Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 995: Slap the so-called academic bully online!

What he lacks the most is not money, not a house, not a car, but a biological daughter!

In his entire life, he could not compare to Ruan Su's useless father.

Since he knew that Cheng Jinfeng got married hastily, out of respect, he never disturbed each other's life again.

until she disappeared...

Until Ruan Su broke into his sight again.

He never thought to investigate Ruan Su's situation again, because he thought it was the greatest respect for Cheng Jinfeng and Ruan Su's mother and daughter.

After all, Cheng Jinfeng is gone...

If she had known earlier that she would have disappeared.

He shouldn't be so gentleman, to his mother's do not disturb, to his mother's respect.

He should have snatched her back, and then he had snatched her up and put it by his side, so would she always be fine?

He was filled with remorse and pain countless times.

He just wants to get along well with Ruan Su now, and when he waits for a hundred years... it can be regarded as worthy of Cheng Jinfeng!

In the next two days, he and Ruan Su participated in the program he invested in, "Winning in Dreams".

The program is in the form of recording and broadcasting, and it will be edited later.

In the first issue, he naturally had to sit in person, sitting with Ruan Su and two other bigwigs as judges.

Ruan Su has an elegant and noble temperament, wearing a professional suit, looking serious and decent.

This kind of workplace-style show, naturally, you can't wear giggling, or wear that kind of evening dress, it will look very out of place.

Especially when Jin Nanhe and the other two big guys were wearing suits, Ruan Su couldn't be sloppy.

The top is an off-white shirt, with an elegant style and drapey fabric. It doesn't seem to have any wrinkle, and it is very temperamental. The lower body is matched with a gray skirt, with a front slit design, and a pair of feet on the feet. Pointed-toe high-heeled shoes, the temperament of the upper looks very textured, and it looks more charming when walking.

Usually, she only wears high heels when attending dinner parties. Usually, she prefers comfortable old shoes or sneakers in private.

Now she is sitting next to Kim Nanhyuk, looking elegant and stylish, with her own aura.

Those who participate in the program are usually returnees, or graduates from prestigious schools, and their resumes are shining.

However, there are very few people with a humble attitude, and they are basically arrogant.

After all, these people have been geniuses and scholars since childhood, and many of them are not only self-confident, but also very inflated.

One even invited Ruan Su on stage to solve a very difficult math problem with him.

It is said to be a world-class problem, and there are only a handful of people in the world who can overcome this problem.

"I'm not very good at math, but I'm good in other aspects." Ruan Su stood up, smiled slowly, and looked at the fearless contestant in front of her with bright eyes, "Your resume just said that you are a conscience. student? It just so happened that I and Liang Shen once participated in the same game."

Liang Shen is a well-known genius mathematician in the mathematics world. At only twenty-four years old, he has already won numerous awards in world-class mathematics competitions, which is a miracle in the mathematics world.

He once said that in just 24 years, he participated in countless math and physics competitions, big and small.

Only lost in the hands of one person.

Many people asked him who this person was, but he remained silent all the time, only answering: My friend said she wanted to keep a low profile. Because she doesn't want to eat mathematics.

So many people think this is just a legend.

"You? Have you ever competed with Liang Shen?" The contestant wore glasses and looked gentle and chubby, with a very friendly appearance.

"Well, it was probably when I was twenty years old." Ruan Su had already walked up to him at this time, "Come on, let's solve this problem together and see who can solve it first."

Two blackboards and chalks have been arranged by the staff on the stage, and the title is also clearly written on the blackboard.

The big guys at the scene are all academic bullies, and they have heard about these difficult topics.

In addition, the rest of the players were also waiting in the player's seat. When they saw this topic, they couldn't help but take a breath.

He started talking in a low voice, "I'll go, I won't understand."

"It's one of the three biggest math problems in the world."

"Tsk tsk!! Could it be Miss Ruan?"

"I shouldn't be able to figure it out. Didn't she just say...she's not good at math."

The two people in front of the blackboard were holding the chalk and answering the questions seriously.

Ruan Su answered quickly and solved it quickly.

She didn't seem to need to think at all.

Jin Nanhe sat in the seat and looked at her silently, and the more he looked, the more he felt that her face was similar to Cheng Jinfeng.

The more I look at it, the more I think she can be so good! How could her father be such a jerk! It would be nice if she was his own daughter.

This intense longing made him sick all over.

"All right."

Just when Jin Nanhe was thinking about it, he heard Ruan Su on the stage drop the chalk and clapped his hands.

Everyone looked at the blackboard with wide eyes, and found that she had decoded a large piece of the password.

But many viewers don't understand it.

joke! If anyone can understand such advanced mathematics, it is not called advanced.

Not long after Ruan Su finished the solution, the little fat man also finished the solution.

He thinks he has a perfect solution, very good.

After all, he is a student of the Good God, and he has specially studied how to solve this problem.

