Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 960: Kidnapped? Disappear!

Di Tian glanced at him with interest, "Oh? Can you think of any accident? It doesn't look artificial?"

"Sir, listen to me." The subordinate whispered to Di Tian's ear.

After about a few minutes, Di Tian nodded, expressing his satisfaction. "That's right, I'll leave this matter to you. I'll be rewarded for doing it well."

"Okay, sir, I'll do it right now." The subordinate left happily.

Di Tian sat in the wheelchair with a sneer, Ruan Su, I messed up your godson, let me see what you will do!

Yo yo yo! Shouldn't it be so painful?

Ha ha--

Thinking of Ruan Su's distressed appearance, he felt very happy, "Go, go back!"

Immediately, his subordinates pushed him towards the parking lot.


"I'm so tired!" Ruan Su raised her hand and forehead, walked out of the ward, and walked towards the doctor's office with Dr. Zhang. "My grandmother's condition has temporarily stabilized, but surgery must be arranged as soon as possible."

"Dr. Ruan is right, will you be the chief surgeon or me?" Dr. Zhang thought that Ruan Su had just performed the operation on the patient in the car accident some time ago, which made her famous in the general hospital.

He didn't dare to take the surgery on his own.

"You can do it!" Ruan Su said lightly, "I'm afraid I won't be able to perform my grandmother's surgery."

"Hehe - Dr. Ruan, you are really joking." Dr. Zhang laughed, "Well, I will arrange the operation time and make preparations. I hope you can assist Dr. Ruan, okay?"

"I will definitely follow up with the operating room." Ruan Su shook hands with him, "Prepare to help us succeed in the operation."

After she finished speaking, she pulled her hand back to look at her mobile phone in the pocket of her white coat. The phone vibrated for a while, and she didn't know who sent the message.

She clicked on WeChat curiously and saw a string of messages sent by Su Xing.

It was also sent by the Fan sisters.

When she saw the disgusting finger photo, she was stunned for a moment, and she called Su Xing directly with a cold face, "Damn it! Which one doesn't have eyes?"

"Miss Ruan, I don't know either." Su Xing's voice had a hint of worry, "I don't know who is eyeing Jinghuai. I'm a little afraid that he will be in danger. These people are too crazy, and I can't do it now. It is clear whether it is staring at me, Jing Huai, or our association. What I am more worried about is... staring at you."

"You don't have to worry. I will send the brothers from the secret door to the association to protect you." Ruan Su immediately made a decision and arrangement, "When the brothers arrive, they will bring Jinghuai back. If necessary, Jinghuai will stay first. Stay by my side for a while, wait until the mastermind behind it is found, and then go back, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, okay." Su Xing felt as uncomfortable as cat scratching, "This thing is too weird and disgusting, I won't let Jinghuai go to nursery school tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll ask Lin Qi to bring someone over to pick up Jinghuai." After speaking, Ruan Su hung up the phone.

What they didn't know was that at this moment, someone in the nursery had already sneaked in.

Su Xing sends Su Jinghuai to a nursery near the association every afternoon. After all, he is only two years old, not yet the age to go to kindergarten.

Nursery schools are relatively small and cannot compare to large kindergartens.

There are relatively few security guards and teachers inside, mainly targeting children under the age of three.

At this moment, the children are playing around under the guidance of the teacher.

Suddenly, black smoke billowed in the direction of the kitchen.

"No, the kitchen is on fire! Everyone, run!"

I don't know who was screaming so loudly.

The teacher was so frightened that he didn't dare to call the children back to the classroom. He was afraid that the fire would spread to the classroom. The principal quickly ran out of his office and organized everyone to evacuate to a safe place.

And someone has called the fire department for the firemen to fight the fire.

"It just happened to be windy today, and the fire is very strong. If it continues to burn, our entire park will be burned to ashes. What should we do?" The director of the park looked anxiously at everyone present.

"A teacher was dispatched from each class to quickly put out the fire. The remaining teachers were optimistic about the children in their class, and they must not let the children have any trouble."

After he made arrangements, he also joined the firefighting.

The nearby residents saw that the place was on fire, and they all rushed out here with pots and buckets. The closed gate of the garden was wide open, and everyone rushed here for a while.

Can't tell who is who.

Two men also took the opportunity to bring the basins into the garden. After they poured two basins of water into the fire, they walked to Su Jinghuai's class.

Take advantage of the teacher not paying attention to cover the child's mouth, pick it up and run.

