Muchuan and Xiang Wan

Chapter 63: , The most beautiful stage

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Mu Chuan Xiang night!

Back to the door of the community, I found myself hungry.

When I finished eating for others, I was hungry and humiliated.

She bought a bun and ignored her pedestrian's gaze, lowered her head into her mouth, and her gaze floated.

Really tasty.

Really tasty.

She sighed repeatedly.

What is happiness? There is food when hungry, and clothes when cold...

As for those spiritual pursuits, she is currently not qualified to seek them.

Love needs ability, and love also needs ability.

Tonight, make good money.


After eating the buns, we entered the community.

Throw the bag containing the buns into the trash can and head down.

The voice of a milk-born child anxiously reached his ears, "Mom, Mom, Mom..."

The child has been calling Mom, but has not heard Mom's response.

Turning back towards the night conditionedly, I saw the mother and son on the fourth floor.

The little boy grabbed his mother's hand and kept calling her. The mother walked silently, not knowing what she was thinking, and ignored the child's cry.


Abnormal attention.

Xiang Wan stopped at the same place, and the woman quickly came over and saw her standing there, froze for a moment, and raised her head to meet Xiang Ye's eyes.

He smiled to the evening, "Good morning."

The woman smiled at her too. The curled eyes were actually pretty. There were shallow wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. It seemed that the skin had not been managed for a long time. It was dry and yellowed. The eyes were red like rabbits.

"Hello." She hesitated.

She seemed to have just cried, a little crying, and quickly pulled her son to walk past Xiangyue and entered the corridor, her back disappeared in the dark light.

Xiang Wan pursed her lips, sighed, smiled slightly, and slowly walked past.

Neighbors' neighbors' friendships are limited to meeting and nodding.

Every family has a hard-to-read sutra, who isn't clenching his teeth in life?


Xiang Wan decided to accept Fang Yuanyuan's proposal, and he will not consider it anymore.

"People who are always wandering between hesitation and longing to compete with themselves, don't go far. Don't counsel, just do it!"

Going back to the house, she made some instant coffee and sipped some instant coffee on the desk, and opened the MacBookPro.

Before the system has not been activated, she dare not use it.

Now that she was completely sure about the origin of things, she would no longer be hypocritical.

While activating the computer, she prepared a brief outline of Fangyuanyuan's computer.

The plot of the second unit, a detailed outline she wrote first, is different from the current thinking.

So, she went online to gossip about the progress of the imperial palace case.

The speed of news dissemination in modern online society is shocking.

In such a big city, the general murder case, in fact, the spread of heat will not be so wide.

But thanks to the blessing of the impeller, the case is as hot as the 720 Zhao Jiahang case.

[Fountain goddess murder case! 】

This is a new name taken by netizens.

The official did not release any useful information, but said that the preliminary determination of the deceased was "Sun". He met with the impeller and other people as friends. He fled the crime when he was under police inspection. He fell from the balcony and fell on the fountain pool. The rescue was invalid today. Death early in the morning.

Xiang Ye checked the news of the impeller again.

Then, she discovered an event that shocked her even more.

A conspicuous headline said that the original list of actors in the "Gray List" crew included this male No. 3 impeller.

He played a big villain in "Grey List", which was one of the biggest challenges in his acting career, he turned over by this role.

Unexpectedly, the teacher did not die first.

This child is over.

When this happened, his brokerage company was going crazy.

"Grey List" is the debut work of the famous suspense **** Mu Ershao and Mu Ershao's famous work, and the readers of the suspense category are generally recognized as the second-ranked works.

Well, the first is Mu Ershao's serialized work "White List"-

In fact, Xiang Wan has never understood why Mu Ershao chose such a title.

But just like it, I feel so high!

Gray list. Baidu explained that it is somewhere between a blacklist and a whitelist. It is used to interpret background programs and SMTP status flags to dynamically create blacklists and whitelists.

At that time, I was lost in the evening, and I wanted to get a list of the first novel.

As a result, when she handed the title "Pink List" to the editor, she was scolded by a **** dog.

Change it! Her title is always unqualified.

The editor's advice to her is "the rich wife sweetly monopolizes the monarch's heart", "the fame of the famous women who are less addicted to wives", Su De should not want it...

At that time, Xiangyue succumbed happily and chose the second one. As a result, he threw a dog **** head and finally found that he was not the one who ate the bowl of rice, but turned his head to follow Mu Ershao.

"Grey List" is a big IP that has been on fire for three years.

Both games and anime are flying up, and it has long been said to be filmed.

Well-known companies, well-known directors, and a strong lineup, but the list of actors has been undecided, and there are many opinions in the outside world.

Is it really an impeller?

Xiang Wan thought of seeing him outside the imperial palace last night.

That pair of talking eyes, the publicity of the acting personality, and the contradiction of the "Gray List" really match so much.


