Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 868: Pride and complacency must slap your face!

It was late at night, and there was a sudden torrential rain, and the pattering raindrops hit the glass window, like a sieve falling soybeans.

The room was pitch black, and there was a small creak.

A slender figure walked towards the side of the bed, before getting close to the side of the bed, suddenly the light in the room was bright.

The dazzling light made Bo Lingling couldn't help covering her eyes, she thought Ditian was already asleep!

There was no result.

The man leaning on the bed looked indifferently and swept the coolly dressed woman, and saw only a translucent tulle pajama under her body, and her beautiful figure was looming, very attractive.

The tender skin glowed with porcelain white under the light. At this time, she had adapted to the light, slowly lowering her jade hand and looking at Di Tian with a pair of ecstatic eyes.

He bit his lower lip ambiguously and showed a smile that he thought to be amorous, "Mr. Emperor..."

She stretched out her hand to stroke the man's strong chest, which could make women scream at any time.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

She was kicked by a long leg that was originally hidden under a thin quilt, and hit the door panel severely.

She grinned in pain, a trace of blood pouring down the corners of her lips, ""

"Get out." Di Tian glanced at her coldly and turned off the light.

Bo Ling gritted her teeth with aura, but reluctantly, she stood up from the ground reluctantly, and staggered out.

damn it!

My own charm has failed.

Di Tian had been sitting on the bed without any movement, his icy gaze floated out of the window, watching the night rain outside the window, and a flash of lightning pierced the dark room of the night sky and was suddenly illuminated.

But his heart has no light anymore.


Presidential Palace of Country M.

A professional suit wrapped her exquisite body, and a woman with two assistants stepped on high heels and walked out of the elevator gracefully and calmly.

Long wavy hair draped on the back looks noble and elegant.

Jin Aimi raised her chin slightly and said arrogantly to the receptionist, "Will Shao Bo or Shao Shang today's meeting?"

"Ms. Jin, the meeting process arrangement has been sent to your assistant a long time ago. Did you not read it?" the receptionist said with a smile on his face.

"I want to hear you tell me in person." There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Jin Aimi's tone, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in her carefully drawn eyes.

The receptionist quickly replied, "It's Shao Bo. Shao Shang will also attend the meeting."

After speaking, he walked towards the conference room with Jin Aimi and his party.

"The development of this project is jointly completed by the Presidential Palace and our Jin family. We may be your young lady in the future, you know?" An assistant of Jin Aimi said to the receptionist very proudly.

The reception staff was stunned, and wanted to say, Doesn't Bo Shao have a wife?

What do you mean? I heard that the young business man also has children...

But he didn't dare to ask too much about these words.

All the way to the meeting room with Jin Ami, the reception staff left in a hurry.

What a joke, he doesn't want to stay here for a minute for the eldest lady who is so difficult to serve.

The conference room was very quiet, and many participants had already taken their seats.

Kim Aimi also took her place. She was Kim Nam Hyuk's adopted daughter, and the little princess of the Kim family naturally sat next to the meeting chairperson, while Shang Lingxiao was on the other side.

Shang Lingxiao gave her an elegant smile, "Miss Jin is so bright and moving, people can't help but shine."

"Shang Shao has won the prize." Jin Aimi raised her hand to fiddle with her long wavy hair, and glanced at Shang Lingxiao. "I heard that Shao Shang has a good relationship with Ruan Su?"

Shang Lingxiao didn't expect that Jin Aimi would ask Ruan Su directly. He was a little surprised and felt that this woman was really a little bit ignorant.

But his face didn't show any displeasure, "Xiaosu is my sister. What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with Miss Jin?"

"That's right, I'm very interested in Ruan Su. How about someday when Shang Xiao joins in a round, let's play together?" Jin Aimi raised her eyebrows.

In the presence of so many people, people like Shang Lingxiao would naturally not refute Jin Aimi's face, "I will be free sometime."

As for the day, I'm not sure.

I knew it was a dodge word when I heard it.

"Tomorrow I will be free, why tomorrow?" Jin Aimi didn't want to give Shang Lingxiao any retreat at all.

Shang Lingxiao glanced at her and felt that this woman was too arrogant. He really thought he could do whatever he wanted with the surname Jin?

He chuckled, "That's not a coincidence, I won't be free tomorrow."

"You!" Jin Aimi's face suddenly turned into anger. This Shang Lingxiao is too shameless.

Bo Xingzhi didn't give her face, and always let her hit the wall everywhere. What kind of thing is he Shang Lingxiao? Can it be compared with Bo Xingzhi's serious aunt?

But naturally she couldn't have an attack. She hooked her red lips and smiled.

It is an honor for her Jin Aimi to make appointments with someone! Mad.

When the two of you came and I talked, Bo Xingzhi stepped in with Song Yan.