And the teacher was still standing on tiptoe to see how the fire was under control, and didn't notice that one of the children in his class had disappeared.

Su Jinghuai struggled desperately in the man's arms, "Uh-uh-"

But his mouth couldn't speak at all.

His strength is small, and he is small, and he can't compete with a strong man at all.

The man smeared the drug on his hands, and within a few minutes the child gradually lost his strength and fell into a coma.

"This kid is very strong! He is so strong at the age of two." The man was so tired that his forehead was sweating, and he casually threw Su Jinghuai on the van seat, "Let's go!"

Another man immediately started the car and rushed out.

When Su Xing heard the news and hurriedly brought everyone from the association to the Tuoban Garden, the fire had been brought under control, and the fire police were working on the aftermath.

Su Xing hurried to find Su Jinghuai's teacher, "Teacher, how is my Jinghuai? Are you injured?"

Only then did the teacher start looking for Su Jinghuai among the crowd of children, "Hey? People were still here just now, why are they gone for a while?"

The teacher suddenly started to panic, "Have you seen Su Jinghuai child?"

"Su Jinghuai?"

Hearing the teacher say that Su Jinghuai was gone, Su Xing's eyes suddenly went black.

A bad premonition rose in her heart, "Turn up the surveillance! Quickly tune up the surveillance to see where the child is!"

"Mother Jinghuai, I'm sorry, the monitoring room in the park was also set on fire." The principal came over and said apologetically, "Well, let's look for it now."

"My son is gone! You are still here to comfort me unhurriedly? If he is engulfed by the fire, if he is captured by the bad guys! What are you going to tell me?" Su Xing yelled at the head gardener angrily. , "I want to see my son right away."

"Don't worry, maybe there are too many children, and the teacher didn't take good care of them. In addition, there was another fire, so... we will definitely find it." The teacher went to find Su Jinghuai.

The fire police heard that a child was missing and began to join the search team.


Half an hour passed and I couldn't find it.

An hour has passed, but still not found.

It was dark until it was dark, and every corner of the garden was searched, but there was nothing.

"At least we can be sure that the child did not die in the fire, maybe he ran home by himself!" The principal said again, and Su Xing was so angry that she turned her head and left.

Fan Yiyi glared at him fiercely, "It's not your child, you must be none of your business! It's too much!"

At this time, Lin Qi also brought a few brothers to the association. When he saw Su Xing coming back, he immediately asked, "Where's the child?"

When Su Xing saw them, she couldn't help thinking of Ruan Su, and tears rushed out of her eyes.

She has endured until now that her emotions have completely collapsed, "The child is gone, Lin Qi, my son is gone!"

"Why didn't he disappear?" Lin Qi was taken aback, and he looked at Su Xing who was crying bitterly at a loss. He is a straight man of steel who has never had a way to deal with women's tears, and now his heartbeat is even more out of order.

"That... don't cry first, tell me what happened first." He finally choked out such a sentence after holding back for a long time.

Su Xing was sobbing and choking, unable to speak.

Fan Yiyi and Fan Qing hurriedly told him what happened.

Lin Qi's expression was condensed, "It seems that this was a premeditated kidnapping case. First set fire to the garden to attract everyone's attention, and then take the child away. I think my speculation is very likely. Don't cry, my brothers and I will check the surveillance of the major intersections near the park."

As he spoke, he looked at Shang Yang, "Don't you know how to play with computers? You even got into some hacker organization that Miss Ruan made. You can take care of this."

Shang Yang performed very well in the last mission, so Lin Qi is using him very much now.

"Don't worry, brother. Lend me the computer of the association." Shang Yang looked at the sisters Fan Yiyi, "Can you two take me there?"


So the sisters took him directly to Su Xing's office computer.

And Su Xing and Lin Qi also followed.

Su Xing's tears couldn't stop flowing down, and she reported the matter to Ruan Su while crying.

Ruan Su was so angry that he almost threw the phone out, "How come we were just about to pick up the child, and the child had an accident?"

"Miss Ruan, I don't know either. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have sent the child to the nursery after receiving the courier..." Su Xing answered the phone while crying.

"Lin Qi is there, I will leave this matter to Lin Qi, I believe he will help you find the child." Ruan Su was furious, "My grandmother is going to have an operation in the next two days, so I have to take my grandmother first. The surgery has been arranged. So there may be no way to rush over in person for the time being. Su Xing, no matter what, we will not give up the child. "

"Thank you..." Su Xing was extremely sad, and Su Jinghuai was her lifeblood.

If the child has three long and two short, she will not live.

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