Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 808: Slap on the face! I don't seem to know you anymore!

Ruan Su turned his head when he heard the somewhat familiar voice, and finally saw Mrs. Ling Er and Ling Qingran's mother and daughter.

It's really a narrow road.

She glanced at the mother and daughter with indifferent eyes, and saw that the mother and daughter were dressed more gorgeously, one more gorgeously dressed, as if they were not participating in a cultural fair, but a beauty pageant.

Ruan Su was shocked, but thinking about the mother and daughter's usual style, she felt that they were very in line with their personalities.

She suppressed her expression and quietly looked at the mother and daughter walking towards her.

"What's up?"

Her voice was extremely cold, as if the two women were strangers.

Ling Qingran smiled very enchantingly, looked up and down Ruan Su with contempt, and then said for a while, "Miss Ruan, are you here to participate in the ICIF? Is this... too casual? Isn't it detrimental to your designer's name? what?"

"Clothes, it's good to be comfortable. It doesn't have to be a dress with a big-name makeup. It's nothing more than external things." Ruan Su said calmly. She looks good, but in fact she looks good in everything she wears.

Even the basic white shirt and jeans look unique to her, she has a special temperament.

Mrs. Ling's second wife looked at Ruan Su without a smile, "Miss Ruan is right. You said I want to take off the RL haute couture dress and put on ordinary clothes!"

When she deliberately said the RL brand, she emphasized the words a little bit, focusing on the brand.

It seems to be deliberately showing off.

Ruan Su didn't bother to fight with them any more, and gave a faint glance.

"If I remember correctly, these two dresses seem to be the high-end RL brand last year. Is it a bit outdated to wear this year?"

Mrs. Ling's face flushed immediately, "You..."

"After all, I am a designer and know the market well." Ruan Su looked at Shang Lingxiao next to him after speaking, "Brother, let's go."

When Ling Qingran heard Ruan Su's words, he immediately looked at Shang Lingxiao, a stunning, handsome man flashed across her eyes!

Why is such a handsome man with Ruan Su?

There was a small deer bumping in her heart, and she hurriedly stopped in front of Shang Lingxiao, "This gentleman...wait for a calligraphy competition, I can invite you together..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Shang Lingxiao, "Sorry, no."

After he finished speaking, he stepped on his slender legs and walked forward. Ruan Su smiled at Ling Qingran, "This is my brother. He has a wife and children, so give up."

"You! What are you proud of?" Ling Qingran stomped his feet with anger, only the little San'er who didn't work hard, and there was no corner that couldn't move.

She rolled her eyes with anger.

She must get such a handsome man.

She is so rich, she is still rich and beautiful, even if she spends the money, she will make the man willing.

She secretly made up her mind, took out her mobile phone and took a photo of Shang Lingxiao, and sent it to a private detective she knew well.

"Help me find out who this man is."

The detective answered her directly, "My mother! Are you crazy? You don't know him?"

"Is he famous?" Ling Qingran was stunned.

"Shang Lingxiao, the president of the Shang Group, the king of the Kingdom of Fashion, don't you know? Ma, my eldest lady, your news is too closed!"

"Shang Lingxiao..." Ling Qingran held the phone for a long time and couldn't recover, staring at Shang Lingxiao's back and was fascinated. "

Mom, this man is so handsome, it turned out to be Shang Lingxiao..."

Mrs. Ling's face that had spent a lot of money on maintenance was taken aback, "What are you talking about? Shang Lingxiao? If you can become his wife..."

"But... Ruan Su said he has a wife and children. Why do I not believe it? If he does, he will not be in the news? Ruan Su must have deliberately lied to me." Ling Qingran said angrily, "I don't care, I want to get him. ."

"When we go home, let's go to the calligraphy competition first." Mrs. Ling lowered her voice and pulled Ling Qingran's arm. "There are so many people here, it's not helpful to say more."

After all, the mother and daughter walked towards the calligraphy competition venue.

Ling Qingran stepped on high heels with full confidence. She has been learning calligraphy since she was a child and thinks that she has made great achievements in calligraphy, so she will participate in almost every ICIF, and she is also well-known in the calligraphy circle.

Her master Dai Su also respected her very much and was proud of her.

At this time, Dai Shou was sitting on the stage accepting compliments from some juniors. He enjoyed this feeling very much.

Seeing his beloved disciple coming from a distance, he stretched out his hand to wave to Ling Qingran, "Qingran, come here quickly. Sit next to the master."

Ling Qingran smiled and nodded, and walked towards him, "Master, how is your body recently?"

Dai Shou smiled and drank a sip of tea, "Oh, it's still the same."

After Ling Qingran’s mother and daughter sat down, she looked around without a trace, and then whispered to Ling Qingran’s ear and said, “Today, the apprentice of the old man will also appear, so you must behave well and take the old man’s apprentice Give it a try."

