Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 810: Absolutely! What a jerk!

Appreciating running calligraphy is a kind of pleasant enjoyment, especially to appreciate a good pair of works, it is simply the ultimate pleasure of beauty.

And now everyone is staring at Ruan Su's running script, and admiration keeps coming out, "It's perfect!"

"This is simply the arrival of the great calligraphers in ancient times!"

"It's really amazing, amazing. If I could write such perfect calligraphy, I would wake up with a smile in my dreams."

"How much is this running script?"

"My mother! 9.9 points!"

"This is the highest score ever, isn't it?"

"The highest score in previous years was 9.8 points early. This is the first time that it scored 9.9 points."

"She scored 9.8 points for one pair this year, and 9.9 points for the other pair. She is really amazing. I admire her."

Mrs. Ling buzzed in her ears, "What?"

There was a burst of dizziness, and she almost couldn't stand still. If Ling Qingran hadn't walked over to support her, she would really have been fainted with anger.

Ruan Su is so powerful? So great?

Her calligraphy... has been recognized by so many people?

"Mom...what's wrong with you?" Ling Qingran helped Mrs. Ling to walk aside and sit down, "Mom, don't scare me."

"Clearly..." Mrs. Ling Er took a long time to calm her emotions, "Is Ruan Su really so powerful?"

Ling Qingran's face was earthy, staring angrily at the two works by Ruan Su, "She was just lucky and wrote two fonts. That's why the judges gave her a high score. Mom, don't worry, there will be a drawing competition later. No matter what I paint, I am very good at it."

Losing such a game does not mean she lost at the venue.

Dai Shou also walked over from the judges' bench at this time, looking at Ling Qingran with a trace of dissatisfaction, "What's the matter with you? Can't you even perform at your normal level? Ruan Su is a tiger? Can I eat you? No? What are you afraid of?"

This time my apprentice was so embarrassed that he only got so little points.

But Dai Su was furious.

He glanced at Ruan Su, who was holding the trophy in his hand, and his chest seemed to be blocked by a big stone. Why is his apprentice inferior to the apprentice of the old man?

Especially that hand-written official script, ordinary people really can't write it.

The official script seems simple and easy to learn, but it is not easy to write well.

Few contestants in this competition wrote official scripts.

Not to mention writing so well like Ruan Su!

The host smiled and announced the results of the first Ruan Su, and then announced, "After half an hour, the drawing competition officially starts. The contestants can take a break first. Then make a little preparation."

After speaking, the host went down.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi came to the rest area together, she brought a glass of red wine to the man, "Aren't you busy this afternoon?"

Bo Xingzhi looked at her dozingly, took a sip of the red wine, and pressed her thin lips, "Well, the rest of the time is not busy."

"Young Shao Bo really has a leisurely sentiment." Shang Lingxiao walked over from a distance, gently shaking the red wine glass in his hand, "Why? Came here to accompany Xiao Su?"

He couldn't see Bo Xingzhi being alone with Ruan Su.

He felt uncomfortable when he saw that he felt uncomfortable.

Just want to come over and get a kick.

Ruan Su felt that what Shang Lingxiao said was a bit yin and yang, weird, but she couldn't tell what was weird.

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyelids and glanced at Shang Lingxiao, "It is not the same with President Shang, who came here to participate in the ICIF. Is Lao Wen's health better?"

"Teacher's body is OK." Shang Lingxiao smiled, "We can visit the teacher together another day. Speaking of which... Xiao Su didn't even introduce you to the teacher!"

Thin line stopped the chest choking.

Ruan Su slightly raised his neck and looked at the handsome face of the man, "Wait until the ICIF is over. You can accompany me to the nursing home."

What Shang Lingxiao said was that Ruan Su didn't introduce Bo Xingzhi to relatives and friends.

But what he didn't know was that Bo Xingzhi had already gone to Ye's family to walk past relatives, and all the Mid-Autumn Festival gifts had been delivered to Ye's family.

"Good." Bo Xingzhida grasped her little hand, "I listen to you. Whatever you say is fine."

Shang Lingxiao stared jealously at the hands between the two of them, feeling as uncomfortable as knocking over a five-flavored bottle.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Ruan Su walked towards the painting competition venue with the contestants.

Ling Qingran was also in the crowd. She stared angrily at Ruan Su's back. She checked it online just now.

Ruan Su was very famous when he was in H Empire, not only a designer, but also the very, very famous Master Su.

A painting by Master Su is worth hundreds of millions.

Ling Qingran felt very uncomfortable, and she was not the kind of person who was blocked from news.

Now that she knows Ruan Su's ability in painting, she just wants to smash it fiercely! Ruan Su fiercely stepped into the dust!

