Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 991: Don't be too cool with live slaps!

With Ruan Su's ethereal and clear voice, it is as refreshing as a lark.

After she finished singing, she became Zhang Yi's strong baritone.

When Zhang Yi began to sing the second sentence, Ling Hua and Ruan Su spoke directly, and the three began to sing.

Even if it is a three-person chorus, it is still possible to clearly distinguish who has whose voice. Everyone's voice is very distinctive, and everyone interprets this song wonderfully, which can be said to be a seamless fit.

When a song ended, the scene was quiet for a while, not knowing who would applaud first.


Immediately afterwards, a thunderous applause echoed throughout the studio.

And the audience fans on the live broadcast software are even more excited.

"666! It sings so well."

"Ears are getting pregnant."

"Xiao Su and the legend of Huanghuang sing really well."

"I can listen to it for three days and three nights without being bothered."

"Send, send, send!!! I must send ten carnivals!"

The gifts on the barrage were swiping frantically, and the likes never stopped. The number of people in the live broadcast room also went from 10,000 or 20,000 to more than 500,000.

The live broadcast software has been messed up one by one, and the technical guy in the background is frantically working overtime.

There was even a little technical brother who couldn't help but post on the social platform: "The traffic of Ruan Su and the legend of Huanghuang is too high! I am so dizzy working overtime!"

He was originally a person who likes to complain in his heart, and he usually complains about Cao working overtime and complaining about the boss.

It's just that almost no one pays attention to his account, and no one pays attention to his complaints.

However, he never dreamed that he would follow Ruan Suhong!

I don't know which of Ruan Su's fans found out about his message, so he directly transferred it to Super Chat, and then... those fans started to forward it frantically.

In the end, he even put him on the hot search.

#Technical little brother complains about the high traffic of Ruanhuang combination#

Yes, fans even gave Ruan Su and the Legend of Huanghuang a name: Ruanhuang Combination.

Then many people discovered that this technical little brother is really a treasure boy!

His various fancy complaints were forwarded and ridiculed by netizens.

It didn't take long to get a lot of fans.

The tech guy was dumbfounded.

He was just about to quietly cancel his account before being discovered by the boss, but it turned out! It suddenly showed that a new fan was following him, either someone else or his boss!

He was all covered up. He complained a lot about the boss, and it is roughly estimated that there are at least one or two hundred.

Shouldn't he be fired?

At this moment, the boss suddenly parachuted from the president's office on the top floor to the floor where his department was located, walked up to him, patted his shoulder, and said excitedly, "Well done! Humorous image, I have checked the background data and found that the IP that the account is logged in is your computer. I didn't expect it! Our company has won a terrifyingly high degree of friends from netizens because of your complaints, and the stock price has increased by a hundred. Ten out of ten! That's all for a while."

The corner of the technical brother's mouth twitched, no... no?

"You have to complain more about me in the future. From today onwards, your salary will be doubled. Keep working hard." After that, the boss turned around and left.


Dizzy and faint, he quickly sent a message, "Take off the blessing of the Ruanhuang combination, I just... got a raise from the boss."

As a result, as soon as he posted this message, he went on a hot search again.

#Ruanhuang combination is really the emperor of Europe, the technical brother has a raise#

So Ruan Su and Huanghuang Legend directly transformed into koi in the circle, and many people were forwarding it to ask for a pay rise.

Bo Xingzhi hugged Ruan Su, who was sitting in the living room watching TV with Su Jinghuai. At this time, they had finished singing, and the next group started to take the stage.

It was Zhang Xiaohan and her flight partner, who was also an old singer in the circle, who sang sweet songs back then.

Su Jinghuai's eyes widened, "Godmother sang on TV just now!"

Bo Xingzhi lowered his head and put away his mobile phone. He had been watching Carnival a lot on the live broadcast software just now. His wife sang so well, so of course he had to do more.

After Zhang Xiaohan finished singing, it was Meng Ziqi's turn. Meng Ziqi's partner was a veteran singer with excellent singing skills, who was once a popular singer in the music world.

Meng Ziqi would definitely not invite him. It was Luo Tiancheng who came forward to give people a lot of benefits, and they reluctantly came to be her partner and helped her support the scene in the first phase.

She sang Meng Ziqi's own song, but she didn't expect that she would be directly crushed by the old singer. It can be said that she couldn't catch the sound thrown by the other party at all.

She panicked and almost forgot the lyrics. Fortunately, there was a teleprompter on the opposite side. She sang a sentence that was broken, and there were many audience members who knew music, and there was a burst of sighs on the spot.

If it is not the director who needs the atmosphere of the scene, make the implied action to make the audience applaud in the place where the camera can't see it.

The audience didn't bother to applaud her, and the applause gave the old singer some face.

