Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 985: President Jin urges online!

Ruan Su stretched out her slender white hands and shook them lightly.

"I'm very happy to be able to work with these two big names."

Linghua laughed, "You're welcome, you sang our song some time ago, but you can bring our popularity to the top. We thank you for being too late!"

Zhang Yi also spoke very modestly, "Our old guys don't have much traffic anymore. It's all because everyone hasn't forgotten us. With that little old love in mind, we can still eat."

Having said that, Ruan Su knew it in his heart.

Phoenix Legend's status in the music circle is unshakable for a group of average singers.

Whether they are from the nationality or the popularity of the songs, including a few years, they occupied the sound of all the square dance aunts.

The temperament was terrifying.

"Okay, since the three teachers have met, let's not talk nonsense. Let's rehearse first. Let's go through it and see how it goes." The director watched them chatting for a while and then said, "I'll arrange this. The teachers of the band are coming."

As he spoke, he started to call.

"Should we still sing "Mrs. Shexiang"?" Ruan Su thought about it and said to Ling Hua, "It is estimated that netizens really want to see the three of us sing a song together."

"We have three PK sessions, and the content of the show is like this." Ling Hua took out the program team's system rules table to show Ruan Su, "There are three rounds of PK, and in the first round, we sing "Mrs. Shexiang", which is Zhang Yi and I have our own songs. In the second round, sing other people's songs, and choose a song that is not your own. The third round is random, for example, nine songs will be scrolled on the big screen, similar to the big turntable lottery, When the scroll bar stops, we sing whichever song we stopped at."

Ruan Su is not stupid, she quickly understood what Ling Hua was saying.

"The third round is the hardest, because the first and second rounds can be decided and chosen by oneself, right?"

Ling Hua nodded, she glanced at Ruan Su quietly, the woman in front of her was slender and tall, with an elegant temperament, and she was better-looking than many stars in the entertainment industry.

It's a pity that such a beautiful person does not enter the entertainment circle.

"Sister Hua?" Seeing that Ling Hua didn't answer her, Ruan Su couldn't help but called out again.

Linghua just woke up like a dream, "Oh, oh, yes, yes. The third round is the hardest, because we don't know which song we will switch to when the scroll bar stops."

"It seems that I have to learn to sing nine songs." Ruan Su didn't feel discouraged or uncomfortable because of the difficulty. "What are the nine songs?"

Ling Hua thought that Ruan Su would be annoyed when she heard this, but she did not expect Ruan Su to be very serious.

She couldn't help but have a new opinion on Ruan Su, "Wait a moment, the music director will come over, and I will give you all the specific information, score, lyrics, etc. of the song."

Zhang Yi came over and said, "There are also professional music teachers who will teach you how to sing and pronounce. So you don't have to worry about Miss Ruan, you can sing as long as you put your heart into it. It's not difficult to learn a few more songs to sing, after all. A lot of skills don’t overwhelm you.”

Ruan Su tugged the hair on his forehead behind his ear, "For professional singers like you, learning a few songs is definitely nothing."

No wonder the two partners of Phoenix Legend are a national team, and they did not act like a big name, nor did they look down on Ruan Su as an amateur.

On the contrary, he has been discussing the knowledge of music with Ruan Su, after spending a long time with them.

Ruan Su felt that she had benefited a lot.

She looked at the time and was about to leave, "It's already more than five o'clock in the afternoon. I should have invited the two teachers to dinner, but when I entered the TV station today, I happened to meet an acquaintance and made an appointment with him for dinner."

"It's too polite. We should have invited you to dinner. We should have thanked you face to face for making us so popular at that time." Ling Hua's laughter was very hearty, just like her singing.

"Then tomorrow night, I'll invite you to dinner." Ruan Su said, reaching out and shaking Linghua's hand, "Thank you for teaching me a lot of music knowledge."

Ling Hua had a good impression of her. Compared with the impetuous young people in many circles, Ruan Su's down-to-earth, patient and serious attitude was really rare. "Let's invite Zhang Yi to sing the few lines of YOYOYO. His salary is high! Let's see you tomorrow night."

Zhang Yi was unconvinced, "Hey, Sister Hua, if it wasn't for my YOYOYO to set off, would you be able to show that you sing well?"

Ruan Su couldn't help laughing. She smiled beautifully, making people feel bright and comfortable.

"Okay, then please."

After speaking, she left the TV station with Yan Yidao.

When I walked out of this rehearsal room, the door of the rehearsal room just next door was also opened.

A young girl walked out from the inside. There were five or six assistants all around her behind the girl, some of whom were playing fans, some were carrying water glasses, some were carrying snacks...

