Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 981: The art of killing! Give your life to me!

"Mom, save me! Brother, brother, save me!" Ling Weixue couldn't help calling the Ling family for help.

But no one dared to speak. Ling Yixin has always been quiet, but this time she couldn't help but say to her sister, "Go!"

Ling Weixue closed her eyes in despair and let the tears flow. If time could go back, she would definitely not provoke Ruan Su!

After a while, Mr. Ling slowly released his hand, and patted the hair that was pulled from his palm, as if it was not his own granddaughter's hair but a few strands of dust.

His tone was still soft, "Be good, go. Don't make grandpa get angry."

Ling Yichen struggled to sit up from the ground, dragging his broken arm, ignoring the pain in his body, looked at Ling Weixue and said, "Go!"

Ling Weixue's tears of humiliation kept falling. She rolled and crawled in front of the reporter, wiping away her tears and still carrying a trace of stubbornness and pride that a daughter of a big family should have.

"Let's start."

How often have those reporters seen such a scene, they have long been abused by Mr. Ling's ruthless attitude that his own granddaughter will be abused.

One by one, their hearts were pounding with fright.

"Oh, ok ok. You wait, we're ready now."

About three minutes later, a female reporter sat in front of Ling Weixue and started a routine interview. The female reporter was numb all over, and she was afraid that the next person to have her hair pulled would be herself. It takes the boss's efforts to maintain her long hair...

She swallowed and forced a professional smile on her face, "Miss Ling, hello. I have a few questions to interview you."

"Okay, yes." Ling Weixue nodded and said with a weeping voice, "If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I will definitely know everything."

The visit lasted about half an hour.

When all this was over, Mr. Ling's eagle-like eyes shot straight at Bo Xingzhi, "Young Master Bo, are you satisfied now? Is it okay for my granddaughter to admit her mistake?"

"It's up to my wife to decide if I'm satisfied or not." Bo Xingzhi's cold eyes met Old Master Ling's eyes without any dodging.

The old eagle is old no matter how fierce it is!

What to fear!

"Bo Xingzhi, don't give face to yourself. Now that my granddaughter has apologized, it's time to talk about the matter between you and my grandson." Old Master Ling glanced at Ling Yichen, who was beaten to pieces.

This is one of his most proud grandsons, and he has been cultivating him intentionally.

Now, he was directly beaten by Bo Xingzhi and was half-crippled on the ground, his arm was broken at first glance.

This thin line is too cruel to start!

"There should be surveillance in this hall, Mr. Ling might as well take a look at the surveillance before questioning me." Bo Xingzhi slowly took the handkerchief that Cheng Ye handed over behind him and wiped his hands. . "It was your grandson who pointed the gun at me first. I was just fighting back."

Mr. Ling gritted his teeth angrily, what Bo Xingzhi said was clearly true.

He didn't need to check and monitor it, and he knew it in his heart.

It must have been his grandson who made the first move, and they were angry.

Ling Yichen felt pain all over his body, especially his arm. He was so angry that he barely scolded, "You tied my sister first, she is also the young lady of the Ling family. If you treat her like this, how will she behave when her reputation spreads?"

Bo Xingzhi glanced at him sarcastically, "Do you think she can be a human now? After the story of her framing my wife broke out, do you think her reputation will be better? She's just living the consequences."

"You'd better find out one thing, that is whether I forced her to frame my wife, nor did my wife force her. She insisted on running out to provoke my wife. Today, I look at the face of Mr. Ling. , I'll spare you a few Ling family juniors. It's better to have a better memory in the future."

After speaking, he took Cheng Ye and others to turn around and leave.

Ling Yixin reluctantly wanted to bring someone to stop her, but was flew over with a knife from the old master Ling, and he immediately fell silent.

Those reporters also hurried away, joking, and if they stay here, they might die.

They are all ordinary people. When have you seen such a big family tearing up on the spot?

"Grandpa, grandpa—" Ling Weixue cried and hugged Elder Ling's leg, "I originally just wanted to teach Ruan Su a lesson! Who let her deceive people too much. That Zhuang Xiaoyue's original face was mine, now She and Zhuang Xiaoyue played very well, and Zhuang Xiaoyue also broke up with me."

Mr. Ling raised his hand and pinched her jaw.

He stared at her coldly.

"Master Wu said that you stole Zhuang Xiaoyue's face first. You forced Master Wu to help you do this. It is understandable that Zhuang Xiaoyue ignores you now. Just because Zhuang Xiaoyue does not After playing with you, and playing with Ruan Su again. You will go to Ruan Su with a grudge. Isn't it?"

"Grandpa, I don't look good!" Ling Weixue cried out, "God is not fair, my two brothers are very handsome, why do I look ordinary and mediocre. I also want to be a beauty!"

