Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 821: Those are two beasts!

Ruan Su heard that the dealer has a good relationship with the Jing family, especially the solemnity is very good at camping, and Jing Sa usually walks a lot.

It is one of Jing Sa's eyes and ears, but the person solemn is very close to the source, and has a good relationship with the Ye Family, at least with Ye Yanli.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Jing Cancan and Zhuang Xiaoyue have a good relationship.

Ruan Su sat opposite to Zhuang Xiaoyue, facing Jing Cancan. She looked at Jing Cancan and found that this girl was about the same age as Zhuang Xiaoyue, but her attitude and temperament were quite different.

After Jing Cancan noticed Ruan Su's gaze, he couldn't help but shrank, and while lowering his head, he stretched out his hand and scratched his hair, his expression was very shy and unnatural.

She has never been accustomed to seeing strangers, even if she is of the same sex, she is a bit shy.

Especially when Ruan Su in front of him was so bright and beautiful, Jing Cancan couldn't help feeling a little stressed and embarrassed.

It was the first time she had seen a woman who was more beautiful than her aunt when she grew up. She always thought that aunt Jingsa was the most beautiful woman in the entire M Empire.

But now... she had doubts, because Ruan Su in front of her was more beautiful, more beautiful and more elegant.

"Hello, I'm Ruan Su, I'm glad to meet you." Ruan Su stretched out his right hand toward Jing Cancan and greeted her openly.

Jing Cancan hesitated for a while before reaching out his hand, and then gently touched Ruan Su's hand and then retracted, his voice was also very small, "Hello."

"Cancan, what do you want to eat? I'll help you order it." Zhuang Xiaoyue greeted Jing Cancan enthusiastically, "Do you want to eat yellow throat? Or hairy belly? Or... some vegetarian dishes? Tofu skin? Seaweed. Category?"

"I...I'm fine." Jing Cancan's voice became even smaller, and she lowered her head and began to take out her mobile phone.

Because it is a hot pot restaurant, it is now a meal. The hot pot restaurant’s business is also very good, with loud voices and very noisy.

Jing Cancan felt a little uncomfortable, and leaned closer to the familiar Zhuang Xiaoyue.

Ruan Su looked at her kind of cute little gesture, and thought this girl was quite interesting.

She began to take a close look at Jing Cancan's face, her small face was so beautiful, she was not at the level of a big beauty, but also considered Xiaojiabiyu, with sadness shrouded in her brows.

The girl had a trace of sadness on her face, so she was not a cheerful person at first, but with the blessing of depression in the later period, her mood became more and more gloomy.

Some people's depression may have touched a certain point. Ruan Su thought of a news she read yesterday, "Because the head teacher is so beautiful, a 9-year-old girl suffers from depression."

The girl felt that she was ugly and dark, and the head teacher was so beautiful that she suffered from depression over time.

At what point is Jing Cancan depressed?

Depression is difficult to treat and it is difficult to get out. If you get out, it will be a bright spring, and if you do not get out, it will be a dark seabed, and you will never be able to get to the shore.

It's just... Ruan Su vaguely smelled a trace of charm on Jing Cancan's body. Is her depression man-made?

With the status of the Jing family, who would harm the Jing family's daughter?

Especially Jing Sa's woman is powerful, wealthy and powerful, and one person is more than ten thousand. Who dares to harm her niece?

Ruan Su didn't think much about other things, because at this time the waiter began to serve the dishes, and the various dishes ordered by the three of them were neatly placed on the table.

After ordering Yuanyang pot, Jing Cancan can't eat chili, so she can only eat non-spicy mushroom soup pot bottom.

But this did not affect Zhuang Xiaoyue and Ruan Su's spicy pot.

A layer of red chili floats at the bottom of the butter hot pot, and a faint hot pot aroma floats in the nose, the aroma is alluring.

"Come here, hurry up to cook the food and eat hot pot." Zhuang Xiaoyue grinned and began to rinse the duck blood, while Ruan Su began to rinse the hairy belly.

Jing Cancan likes to be vegetarian. She ordered a few vegetarian dishes and began to cook them in her own pot.

The atmosphere suddenly warmed up. Ruan Su drew a happy blessing charm with his free hand while eating the shaved hairy belly while everyone was not paying attention. In the body.

The spell is transparent and no one can see it.

Jing Cancan didn't feel anything strange about him, as if there was a gust of wind blowing in from the door?

She continued to eat. After eating for a while, she didn't know why she suddenly felt that there was no taste in her mouth, and she had a desire to eat meat.

She licked her ruddy lips, her voice was still small, "I want to eat that lamb roll."

The plate of mutton rolls is a bit far away from her, on Ruan Su's side.

Zhuang Xiaoyue looked at her in surprise, "Aren't you vegetarian? What's going on today?"

Ruan Su looked at Jing Cancan with a pair of clear eyes, the other party's face turned red slightly, "I don't know, I just want to eat a little..."

Zhuang Xiaoyue didn't say anything, but took the chopsticks, stretched out the chopsticks and helped Jing Cancan pick up a chopsticks lamb roll and threw it into the mushroom pot.

