Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 979: The watchdog has been beaten!

Jian Qiqi shook his head, "The children can't bear to be hungry, so I let them eat some first."

"It's almost nine o'clock now, you should eat first, don't wait for us." Ruan Su said quickly, "Let's eat, everyone eat quickly."

Jian Qiqi pointed to several of the dishes and said, "What we ordered before fell to the ground and can't be eaten. The manager sent a new table and a lot of dishes that we didn't order."

Ruan Su "This store is not bad."

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening after eating the hot pot.

Jian Qiqi drove Song Jingyao home, and on the way home, she looked at the child in the rearview mirror, not missing the envious look when she saw Bo Xingzhi throwing Gao Gao Su Jinghuai before the child.

"Jingyao, your dad will be discharged soon. When he recovers, our family of three will go to Happy Valley, okay?"

Song Jingyao's eyes suddenly lit up, "Is it okay?"

Jian Qiqi knew that the children all wanted to go out and play, "But your dad may have to do rehabilitation for at least a month or two, so it's probably already summer by then."

Song Jingyao smiled and showed his little white teeth, "It doesn't matter, I can wait until my father is sick. When our family goes out to play, it is to celebrate my father's recovery and discharge from the hospital."

"Okay, listen to Jingyao." Jian Qiqi smiled and continued to drive.

The silver car was running on the highway in the middle of the night, but the undercurrent was turbulent under the calm night.

At this time, almost all of the hot searches on the Internet were scolding Ruan Su, scolds her fans for violent Internet celebrities, and scolds Ruan Su for hitting someone's boyfriend.

By the time Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi returned to his private villa, it was already late at night.

The man was injured, and she was reluctant to leave.

After putting Su Jinghuai to sleep, she flipped through the messages on her phone and walked towards Bo Xingzhi's study.

The man was already dealing with these overwhelming negative scandals. Ruan Su pushed open the door and went in, putting the milk on the table in front of him.

"Don't process it yet, let it ferment."

"Well? What's wrong?" Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "What did you find?"

Ruan Su shook his head, "This is obviously a naval containment planned by someone behind the scenes. If you don't find out who is behind the scenes, it will not do you any good to suppress the scandal. You may even be accused by netizens of using money to suppress people. Taking money to remove the heat will bring all the benefits and no harm.”

"That's right. What I thought was to suppress the heat first, and then go to the messenger behind the scenes, but since you don't want to reduce the heat, you want it to ferment. Then I'll let Cheng Ye stop." Bo Xingzhi nodded. Su agrees.

Ruan Suxing's eyes narrowed slightly, and a faint coldness overflowed from the corners of her eyes, "As for the matter of catching the black hand behind the scenes, don't be in a hurry, let the other party jump first. They will definitely continue to act after they have tasted the sweetness."

Bo Xingzhi stretched out his long arms to hold her in his arms, Ruan Su leaned his back against his broad chest and narrowed his eyes comfortably.

She softened her body and leaned back on her sturdy body, resting her head on his neck, sighed comfortably, and mumbled like a cat, "I'm a little sleepy."

"Then let's go to rest." Bo Xingzhi said and picked her up and walked towards the bedroom.

The man gently put her on the bed. She was about to turn over when a big palm grabbed the back of her head. Before her head could react, the man's breath was tightly wrapped.

She whimpered and was forced to greet.

Bo Xingzhi finally did what he wanted to do in the hot pot restaurant.


The sun is shining and the weather is fine.

The scent of spring is filled with a light floral fragrance.

Ling Weixue found an opportunity to sneak out of the house. She felt comfortable physically and mentally after she single-handedly planned the fan incident yesterday.

No one in the family knew about it, but her heart was full of satisfaction.

She couldn't be more proud of being able to let the so-called best woman, Ruan Su, get shriveled in her hands.

She was going to go abroad to play for a few days, just to relax.

She carried a large suitcase out of the door of Ling's house out of breath, it was so heavy! this suitcase.

A pair of male arms stretched out and offered a helping hand.

After being helped by someone, Ling Weixue felt that the weight of the suitcase suddenly decreased a lot.

She stopped to pant and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She looked up and was about to thank her when she saw two unfamiliar faces.


"Are you going out?" one of the men asked lightly, then looked at her.

"Yes. So give me the suitcase, I'm about to stop the car." Ling Weixue felt strange in her heart.

The two of them wore black suits with serious expressions that looked very strange.

The two men just looked at her quietly, before saying, "I'm afraid Miss Ling can't stop the car."

Ling Weixue's heart sank, "What do you mean? I'm the young lady of the Ling family, and behind me is the Ling family manor! What do you think?"

"We are young people. We have been waiting here for you for a long time." The man introduced himself in a gentle tone, but what he said made Ling Weixue suspicious and horrified.

thin? Thin line people?

