Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 1112: Bad uncle good deed

Chapter 1112 is broken

Huo Tian felt that she had endured too much torture that should not be endured at this age.

Forced to eat dog food every day.

Fortunately, Huo Yunque and Song Yaoya were still human and left the study soon to avoid letting Huo Tian be killed by dog ​​food. She curled her lips and mumbled: "When who has never been in love?" She was still so sticky when she was old.

She lowered her head and focused on the plan.

I just watched and fell in love.

When she turned to the end and saw the lives in this plan, she suddenly jumped up screaming.


how come--

Is Song Yaoya planning to sign her?

No, it also includes her teammates who did not debut in "Yao You", but are good.

In addition to her total of five people, Huo Tian has the impression of all five people, and they all came during the meal before.

It's just that after so long, Huo Tian didn't expect that Song Yaoya still remembered it.


This is the group name?

Is it a bit too arrogant? Gods?

Huo Tian continued to turn back, and there were still a few scores behind, which should be semi-finished products, some of which were not yet completed.

She saw that at the top, the mark given by Song Yaoyao was also the name of the album:


Huo Tian tried to hum lightly along with the music, whether it was words or melody, the light in her eyes brightened.

This is a difficult and mysterious song. Whether it is the tune or the lyrics.

She recently followed Song Yaoyao. She knew her handwriting and naturally recognized it too. This was written by Song Yaoyao!

Huo Tian couldn't sit still, and rushed out of the study holding the papers——

In the room, Song Yaoya kept leaning back, her small hands pressed against the man's chest, her small face glowing like pink jade. A pair of beautiful apricot eyes flashed slyly, she shook her head, her voice was waxy, "No way~"

"Kiss again."

"Dear Mr. Huo, you are now in my eyes, and your credibility is 0!"

Song Yaoya raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and quickly blocked the pressed thin lips.

Huo Yunque's thick eyelashes concealed the fine light under his eyes. He gently kissed Song Yaoyao's palm, and a smile was wrapped in his clearer voice, "Really not?"

"Wow you—"

Song Yao gave him a sideways glance, and suddenly withdrew her hand like an electric shock.

Huo Yunque chuckled.

He put his thin eyelids on, and quickly put a kiss on her lips.

"What am I? Huh?"

The person in front of her is cold and arrogant most of the time, and only in front of her can that coldness disappear, as if the winter snow melted, forming a pool of spring.

At this moment, his eyes were narrow, and he asked with his eyes.

Song Yao hummed angrily, wrapped his neck, leaned forward and took a bite on his lips, muttering, "I won't tell you."


"Auntie uh—"

Huo Tian was dumbfounded.

Huo Yunque held Song Yaoyao in his arms and slowly raised his eyes, the light in his eyes was like a sharp knife, piercing the air and hitting Huo Tian.

"Huh? Have you finished reading things?"

The man's fingers were long and slender, and he played with Song Yaoyao's long hair.

If you ignore his cold expression, it is definitely a harmonious and warm picture.

Unfortunately, no matter how scary Huo Yunque was, Song Yaoyao who was trapped in Huo Yunque's arms could not be seen.

"Don't knock, who taught you the rules?" Huo Yunque's voice was cold.

His tone has always been unhurried, calm and calm, but Huo Tian could not but feel the unhurried breath from it.

Huo Tian was almost crying, almost buried her head in her chest, and apologized repeatedly, "I'm sorry, my uncle, I didn't see..."

If the good deeds between my uncle and my aunt were broken, I deserved to die.

"Get out."

"Yes, yes! Uncle, calm down! I'll get out of here!!"

Huo Tian rushed out of the room without looking back, and carefully helped Huo Yunque close the door.


With difficulty, Song Yaoya put his hands against Huo Yunque's chest and turned his head to look, only to see the door just closed.


"Huh?" Huo Yunque's eyes were dark, his big palm fell on Song Yao's waist.

Song Yaoya didn't notice, "Did you say anything?" She was at a loss, what did Huo Tian look like to run for her life.


A serious answer left Song Yaoyao speechless.

While she was in a daze, suddenly, a clear smell filled her nose, and a sense of oppression hit her head.


The body vacated before touching the big bed.

Song Yaoyao flicked on the bed. Before she could sit up, she saw the man kneeling on the edge of the bed, leaning over, with his long arm resting on her side.

Coincidentally, it happened to trap her in her arms...


Huo Tian waited and waited in the corner, waited and waited...

Waiting from noon until dark, but didn't wait until Song Yao came out.

Of course, her brother-in-law did not come out either.

"Are you dreaming here?"

Not long after Huo Ningxi got off work, he had already opened the door, but Yu Guang noticed a small figure squatting vaguely in the corner.

He held the doorknob in one hand and looked sideways, surprised.

Huo Tian's neck was stiff, and she twisted her neck. When she saw Huo Ningxi, she was extremely wronged.

"Brother Ning Xi, I'm too miserable!!"

She rubbed and stood up from the ground, and was about to run towards Huo Ningxi.

However, she forgot how long she squatted in the corner. She stood up abruptly, short-term numbness caused by the inability to circulate blood in her legs for a long time, directly caused her to thump and fell to Huo Ningxi's feet.

Huo Ningxi took two steps backwards, her brows gradually raised.

"Huo Tian." He took a deep breath.

Huo Tian lay on the ground crying, her legs still cramping, making her unable to get up for a while.

She put her hands on the ground and raised her head with difficulty, "Huh?"

Huo Ningxi: "Are you sick?"


Song Yaoya slept for most of the afternoon, and when he woke up in a daze, the man beside him was still asleep.

This is really rare in her impression, and the lower back is still a little sore, but not unbearable. The man's arms were still arrogantly wrapped around her waist, Song Yaoya quietly raised his head, and his small hands gently outlined the man's facial contours.

The eyelashes are long and sparse, the bridge of the nose is straight, and the lip shape is very beautiful. If the corners of the lips rise slightly when they laugh, Su is terrible.

At this time the man fell asleep quietly, as if there was no sign of waking up.

Song Yao's courage, tenderly poked a few fingers on Huo Yunque's cheek.

Just when she was about to squeeze twice, Huo Yunque suddenly turned her head and bit her messy finger accurately.


Song Yaoya screamed shortly, watching Huo Yunque still closed his eyes, crying in tears, "It hurts..."

Huo Yunque's lips twitched and he seemed to smile, but it was very shallow.

"Where does it hurt?"

Song Yaoya sobbed, "Hands and hands hurt."

Huo Yunque snorted and loosened his teeth, Song Yao swished his hand back, and sips into his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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