Jing Cancan's face was even redder, "I still want to eat beef rolls."

The beef roll was in front of Zhuang Xiaoyue, not far from Jing Cancan, she said, she also added a little beef roll for herself.

After the sandwiching, he cooked two peeing beef **** for himself.


Zhuang Xiaoyue was even more surprised, "You have a big appetite today, do you think Miss Ruan is beautiful, so you are in a good mood?"

Ruan Su's always cold face showed a faint smile, and felt a bit of accomplishment for Jing Cancan's immediate change.

She set up another tracking copy and took pictures of Jing Cancan. She wanted to know what happened to this girl.

She wants to know those things that Jing's family hides even more!

This tracking copy symbol will follow Jing Cancan all the way, copy all the things that happened to Jing Cancan to Ruan Su's eyes, so it is very convenient to use.

She had just used this spell a few days ago, it was considered one of the most advanced spells, and it was very troublesome to learn.

Jing Cancan ate a lot, Ruan Su didn't pay much attention to her, but started chatting with Zhuang Xiaoyue.

"I haven't seen you since the fashion show, what are you doing recently?"

Zhuang Xiaoyue curled her eyebrows, but she complained in her tone, "Don't mention it, Zhuang Mingming and her mother are just cross-street rats in my house now. My dad never listens to their mother and daughter's support anymore. I feel good at home. Recently I followed my brother in the company to learn how to manage the company. Oh, I’m exhausted."

Ruan Su's extremely beautiful facial features reveal a different kind of sophistication under the lamp, Jing Cancan glanced at Ruan Su silently, she is so beautiful!

Even if she only wears a simple white shirt, blue jeans can be worn by her in a different style.

She was a little shy, afraid of being noticed by Ruan Su, so she hurriedly lowered her head and continued to cook.

Ruan Su was so sensitive that she had already noticed the peer's peeking eyes, but she pretended not to know.

She helped Zhuang Xiaoyue get a ball, "Your brother is pretty good."

At least when it comes to this sister, solemnity is true.

"There are two older brothers on Cancan!" Zhuang Xiaoyue pouted and glanced at Jing Cancan.

Jing Cancan was called out suddenly, his expression became stiff, and his expression was a little flustered, "My brother...My brother said he would come and pick me up after dinner."

As soon as her voice fell, the phone rang.

"Second brother, I'm almost done eating, I'll go to the parking lot after eating."

Her voice was very nervous, she didn't have the intimacy and squeamishness that she should have when facing her brother, but a trace of fear.

Zhuang Xiaoyue has long been used to the same thing, "Their brothers love her very much, they look closely at her, and those who don't know thought it was her boyfriend!"

A strange light flashed quickly under Ruan Su's eyes.

Jing Cancan’s performance just now clearly doesn’t look like ordinary siblings, and the perverted twins of the Ling family are not so abnormal to their sisters!

The three girls quickly ate the hot pot. Zhuang Xiaoyue and Ruan Su both drove over by themselves, so the three took the elevator to the underground parking lot together.

Zhuang Xiaoyue and Ruan Su first sent Jing Cancan to Jing's car. The lowered car window revealed a handsome face, which is different from Jing Cancan's delicate eyebrows. The handsome eyebrows and stars of men are the looks of the thick face. , Just looking at Jing Cancan's eyes with a strange feeling.

Ruan Su looked at the man without a trace. The man's gaze just swept over her, and he stared at Jing Cancan closely, "Thank you for eating with Cancan, and I will ask Cancan to invite you someday. "

Zhuang Xiaoyue smiled, "Brother Jing Huai, you are too polite, we are going back, Cancan bye bye."

Jing Cancan swallowed her saliva, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, but she still got in the car, Chong Zhuang Xiaoyue and Ruan Su waved. "goodbye."

Ruan Su didn't say anything, but directly boarded and left with Zhuang Xiaoyue.

In Jing's car, Jing Cancan was violently pulled into her arms by Jing Huai as soon as she got in the car. The man's powerful arms tightly confined her petite body, and his thin lips pressed towards her ears, "I My little pet is not obedient at all. Is it more fun to sneak out to eat hot pot than eating at home with my brothers?"

The man's voice was very ambiguous, with a hint of perverted paranoia.

Jing Cancan's face suddenly turned pale, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably, "Second...Second brother, I haven't...I haven't seen Xiaoyue in a long time..."

As she spoke, tears began to flow in her eyes, and she gathered up the courage to say, "Big brother said...I don't limit my social and freedom..."

"But the eldest brother also said that everything needs to be reported. Good boy, the second brother didn't do anything to you, why are you crying?" Jing Huai's thin lips were lightly printed on Jing Cancan's white lips, "As long as you are good If you’re your brother’s little pet, your brother will always love you, pet you and love you."


I do not want!

Jing Cancan roared in her heart, but she did not dare to make any noises, so she could only be forced to close her eyes and silently accept the man's attack.

On an empty road, a black BMW creaked and made a harsh brake sound. Ruan Su slowly closed her eyes. She just saw the picture of the tracking copy spell sent to her!

She couldn't believe that the Jing family brothers would be so shameless and such a beast!

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