Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 113 Unexpected News

Seeing that the robber actually caught Carrie, Erica blinked and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The orange cat meowed excitedly, and even jumped up on the counter, intending to see it more clearly.

Kausi was a little worried. He knew that Carrie was very strong and had the ability to absorb energy. But the opponent can be regarded as a strength enhancer after all. Judging from the agile movements just now, his speed is at least three times that of ordinary people.

But he suddenly remembered that Jiali once slapped the head of a ninja from the Hand Club...

"Who are you strangling? Me?" There was no fear in Carrie's big eyes, but a bit of excitement, "Ah, I've been kidnapped! Is anyone going to save me?"

"Don't be afraid, Carrie, I'll come to rescue you right away!" Kausi looked eager, and at the same time he stretched out his hand to stop Erica's movements, "Don't move, Carrie is in danger!"

"Okay, okay, I won't move!" Erica took two steps back and raised her hands, "Let her go, we have something to discuss!"

Seeing these two people being so nervous about the little purple-haired girl, the guy suddenly became arrogant again. He yelled: "Take my money, no, don't move, just kick her over here!"

The weight of one and a half million old banknotes would not be less than 20 kilograms. Kausu kicked it hard twice, but it only made the travel bag tilt. The robber immediately changed his mind and shouted: "Idiot, ask that woman to kick! Don't play tricks. I know you are very strong and can bend the barrel of a gun with your bare hands. You can't hide it from me!"

"Okay, I'll do it!" Erica spread her hands helplessly towards Kausi, asking Kausi to step away. Then she stepped forward, kicked up her kick, and was ready to...

Kausu's cell phone rang suddenly, causing the robber to tremble.


Seeing the caller ID on the screen, Kausi hurriedly stopped Erica and then answered the phone.

"Hey, Wilson?" he said with a smile, "You are quite embarrassed today!"

"Well, that's right, it's here with me!"

"——The money is there too!"

There was a long silence next. Kausu walked around with the phone. Even with Erica's superhuman hearing, she couldn't hear what Jin Bin said clearly. She could only hear what he was saying quickly.

"So that's it...well, what happened to your security system?"

"...Okay, got it! Give me two minutes!"

After hanging up the phone, Kausi turned his head and ordered: "Kerry, stop playing and throw him over! Yes, don't kill anyone, little girl, don't have so much blood on your hands!"

Carrie chuckled, and suddenly stretched out her hand like lightning. Before the robber could even react, she was horrified to find that the fragile and beautiful girl had grabbed her wrist, then swung it hard and threw his body away. Got out.

An almost invisible black shadow jumped up, and the cold light passed across his throat lightly. Erica landed in a gorgeous ballet posture, grabbed the hem of her skirt with both hands, and bowed slightly to express the curtain call.

"Full marks!" Kausu applauded vigorously.

At this time, the body fell down from mid-air. Because he moved too fast, his throat was even cut off, but there was still no blood flowing out, and only a red thread could be seen on his neck.

Poor this robber, he obviously had superhuman strength and agility, he was able to escape unscathed from the Kingpin Bank, which was full of gunmen and gangsters, but he didn't expect that he capsized in a small hotel.

But on the other hand, he was also lucky. Not to mention a mere human enhancer, how many people in the world can escape from the hands of Jiali, the element-devouring beast, and Black Sky Erica?

This is just the tip of the iceberg of Mulgore Hotel. When the Hulk and the Punisher both return...

Well, Kingpin would never dare to mess around here anyway.

Now he was sitting in front of the counter, accepting Kausu's ridicule with an embarrassed look on his face.

"The bank of Wilson Fisk, the emperor of the New York underground and the underworld king with more than 20,000 men under his command, was actually robbed with a shotgun?"

Kingpin could only apologize in embarrassment.

The reason is simply ridiculous. Kingpin has a big deal today, and 80 tons of drugs have just arrived. Most of the backbone went to the dock to enforce security or transport, and Jin Bin also went to the scene personally to suppress the battle, for fear that this batch of goods would be dumped.

Just in case, several of Kingpin's powerful characters led a team to block the intersection in and out of Hell's Kitchen. Two of the best guys followed the Murdoch Law Firm throughout the process, and a highly skilled hacker paid close attention to Frank Castle. , for fear that this guy in South America would suddenly return to New York.

The entire Hell's Kitchen was sealed off like an iron wall, but the guys who were on duty to guard the bank hid in a small room playing cards during lunch time - it wasn't until half an hour after the bank was robbed that they came out cursing and holding guns.

That's why the opponent easily robs the bank, and the pursuit firepower is also sparse.

"More than a million is nothing, but this slap in the face really hurts!" Kingpin touched his fat face, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "Those guys were thrown into the sea to feed the sharks, alarm The system also had to be completely replaced - I just discovered that because of cutting corners, the alarm bell under the counter was actually a decoration!"

"This guy..." Jin Bin pointed to the corpse on the ground, "he is not an ordinary person. My hacker sent a piece of information, saying that he is an out-and-out madman, and a meteor fragment gave him With his superhuman strength, he robbed several small banks in the name of a robber, and this is the third one here!"

Kausu vaguely felt that this scene was a bit familiar, but he couldn't remember it. "It shouldn't be an important role, so just kill him!"

He lifted the body and threw it into the brazier. The brazier, which had not received soul fuel for a long time, became excited for a moment, but after just a few seconds, the flames dimmed again.

The burning of the corpse was so close that Jin Bin's pupils shrank, and he sighed sincerely: "This thing is really good..."

"Don't think about it, you can't play with this thing!"

Kausu dismissed Jin Bin's idea without hesitation, "Take your money and leave quickly. If you sit here, customers won't dare to come in. I can't even do business."

Two gangsters walked in, cleaned up the mess skillfully, and then quickly retreated.

Jin Bin drank up the wine in the cup happily and winked at Kausi: "I hope today will be a calm day. After today, I should be busy for a long time with such a large supply of goods. It needs to be digested slowly—have you finished smoking?”

"It's still very early!" Kausu doesn't care about Kingpin's drug trafficking, which is causing harm to corrupt capitalism. As long as he didn't touch the east side, even if Kingpin blew up the White House, he would only applaud.

"By the way, I recently recruited a hacker, and he's pretty good at it!"

Kingpin was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something and turned back with a smile, "He found some materials from SHIELD, including about you!"

"I have a very good relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D.!" Cowus glared at Kingpin fiercely, "You are a gangster leader who does all kinds of evil, don't tarnish my innocence, I am very decent!"

"Don't be nervous, I haven't seen any dirty information about you." Kingpin smiled even more happily, "It's just that I didn't expect you to have a girlfriend named Elsa!"

"Ai...Elsa?" Kausu suddenly remembered the tenderness in that spring dream again, and hesitated, "How is she doing now?"

"It's not bad. There is a person from SHIELD in the team called 'Back Wave', so every move they make is written into a report, and the authority is not high. Elsa often mentions you in the team, so as her My rumored boyfriend, your name was also included in the report."

"She still needs a long time to grow up..." Thinking of the fate of the back wave team and the fact that Elsa Bloodstone's real rise will have to wait until after the "Avengers 4" timeline, Kausi felt a little sad for a moment.

He calmed down and asked, "What's the name of the hacker you mentioned? Can you send me a copy of Elsa's report?"

"Of course, no problem! Although that guy is arrogant, he does have some real abilities."

"Oh, his name is Miles Lydon!"

The sip of wine that Kaous just took into his mouth spit out immediately.

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