Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 870: How can she approach him? Get slapped

Jin Ai-mi bit her red lips and moved the chair back with her hands, but she just moved a step, the pain caused her to exhale in pain.

"Ah—it hurts!"

She didn't care about the image of ladies and ladies, and fell into the seat.

Everyone looked at her in surprise, "What happened to Miss Jin's feet?"

"Did the collision be serious just now?"

"Why didn't you say it earlier? Send to the hospital earlier!"

Everyone rushed to look at Jin Ai Mi, whose face was pale and barely bloody.

Her long wavy hair was draped on her back, and she was biting her lower lip so hard that she couldn't help feeling love.

Shang Lingxiao, the nearest to her, squatted down and raised her right foot carefully, only to see that the foot in the high heels was swollen and swollen like a steamed bun, and a bruise gradually appeared.

"I don't know if there is any bone injury." Shang Lingxiao observed and found that it didn't seem to be a collision at all...Instead, it seemed to be hit hard by something!

Was it stepped on?

He glanced suspiciously with a thin, indifferent expression on his face.

I always feel that Kim Aimi's foot is a little abnormally swollen.

"Miss Jin, why don't I take you to the hospital." Shang Lingxiao beat her into his arms, "I'm afraid you can't walk on this foot for the time being."

Jin Aimi shrank in his arms aggrieved, in fact, she wanted Bo Xingzhi to hold her even more.

But... she was stomped like this by being underestimated, and she knew that this man would never hold her and send her to the hospital.

She could only gritted her teeth and swallowed blood into her stomach.

"Thank you, Shang Shao."

As she said, she glanced at the people again, her expression becoming more and more pitiful, "Make everyone laugh."

"Body is important, Miss Jin hurry up to the hospital."

"Come on. No delay."

After sending away Jin Aimi, everyone gradually dispersed.

Bo Xingzhi took Song Yan directly back to his office.

I hope Jin Aimi will remember this lesson and stop those disgusting little moves.

He thought coldly.

Just then his cell phone rang, and it was the president who called.

"Why? Kim Aimi hurt her foot? Why don't you visit her? Your brother has followed, why don't you go? You are too ignorant!"

Bo Xingzhi sneered, "If you care about her so much, you can go by yourself."

"I don't want you to behave well?" The president was immediately irritated by Bo Xingzhi, "Every day, it makes people uneasy. Hurry up and buy some gifts to go to the hospital."

"Whoever falls in love with whom, anyway, I don't." After finishing speaking, Bo Xingzhi directly hung up the phone.

On the other side, Jin Aimi got into Shang Lingxiao's car and quickly arrived at the hospital. Shang Lingxiao carefully hugged her out of the car and ran all the way directly to the emergency room.

"Why is this foot swollen like this? It's twisted?" The doctor looked at Jin Aimi's swollen foot like a pig's hoof in shock.

Jin Aimi spoke awkwardly, "I hit the corner of the table, because it was unpredictable, so I hit a bit hard."

"Do you have any grudges or grievances in your own feet?" The doctor began to diagnose as he said, "Let's take a film first to see if there is any bone injury."

"It hurts on the back of the instep..." Every movement of Jin Aimi's foot hurts like a heart-cutting bone.

Putting the foot on the filming machine again, it would be even more painful to move it over.

She doesn't want to shoot...

"The back of your instep may also be fractured!" The doctor opened the checklist after saying, "Let’s go for a checkup."

Shang Lingxiao and Jin Aimi's assistants went to check her together again.

Jin Aimi almost fainted in pain.

But she didn't dare to yell in front of Shang Lingxiao unscrupulously without any image, so she could only endure desperately.

Fortunately, filming is only a momentary effort.

When her feet were put down again, she was sweating profusely, as if she had just been fished out of the water.

She lay weakly in Shang Lingxiao's arms and her tears couldn't help falling off like beads, "How come it hurts like this?"

"It will be well soon." Shang Lingxiao comforted her with a very real expression, "It must hurt if you are injured!"

Just as Jin Aimi was sitting in the consulting room with tears in her eyes, she called, "Miss, why haven't you come back?"

Jin Ami said irritably, "Is there anything wrong? I'm in the hospital now."

"Miss... President Jin has heard about your signing of the contract, and he is furious. You... better prepare yourself." This person is another assistant of Jin Aimi.

Jin Aimi was taken aback when he heard the words, and said with a sense of anger and discomfort, "Tell me Daddy, I'm sick! My feet are very sick!"

Just a contract, what's your temper?

Is it important to have her feet?


At this time, Kim Amy hadn't felt and understood Kim Nam Hyuk's monstrous anger.

And Kim Nam Hyuk was already so angry that his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he was pointing at another assistant of Kim Aimi and shouting, "What is it for you to follow her? To make you look after her! Five percent Several items are reduced by 5%. How much is the profit? Not tens of millions, but hundreds of millions! US dollars!"

