Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 841: It's dying, and there is no doubt that it will die!

Jing Huai’s angular face is gloomy, “Mrs. Bo, how can we not understand what you’re talking about? Brother’s role? Who doesn’t know that our brother’s favorite is our sister. If we haven’t done well enough. If you do, I don’t think there is a better brother than us in this world."

Ruan Su glanced at him, and his red lips made a mocking smile, "Do you really think so? Then... You two, I would like to ask, what do you two really think, do you really love your sister? Or treat her as one? Are women looking at it?"

This is very true.

It can be said that they directly explained the dirty thoughts of the two brothers.

Before Bo Xingzhi, he didn't think about the relationship between men and women. His phoenix eyes were slightly stunned, and the two brothers actually...

If it is true, it is simply too shameless and shameless.

Jing Ren suppressed the shock in his heart, his eyes rose with strong killing intent, Ruan Su Jing's eyes were so sharp, he saw their brother's thoughts clearly and plainly.

This made him very annoyed, as if his heart was pierced from shame into anger.

He gritted his molars, and his voice almost squeezed out between his teeth, "Mrs. Bo, you are responsible for what you say. I advise you to have no facts and no evidence at all. In the end, don't talk about it."

"Do I still need to talk about it? It's not someone else who made you love my sister the most. It's the two of you. And she got depression because of you." Ruan Su felt that these two men were quite shameless and shameless. . A person who looks like a human, but does some things with a human face and a beastly heart.

"Mrs. Bo, in the face of Bo Shao, our brothers will not hold you accountable for your slander today, but it does not mean that you can continue to slander us." Jing Huai held Jing Cancan, who was covered in blood, "Please don't do it again in the future. Say that, otherwise don’t blame us for being rude."

"I would like to know how you are not polite. Was it arrested? Or was it beaten? Or killed? Your Jing family's methods are not the first time I have seen it anyway." Ruan Sudi With a smile, "I advise you to stop irritating Jing Cancan, otherwise you will only receive a corpse in the future."

The atmosphere in this box was on the verge of exploding after Ruan Su could no longer tolerate the **** behavior of the **** brothers.

The atmosphere became extremely dignified, and the blood hung in the air.

Bo Xingzhi's condensed gaze swept over the two brothers who were anxious, his cold voice was like the cold wind in the waxy moon of winter, "The woman who dares to threaten me, your Jing family seems to have long wanted to treason. Why? Have you been wronged by our Bo family?"

What is a real threat? This is the real threat!

Bo Xingzhi's words immediately resembled a resounding slap in the face, violently waking up the Jing family brother who had just fallen into anger.

The two brothers suddenly looked up at Bo Xingzhi.

After all, Jing Ren is two years older than Jing Huai. He quickly reacted, "Bo Shao, Mrs. Bo humiliated us first. This has nothing to do with our family. Please don't get involved."

The man’s big palm clasped Ruan Su’s small hand with a strong desire for protection, “Is it? I clearly heard the threat from Young Master Jing to my wife, if one day my wife... If there are three long and two short, don't blame me for trouble finding King Jing."

Just when the atmosphere was very solemn, several medical staff rushed in carrying a stretcher, "Where is the injured?"

"God, a lot of blood, bring it up quickly."

So they carried the unconscious Jing Cancan on a stretcher and walked out.

But the lobby manager stood there stiffly like a petrochemical, as if he had just awakened from a dream, just... what was the best news he heard?

Their boss said that the young masters of the Jing family, Xiao, want his sister?


What is the secret of this amazing wealthy family?

Shouldn't he be killed by the Jing family?

He changed his mind and thought again, he shouldn't...How could their boss let him be destroyed?

There is also Bo Shao, who was quite domineering just now.

Thinking about it this way, the worrisome rock in his heart slowly fell to the ground.

Ruan Su was not worried about Jing Cancan's situation, and drove with Bo Xingzhi to the hospital, which happened to be the hospital where she worked.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the street lights on both sides of the road were dimly hitting the road. The busy roads evaded after hearing the sound of the ambulance, and their car followed closely behind the ambulance.

All the way to the emergency department of the hospital was unimpeded.

Jing Cancan was sent to the operating room for first aid.

Jing family’s parents also rushed to the hospital anxiously. Jing’s father Jing Guoguang asked, “How can you kill yourself after eating a meal with your brothers? Our family makes headlines because of this kind of things. No more?"

Jing Guo was so angry that he pointed to the brothers and trembling all over, "You still pet your sister, you doted it like that? I petted to the hospital again."