Online is very lively.

Fans of the impeller washed the ground everywhere, saying that their family love bean was wronged, but they were invited to meet with their friends in the imperial palace. Just less than half an hour after that time, they did not participate in gathering drugs at all.

Unfortunately, the impeller is not hot enough.

The more fierce the words of her fans, the more furiously counterattacked by public opinion.

So, after a round of rounds, the color of the underwear was darkened.

In the end, the fans are smart, and they only brush a word.

"There is no news from the police. Why do you say our wheels?"

The police have not yet reported.

Even if Xiang Wan was present at the time, he was not sure that the impeller must have taken drugs.

She had Huang He's phone, but at this time, she was inconvenient to disturb him, and did not have that position to understand.

The most important thing for writers is brain holes.

Writing a novel is not just talking nonsense with your eyes open, just a nonsense... editor.

So the story of her second unit began-

The case is only at the foreshadowing stage, and it is easy to write a chapter.

At about noon, she uploaded three thousand words.

It's been a few days since I saw her update, and the group and the book review area are very lively.

"good looking!"

"Update soon! It's annoying to brush every day!"

"When exactly does the author update?"

"Young Master Xiang, insist on writing your own, no matter what others say."

"It's been a month, only tens of thousands...

Seeing many familiar IDs late, there is a kindness and warmth like seeing old friends.

She is not the author of the best-selling book, so the few readers who have been with her for a long time are her motivation.

At least, some of her books are still liked.

So, for this love, she must give them a miracle—

Write a fire essay to prove that they did not love the wrong person.


A prompt message came from the phone.

"The work "Whitelist" you are following has been updated!"

Hey, Mu Ershao has also been updated!

There seemed to be some kind of power in the nether world, injecting chicken blood into her nerves.

Suddenly excited at night, she stretched her waist and returned to the toilet to lie lazily on the bed.

Reading Mu Ershao's book became her most luxurious enjoyment.

Anyway, Mu Ershao has too few updates.

Uh! Three thousand words like her.

So, she had to turn back after reading, two brushes...


More than seven o'clock in the afternoon, Fang Yuanyuan came back.

Not only brought back the food, but also brought back Huang He.

These two are in the most beautiful stage of love-a three-month love period. I wish I could tune in sweetly, even if I have a little time to meet.

Fang Yuanyuan was working for a day, and Huang He was busy with the case, but even then, he could squeeze to pick her up and send her home.

Who said time is not squeezed out?

Seeing these two lately, they laughed.

"Miss Yuanyuan is going to cook in person today?"

Fang Yuanyuan is being nourished by love, and the eyebrows are all that indescribable charm, softly spoken.

"Who is going to cook for him? When I fall in love, I become an old mother, and I will not become a maid in the future.

Xiang Wan couldn't help laughing, "Yo, I'm a husband now, and I'm thinking about the future? When will you invite me to eat wedding candy!?"

Boom, Fang Yuanyuan blushed blatantly, "Nonsense, I'll make an analogy."

"Cough!" Huang He looked at Fang Yuanyuan ashamed, and quickly grabbed the topic, "That... Yuanyuan, to the teacher, I still have something, I will go first."

"Officer Huang." Xiang Wan stopped him.

She embarrassed her lips with embarrassment and asked with a small voice, "Will it be against the rules to inquire about what happened last night?"

Huang He stunned and laughed again, "It depends on what you ask."

Think about it late, "Is the impeller taking drugs?"

Ah! Huang Hexiao, "So did you chase the stars from the teacher?"

"Oh no, I don't chase the stars." Xiang Wan said: "I am Mu Ershao's fan, the impeller plays an important role in him, so..."

"Understood." Huang He suddenly became happy, and even reached out and shook her hand. "The same is the second powder, the more advice."

"Ha!" Xiang Wan couldn't laugh, "It's easy to talk."

Huang He's expression was a lot lighter, hesitated, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "This impeller really hasn't taken drugs."

"Ah?" What did they catch last night?

"Last night we arrested twenty people on the spot. A urine test showed that there were more than a dozen drug addicts, and a few of them just drank alcohol and did not get drugged."


"The impeller has been released after education."

"What about that woman?" Xiang Wan couldn't help but probe.

Huang He knew she was talking about the man hanging on the fountain goddess.

Deep in thought, he said apologetically: "I can't reveal more details to you before the case is resolved... I'm sorry to the teacher."

He is an honest man!

Xiang Ye nodded again and again.

"I understand, I understand, Officer Huang, I'm in trouble."

"Then I will go first."

Huang He took two steps, then turned back and waved a hand to make a phone call.

"Eat more, call me if you have something."

"Oh, I know!" Fang Yuanyuan smiled and pushed him out of the house. "You guys, have said so many times, hurry and go. I will urge you again later."