The man wore a black suit with one hand in his pocket, and his long figure was particularly eye-catching. Especially his handsome face is almost impeccable.

As soon as it appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

A sharp light flashed in Shang Lingxiao's eyes when he looked at Bo Xingzhi.

Bo Xingzhi glanced at the crowd sitting on top of the main seat, and then said lightly, "Are you all here?"

Song Yan said in a low voice, "Yes, everyone is here."

Jin Aimi looked at Bo Xingzhi with some idiots, how could he be such a perfect man?

She didn't even hear what he and Song Yan were talking about.

Bo Xingzhi ignored her, but opened the folder in front of him, "Next, I announce that the meeting has begun. The theme of today's meeting is..."

Halfway through the meeting, Bo Xingzhi glanced at Jin Aimi, "Miss Jin, what's the situation with your preparations now? Could you explain it in detail for everyone."

Jin Aimi was pushed a bit by the assistant before waking up like a dream, and quickly stood up.

Damn it! What did Bo Xingzhi just say?

The assistant hurriedly whispered to her, she then walked to the podium with the folder and USB flash drive to demonstrate the PPT for everyone.

Bo Xingzhi's gaze was always on the PPT, and he did not give her any extra gaze.

Jin Aimi is a little uncomfortable, she is obviously not bad, and her family is good.

Why Bo Xingzhi just dismissed her.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she wanted to be more eye-catching and outstanding.

After about five minutes, she finally finished speaking.

There was a round of applause in the conference room.

She thought to herself that she was so good...

"Miss Jin, I have three doubts." Bo Xingzhi began to point out the thoughts he had in his mind after reading all the introductions by Jin Aimi just now.

He finished speaking quickly, and Kim Amy was dumbfounded.

These three questions are very tricky.

She was a little bit arrogant, and she said after a while, "Bo Shao, this... I need to go back and ask my father to answer you."

A hint of irony flashed across the corners of Bo Xingzhi's lips, "Do I still need to ask Mr. Jin for such a simple question?"

"This..." Jin Aimi hesitated. She didn't want to be looked down upon by Bo Xingzhi, but she really didn't know how to answer. Or her assistant came forward, bent slightly and said to Bo Xingzhi, "Bo Shao, your question does take time. How about... I will reply to you tomorrow?"

"Then what's the point of our meeting today? It's simply a waste of everyone's time? It's well known how precious the time of all of you in the presidential palace is." Bo Xingzhi lazily dropped the signature pen in his hand and glanced at the flushed face of Jin Ai. rice.

Shang Lingxiao smiled and rounded off, "Brother, don't be angry. Isn't it just a few doubts? It's not too late to reply when Miss Jin goes back. Besides, we will have a meeting in a few days...this matter The time set by my father is completely determined at the end of the month. You don’t have to go too far to go online."

This is to directly help Jin Ai Mi to relieve the siege.

Jin Aimi was so arrogant and arrogant that he would be made things difficult for by Bo Xingzhan.

She feels a little uncomfortable, but she doesn't want to be looked down upon by Bo Xing, and she doesn't want to accept a favor from Ling Xiao.

She only felt a surge of heat in her mind, and she said without thinking, "For the profit problem you mentioned just now, Kings will let it out by 5%. There is also a problem of raw materials. Kings will reduce it by 5%. , The time limit has been reduced by 10%."

The assistant looked at her in shock, "Miss! No way! This matter must be discussed with her husband."

"Since I have become the leader of this project, I have the final say." Jin Aimi glared at him, thinking that he was very domineering and threw the contract to the conference table, "Let's sign the contract."

Bo Xingzhi glanced at the contract and chuckled, "I hope Miss Jin will not regret it in the future. After all... cooperation can be a win-win situation. Don't Mr. Jin come to me again tomorrow and cry that the contract is unreasonable."

"Don't worry, my daddy won't!" Jin Aimi raised his chin.

The assistant was about to cry by her sorrow. "Miss, impulse is the devil! Don't be impulsive, okay?"

"You shut up." Jin Aimi pushed him aside. "Don't hinder me."

Shang Lingxiao felt that this Jin Ai Mi was simply a brain-dead.

What the outside world said about Miss Jin Jia's tactics, how ridiculous in the business world.

There are successors in the Jin family.

Sure enough, the rumors are not credible, and the draft is not credible.

The others who attended the meeting were also a bit shocked.

In the past, Jin Ai Mi was not like this.

What happened to that calm and arrogant Kim Amy today?

Bo Xingzhi signed his name on the contract, then passed the contract to Shang Lingxiao, and Shang Lingxiao also signed the name.

"Ms. Jin's decision today is really impressive."

Jin Aimi smiled like a spring breeze, with confident pride in her eyes, "That's natural, but I am the only heir to the Jin family. My decision represents the decision of my daddy."

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