Mrs. Huo is a Crybaby

Chapter 1129: Strange priest

Chapter 1129 The Strange Father

The red carpet covered every corner of the church, and the rows of wooden seats were all empty. Song Yaoyao randomly found a place to sit down.

The high dome will make people feel dizzy after a long time.

Song Yao was in a daze.

"What are you thinking?"

The voice of the young priest has a slight metallic texture, which makes him even more mysterious and distant.

"Brother." Thinking of brother.

The girl put her chin on her knees and curled up on the seat in a daze. The small group, like a small milk cat wet by rain, is very pitiful.

Nolan sat down beside her, his body had a strange fragrance, but it was indescribable.

"Which brother?" He laughed and teased.

Song Yao's eyelashes moved and looked at him sideways.

Suddenly said: "I always think you know a lot."

Nolan shrugged, "Perhaps, as long as you live for a long time, many things will be known naturally."

This sentence was uttered by a young man who seemed to be only in his twenties, which seemed ridiculous.

"Where did you... find me? Did you see the people with me?"

"On the beach over there, little angel, I was surprised to see you."

Nolan casually pointed, Song Yaoya just heard the sound of waves hitting the coast.

"But you make me so sad."

The handsome priest leaned forward suddenly, and the distance between the two of them instantly narrowed. Song Yaoya blinked his eyes and looked at him calmly, without a trace of fear in his eyes.

Nolan twitched his lips boringly, "Since I came to country Y, I didn't contact me. Somehow let me treat you to a meal," he suddenly made a very intimate move, rubbing Song Yaoya's head, "No Afraid of what I will do to you?"

Song Yaoyao moved his gaze downward and landed on a part of Nolan's lower body.

Faintly said: "Before you do anything to me, I will abolish you first."


Nolan's Adam's apple was moving, and only felt cold in his lower body.

"What to do? I really like you more and more. Don't like that man at all, come like me."

Song Yaoya put her chin on her knees again and entered the daze mode again.

Seeing her silence, Nolan sighed.

"In addition to you, there are a few more corpses. I let them be thrown in the kitchen ice storage. You- hey!"

Before Nolan finished speaking, he felt a figure whizzing past.

He was dumbfounded and looked at the back of Song Yaoya rushing out amusedly.

It turns out that she still cares. I thought she had been soaked in the water for a long time, and she was so stupid.

Nolan's legs overlapped, watching lazily, graceful and leisurely, not chasing.

He opened his thin lips lightly, and whispered, "1,2..."

Before the three counts were finished, the girl who had just ran away had returned in a daze.

Song Yaoya rubbed his hands, blushing awkwardly and asked, "Where is the kitchen?"


The young priest looked at her lovely appearance and burst into laughter.

He was clutching his stomach, and the silver cross hung on his neck shook with his body trembling, with a texture of laughter echoing in the empty church.

Song Yaoyao stared at Nolan motionlessly with faint eyes.


Nolan wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and smiled, stroked his clothes and stood up.

"Let's go, I will take you."

However, even if he is noble and elegant, his image is here in Song Yaoyao, he can't change it.

They walked through the long corridor and walked behind the church.

It's empty here, with the smell of candles in the air. Along the way, Song Yaoya didn't even see anyone other than Nolan. It is on the back of the sun, and there are no windows for lighting. Therefore, walking on the promenade, the darkness in front always makes people feel creepy, as if there is something staring at me in the dark.

Just like a scene in a ghost movie.


Nolan, who was walking in the front, turned her head quickly and made a face at Song Yaoyao.

Song Yaoyao was frightened and raised her head silently.

A pair of swarthy eyes looked directly at Nolan.

It seems to be saying silently: Are you brain disabled?

Nolan: "... Doesn't this scare you?" He put down his hand boringly and rubbed his sore cheek.

Song Yaoya was silent for two seconds.

"Ah... terrible."

Calm tone.

Nolan patted her on the head. "It's so cute."

Song Yaoya calmly walked forward, slandering: What a strange person, strange-priest?

The church’s kitchen is also very large, cleaned up and there are some vegetables in the basket on the table. It seems that some people live here.

"Are you—surely not afraid?"

Nolan raised an eyebrow, walked to the innermost kitchen, and opened a door.

Song Yao asked, "Is there any blood?"


After soaking in the water for so long, no matter how much blood was washed away, it shouldn't be too clean.

"Yes, it's kind of ugly."

Nolan couldn't bear to look directly, and raised his head towards Song Yaoyao, "Go in by yourself." After the words fell, he narrowed his lips, "Of course, if you are afraid, you can ask me to accompany you in - "

Song Yaoyao walked straight in from his side.

Nolan: "..."

When I was cold, the temperature in the ice store was extremely low.

Song Yao drew his coat together and sneezed sharply.


She rubbed her nose and walked towards the dead bodies that had been thrown on the ground.

These corpses were laid out in all directions, with gravel on their bodies. Obviously, Nolan asked someone to get these corpses back, and they didn't even deal with them, but just threw them in.

She stood there and looked at it for a while. Nolan thought she was scared, and was about to speak, when she saw Song Yaoyao walking forward to the corpse, bending over—

One by one turned them over.

Even if the face is soaked, it can be seen that the facial features are very obvious foreign faces.

Song Yaoya let out a sigh, but became worried again.

She jumped into the sea with Huo Si. She was rushed here by the water and was rescued by Nolan. She didn't know where Huo Si was or if she was still alive.

She squatted beside the corpse in a daze, depressed.

She wanted to find Huo Yunque too much, but she sensibly told Song Yaoyao that it was the best choice to stay with Nolan and wait for her brother to find her.

She can't cause trouble to her brother.

So, Song Yaoyao, hold back.

She blinked, her nose sour.

"Huh? Are you scared?"

Nolan shook his head helplessly, glanced at the soaked corpse that was swollen like a steamed bun, enduring the nausea. Striding in, just about to pat Song Yaoyao, motioning her to regain consciousness, suddenly heard the sound of soft sobbing.

He was taken aback, and the slight teasing smile disappeared.

She is crying.

"In these corpses, there are people with you?"

He squatted down beside Song Yaoya and asked in a low voice.

Song Yaoyao had been holding back for a long time. She was not a strong person. She just knew that crying could not solve any problems, and no one would feel distressed. So since waking up, even if she was afraid, she could bear it till now.

(End of this chapter)

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