Mr. Ling's eyes locked on her with a hatred of despair, "If you are a beautiful woman, you can have injections and plastic surgery, what are you doing to move people's faces? It's alright now, Master Wu's formation has been broken. You still suffered Backlash. There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky, don't you know?"

"I'm afraid of the pain...I don't want to use a knife..." Ling Weixue's tears kept falling down her disfigured cheeks. "I have nothing now, my face, and my reputation... Who would dare to marry me! What's the point of my life?"

"Since you don't want to live anymore, Weixue, why don't you...dedicate yourself to Grandpa!" Old Master Ling's eyes lit up when he heard Ling Weixue's words.

His eyes were full of longing, like a ferocious beast suddenly seeing delicious prey.

"Grandpa... What do you mean by that?" Ling Weixue was stunned for a moment, before she could wipe away her tears, she looked at him in surprise. "You are my grandfather, I can't marry you."

The old man Ling's expression was a little panic, and Ling Weixue couldn't help shaking.

When she heard the words spit out from Mr. Ling's mouth, she almost wanted to run away in surprise.

"Weixue! What I want is your life! Otherwise, why do you think Grandpa is so healthy and ruddy now? Didn't he take someone else's life? How could taking someone else's life be enough? You and I were originally related by blood. If you commit suicide, you might as well give your life to me, I will definitely be able to carry forward the Ling family, maybe your brother will be the future president... What if you sacrifice for your brother's future? "

All the Ling family members present looked at Mr. Ling in disbelief. He seemed to be from hell, as if he was carrying an inexplicable evil spirit all over his body.

Seeing people feel uncomfortable.

Mrs. Ling was so frightened that she threw her legs in front of Ling Weixue and hugged her daughter in her arms, "Dad, Weixue is your own granddaughter anyway, how could you kill her? Save your life for yourself. ?"

She always knew that Master Wu had the ability to heal the old man's body.

But she never thought that she took someone else's life to continue it for the old man!

"Fu Dao people, what do you know!" Old Master Ling kicked Mrs. Ling away, "Weixue doesn't want to live anymore, I'm just helping her. What's the use of a trash-like granddaughter staying in Ling's house? Her ugly face Can the face be married? Or can it bring benefits to the Ling family? Only me! A martial artist like me is worthy to carry forward the Ling family."

"The longer I live, the more prosperous the Ling family will be, and the more prosperous the Ling family will be."

"If I were to die! All your glory and wealth will be gone!"

How could the brothers Ling Yixin and Ling Yichen bear to see their beloved sister die? Ling Yichen's arm was so painful that he almost spasmed, but he still knelt in front of Mr. Ling with a plop, "Grandpa, please...don't take your sister's life. Let's Ling You can have as many servants and bodyguards as you want... My sister is your granddaughter!"

"Grandpa, please." Ling Yixin also pleaded for Ling Weixue.

"What would a brainless idiot keep?" Old Master Ling smiled grimly, "It will only smear the Ling family. If she dies, she can still recover some benefits for the Ling family."

Today, Bo Xingzhi hit the Ling family in the face, and he must take it back a hundred times a thousand times.

He already had a good idea in mind.

He laughed hey hey, that smile was eerily like a pervert in a horror movie.

Ling Weixue almost didn't dare to look at Old Master Ling's face, she could only desperately shrink into her mother's arms.

Ling Yichen thought to himself, Grandpa took someone else's life, who is that other person? If you take someone else's life, it's not a problem to live for at least another 30 to 50 years.

He originally thought that he would be able to take charge of the Ling family soon.

Looking at the situation now, grandpa is still the head of the Ling family, and he can only be his grandson, and he will be his grandson all his life.

He couldn't help thinking about what if his grandfather hadn't passed away when he was grey-haired... What would he do?

But now everything is in Grandpa's hands.

Only if you are strong can you save Wei Xue.

In the past, he always thought that his and Yi Xin's martial arts were very strong, but now he realized that compared with Bo Xingzhi, it was like hitting a stone with an egg.

The man's martial arts value is unfathomably high.

There are wolves in front and tigers in the back...

"Dad, Dad!" Father Ling rushed over at this moment, seeing that his three children were all kneeling on the ground, and his wife was crying. He suddenly felt extremely distressed, "What's wrong with the children is that I didn't discipline them well. Don't let your anger at them, just hit me and scold me!"

"Boss, I've been in Qingxiu for the past two years and haven't been in charge of the house. I didn't expect the house to be so smoky. I heard that you are still attached to that woman, Jing Sa." Old Master Ling shook his head helplessly, like an ordinary compassionate person. the same as the father. "Although the Jingling family is a family friend, what is it like to be attached to a woman?"

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