Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 115: Dog Blood and Second Class

"When I was still in the Hand, the instructor who trained me was named Matsuo Tsuruha. He was a master who was proficient in ninjutsu and weapons. And his biggest opponent was Neolin Heneza, the leader of another Yakuza organization in the island country. .”

"Guanyin is the most outstanding disciple of Henecha."

"We have fought countless times overtly and covertly, but it has always been a stalemate. She can't help me, and I can't beat her. But for some reason, she suddenly confessed to me one day that we can do it even if our positions are different. A pair of bitter lovers..."

"Let me tell you!" Carrie jumped eight feet high and pointed at Erica and shouted, "I just said that you must have harmed some woman, and then they came to ask for her!"

Kausu was in a daze.

From Erica's words, he roughly recalled the identity of this "Guanyin" - not the short and ugly Asian female killer "i-am-guanyin" in "Leadership"; nor the famous couple in XMAN The twin brothers called xorn are "Guanyin" and "God". If we really want to investigate, this Guanyin is also a good thing done by the Hand. They used the ability of the mutant Psylocke to awaken the comatose Guanyin, and created a killer that combined the dual strength of Psylocke + Guanyin, intending to give it to the Mandarin as his personal bodyguard. Guard.

But the details are wrong! Didn’t Guanyin have a storyline with Matsuo? Why did it become Erica?

"Okay!" Erica, who looked embarrassed, stopped Carrie's fuss, "I will go to the appointment tonight and solve this matter! I promise!"

After dinner, Erica packed up neatly and went out. Carrie watched her leave with a smile, then turned her eyes to Kausi, "Are you going too?"

"How do you know?" Kausu, who had not yet moved, was slightly startled, "When did I show my intention to go? You actually saw it..."

Carrie tilted her head cutely, "I just know!"

"Okay!" Kausi nodded, "I plan to go. This Guanyin gives me a bit of a bad feeling. I don't know whether she has one soul or two souls now..."

He knew that Jiali's ability was very special, so he tried to explain his uneasiness in a more popular way: If it was Guanyin before the big event, Erica Heikong could beat the opponent with one hand, but if Spirit Butterfly - Who knows what weird things that beautiful, sexy and hot-figured Sister Sa will do...

In short, mutants are very strange. Even the most inconspicuous abilities can exert extraordinary effects, such as "making their bodies explode" and actually dragging the evil Riches who killed Professor X with them. Die together ("The Most Awesome X-Men in History").

"Don't worry!" Carrie said vaguely while chewing on a big Velociraptor bone, "They are still using a sniper rifle! It's just to say hello to me, Erica will be fine. "

"Really?" After being reminded by Jiali's words, Kausi finally understood. If the souls have been intertwined, then if the new Guanyin wants to kill people, relying on the psychic weapon of the spiritual butterfly is enough to launch a long-range attack, and No need to use sniper rifle.

"Let's go take a look..." Carrie interrupted Kausu's thinking, "Actually, I'm also very curious. I haven't been attacked for a long, long time - it's just because I'm jealous!"

The reason was good, so Kaus quickly stood up.

Sun City is a commercial building in Hell's Kitchen, more than 20 stories high, second only to the Rand Group's headquarters. The rooftop is vast, with a few high-power spotlights swinging toward the sky, displaying the Sun City logo, but other than that, there is nothing else.

Erica seemed to have arrived a little early, and there was no one on the platform. She stood quietly behind a pillar, her whole body seemed to blend into the night.

"Guanyin... I haven't seen her for a long time. Why did she come to me? Didn't I make it clear to her?" Erica sighed softly and began to recall her past in the Hand Association.

Suddenly, she moved and jumped away from the spot extremely quickly. With a shake of her right hand, several meteor darts shot out and fell silently into the darkness.

Almost at the moment she jumped away, a shuriken hit the ground where she was just standing. With a crisp sound, the hidden weapon penetrated deeply into the hard concrete, which showed how powerful the force was. .

"How can a professional assassin's whereabouts be discovered so easily?" A deep voice sounded in the night, "Your level has been greatly reduced, Erica Narcissus!"

"I don't need to play any love-killing tricks with you, Guanyin!" Erica's voice was as cold as ice and snow, "What does the afternoon sniper mean?"

"It was just a way of saying hello."

"The problem with you has been solved." Erica said coldly, "Haven't you learned your lesson?"

In the darkness, a tall woman slowly walked out. She took off her skull mask, revealing a gorgeous face. "It was an unfair fight. If I didn't have to protect Nyorin Hnecha, you wouldn't have had a chance to defeat me."

"If you say so..." Erica turned around and stared at the opponent, "Do you want to challenge the second challenge? Then you must first be determined to die!"

"During those years of fighting with you, I was determined to die every time!"

"This time is no exception. I will give up everything and put all my bets on this battle!"

"Yes! Erica Naqis, only the strong can take all the spoils. You and I are one of the spoils. Conquer or die! There is no third choice!"

Kausi, who was hiding in the dark, almost had goosebumps all over the floor. The little Japanese Chuuni soul looked full of passion in the cartoon, but when two equally tall and beautiful ladies shouted such shameful words, The lines made me almost sick with embarrassment...

You should shout in Japanese, it's too harsh to shout in English!

"How about it? Erica, if you are a true professional, accept my advances!"

Kausu's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat.

What kind of divine setting is this? The courtship of a professional assassin is to fight to the death first. If you win, the woman will be taken away; if you lose, it seems that your life will be lost?

"Italo!" Erica actually complied with this bloody setting, "Then, what's the way to decide the outcome?"

"It's very simple. If we just fight each other and kill our opponents, our mood will not calm down."

"Then this time, let's change the approach!"

"In a more interesting way..."

Guanyin popped up a photo and threw it to Erica from a distance.

Kausu tried his best to open his eyes to see what the photo was, but the distance was too far and he couldn't see clearly. Fortunately, Erica quickly answered his doubts: "So it's Carrie?"

"Yes, that woman - your lover, I will try my best to kill her!"

Guanyin's whole body was filled with murderous intent, and her voice became deeper and deeper, "And this is the opportunity for the gambling fight. You must go all out to protect her!"

She walked over with long legs and stared at Erica with her phoenix eyes, "I will kill her within three days, and you will stop her! How about it? It's a very interesting competition... Hey, you What is this expression? Are you unwilling?"

"Lover? Carrie? My lover?" Erica's beautiful face was twisted like a bitter gourd, and she even squeezed out a few tears of grievance. "Please, can you not make such a bad joke? I have feelings." Human, but how could it be Carrie?”

"Stop making excuses!" Guanyin snorted coldly and walked towards the edge of the platform. "I saw her having close contact with you. Don't forget, you are an Orthodox Christian! If you are so unconfident in protecting yourself, declare failure and Leave this city!"

As wild laughter rang out, Guanyin jumped down from the rooftop and disappeared into the night in an instant.

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