Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 163 The real cosmic war

Putting aside the issue of whether the Hulk in Hulk form has a little JJ, as a violent orc warrior, when he heard this threat, Hulk, who had a low IQ, was completely angry.

So the Hulk, who was already in a state of rage, swelled up again, his knotted muscles bulged high, he grabbed the tail of a Leviathan with both arms, roared wildly, and even swung the super-large golden arowana. Standing up and looking from a distance, it looks like a little ant is swinging a whip that is hundreds or thousands of times larger and lashing out at another Leviathan.

With an earth-shaking loud noise, the two Leviathan beasts burst into flames at the same time, and countless parts flew out like raindrops. The Hulk still refused to give up. He suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the third Leviathan with a big jump. He rushed in from the bloody mouth and rushed out from the tail in a moment. The Leviathan He fell to the ground, and his body suddenly exploded into pieces.

In an instant, the three leviathan beasts that had been showing off their power a moment ago were blown into pieces, and the Chitauri soldiers hidden among them were also dead. When the other Leviathans saw the miserable condition of their companions, they all changed their directions, shaking their heads and tails, trying to stay away from this terrifying green monster.

Here Kausu has summoned a large amount of air elements, supporting his body to climb rapidly. Cauvus waved his hand, and thick dark clouds gathered out of thin air. Hundreds of lightning bolts rained down. The large group of Chitauri soldiers blocking him were wiped out in an instant by this [Thunder Storm]. Clean.

Not far from Cauus, a black and red mecha was also rapidly raising its altitude. The launchers on its two shoulders were opened, and hundreds of micro warheads roared out, each one precise. Hitting a near-Earth aircraft, the air suddenly became brighter.

"Cous, how about my new mecha?"

"Not bad!" Kausi controlled the air element and approached Stark. He looked at it carefully and noticed that the Mark mecha's shoulder launcher was once again loaded with densely packed micro warheads. He asked curiously, "Your Nanomaterials have learned to regenerate?”

"No, even nanotechnology must follow the law of conservation of matter." Stark pointed to the bulge behind his back, "The stored materials have been almost used, and we can still fire another salvo!"

Kausi curled his lips, "Isn't it because the ammunition is running out? Tony, next time you go to the battlefield, you'd better bring a few large supply robots with you, so that you can replenish the bullets at any time after you finish shooting."

"This is a good idea..." Tony Stark flew past Thor who was standing on the lightning rod at the top of the tallest building in New York, and shouted smoothly, "Thor, help us, we have to go through the teleportation Door!"

Thor, who was trying his best to release lightning, agreed and raised the Meow Hammer high, triggering a huge thunderstorm. Countless lightnings reversed their direction and knocked the Chitauri soldiers near the portal into the air and exploded, causing smoke and dust to billow. , thick smoke filled the air, and flames shot into the sky everywhere.

"Hey, I found a way to close the portal!" At this time, Natasha's voice came in.

"Close it when we get back..." Kausu casually ordered.

With the cover of Thor, Kaus and Iron Man dived into the portal.

The majestic scene in front of him stunned Kaus, a country bumpkin who had never seen the universe before.

In the distance is a huge space fleet, with countless large and small spaceships. There are hundreds of Leviathan monsters that are ravaging New York, and there is also a giant mothership tens of thousands of meters long. Surrounded by countless spaceships, it was like a steel base suspended quietly in the void, even the stars behind it were blocked from a large amount of light.

"Where is this?" Kausu asked after shaking off his shock.

"This galaxy is very strange, but it is definitely not near the solar system..." Tony Stark was much calmer. The mecha behind him opened and a large number of micro drones flew out, desperately collecting data. Massive amounts of data and information poured in like a tidal wave, and Stark didn't even have time to look at it. He could only temporarily store it in a small database and study it slowly when he returned.

"Kaus, can we really win against such a huge fleet?"

"Only the Star Fleet can defeat the Star Fleet!" Kausi smiled, "The length of the real space war front is measured in light seconds or even longer. At least my current maximum spell range cannot cover such a wide distance."

He raised the Fire Demon Hammer in his hand and threw it away.

At the moment when the Balrog Hammer was released, Cauvus lifted all its restrictions for the first time.

In the dark and deep universe, a huge light source suddenly appeared. Its light intensity was almost ten times greater than that of the distant star. The blazing war hammer instantly illuminated the entire galaxy.

The fully powerful Fire Demon Hammer truly demonstrated its powerful elemental power for the first time. It was like a comet streaking across the sky with a long tail of flames. Wherever it passed, all warships that came into contact with the flames of hell instantly turned into flames. Even Leviathan could not withstand this powerful power and exploded one after another. . Among them, even a giant spaceship that was more than three times larger than the Leviathan was pierced by the Balrog Hammer and suddenly exploded into pieces.

The other party obviously noticed the sudden comet, and many battleships began to move. Under the command of a giant flagship, at least a hundred Leviathans gathered. They unleashed countless cannon fire on the Balrog Hammer, and Stark even collected radiation information from some kind of energy weapon.

Under the control of Cauvus, the Balrog Hammer dived into the two-kilometer-long flagship. At this moment, the flagship suddenly emitted an extremely strong flash of light from the inside. The strong spaceship armor was like fragile paper. The pieces are usually torn into pieces, with some parts flying out at high speed, and the other parts being directly vaporized.

And the Leviathan team was almost completely destroyed by this earth-shattering blow.

Cauvus stretched out his hand into the distance, and the Balrog Hammer returned to his hand in an instant, but the surface was dim, and the originally bright flames of hell were almost invisible.

"You see, even the Fire Demon Hammer can only deliver such a blow."

Kausi smiled silently, having a deeper understanding of the stupidity of Marvel writers.

The horror of space war does not lie in the use of powerful weapons, but in the vast distance. Considering the issue of sailing speed, a "horizontal and longitudinal safe distance" of at least ten kilometers must be maintained between starships. The Leviathan formation just now has an effective coverage distance of hundreds of kilometers. A nuclear bomb is enough to destroy a city on earth, but in the universe, it can only wipe out a combat team at most.

Tony Stark, who had witnessed space war for the first time, nodded silently, stared blankly at the huge and majestic mothership that looked like a space base, and after a long while he said dryly, "Let's go back!"

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