After all, people sing really well, not only has the voice not changed for so many years, but every word is very clear, and the intonation is also very accurate.

Mencius turned pale with anger on the way back to the lounge after getting off the stage. She asked her manager sharply, "Am I bad at singing?"

The manager hurriedly held her, "How is that possible? You can sing better than ever. It's very good, you don't have to worry about it."

The company has bought her 100,000 online users in the live broadcast room. When Zhang Xiaohan sang, the online number was 300,000, and no matter what, it could not be less than 300,000, so the company had already started to buy online. navy.

After all, her popularity has always been inflated, and so are her fans, and a lot of data is made.

not real.

However, what the company did not expect was that after buying 100,000 people, there were only 200,000 people online in the live broadcast room, which means... There are only 100,000 people online in the live broadcast room.

It would be embarrassing and embarrassing if only a few people online when Meng Ziqi sang.

But now the remedy is too late, and the singing is over.

The manager was very clear in his heart, but he didn't dare to tell Meng Ziqi, because he was afraid of affecting her next performance.

So he could only cry inwardly, Mom! Shouldn't this really be the bottom of the online population?

After Mencius finished singing, it was the other Luo Dazuo group.

It turned out that the agent's hunch was correct. When all the six groups had finished singing, the group with the highest number of people online in the live broadcast room was the Ruanhuang group, and the lowest was Meng Ziqi.

The one who received the most gifts was also the Ruan-Huang group.

Mencius also received the lowest gift.


It's too cruel.

Just abusive.

The agent was about to cry.

Soon the second round will begin. In the second round, you will sing other people's songs and choose a song that is not your own.

Ruan Su and Huanghuang Legend chose a classic song that almost everyone sang.

But it is this kind of song that is the worst to sing.

Because everyone can do it, it is even more impossible to make mistakes.

When this song was sung, Ruan Su and Huanghuang Legend changed into new costumes, because this song is an ancient song.

So all three of them put on costumes.

And when Ling Hua sang, Ruan Su directly showed his profound dance skills.

Qing Yan Luo shirt, blue silk ink dyed, the fan in the hand is elegant, like a fairy.

She seems to have traveled through an ancient dream. A spring moon slowly rises on the background of the stage. The woman under the moon sometimes raises her wrists, sometimes relaxes her arms, and her sleeves are elegant and vigorous.

Her entire body is like flowing water and clouds like dragons and phoenixes dancing.

Almost everyone was attracted by her graceful and graceful dancing, and stared at her on the stage, which was a unique audio-visual feast.

Ling Hua and Zhang Yi sang together, plus her dance, she sang while dancing.

Especially Zhang Yi has martial arts skills since he was a child, and he danced a few times on the stage with Ruan Su.

Sitting at home, Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes stared at the woman on the TV for a moment, and she would always give him a different kind of surprise.

It's like a treasure, always able to dig out a different side.

And Su Jinghuai frantically stared at the screen while watching the carnival.

This is the task he volunteered to get from Bo Xingzhi.

The number of people online in the live broadcast room continued to climb, from thirty to forty, fifty, sixty... and finally directly soared to one million!

There were so many people stuck in the live broadcast room that they couldn't see the screen, and they only saw gifts swiping frantically.

The barrage kept jumping and jumping.

And the audience in front of the TV also sat in their own homes and exclaimed in admiration.

There are even more videos of Ruan Su dancing and singing on social platforms.

"National style dance ceiling!"

"My eyes are straight!"

"The first issue of this season's "Voice of Heaven's Chosen" was a big surprise. Ruan Su single-handedly improved the quality of the show."

"Mom! I want to learn classical dance!"

"It's so beautiful!"

"Watching her dance and listening to her sing gave me goosebumps!"

There is no doubt that this round of Ruan and Huang has crushed other groups in every aspect.

Zhang Xiaohan's group ranked second.

Meng Ziqi's face turned green with anger, she sat in the lounge and started sending a message to Luo Tiancheng, "Godfather, look at Ruan Su, she's mad at me! She stole all my attention, you want Let me be the master!"

Luo Tiancheng was in the third row of the auditorium, and it was quite easy for him to get a few tickets.

As early as when Ruan Su came on stage to perform, he was shocked!

How can there be such a beautiful woman? But when he thought of her being so cruel, he shied away, just wanting to avenge himself for being abused by her.

After he received Meng Ziqi's message, his eyes darkened and he replied, "Just wait, I'll take care of her right away."

Having said that, he united with his subordinates again, "Publish the photo! Be sure to release it when she is the most popular, and I will see if it is negative or she is a genius!"

He smiled sinisterly and looked at the stage.

At this time, a boss next to him whispered to him, "Did you see it? The one sitting in the middle of the first row is Mr. Jin. When the show is over, I can introduce you."

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