Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 160 It’s time to end

Maria Hill felt like she was having a long nightmare.

In that nightmare, he was working with Director Nick Fury to control the rioting situation, and at the same time, he was working hard to send out small teams to intercept the terrorists who had rushed into the space carrier.

But when she found a grenade thrown into the hall from outside, she suddenly pushed away a colleague standing next to the grenade, and then was swept away by a huge blast of air.

In a trance, her body seemed to float up, and then she came to a completely unfamiliar scene...

"This... hurts so much!" Maria suddenly woke up from the nightmare, and immediately felt severe pain coming from dozens of places in her body.

Immediately afterwards, a gentle stream of water filled the whole body, and wherever it passed, the severe pain quickly subsided.

She opened her eyes and saw a familiar handsome face waving in front of her.

"Ah... Kaus?"

Kausu hummed as he continued to read the note.

"Am I... seriously injured?"

More than heavy? All died again!

Kaus smiled noncommittally and threw a healing surge on Maria's body, ending the blood lift. "The injury has almost been treated. Because of the serious blood loss, you need to eat more red dates, pork liver, longan... or you can find a traditional Chinese medicine clinic to prescribe you some blood-replenishing prescriptions."

Maria Hill closed her eyes quietly, rested for a while, and then opened her eyes again, "Thank you..."

Kausi touched Hill's forehead out of habit and felt that there was no fever, "You're welcome!"

Feeling the touch of the warm hands, Hill felt inexplicably at ease.

"How's it going outside?"

"It's good, the commotion has stopped." Kausi turned his head and listened, "Stark repaired the blown engine, and Clint Barton should have been subdued. In short, apart from the dead agents, Besides, there shouldn’t be any big losses.”

"Loki..." Maria suddenly grabbed Cauvus' hand, her green eyes showing a trace of desire, "Calvus, help Director Fury, he is under a lot of pressure!"

"Actually, you don't need my help..." Causs tilted his head, but seeing Maria's eyes, he hesitated, "Okay, actually, there is basically no problem next, Tony Stark and Thor L Odinson is here, and Captain Rogers should have integrated the team by now. Then it would be good for me to join in the fun!"

He pulled the blanket over Maria Hill and said, "You should have a good rest. I'll go out and take a look!"

After walking out of the room, it was quiet outside, with a few figures shaking around not far away - this was SHIELD's internal staff cleaning up the mess after being attacked.

Arriving at the central control room, Nick Fury was standing in the captain's position with his hands behind his back, looking out the window in trance.

Hearing the movement behind him, Black Ludan turned around and looked at Kausu's calm face, suddenly a spark of hope arose in his heart.


"Oh, she's a little tired, just let her sleep for a while!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Fury's single eye, and before he could speak, Kausu waved his hand nonchalantly, "Colson is still waiting in line at the hospital for a blood draw. He lost his intercom. Remember to call him later. He reissued one!”

Wind Rider is not something that others can see casually. Seeing that Phil Coulson served as an apprentice under him and brought him the first pot of gold, The Wind Rider was extremely kind to let him sit for a while. So Kaus controlled the wind rider to leave Coulson in a secluded suburb, and then took the mount back.

It's just that maybe he threw Coulson off the space carrier a little too roughly. When he was dancing in shock in mid-air, he accidentally knocked out the intercom plugged in his ear. But SHIELD, which has a lot of money, probably won't care about this little money...

Fury didn't care about such a trivial matter. His mind was filled with the good news of "hospital queue". The loss and recovery of two capable men made it difficult for the agent leader to control his emotions. He wanted to say something, but in the end, thousands of words turned into just one word, "Thank you!"

"Well, thank you for letting me visit the space carrier and watching a big show by the way."

Cauius was about to leave this place and waved to Fury, "It's time for me to go!"

Fury also knew that the space carrier was in chaos at this time and was not suitable for entertaining guests. He said politely: "I'll ask someone to send you off!"

"No, I have to rush back to New York. Who knows if some blind guy will damage my hotel?"

Saying farewell to the black braised egg, Kausu teleported back to Hell's Kitchen, then opened the small door of the basement and walked up.

The Avengers' plan to prevent Loki from opening the portal failed. The Cosmic Cube that had been activated could not be closed. The huge energy of the Six Original Stones even now Kausu and Thor are unable to compete head-on. A huge vortex formed over New York, as if a big hole was suddenly torn out of the sky, and things continued to fall downwards - a vanguard of the Chitauri rushed into the earth.

There are explosions and women's screams everywhere outside - this is what Kaous hates the most. Why do women in the West only scream when something happens? Do they think they have special powers? Can he be like Black Bolt, who can sweep away all enemies in front of him with just one scream? Even if you're a mutant siren who can scream and unleash shock waves, I understand.

That's why Kaus admires fierce beauties like Erica, Elsa, and Hill. Even Stephanie, who is big-breasted, brainless and ambitious, but at least has self-control, doesn't hate them. He only hates those delicate ones. I don't like white-skinned silly girls.

Unlike me, even if a ghost suddenly appears in front of me, at most I will just punch it out of reflex...

So when Kausu saw two beauties, one big and one small, still sitting on the sofa watching TV at the counter, he nodded with satisfaction. As expected of an employee of the Mulgore Hotel, he was always so overwhelmed. His color remains unchanged, he is calm, so calm!

"Are you back?" Erica lazily raised her arms to greet her, "Have you settled everything?"

"Not even close!"

Kausi walked over and kissed Erica and Little Carrie on the cheeks. "I visited the Space Carrier. That thing is quite big, but it's just not useful. A meteorite is enough." I can knock that thing down. I really don’t know why Hydra thinks that three space carriers can control the world.”

"Before understanding what real supernatural power is, careerists believe more in bullets and gunfire." Erica shrugged, "Their minds always stay in the previous era."

Cauius smiled, "Where's Frank?"

"He went to the dock and said he didn't want some guys to take advantage of the chaos and damage the machines in the warehouse."

"Okay!" Kausu nodded, "The time has dragged on long enough, it's time to end it all!"

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