The smile that couldn't be concealed on her face, after Huang He had gone, he was still nagging in front of Xiangyue.

"He didn’t sleep last night. Today I told him that I didn’t need to come to the company to pick me up. But he came here and left behind a lot of work. As a result, he met and hurriedly left. This point Er, so traffic jams, you said what to do. This man is really a donkey, so he refuses to obey..."

"Poof!" Xiang Wan raised her arms and looked at her lazily, "Are you complaining?"

"Isn't it?" Fang Yuanyuan hummed.

"You show me my face, don't you know?"

Xiang Wan was stunned with a smile, Fang Yuan froze for a moment, and couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't abuse the dog..."

"It's good to know. Single dogs need to be cared for, do you know?" Xiang Wan hummed unhappily and turned, "I code, you cook!"

"Ah!" Fang Yuanyuan looked at the cabbage, there was a kind of sadness that cocooned himself, "I'm wrong, I will never show again."


Huang He's departure is like taking away the soul of Fang Yuanyuan.

She came back from get off work the next day by herself.

On the third day, too.

Huang He is too busy, just enough time to call her, and can no longer pick her up.

Fang Yuanyuan said that it was not to show affection in front of Xiang Ye, but he was holding a cell phone from time to time.

The small couples in the passionate period all wish to be tied together at all times.

It was so hard to separate that she felt numb at the tip of her heart.

But her boyfriend is too busy, she has to be a sensible girlfriend.

There are many outside speculations in this case, and there is also a lot of online public opinion. Huang He has just been acting captain and is under great pressure.

"Xiangwan, why don't you comfort me?"

Fang Yuanyuan sighed 180 times while sitting on the edge of the bed.

Xiangye is in the code, without looking up, "I need more comfort than you."

"Don't do this." Fang Yuanyuan leaned over, "You talk to me, I'm so lonely and cold."

"Go to you. After a while, I feel lonely and cold? I am alone all day long, and I will die coldly soon."

"That's your own house."

"I didn't have a choice, okay?" Xiang Wan rolled his white eyes and bent his lips. "Isn't this what your editor wants to see? I haven't changed it for three days."

"Sorry?" Fang Yuanyuan glared at her, as if suddenly remembered, "Yes, there is good news."

"Say!" Xiang Wan's keyboard cracked.

"You stop and turn your head more seriously."

Xiang Wan turned helplessly together with the chair, facing her.

"Okay now, sir, you can say it."

Fang Yuanyuan sat on the edge of the bed and asked seriously: "The website has an opportunity to go to Kyoto for training. Do you want to go?"


Xiang Wan knows that the website organizes some online writers to study in some liberal arts schools every year, but the basic choices are all great performers or authors with potential.

She wants to go, where can she get a chance?

"I can report it to you." Fang Yuanyuan blinked.

This cousin is still reliable, and it's very important at the critical time.

"Although your "Murdering Murder" is not a key work on the website, the data is rising rapidly. The most important thing is that this book is very well-known. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most widely spread book in this year's Internet circle. I think the director will agree! Your hope is great."

"Will you?" Xiang Wan hesitated and raised an eyebrow. "Does she know you are my cousin?"

"Hang!" Fang Yuanyuan rubbed his nose and sneeze. "Do you think such a shameful thing, will I say?"

"Lying trough!"

"However you did not..."


The two laughed for a while and cheered up for no reason.

No matter what line you do, how can you not seek better?

How much can I learn from training? She is not from the undergraduate course and lacks a lot of hardware conditions in writing. These need to be learned.

The strong sense of anticipation made her almost forget Bai Muchuan.


She suddenly wanted to laugh.

In fact, her so-called heartbeat, that's all about it.

This is the feeling of modern people, no one is essential to anyone.


After that day, Xiang Wan had never seen Bai Muchuan, but had met Cheng Zheng twice in the breakfast shop.

Every time he was dressed in sportswear, he was very simple and comfortable to dress, and would say hello to her very politely, but not too enthusiastic.

Faintly, say a few words, and then leave.

Xiang Wan also encountered a woman on the fourth floor once.

As she did last time, she was still very worried, and her mental state was very poor.

Xiang Wan didn't know why he paid attention to her.

Maybe it was she who called the police for herself, or maybe she looked like a person with a story, so she had a natural desire to explore the author?


The day Xiang Wan received a call from Bai Muchuan, she happened to receive a message from Fang Yuanyuan.

The list of training authors for the website is down.

There are three authors in total, Xiang Wan is one of them.

As a result, the good mood of Xiangyue Yue was passed to Bai Muchuan through the telephone line so unabashedly.

She smiled comfortably, as if she had never been troubled.

"Sergeant Bai, what's the matter with me?"

Several days have passed, and her mood has changed significantly.

Bai Muchuan certainly felt it.

He was silent there for a while, and said, "I'm leaving."

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