaving this rare space for the two of them.

I don't know how long it took, Bo Xingzhi panted and let go of Ruan Su, his voice hoarse and sexy, "My wife, one day we will win."

"I know, you... hurry back." Ruan Su suspected that his body would explode on the spot if he didn't leave. As soon as she raised her eyes, she met the man's unbearable black eyes, which was filled with flames that almost wanted to crush her.

Full of strong aggressiveness and possessiveness.

After watching the man get in the car, Ruan Su slowly turned and walked towards the manor.

The night was as cold as water, and the moonlight seemed to cast a light tulle on the whole world.

She raised her hand and stroked her lips that were visibly red and swollen from the kiss.

This man... can't he be gentle?

The opening ceremony of the fashion week came soon. Ruan Su and Song Jiayan and Ye Weili rode in a car together, and the three Ye Family sisters rode in another car.

The whole family headed towards the scene of Fashion Week in a mighty manner.

"I heard that the opening show is the Gaia Legend series of Brand X." Song Jiayan leaned in front of Ruan Su with great interest. "The show is beautifully arranged, really?"

Ruan Su nodded, "Well, I did the site design."

Song Jiayan exclaimed, "Why are you so great?"

As soon as she heard that the venue was designed by Ruan Su herself, she was even more looking forward to it.

Soon, everyone came to the show. I went directly to the venue of the opening show.

When she saw the venue, Song Jiayan was shocked.

"This is too beautiful, right?"

Different from a pure catwalk fashion show, the X brand, as always, perfectly blends Chinese aesthetics with Western fashion tailoring.

From the carefully crafted venue selection, the large show scenery, the theme music selection, model makeup, and clothing collocation, all are integrated, presenting the artistry of the fashion show from point to surface, connecting fashion and culture with a story. It presents a fashion show of top international artistic level.

This show uses the concept of the earth to restore a beautiful way of oriental life.

And the design of the venue is perfect! The site design transitions from the ocean to the land, with the main purpose of restoring the most primitive state of things and the beauty of nature, interpreting the admiration and respect for life.

Including the scenery and stage art in the venue, the team also made innovations and breakthroughs, presenting a grand scene design. The unattainable natural scenes, such as mountains and rivers, flowers, birds, flying butterflies, rainforest vegetation, and ancient trees, etc. are all moved into the site. The scene is magnificent and conveys a yearning for nature and peace.

Not only Song Jiayan, but almost all the guests present showed admiration. The opening show was really amazing!

The three sisters of the Ye family also looked around and looked forward to the performance of the models in the future.

Because it was the opening show, almost all the guests came here for the first stop.

Ling Wei's snow face was ruined and naturally she did not dare to appear, so it was Ling Qingran and Mrs. Ling Er who showed their faces in the Ling family.

The mother and daughter saw the Ye family's group from a distance, and their complexions suddenly became difficult to look at.

Ling Qingran stared at Ruan Su's slender figure bitterly, "Mom, they really came."

"Don't worry, I will make them look good later." Mrs. Ling Er pulled out a sneer at the corner of her mouth, "I'll arrange it right away."

After speaking, she walked aside and made a call. After a few minutes, she returned to Ling Qingran, "Everything is arranged."

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