Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 850: big Bang! Human life!

However, Song Yan didn't give them any chance. He quickly rolled behind a table, grabbed a mobile phone that fell to the ground, and banged twice.

The two assassins who were shooting fell to the ground.

Song Yan glanced at these assassins who had fallen to the ground, and then walked towards Jian Qiqi. At this moment, a assassin behind him, despite the fact that he was covered in blood, struggled to raise the gun in his hand and exhausted the last trace of his body. Strength pulled the trigger.

Song Yan saw Jian Qiqi in front of him suddenly widened his eyes, blurted out, "Be careful!"

He subconsciously turned sideways, but the bullet still grazed his shoulder and embedded in the wall.

Blood rushed out of his shoulder, but this injury was nothing to Song Yan. He didn't even frown his brow, and walked to Jian Qiqi like nothing else, "How are you? Is there any injury?"

Jian Qiqi was a little panicked when he saw that he was hurt, "Are you in pain? Go to the hospital!"

Her little hand grabbed Song Yan's hand and wanted to rush out, but was swept into his arms by the man.

The hoarse voice suddenly rang in her ears, "Why do you want to push me away because you obviously care about me so much in your heart?"

Song Yan looked at the little Lori in front of her distressedly, her deep eyes filled with puzzlement and sadness, "Follow me back."

Jane Qiqi's chest choked.

In the shootout just now, even if she had experienced a lot of turmoil with Ruan Su, she was really frightened and panicked. No one remained calm when she was about to die like this.

No one knows how to be upset when bullets fly around. Especially Song Yan has always been the most important person in her heart. Now that she sees him being hurt, she feels distressed for no reason.

Seeing him bleeding and hurting is more uncomfortable than her own injury. Although she has learned to calm and mature with Ruan Su a long time ago, the moment she saw this scene was in front of her eyes, she felt that she was crazy, tears running down her cheeks. ,"But……"

"It's just an ectopic pregnancy. Do you have so little confidence in me and yourself?" Song Yan gently cupped her small face, "Trust me and believe in yourself. It's no big deal, let's face it together. ."

He spoke softly and looked at Jian Qiqi with love and pity in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, don't run away. The Jane Qiqi I know is not such a girl who easily escapes and is prone to inferiority complex."

Jian Qiqi's tears fell more fiercely, " can you be like this..."

Jing Tianzhen's family got out from under the table in a panic, looking at a mess, and the dead bodies of some assassins, and their legs were weak.

The couple took a few deep breaths before they reluctantly stood up and held the child tightly in their arms, "What is going on with us...this...?"

Many injured assassins were lying down in the hot pot restaurant, as well as the clerk who was injured when they were shot wildly, and some customers were also injured lying on the ground and howling.

Several of Song Yan's brothers had been holding a dying killer for interrogation, and after a while they came over to report.

"I heard that the Jing family's wealth is very expensive, so I wanted to come over to kidnap and rob. I didn't expect to encounter our stubborn stubbornness and kill them directly."

Song Yan nodded, "Leave it to the police. Do you know how to say then?"

The brother immediately understood, "I know. Don't worry."

Song Yan looked at Jian Qiqi tenderly, his big grasping her little hand, "A lot of things happened during your absence. I'll tell you on the way back, now..."

Suddenly he knelt on one knee, took out a dark red velvet box from his pocket, carefully opened the box and held it in front of Jian Qiqi, "Qiqi, will you marry me?"

The air was full of strong blood and screams, and it was really not a very good environment for marriage proposal in such an environment.

But he can't wait any longer.

He must immediately jail Jian Qiqi.

Jing Tianzhen was stunned when he heard that it was actually for money and wanted to hijack their family, and then became very angry, "Then we are considered legitimate defense? So will you be implicated by the law?"

Just now Song Yan and Jian Qiqi injured a lot of killers and killed a lot...

Song Yan looked at their family of three, "No. We are the bodyguards of the Jing family, so it is our duty to protect the owner. If we don't act, everyone will die. No matter how we judge it, we won't be judged as criminals."

Jing Tian really let out a long sigh, "That's good, that's good."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Jian Qiqi anxiously, and then at Song Yan, "Miss Jian, Mr. Song, thank you for saving our family's life again. I really... don't know how to thank you. "

She was so frightened that she didn't have the kind of strong women who usually work in the company. "I really didn't expect that our Jing family would be a big fan and attract these villains."

Mr. Jing was also shocked, and also very scared. If it weren't for Jian Qiqi and Song Yan, the whole family of three would be completely dead on the street.

