Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 171 Encountering a small village on the road

The off-road vehicle loaded with supplies had just left New York State when Kaus suddenly looked back.

"What's wrong?" Erica, who was driving, asked casually.

"It seems like someone is watching us..."

"Have you?" Matt Murdock, who was sitting in the back seat, frowned. As a serious blind man, his sixth sense had become extraordinary. He listened quietly for a while, shook his head and said, "I didn't feel anything."

"Maybe it's an illusion!" Kausi also felt that he seemed a little nervous, "Don't worry about it."

When the vehicle drove away, a man covered in a black robe slowly walked out from the side of the road. He slowly took off his hood, revealing a face that was somewhat handsome but as pale as paper.

"Is this him the old guy went to see a few days ago?"

"A blind man, two women, nothing surprising at all..." The young man tilted his head, "Cous Bradford, a poor magician, does his soul have anything special? ?"

He lightly snapped his fingers, and a long-haired man in a windbreaker appeared out of thin air, lowering his head slightly: "What are your orders, Master?"

"Follow him!" the white-skinned young man ordered, "see where they are going..."

The long-haired man nodded, flashed, and mysteriously disappeared in the air without a trace.

The passengers in the car naturally knew nothing about this. Erica said with a smile: "It would be great if we brought Gus. He only sleeps and eats every day. He is getting fatter and fatter. I can hardly hold him anymore." ”

"I asked Gus and he said he didn't want to move..." Carrie explained weakly.

In the past, Kausi would have just thought she was joking, but since he figured out that Jiali was Tunmei, he felt that little Jiali would probably be able to communicate normally with the element-devouring beast - after all, everyone is of the "dimension system". Maybe...right!

"Forget it!" Kaus said casually, "Gus can still guard the door at home, saving me from having to set up a bunch of traps. Frank will also come back to spend the night from time to time, so the home will be safe."

Erica thought it made sense, so she said no more.

"What has Frank been busy with lately?" Matt Murdock asked with interest.

"He works at the dock!"

"Working?" Matt suddenly became curious. "The dock is Kingpin's sphere of influence. Has Frank changed his temper recently? Choose to cooperate with the gang?"

"It's not that... it's a bit complicated to say it anyway!" Kausu didn't know where to start for a while, so he simply asked, "What about you? Matt, I haven't seen you fighting with Kingpin recently."

"I still go out every night, but suddenly I figured out something."


"The worst order is better than no order!" Matt sighed softly, "In a sense, Kingpin's existence has made up for the ineffective police force in Hell's Kitchen. At least Kingpin is still alive for one day, Hell's Kitchen There won’t be complete chaos.”

"Justice has principles of justice, and gangsters also have gang rules. Although the two are completely different concepts in law, in terms of order itself... I actually found that the effects of the two are surprisingly similar!"

"What aspect are you referring to?" Listening to Matt's groundbreaking theory, Erica couldn't help but become curious, "Justice is similar to gangsters?"

"Rules!" Matt said clearly. "The code of justice draws a red line for people's code of conduct, and the rules of gangsters also draw a red line for gangsters. From the perspective of maintaining stability, I I was surprised to find that the two red lines almost coincided."

Erica silently recalled her experience in the Hand, and had to admit that what Murdock said made sense.

Kausi smiled and said nothing, but added a meaningful comment at the end: "What does it have to do with you?"

Just a few simple words, but Erica and Murdock suddenly realized it, and nodded: "That makes sense, it's none of our business! The most important thing now is to find a place to have lunch..."

"Where are we?" Matt asked.

"Not long after we left New York, this place should be...near Scranton."

There is a small river flowing quietly along the road, but it looks a bit polluted. There are green aquatic plants on the surface of the water, and a few dead fish with swollen bellies lying quietly floating on the water.

"There's a village over there!" Carrie shouted, pointing not far away.

"Village?" Kausi leaned on the car window and looked around. "Let's go nearby to see if there is any water source. It's not easy to find some clean water on the highway. We didn't bring much mineral water this time."

After getting off the main road and crossing a fairly wide stone bridge, Erica parked the car outside the village and looked inside for a few times, "The smell of blood is so strong. Did a massacre or something like that happen here? "

"It's not human blood!" Matt Murdock's sense of smell was much stronger than ordinary people. He sniffed, "It smells like a slaughterhouse."

"Hello, hello!" A young girl came over with a bucket and greeted Kaus and others from a distance, "What do you want?"

This is a girl with a hot figure, a delicate face and sexy thick lips. To Kaous, she looks a bit like a younger version of Angelina Jolie.

"We are passing by here and want to find some clean water." Kausu stepped forward and asked, "Are you going to fetch water?"

"Yes!" The young woman walked to the river, filled a bucket of water, and prepared to return to the village with the rickety bucket. "I'm sorry, we don't have running water here for some reasons, so we can only use These. If you need help, you can go to the village and ask."

"Thank you!" Looking at the heavily polluted river, Kausi had already decided to use the mineral water in the trunk. He nodded politely to the girl, and when he was about to say something, the woman had already waved to them and nodded. He walked towards the village without looking back.

"Huh?" Carrie was about to say something when Erica suddenly pulled Carrie.

Matt's brows were already furrowed and his ears twitched. He waited until the girl's figure disappeared around the corner of the path before he asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Kaus, is there something wrong with my senses? Why do I feel like that girl is a little too agile?"

"The strength is far greater than that of an adult man!" Erica also added, "I can lift a twenty-five kilogram bucket with one hand without shaking, and not even a drop of water is spilled. This is not what ordinary people can do. Do it.”

Kausu didn't answer, he just looked at the direction where the girl disappeared in trance.

"We have to go in and take a look!"

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