Dai Shou and Wen Lao have never dealt with each other. As the big names in the painting and calligraphy circles of country M, they have been compared by the outside world for many years, and Wen Lao is always slightly better.

Dai Shou had been upset and depressed for many years, and later he accepted Ling Qingran as an apprentice, but it made him enjoyable for a long time.

After all, the young lady of the Ling family is also very talented in calligraphy, which makes him feel very face-saving among the big names in the painting and calligraphy circles. After all, not every apprentice has a good family background and is talented.

Ling Qingran glanced at the crowds of people on the venue with great confidence, and said disapprovingly, "Master, don't worry, I am definitely the best one."

When Dai Shou saw her so confident, he felt a lot more comfortable. He had been very nervous before.

After all, famous teachers make good students.

"I heard that it was a closed disciple of Mr. Wen, who came to participate in the ICIF on behalf of Mr. Wen."

"Closed disciple? Funny, who has an excellent disciple who doesn't want to show it off and pave the way for the disciple's future. The old man still hides it and only takes it out now. It must be because this disciple can't take it out." Ling Qingran The more disapproving, thinking that this closed disciple must be rubbish.

Mrs. Ling Er also looked proud, "Dai Lao, don’t worry, Qingran is the best. In previous calligraphy competitions, Qingran was clearly among the top spears. This year, you can rest assured that the first place is still our Qingran. ."

Dai Shou smiled and took a sip of Longjing, "That's right, I was too high to look at the closed disciple, and I must not have a clear level."

"It's all because of your teacher's good guidance." Mrs. Ling Er hurriedly slapped Dai Shou's flattery.

She knows that Dai Shou loves to listen to this set of good obedience.

Sure enough, Dai Shou was very happy, "Qingran, you must play well when you wait for the game."

Not only are the three of them curious about the so-called closed disciple of the old man, others are also curious.

After all, everyone on calligraphy came from all over the country, and almost all brought their own disciples.

They have already become famous so they won't go down the game. They usually play with their disciples.

Old Wen's other apprentices didn't come, so they didn't know who to ask if they wanted to ask.

Can only hold back curiosity and wait patiently.

So when they saw Shang Lingxiao and Ruan Su walk in together, they were not surprised.

They are waiting for the so-called closed disciple of the old man.

But wait and wait, everyone is here, and the host invited by the organizer has already come on stage to announce the start, "Please enter the contestants, please observe the number plate in your hand, the above is the seat number, please check in. ."

Ruan Su looked at the number plate he received, number 15.

She said to Shang Lingxiao, "I went to the competition venue. Just wait for me here."

Shang Lingxiao nodded, "The flag is triumphant."

"It doesn't matter, the most important thing is to participate, just give the teacher an explanation." Ruan Su didn't care about whether he was ranked or not.

She has practiced calligraphy for many years, but she has been very busy in recent years, and she is not very good at practicing calligraphy.

Ling Qingran's number plate happened to be number 16, and she sat next to Ruan Su.

I saw Ruan Su sitting on the 15th position.

She stared at Ruan Su in shock, "Is there anything wrong? Did you come here to be funny? Are you still participating in the competition?"

Ruan Su glanced at her coldly, "You can come, why can't I come?"

Glancing at Ling Qingran’s luxurious dress, Ruan Su’s lips outlines a nasty smile, "You are dressed so beautifully, so gorgeous, wait for the ink to get on the dress, your dress will become a one-off. ."

"You crow's mouth, don't curse me!" Ling Qingran rolled his eyes in disdain, "The first one is definitely mine. You are here to make up the number."

"Well, you're right, I'm here to make up the number." Ruan Su didn't want to argue with her, but directly swept the rice paper and brush in front of him.

The host began to introduce the personal profiles of each contestant.

When Ruan Su was introduced, the host was obviously taken aback, "The contestant No. 15 turned out to be Mr. Wen’s closed disciple, Ruan Su!"

The host’s expression was a little shocked, “Ms. Ruan, as the daughter of the Ye family, is still a disciple of Old Wen? This is too surprising. I hope she can perform at an excellent level today.”

The host's words fell, and there was an uproar.

Everyone looked at Ruan Su in shock, "My mother! Ye family's daughter?"

"How could she be Old Wen's apprentice?"

"The closed disciple of Mr. Wen heard that it is very mysterious..."

"The young lady from the Ling family is very powerful, and she ranks first every year."

"I think Miss Ling's family is still number one this year."

Ling Qingran's eyes widened, "Are you a disciple of Old Wen? It's ridiculous! Miss Ruan, I don't seem to know you anymore!"

Ruan Su is a woman who can design clothes, but she can't do calligraphy, right?

How can a person be the top pick?

Ling Qingran suddenly swelled, and looked down upon Ruan Su more and more.

Ruan Su was noncommittal, "I don't seem to know you anymore! Miss Ling Er."

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