He put his wife in his arms and gently comforted him, and then said to Jian Qiqi and Song Yan, "Thank you, it is really nothing in return. We...we have nothing but money. Ms. Jian, otherwise, I will give it away. Let’s have a villa. If you don’t want a villa, a luxury car can be..."

"No, no...If we don't make a move, we will die too." Jian Qiqi said quickly, "You are too polite."

She has already accepted a villa from someone else, how can she be embarrassed to accept it again?

What's more, Jing's family has treated her extremely well for more than half a month, and really treated her as a family.

"Teacher Jian..." Jing Sen threw herself into her arms and wept bitterly, as if venting the fear he had been suppressing. Jian Qiqi quickly comforted him, "It's all over, it's okay. Jing Sen, you are a man. You will face this situation, so don’t be afraid. Finding a way to bring down the bad guys is the most important thing."

"Well, I know." Jing Sen nodded quickly with teardrops on his face.

When the police rushed over, they only saw the mess in this place, and their group followed the police to the station to make records.

After everything was set up, it was already more than eight o'clock in the evening.

Everyone is exhausted.

Jing Tianzhen then invited Song Yan and Jian Qiqi to go home and rest together. Song Yan shook his head, "We have to go back. All the tickets have been booked. The plane will be at 11 o'clock tonight. So..."

"My luggage is still in Jing's house." Jian Qiqi said in a low voice, "So we still need to go back."

Jing Tianzhen hurriedly said, "It's eight o'clock, and there are still three hours. It's okay to go home and have a light meal. It's not far from home here."

As she spoke, she told the aunt at home to prepare dinner.

Jing's dinner was prepared very well.

"In the future, let's hire more bodyguards at home, so as not to happen again today." Jian Qiqi touched Jingsen's little head, "It's a pity that I can't teach him anymore."

Jing Tianzhen hesitated and said, "Miss Jian, I can trust you as well as Mr. Song... It's better to... let Asen follow you. You can always teach him."

"This is not so good." Jian Qiqi looked at Jing Tianzhen in shock, "He still has to go to school! As far as I know, he is studying in a noble kindergarten in the Middle East."

"In fact, we have always wanted Assen to go back to country M to study, but unfortunately there has been no trustworthy person." Jing Tianzhen's expressions were a little sad. "We Jing family can be regarded as a big family in country M. You may not know why we are in the Middle East. Development. Because... My husband and I know some of the secrets of the Jing family, and these things we cannot know."

Jing Tianzhen’s eyes were red, and there was a trace of sadness at the end of his eyes, “Jing’s family can’t accommodate us, so we will stay away from Country M and settle down in the Middle East. Today’s killers once again sounded the alarm for us.”

Mr. Jing took her words and said, "Yes, these killers shouldn't be for money, they are probably the first wave of testing the water... If you want to get rid of our family, as long as we die, their secrets can be forever without people. knowledge……"

Jian Qiqi didn't expect to be involved in the Jing family's secret. This... is it too exciting?

She had only thought that Jing Tianzhen and Jing Sa were both surnamed Jing, but it was just a coincidence.

It seems that Jing Tianzhen is also a member of the Jing family...but she does not have those arrogant and domineering aura of the Jing family in her body.

Song Yan was also a little shocked, "It is estimated that the secrets held by the two will not tell us these outsiders. Then this kid..."

Why does he have the feeling that the couple are dying alone?

"Our husband and wife may be unpredictable at any time. Our life or death has long since been indifferent. To live these years is a stolen time. The last time on the plane, when Ms. Jian saved my son, the video went viral, and I knew... …My husband and I will definitely be discovered by the Jing family. Sure enough…We have been hiding for so many years, in the Middle East…There is no way to escape the family’s eyeliner…We are tired."

Jing Tianzhen wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "I hope you will bring my son back. Miss Jian will definitely not treat him badly..."

Jing Tianzhen said and waved to the aunt behind him, who immediately handed Jing Sen's suitcase to her.

She was heartbroken carrying the suitcase, "This is Asen's luggage, you can take him away."

"Mummy..." Although Jing Sen was young, he could still hear Jing Tianzhen's intention to let him leave. "I don't want you and Daddy."

"I will listen to what Mr. Jian and Mr. Song say in the future, do you know? Growing up obediently..." Jing Tianzhen hugged Jingsen tightly, and then reluctantly let go, "Go!"

At this moment, "Boom!" There was a loud noise!

A plume of smoke suddenly rose from the first floor of the villa!

Then the whole villa was shaking violently!

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