Dai Shou had already quietly told her about the theme of this competition, and she had already thought about how to write around this theme in her heart.

She is confident now.

Knowing the theme of the competition in advance, it is a step ahead of these contestants.

Moreover, she has better plans.

Thinking of waiting for Ruan Su's situation, she couldn't help laughing.

Ruan Su ah Ruan Su, clever women can't cook without rice, let me see what you do later.

Soon almost all the contestants entered the arena and all took their seats.

Ruan Su also sat on his 15th seat, Ling Qingran still on the 16th, and the two seats were close together.

The host stood on the stage and began to announce the theme of the painting competition.

"The theme of our painting competition today is flowers, birds, insects and fish."

"Please imagine and create on your own. The creation time is two hours. If you finish ahead of time, you can hand in your work ahead of time. Okay, the next game officially starts."

Flowers, birds, insects and fish are something that every painter has painted, and many who learn to paint will practice flowers, birds, insects and fish from an early age.

It is nothing to paint lifelike, the most important thing is to paint beautifully, and the artistic conception is beautiful.

Ruan Sulue started to write after thinking about it. She is good at traditional Chinese painting, as well as gouache or oil painting. She is good at every classification of painting, but this time she chose Chinese painting.

She looked serious and held a paintbrush in her hand. However, when she had finished sketching the prototype and was preparing to paint, she found that the paints in front of her were of inferior quality. The colors were very strange, some of them couldn't even come out. color.

She sneered and rang the call bell directly, and the staff quickly came over. "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

"I can't use these paints. I hope I can change them for me." Ruan Su said, pointing to the paints in front of him.

The staff showed an apologetic look, "I'm sorry, this player, all our paint is allocated to each player according to the highest standards, so there is no inferiority."

"You mean there is no way to replace it for me?" Ruan Su looked slightly cold and glanced at him lightly.

The staff member still looked sorry, "I'm sorry, these paints are the best."

It seems that Ruan Su is deliberately doing things.

Ruan Su nodded, "I see."

She directly discarded this copy of her own, and then began to sketch again.

Almost none of the paints on her hand can be used. She did not paint anything. She painted a peony alone.

A bright peony, after painting, she directly bit her finger, using blood as the paint, that brilliant peony was as red as blood!

And she added a black insect on the peony, and the insect doesn't need paint at all.

Peony arbitrarily depicts, the finishing touch of insects.

It fully embodies the superb skills of Ruan Su.

Especially the scorching peony, it almost burned everyone's eyes.

After Ruan Su finished painting, he directly handed in the work.

She draws quickly and delivers quickly.

Ling Qingran has been sketching out his own works, and has not paid attention to Ruan Su at all.

Because she believed Ruan Su would definitely not work! It must be extremely **** this time.

After all, she specially equipped Ruan Su with the most **** paint, which could not be used at all. She also bought the staff and refused to replace Ruan Su.

Sitting outside the court and watching Bo Xingzhi, he silently squeezed a sweat for Ruan Su after discovering that Ruan Su's paint was not working.

Shang Lingxiao also narrowed his eyes.

Why do so many people only have problems with Ruan Su's paint?

He thought of conspiracy theories for the first time.

It's just that he has no evidence, so he didn't say or do anything.

Bo Xingzhi's gaze fell on the staff member who refused to change the paint for Ruan Su. The staff member was a young man with a normal expression and no problem.

Intuition tells him that things are not simple.

After Ruan Su handed in the work, he sat next to Bo Xingzhi, "It doesn't matter, I think I painted well."

"Isn't it just a cultural fair? It doesn't matter if you don't get the ranking, it won't hurt your reputation as Master Su." Shang Lingxiao comforted Ruan Su half-jokingly.

Bo Xingzhi held Ruan Su's hand, "I support you. You are the best in my heart."

The jury started a routine scoring and commented on these entries.

Ling Qingran was sitting next to Mrs. Ling's second wife, and from time to time she glanced at Ruan Su not far away as a winner.

Mrs. Ling Er was still a little uneasy, she always felt that Ruan Suxie was very good at it, "Qingran, how do you think you perform?"

"Very good. After the teacher told me the subject, I brewed it in my heart, and I wrote it directly during the game, which was very smooth. I think I can get a high score."

Ling Qingran was very confident, especially after she knew that Ruan Su had no paint available, she became more and more proud.

It's just that her face is still calm.

Can't let anyone see her true inner thoughts.

Dai Shou also felt more comfortable. After all, he revealed the subject to Ling Qingran in advance, so he wouldn't return to Waterloo, right?

He thought so in his heart, but there was a painting that attracted his attention.

He was taken aback for a moment, and he was so beautiful!

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