If he couldn't solve it, wouldn't he lose the face of the good God?

He glanced at his answer confidently, and then looked at Ruan Su's answer.

However... when he saw Ruan Su's answer clearly, his expression suddenly changed.

Not only him, there are two visiting professors from famous universities next to several bigwigs, one of them happens to be a dean of mathematics.

The old professor raised the glasses on the bridge of his nose in shock, and said incredulously, "You have an ingenious solution! Both of your answers are correct. But the answering process is obviously simpler and faster, and the way of thinking is also better. It's clearer. There are three ways to solve this math problem, and this contestant used the second one."

"But you Ruan Su... you are not any of the three, and you have used another fourth solution. This answer is also correct, and the result is correct. And it is more concise than the first three. Clear, clear."

As soon as the old professor's voice fell, the audience instantly burst into an uproar.

The little fat man swallowed in surprise.

When he first read it, he thought that Ruan Su had made a mistake. It was not until he read it that he clearly understood that there was a sense of clarity and clarity in Lingtai in an instant.

He used to answer this question too, but when he answered it, he was forced to memorize it by rote.

After reading Ruan Su's answer, he had a feeling that he finally understood the meaning of this question.

He couldn't help but bowed his hands to Ruan Su, and said with great admiration, "Thank you for letting me understand the true meaning of this topic, I am willing to give up."

After he finished speaking, he walked towards his seat with his head down.

Everyone shouted, is it so powerful? A world class problem! The master of mathematics! Lost in her hands?

This... is too amazing, right?

Jin Nanhyuk retracted his gaze from the blackboard in shock, and the host was still praising Ruan Su in his ears.

All kinds of praise for Ruan Su, she was praised as a genius that cannot be found in the sky.

However, Jin Nanhyuk only saw her slender figure slowly sit down and sit next to him again.

"Xiao Su, why are you so good at math?"

"I just know how to solve this problem. I can't compare to Liangshen who really made contributions to mathematics." Ruan Su is not very interested in doing research. If there was, she would have entered the research institute a few years ago.

The severely hit little fat man secretly turned on his mobile phone and sat there to send a message to Liangshen, "Mr. Liang, I was hit by a guy named Ruan Su today..."

He posted a lot about how Ruan Su explained how to solve it, how to solve it, how to solve it, and how to get past it.

He also secretly photographed a blackboard photo of Ruan Su solving a problem.

Luckily the camera didn't catch him.

He sent it to Liang Shen, and soon the busy person Liang Shen returned to him with only one sentence. "It's not a loss for you to lose to her."

The little fat man stared at this sentence in shock, almost speechless in astonishment.

What does it mean to lose to her?

He didn't understand for a while, and fell into deep thought.

In order to increase the popularity, the program team put the tidbits of her problem-solving on the Internet after obtaining the consent of Ruan Su and Jin Nanhe.

The enthusiasm was directly brought by Ruan Su.

Traffic is rushing.

Her answer to the problem was also listed separately by the program team, and the steps to solve the problem were detailed and clear.

Many academics who were not interested in the show came to try to answer this question, and many bigwigs in the mathematics world were also forwarding this answer, and also attached an analysis.

For a time, many academic leaders and academic leaders began to pay attention to the program "Winning in Dreams". There were not many players who signed up for the competition. As a result, Ruan Su, the fourth problem-solving method, came out, which directly aroused a lot of people. The competitive spirit of the scholars.

Everyone wants to come to this show to show off, to see how well they are, and whether there will be mountains outside the mountains and sky outside the mountains.

Originally, the TV station and the program team thought that the show would explode, but they never imagined that it would explode to such an extent that it was so explosive that they never thought about it before.

Especially after this hot search has been on the rise for a day, Liang Shen, who has always been low-key in teaching and educating people, even reposted it on social platforms, and also attached a comment, "I lost to her back then."


And quickly occupied the hot search.

Ruan Su was really helpless and could only be forced to reply, "Liang Shen, my senior brother, please don't beat me up. It was years ago when you lost to me, and you still remember it with a brooding heart. In my heart. Now I am far inferior to you! You are the **** of mathematics, and I am just a little transparent."

"God! My **** and my goddess are actually brothers and sisters?"

"What's happening here?"

"Has another vest of Ruan Su dropped?"

"Who will answer me, why is she still brother and sister with Liangshen? This relationship... is too hard! Too iron!"

Netizens were discussing again.

Unexpectedly, Liangshen, who has always been low-key and rarely online, actually replied, "Junior sister, you are too modest. Come see the master with me another day. Online appointment, do you have time for a busy person?"

It's completely using the social platform as a WeChat chat!

"Dare to ask who their master is?! I'm online on 2G, I don't know! Please let me know!"

"There are several teachers in Liangshen's life who are his mentors, which one is it!"

Netizens began to frantically discuss which immortal master actually had two immortal apprentices in his hands!

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