Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 131 Temptation

Kaus liked to hear about Miss Hever driving away and then coming back.

So when an old man with white hair, meticulously combed, and a neat suit came to the hotel and claimed to take back his daughter who had run away from home, Kaous was even happier.

"So you are Mr. Hever?"

"Haif?" Old Malik was slightly stunned, but he quickly responded, "Yes, sir, thank you very much for taking care of Stephanie during this period. She is still too young and does not know the complexity of this society. And sinister, if it weren't for you, it's hard to imagine how she would have been deceived...or hurt."

"I understand very well a father's concerns about his daughter."

Kausi replied with a smile, "Wait a moment, I will ask Miss Hever to come down."

"No need for the moment!" Old Malik immediately stopped Kausi from going upstairs to call someone. Are you kidding? He came here specifically to explore the bottom. If he called someone down, wouldn't he be leaving immediately?

"I'm a little tired after driving for several hours. I'm going to have a drink first - don't you welcome me?"

"Look what you said! The guest is God, how can you say that you are not welcome?" Kausu didn't intend to chase people away so quickly. He finally managed to hook the fish over. After all, he should have swung the bait first to be serious. He poured a glass of juice for Old Malik with a bright smile, "I see you are driving a car, so I won't serve you any wine. Don't drive if you drink, and don't drink if you drive."

Since I am picking up someone, I don’t know if I will pay for it, but the price of juice and morning dew wine are twice as much!

The old man obviously misunderstood. He looked at Kausi with a slightly appreciative look. Yes, this boy was very attentive and considerate of the difficulty of driving at night for the old comrade.

He took a sip of the juice, looked around, and said without saying anything: "Your hotel is very unique. It has a European medieval fantasy color, tough lines and outlines, and some Gothic style." , very recognizable, even though this architectural style is rarely seen in most cities in the United States.”

"You are well-informed and you don't deserve such praise."

"There is no need to be modest, that is the fact - any kind of art has its profound connotation, just like the true meaning of the universe. Countless civilizations continue to merge, collide, and even destroy, but at the moment of blooming, unparalleled brilliance will emerge. .”

"Mr. Hever, you are right. It is precisely with the diversity of life that there will be the rich existence of different arts. Fortunately, another characteristic of life-continuity, which retains countless spirits for us and material wealth, so that we can continue to progress and evolve, all the way to the countless possibilities in the future.”

Old Malik was amazed at the young hotel owner's concept of scientific development. He tapped his fingertips on the counter, "Your knowledge is beyond my imagination. I would like to ask you, what do you think of the universe?"

"It's so profound that I won't be able to explore more in my entire life."

Old Malik stared at Kausu for a long time and suddenly said: "What do you think of God?"

"Speaking of this topic..." Kausu was obviously stunned, "Are you a believer?"

"In a sense, I am an unqualified believer!"

"How to say?"

"When I was a child, I devoutly hoped that God would give me a bicycle, but he didn't. When I was young, I prayed for a whole month, hoping that my father would get better, but my father still passed away in pain; When I was forty years old, I wanted my wife to survive so much, but God still didn’t give me any answer... So, I once made a very irrational action - I offered a reward of 100 million US dollars to anyone who could Let me see God, contact God, and prove God’s existence, then these 100 million will belong to Him.”

Kausu's brows twitched and he remained silent.

Old Malik didn't seem to see the change in Kausi's expression. He just sighed softly and continued, "When the bounty reached 300 million or even 500 million US dollars, no one still got the bounty. . It made me act like a bad clown."

"So I would just say that I am not a qualified believer because I question it in my heart."

Make up, keep making up!

Who doesn't know that Gideon Malik spent half a billion dollars in private funds to welcome the return of the hive? As for when you were the Secretary of Homeland Security, you even used the development of the aerospace industry as an excuse. How much taxpayers' money you spent is simply incalculable.

After talking for a long time, old Malik seemed a little thirsty. He grabbed the juice and took a big sip. He shook his head and said mockingly: "Maybe many people think I am crazy, but I do believe in gods. While questioning the existence of gods.”

Cauvus replied casually: "Anyway, your spirit of exploring the truth is awe-inspiring."

"What about you?"

"Me?" Kausu said seriously, "Of course I do too...I admire you very much!"

Old Malik stared at Kaus, until he looked slightly uncomfortable and avoided direct gaze, then nodded and said with a smile, "It seems that we may be traveling together on the road of pursuing the truth! "

"Okay then, please help me call Stephanie, I'm going to take her back!"

"Of course, this is what I should do!"

When the aggrieved and still reluctant Stephanie, it should be Miss Stephanie Malik had to leave under the scolding of her majestic father, Kausu waved at Stephanie with some regret. He waved his hand.

——After all, among the girls I met in the Marvel world, in terms of overall beauty, Stephanie can definitely be ranked among the top three beauties who can match her aesthetic point in most aspects, even if she is second to none. Rei can also fight to the death.

After the father and daughter left, Uncle Pun came out of the cubicle.

"I didn't expect that Gideon Malik was actually a Hydra..." He sighed, "He even personally awarded me a medal. That was many years ago."

"Actually, he has not changed!" Kausu replied, "It's just a different direction. His current destiny has been determined from the moment he was born."

Uncle Punishment didn't say anything, just sat down in the corner again and continued his hobby of cleaning the mecha.

Cauvus began to clean up the mess, looking at the empty cup with a look of joy on his face.

"Thankfully I didn't pour him morning dew! I knew this old man wouldn't pay. My guess was so accurate!"

"I almost lost a full twenty dollars, so I should treat a small loss as a profit..."

"Oh, it's still a loss. I would have known that giving him a glass of [cool spring water] would be enough!"

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