It looks like a real star.

The girl stepped on high heels and wore a hip-length skirt, revealing a pair of beautiful fair legs. Even so, her height was only on par with Ruan Su.

She glanced at Ruan Su disdainfully. Ruan Su was wearing a white top and a pair of black jeans. On the feet are a pair of flat white shoes. Even if Fendai is not applied, she is still amazingly beautiful, like a hibiscus out of water, just standing at the door attracts everyone's attention.

The girl with heavy makeup showed a proud look on her face, and she was secretly jealous of Ruan Su's beauty and delicacy, "Who is this? You don't even have makeup on? It looks okay."

A little assistant behind her quickly stepped forward and whispered to her.

"Who am I supposed to be, it's her!"

She walked towards Ruan Su on her high heels and brushed past her, "Anyone can be on the show these days... Can you sing? It's so funny! Don't put me in a group with her!"

Thick irony came out of her mouth.

Yan Yidao frowned and tried to come forward to reason, but Ruan Su stopped him, "Didn't you say that you wouldn't let me pay attention to her? It's just a little idol, it's really self-deprecating to pay attention to her."

Because...she wanted to stomp this Mencius under her feet during the PK, that's the real cool.

isn't it?

"This woman is very arrogant and has no one in her eyes." Yan Yidao's tone was displeased and resentful, "Isn't she a little idol who relies on a financial master, she really thinks she is a big name in the industry."

Ruan Su's eyes showed a hint of sternness, "Compared with her work attitude and personality, Huanghuang Legend is simply the difference between clouds and mud. Her little idol is a muddy mud that can only rely on others forever."

Ruan Su said and looked at the time, it was almost six o'clock, "Let's go, don't make President Jin wait too long."

Yan Yidao was stunned, "Can I go too?"

Dine with the richest man like Kim Nam-hyuk? I'm just a little director, isn't it enough?

Ruan Su glanced at him, "You are my friend, and you are also my friend. You were there when I asked him to dinner today, why can't you go? He just has more money and more people he knows. Does he have three heads and six arms? Or is he able to fly over the eaves?"

In her eyes, these friends are the same.

There is no difference.

"Okay then." Yan Yidao instantly felt that he was arrogant.

The most famous restaurant in Beijing is Tongquetai, which is owned by the Bo Group. This Tongquetai not only has branches in Jiangcheng, but also in Beijing or other big cities.

When Ruan Su arrived at Tongque Terrace, Jin Nanhe was already sitting firmly in the box.

Seeing her come in with Yan Yidao, he stood up, "Miss Ruan, please take a seat."

"Just call me Xiao Su. You don't have to be so polite." Ruan Su sat next to Jin Nanhe. As soon as she was seated, she couldn't wait to speak, "Stretch out your hand, and I'll help you feel the pulse."

Jin Nanhe smiled kindly, "It's true that my patient is not in a hurry, but your doctor is in a hurry."

Having said that, he stretched out his left arm.

Ruan Su's fingers touched his pulse.

After about three or four minutes, she slowly withdrew her hand, "You are extremely weak! Did you get injured some time ago? Or are you seriously ill?"

"Not at all. Maybe it's because the work is too hard, the work is too hard, and the body is depleted." Jin Nanhe took back his hand, and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes, "I'm also old, but my family is very old. My child is always worried. I am a little worried now that if my huge family business is passed on to her, she will be able to take it."

"You are thinking too much, and your body is very depleted." Ruan Su said and sent a prescription to Jin Nanhe's mobile phone, "In the future, you have to follow the medicine on the prescription, and then follow the method above. Drink, drink for a while and your body will recover. The most important thing is to take a good rest.”

"How could I possibly rest?" Jin Nanhyuk shook his head, "My brother is a dick, and he's not getting married yet. Jin Aimi has an impatient and unsteady temperament."

Ruan Su couldn't help comforting her, and said against her will, "You don't need to think too much. I think Miss Jin's character has shortcomings, but she is still very good."

"What kind of person she is, I know best." Jin Nanhe shook his head and smiled. "Forget it, let's not talk about them. I know your friend, and you are said to be a good partner. Xiao Su, when will the filming of your Princess Li start? I also want to participate in the stock."

Ruan Su: "..."

I've seen marriages urged online, births online, divorces online...

I've never seen so many online shoots!

"Princess Li's script hasn't been written yet. After it's written, the casting will begin and filming will begin. If you want to invest, you can discuss it with the banquet director."

Jin Nanhe nodded, his eyes fell on Yan Yidao, "Director Yan, what do you think of me as an investor? I am very optimistic about the project of Princess Li, and I think it will definitely explode."

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