Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 149 The Eve of Assembly

"You're a little late!"

"It's not too late if things haven't come to the worst yet."

Looking at the solemn black braised egg, Kausu suddenly wanted to laugh.

The six members of the first batch of Avengers, except for the two weakest Black Widow and Hawkeye, Captain America and the Hulk are all in the Mulgore Hotel. Iron Man spends more time in the hotel than going home to spend time with his children. There are still more peppers, but only one Thor is still drinking and fooling around in Adgas. If he doesn't nod, Marvel's most famous organization that deals with supernatural forces may completely disappear from the timeline.

"Okay, let's stop beating around the bush!" Cauius remained silent for a while, but Nick Fury couldn't hold his breath anymore. "Calius, we have always cooperated well, right?"

"If you're talking about Phil Coulson, then it's really a good cooperation!" After all, he is the first famous NPC he met when he came to the Marvel world, the person who introduced newbies, and the old village chief of his birthplace. With due respect, "How is he training now?"

"How do you put it..." Hei Lu Dan frowned, "Do you mean that he can blow down a wall or a light armored vehicle without using a gun?"

"Oh?" Kausu was a little surprised. In two years, he was able to practice [Flame Shock] to this power? Coulson has really worked hard!

"In comparison, I think the magic you taught Maria made us complain even more..."

"How do you say it?" Kausu raised his eyebrows and suddenly became interested.

"Maria's temper was not very good. In the past, if she was dissatisfied, she would just sit in the office and not talk. Now it's better. Whenever she is unhappy, the adjacent floors are turned into cold storage. , no matter how hot the weather is, we don’t even need to turn on the air conditioner – if we are unlucky and encounter wet weather, it will still snow in the delta wing building!”

The black braised egg was still pouring out his bitterness. Kausu was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing loudly.

In any case, seeing two agents of good quality mastering elemental spells to this extent, Kausi still felt a sense of accomplishment.

The two clinked the cups filled with morning dew wine, and suddenly fell silent.

"I'm going to form an Avengers Alliance, you know..."

Kausu nodded and said nothing.

"So I hope you..."

"Then do it!" Kausu said in shock, "When did I interfere with anyone?"

This answer was beyond Fury's expectation, "But you..."

"Yes, Tony Stark and I are very close, and Dr. Banner is currently working in my shop, but when did I restrict their freedom? I didn't tie their legs with iron chains, nor did I I have no objection to signing an exclusive agreement with them or doing other things if they are willing to do so!"

Black Braised Egg hesitated, Kaus continued: "Including Captain Steve Rogers, he is now a guest of the Mulgore Hotel, and the room rate is 99 US dollars per day. In view of the relatively long time he has stayed, Chief, I gave him a 20% discount. It’s that simple!”

Nick Fury was stunned for a moment. He stared at Kausi, and then smiled bitterly for a while: "Well, I thought too complicatedly. I thought..."

"You think I have ambitions beyond ordinary people, and I have tightly tied up a few superheroes, intending to use them to do some ulterior things." Kausi unceremoniously exposed the villainous nature of Hei Lu Dan. Heart, "Actually, you have ignored the biggest problem from the beginning to the end, and that is - a broken place like the earth is full of disgusting politicians, businessmen full of maggots, and financiers who think they are very smart. .Why do you think I will stay here and deal with them for the rest of my life?"

"Oh, by the way, why didn't Carol Danvers stay on Earth?"

This time the black braised egg test took longer than ever before. After a while, he slowly said: "Because the earth is too small and too weak, there is no room for Carol to perform!"

Kausi smiled, picked up the cup, and touched Fury's cup lightly, "Then, me too!"

Fury also laughed and picked up the cup, "Cous, are you interested in becoming a consultant to the Avengers?"

"No interest, you already have a good advisor."

"You mean Tony Stark?" Fury was now relaxed, leaning on the counter with his broad arms. "He is too arrogant and impetuous. He always thinks that he is the only one in the world who is right. But he is often stubborn. Maybe geniuses are proud, but at least he hasn't grown up yet."

"Use his strengths! Director Nick Fury! You can't always expect someone to be perfect, even if it's Steve Rogers."

"You are right, but who doesn't want their team to be more perfect?" Fury pondered for a while, "Cous, if your ambition is really so lofty, you might as well help us before leaving the earth. , SHIELD will not let our friends down!"

Kausu frowned and asked, "Loki is already here?"

Hei Lu Dan's body froze, and after a while he asked, "Are you interested in visiting our space carrier?"

Kausi smiled playfully, "You can send me an invitation letter!"

"As you wish!" Fury took a deep look at Cauvus, put two pieces of change under the wine glass, put on his sunglasses, picked up his shield and stood up to leave. When he walked to the door, he suddenly turned around and said, "By the way, your wine is really good. No wonder Frank and the others like it here!"

After he left, Kausi poured the last sip of wine into his mouth, smiled and said to himself: "Nick Fury, when will you understand that liking a place is definitely not just because of the wine, but because of it?" …Enough respect!”

But Nick Fury did not hear this sentence. After getting Kausu's tacit approval, he immediately accelerated the preparations for the Avengers.

Unlike the original plot, the superheroes in this timeline have been modified beyond recognition. Fury took Phil Coulson to find Captain America and Frank who were still at the dock, and used the stolen documents from the Cosmic Cube to persuade Steve Rogers to take action; he and Natasha Romanoff came to Stark Mansion, in exchange for research on the Open Universe Rubik's Cube, in exchange for the assistance of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Finally, he returned to his office, called Maria Hill, and handed her an invitation.

"Give this to Mr. Coius Bradford... No, wait!"

Black Braised Dan suddenly remembered something. He took out a blank invitation letter, wrote something on it, and then handed it to Maria again, "Give this to Kaus and Erica Nazis!"

"What is this?" Maria Hill was a little curious.

"Invite them to visit our space carrier..." Fury rubbed his eyebrows vigorously, "Extraordinary times, extraordinary measures, don't ask why! I can't see through Kaus, but he shouldn't be a bad person. But I Bet those bastards on the World Security Council are the biggest problem!”

Maria Hill smiled, quickly turned around and walked out.

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