"Did she feed the dog after reading so many books? Didn't she go out with her head? Huh?"

The assistant who came back early did not go to dinner with Jin Aimi. The one who accompanied Jin Aimi in the Osmanthus Hall was one of the assistants.

She took two assistants with her when she went out today.

The assistant lowered his head and shivered. He had never seen such a big fire from Kim Nam Hyuk.

He was about to cry, "Ms. Jin... If you don't listen to me, I can't be the lord. I asked her to come back to discuss with you, but she disagrees..."

"I'm so quiet, I can't stop her at all! She is too impulsive."

"Asshole thing!" Kim Nam Hyuk lifted up his desk with anger, "Where is she?"

I thought about the call I had just hung up, and said in a low voice, "Miss said she was in the hospital and she was sick..."

"I don't think she is sick, she hid in the hospital deliberately, right?" Kim Nam Hyuk exclaimed angrily, "Follow me to the hospital!"

After speaking, he grabbed his jacket and walked outside.

Because he was angry that he walked fast and anxiously, the assistant trot all the way to keep up.

The car sprinted all the way, racing wildly on the road.

It didn't take long to reach the general hospital where Jin Aimi was.

Kim Nam Hyuk got out of the car with a dark face, "Where is she?"

"Should...should be in the emergency room." The assistant said quickly.


The two of them walked directly towards the emergency room, and saw the assistant of Jin Aimi in the corridor from afar.

Seeing the two of Kim Nam Hyuk, the assistant quickly got up from the bench and yelled awkwardly, "Mr. Kim..."

Kim Nam Hyuk glanced at him coldly, "Where is the young lady?"

"Miss, she... is inside." The assistant quickly glanced in the emergency room and lowered his head.

Kim Nam Hyuk rushed into the emergency room with a cold snort, and as soon as he stepped in, he saw Kim Aimi's tearful eyes.

"Daddy...Did you come to take me home?"

Kim Nam-hyuk didn't slap him, raising his hand to slap Kim Aimi, but he held back the thought of so many doctors and nurses in the emergency room.

He took a deep breath, "You still have the face to ask if I picked you up? Why don't you see what you have done? You dare to take control of 5 percent of the things, I think you want It's the opposite. Jin Ami, what is in your mind?"

Jin Aimi was taken aback, but he didn't expect that he had come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

She was crying with a pretty face and looked very miserable. "Daddy, I'm so hurt. You only know money, money, and profit. Am I really inferior to anything in your heart?"

While speaking, she slowly raised her right foot.

Kim Nam Hyuk saw her feet swollen like trotters.

The foot was red and swollen, especially the instep looked terrifying.

He was stunned, "You..."

You're hurt too badly, right?

After being scolded fiercely by Kim Nam Hyuk, Kim Aimi only felt very embarrassed and embarrassed.

After all, there are rumors that Kim Nam-hyuk is very fond of her adopted daughter.

In fact, Kim Nam Hyuk treated her well, but it was not as powerful as the rumors.

Overall, Kim Nam Hyuk is a strict father.

"Daddy, don't scold me. I know I was wrong..." Deep down, Jin Ami was still a little afraid of Jin Nam Hyuk.

So she can only lower her head quickly.

Kim Nam Hyuk saw her foot hurt so badly, and put aside his dissatisfaction with her for the time being.

Shang Lingxiao raised his eyebrows slightly, which seemed to be different from the rumors.

Kim Nam-hyuk seems to be very strict with Kim A-mi, although Kim A-mi's mistakes are indeed very big.

If his daughter made this kind of mistake, let alone a scolding, just don't want to eat for three days, don't want to sleep for three days, just to abuse a long memory.

"President Jin, calm down. Miss Jin's body is important."

"Young Master Shang, thank you for taking care of Ai Mi. It made you bother." Kim Nam Hyuk suppressed the anger from the bottom of his heart and said to Shang Lingxiao, "What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said that surgery might be needed, and the back of the foot was fractured. Steel nails might have to be implanted. Tendons and bones were injured for a hundred days... So... I am afraid that Miss Jin can no longer be responsible for the project that we will contract with us."

Shang Lingxiao told Kim Nam Hyuk the situation very gentlemanly.

Kim Nam Hyuk's face suddenly became a little ugly.

However, he did not continue to attack, "You take care of your injury, I will leave the work to others to do."

Kim Aimi was anxious, she looked at Kim Nam Hyuk with beautiful eyes in disbelief, "Daddy, how can the project I talk about change? I can work in a wheelchair, no problem."

"Aimi, the body is important. Don't talk about other things." Kim Namhyuk is about to change. This time, Kim Aimi is really mad at him.

The one who hates iron and steel shook his head, "How is the operation time arranged?"

Jin Aimi hung her head down with a gray face, "Three o'clock in the afternoon."

It's over, it's all over.

How can she take the opportunity to approach Bo Xingzhi?

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