What are you going to do with her?

Did he find out that he was the one who planned the hot search on the fan network? impossible!

She left no trace.

She raised her chin proudly, "Wait for me to do? I can't fight with him."

These two men are anything but good.

If her family knew that she had done something to provoke Ruan Su, she would definitely not be able to eat and walk away.

After all, the two older brothers were always in charge of dealing with the Ye family and Ruan Su, and if they acted rashly, the family would not like them.

However, in this case, she has done it, and has done it very successfully.

The man said lightly, "We have received an order from Young Master Bo and invite you to go and discuss in detail."

Staring at his calm face, a trace of cold sweat oozes out of Ling Weixue's face, and her expression is a little stiff, "I won't go. I have nothing to talk about with him."

"Really? Then we don't mind letting Young Master Bo come to Ling's house to discuss in detail." After saying that, the man picked up his phone and sent a message to Bo Xingzhi.

Ling Weixue's face turned pale with anger, and she scolded uncontrollably, "Look clearly, he is too arrogant, this is the gate of Ling's house, he will send someone to kidnap me! He wants to come to my house! He How old are you?"

"We don't mind visiting the Ling family." The implication was that Ling Weixue couldn't go anywhere.

"Oh, I don't want it!" Ling Weixue screamed and spread her legs, trying to run away.

Just a few steps away, she felt the back of her neck tighten, and the powerful force dragged her back, almost making her unable to breathe, "Uh-cough! Cough! Let me go!"

She held it back and found that the other party was using a rope! There was a noose on the rope, and it went directly around her neck.

Almost didn't strangle her.

"Miss Ling is offended, we must not let you leave the country. If you want to go abroad, you have already bought the plane ticket. I'm sorry, we can't let you leave." The man arrested Ling Weixue after he finished speaking.

Just when Ling Weixue was about to take out her mobile phone and call Ling Yichen, a sunspot stopped slowly at the entrance of Ling's house, a tall man got out of the car and gave her a cold look, "Enter Ling's house. ."

Hearing the man's extremely icy voice coming from the side, Ling Weixue's heart suddenly became icy cold.

Bo Xingzhi... is he really here? !

I heard that the person who offended him last year, it is said that the other party died tragically, and now the grass on his head has grown taller than a person...

And at this time, in the living room of the main building of the Ling Family Manor.

Ling Yichen was losing his temper at the housekeeper, "Why doesn't the young lady know when she went out? Where did she go?"

"She...I don't know either! She went out early in the morning, and everyone was still resting." The housekeeper was about to be frightened by the furious Ling Yichen.

Miss is very playful, especially after her face is disfigured, she wears a mask every day, and her temper is even more uncertain.

How dare they care about the lady?

"Go out and find it for me! Immediately now!" Ling Yichen gave him an irritated look, "Don't hurry up!"

"Yes, yes." The housekeeper was stunned as soon as he turned around and shouted in shock, "You... Who are you? Young Master Bo?"

"How did you come in?" Ling Yichen looked at Bo Xingzhi displeased after hearing this, "My Ling family has security guards and access guards. Young Master Bo, it's not good for you to break in without authorization?"

Obviously, his watchdog was beaten!

"Brother! Help me!" Ling Weixue couldn't help shouting at Ling Yichen after seeing him, "He tied me! He dared to tie me!"

Ling Yichen's eyes were drawn to Ling Weixue, who was **** with five flowers behind Bo Xingzhi. He saw that his beloved sister was **** like a zongzi and immediately became angry, "Bo Xingzhi, what do you mean? Don't think you are the president's young master. You can do whatever you want! This is the Ling family! Why did you tie up my sister? What right do you have to treat her like this!"

Bo Xingzhi's face was gloomy and there was a faint flame in his black eyes, "Heh—"

He snorted and slapped Ling Yichen's face with the photo of Ling Weixue appearing in the hospital going in and out of the small internet celebrity ward, "Young Master Ling might as well take a look at these photos and then get angry at me Bo Xingzhi."

Ling Yichen's fair face was immediately smeared with a red mark by the photos. He couldn't care about the pain and grabbed those photos. After seeing that it was his sister, he still looked at Bo Xingzhi stubbornly, "My sister can't go there. Is it in the hospital? What do you mean by this picture?"

"You probably don't know who lives in this ward." Bo Xingzhi took out the photo of the internet celebrity again, "This woman slandered my wife's fans and abused her online. So... Now we have determined that it was Miss Ling who instructed her. Everything you do. Ling Shao, you say, how should we deal with this matter?"

"Just because my sister appeared in this ward? You just arbitrarily identified my sister as the ambassador? You are too ridiculous! Your evidence is very naive and very low!" Ling Yichen looked at Bo Xingzhi with a sneer.

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