Mother Jing's eyes were red, and her tears kept falling, "You really are my good sons. If your sister has a long life and two shortcomings, I won't live anymore."

Ruan Su looked at Mother Jing, who had just cried some time ago, and now she was crying bitterly, but she was kept in the dark by her two beloved sons.

It was not depression that really hurt Jing Cancan, but her two sons!

But... she couldn't speak it out.

It is not her turn to intervene in Jing's family affairs.

Especially Jing Cancan's current situation is not optimistic.

She can only be a bystander.

Bo Xingzhi seemed to feel the anxiety in her heart, and his big palm lightly held her small hand, "She is now a member of the Jing family. Before she knows her life experience... we can't do anything."

Can only do nothing.

Ruan Su nodded, "I know."

But... thinking of that shy and timid woman like a flower, she still feels sad.

This feeling of weakness made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Such a big wound, it is very likely to leave scars." Ruan Su thought for a while and let out a long sigh, "I found that the only thing I could do was to send her a bottle of scarring medicine."

She felt even more uncomfortable.

"Don't think too much. It's a good thing to be saved." Bo Xingzhi comforted her, and took her to sit on the chair.

Those people from Jing's family were in a mess, crying and making trouble.

Some reporters who heard the wind came over to interview Jing's family, "Excuse me, is there any reason why Miss Jing Cancan frequently commits suicide?"

"Have you found out the cause of depression?"

"Didn't I hear that my brothers love her so much? Why do you commit suicide if you love her so much? Is it fake?"

"Is everything an appearance, is it fake?"

The reporters asked Jing's family to the extreme. Jing Huai raised his fist and was about to hit someone, "Go away, I'll hit your camera if you don't let it go."

"Why are you in a hurry? Are you human-faced and beast-hearted?" The reporter blushed and his neck was thick. Those in their business shouldn't be bullying and be afraid of hardship, so they have to bite the bullet and ask to dig into the news.

Jing Huai seemed to be poked at the sore spot in the center, so angry, "Go away! Don't force me!"

"Your giants have a set on the surface and a set on the back. You must have forced her to death." The reporter is usually an Internet author. He likes to publish some online novels on the Internet, and his imagination is extremely rich.

The more I think about it, the more I think it’s very possible. All kinds of brains make up for the little daughter being bullied by the two brothers, but for the sake of the family’s face, I can only swallow my voice and tell the world that my brother loves me and loves me very much. The story of the suffering.

He suddenly felt that he was the majesty of extending justice.

"You must have done all kinds of shameful things!"

Jing Huai was so angry that he couldn't bear it, and hit the reporter's nose with a fist, "I'll kill you, I'll beat you to death!"

The reporter's nosebleeds suddenly came out, and he became even more angry, "Is it right? I have to write it! Report on you people who are full of benevolence and morality."

Jing Huai's fists fell like raindrops. Jingren saw that he was afraid of his death, so he hurried to pull his crazy brother, "Ahuai, are you crazy?"

"I'm crazy, I'm already crazy!" Jing Huai reddened his eyes, and the weak reporter had been beaten to death by him.

Jing Guoguang also went up to pull him, Bo Xingzhi also rushed over when he saw this, kicking Jing Huai away from the reporter, "Killing in front of me, Master Jing Er is really good."

When he said this, the reporters who were present immediately turned their eyes on him, and when they recognized him and Ruan Su, everyone was instantly excited.

"Bo Shao, Miss Ruan!"

"Why are you here? Is it for Jing Cancan?"

"How is Jing Cancan's situation now?"

"What secret does she carry on her back?"

These reporters began to ask Bo Xing rushingly.

Bo Xingzhi's face tightened, "I don't know, no comment, the most important thing is for Miss Jing to take good care of her body."

The reporter who was beaten by Jing Huai into a coma on the ground had been taken away by medical staff for emergency treatment.

His colleague held his camera tightly, "Our magazine will definitely sue you. If you beat reporters, the law will return us innocence."

After he roared, he hurriedly followed.

Other reporters also suddenly remembered about beating people, and began to seek justice for their colleagues, "Second Young Master Jing, you are too arrogant! Beat reporters openly!"

"Yes, yes, I recorded the scene of your beating just now, and I will send it out now!"

"Yes, yes! You are waiting for legal sanctions!"

As soon as Mrs. Jing saw that the situation was a little uncontrollable, she immediately took out a few bank cards and began to deliver them one by one, "Raise your hands, everyone, please drink tea."

"There is not much money in this card, only one hundred thousand... so please don't tell me." Jing Guoguang also quickly rubbed his hands and said, this is the method that everyone usually uses to buy out reporters.

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