Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 1114: Song Yaoya is going to support the women's team

Chapter 1114 Song Yaoya is about to support the women's team

Her brain is so big that she can't hold much. He could only vaguely perceive that Huo Ningxi's emotions were wrong, and he was faintly depressed.

This dining room is so big that he is the only one sitting with her. But Huo Tian felt that he was like trapping himself in a separate world, and she could not get out if others could not step in.

She scratched her head, eating without a bite.

While eating, she peeked at Huo Ningxi.

It's just that after the episode just now, Huo Ningxi never lifted his head. He sat upright with his eyelashes slightly lowered. There was no sound of chewing when eating, Huo Tian was inexplicably sad.

The old brother, who was indifferent, but a little arrogant, seemed to have disappeared.

It only exists in her memory, and can no longer overlap with the young man sitting in front of her.

The dining room was silent for a while.

Until the sound of footsteps came.

Huo Tian raised her eyes.

Quietly let out a breath, spit out weakly, "Aren't you hungry? Even if you are sleeping, you won't sleep like that—"

"I'm done, you guys use it slowly."

Huo Ningxi stood up abruptly, because suddenly, the chair rubbed against the floor and made a harsh sound.

Huo Yunque's complexion was flat, and he slightly nodded, sitting down in the usual fixed position.

Huo Tian's words were interrupted, and she opened her mouth.

Suddenly, I felt very strange.

For Huo Ningxi's response-


After dinner, Huo Tian looked like a little follower, following Song Yaoyao.

Song Yaoya regularly took a walk after supper, but she was hesitant to say many times.

When she finally finished her walk, Huo Tian's heart was full of resentment and grievances.

She drooped her eyebrows, she didn't have any energy at all, and she looked like a sick puppy.

Song Yao gave her a glance when he went upstairs, and stopped tossing her, "Come to the study with me."


Huo Tian's eyes lit up.

The footsteps are brisk as if to fly.

"Come on!!"


Half a month later, Song Yaoyao studio officials announced a new contract artist.

It's just that this time not one, but five girls, a girl group.

Netizens looked at the face with new makeup and almost couldn't recognize it.

It wasn't until the fans of the girls flooded into the comment area on Weibo that they suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the trainee of "Yao You"?

What is Song Yaoyao going to do? Isn't all the actors signed by her studio? Are you still planning to join the women's team now?

Do you have a ring with the "Yao You" team?

[Ahhhhh! Mom Zai Zai loves you! ! 】

[Thanks to Director Song, Director Song! Oh, I'm relieved with Director Song. 】

[I was still wondering where my sister went in the past half month, why didn't she even update her Weibo. Unexpectedly, it was signed by Director Song, so surprised and happy! ! 】

[Ohh great good, I believe the star-making ability Song guide! 】

[Wow, did no one notice the group's name? Gods? I can only say, Director Song, you deserve it! Arrogant enough! ! 】

This time the team debuted, and they also released their first album.


Netizens were all dumbfounded by Song Yaoyao's manual operation. Before that, even the major media had not received any news.

It's well hidden.

The fans were so happy that they thought they would not have a chance to debut after losing the election, but they didn't want to be a blessing in disguise, so they were signed by Song Yao.

Although Song Yaoyao appeared in front of the public not long ago, but looking at what she did, which one is not earth-shattering?

In this section, a blockbuster was dropped.

Some people are surprised, but others are sour.

In addition, the friends in the circle that Song Yaoya knows have helped Song Yaoyao studio and forwarded Weibo.

Luo Xingguang is the first to bear the brunt.

Luo Xingguang reposted on Weibo //: The song was written by the guide Song, and the song was composed by me.

Xiao Tang Xiao Tang is the strongest in the world V: Hey, don't pay attention to my private life, come to Kangkang plmm! @God

Kang Yuan reposted Weibo //: The person who signed the contract? Must support!

Xia Lao v: We are so beautiful, what else can you not?

In addition, Min Jiaren, Xiang Chuan, Song Yi, Dong Wen, etc. also all forwarded it.

The popularity is so good. Some people who don't know Song Yaoya were surprised. They asked who Song Yaoya was, why so many friends in the circle, which star is the most popular recently?

After being popularized by science, they were shocked.

New director, Kang Yuan apprentice, college entrance examination champion, philanthropist, can write songs...

And the most important thing is that this girl, she is only twenty years old!

Netizens can't sit still.

[Think about it carefully, what did I do when I was twenty? 】

[If I can go back to when I was 20, I would slap myself to death, what's wrong with me? It’s not good to learn something, you have to fall in love! Now what is left besides one injury? 】

[I’m the only one who hates Song Yaoyao? 】

[Those marketing numbers in the building, can you report the ball and serve? I really don't want to see it anymore. 】

[I have to admit that Song Yaoyao is really the type that many boys like. Work hard to be vigorous, beautiful and talented, and the most important thing is to be not rigid and very cute. Not only boys, even girls want to be friends with her, right? In fact, most of the people scolding her on the Internet are mostly girls. Such an excellent girl is not only liked, but also jealous...]

[Agree with what a sister said, no one can let everyone like it. There are always those who are gloomy in their hearts to question others' excellence. If you don't work hard, what right do you have to blame others? 】

[Woooooooooooh baby finally posted on Weibo, do you remember the fans by Daming Lake? 】

[The lyrics written by me, the songs by Baby Star, must be bought! Buy buy buy! 】

[Mom, I want to buy God's album! buy! Is it enough to buy ten? Enough, thank you mom! 】

[Hahaha, the sisters in the building are all talents, but the five sisters are really beautiful! ! 】

[Sisters, listen to me, go buy the album, the thief is so nice! The younger sisters' figures are too spicy, and the dancing thieves have feelings! No loss in equity! 】


"How? You feel relieved this time?"

Song Yaoya glanced at Huo Tian.

Huo Tian's smile flew up on her face, and she couldn't hide it when she wanted to hide. She put down the phone, endured and endured, grinning like a fool.

But she knew that she had no credit for it.

No matter who is changed in the group, this album is definitely a big seller. There are Song Yaoyao's lyrics, Luo Xingguang's music.

She doesn't know now, but in the future, once these two partner together, they will be synonymous with quality.

Don't look at how many big guys come to support Song Yaoyao! There were so many forwardings, including Luo Xingguang and Xia Lao, the two top players, they belonged to the type of shouting and responding.

Their fans alone can bring much sales to the album.

She turned her head and looked at Song Yao who was nestled in the reclining chair.

(End of this chapter)

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