Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 189 Mutated

As Kausu's soul power continues to increase, he has become very proficient in using [Vision Technique]. He snapped his fingers, and a beam of soul flame ignited the photo, and countless flames flew out in all directions.

"Where is Pepper?" Tony Stark asked nervously.

"I saw a small, airtight room with no windows, only murals, wallpapers, and dim lights... The room seemed to be shaking? Hmm, maybe it's in a certain cabin?"

Although I remember the plot of "Iron Man 3", I obviously can't refer to it this time. There is no mad scientist Killian, but there is a more ruthless and bloodthirsty vampire.

"I saw a guy walking in. He was wearing a black dress with gold trim... He was saying something to Pepper, but he seemed to be rejected and was about to leave angrily. I said, Tony, since Bob Miss Zi is so important to you, you can actually add a small locator to her jewelry!"

"Actually, I pretended..." Tony Stark looked a little embarrassed when he mentioned this, "But for some reason, the signal disappeared when it arrived at New York Harbor. I tried to expand the search range, but I kept searching for a hundred nautical miles. There is no whereabouts of Pepper. I don’t believe any ship can travel such a long distance in such a short"

Stark turned his head suddenly and met Kausi's eyes.

"Submarine!" The two said their guesses in unison.

"Damn, it must be a submarine!" Tony Stark walked up and down the road irritably. "Why didn't I think of this problem? It's not surprising that it can avoid my tracker. A lead box can block hundreds of thousands of people. Ninety-nine percent of the signal. But I never thought that underwater...that kind of ultra-micro tracker loses its effectiveness at a depth of more than twenty meters."

"It should be too late now!" Kaus took out his phone and took a look, "When did you find out that Pepper's signal was lost?"

"Two hours ago!"

"Okay! The submarine left New York Harbor for two hours, and even using satellites it was impossible to track its direction."

Stark, who was still pacing, suddenly stopped, with a strange expression on his face.

"Turn on your car TV, and there seems to be something new."

This car was modified by Tony Stark himself, so there is no shortage of things like in-car TVs. Erica glanced at Stark in confusion, pressed the switch, and a picture quickly appeared on the screen.

After a series of explosions, a lion-like face of an old man appeared on the screen.

"Dear Mr. President, this is Mr. Mandarin talking to you. By the way, these people standing next to me-" The camera turned, revealing four people covered in black robes. , "Their tribesmen are being slaughtered wantonly by you, driven like pigs and dogs, and humbled like dirt. What they get are being raised in captivity, hunted, and even their flesh and blood are turned into commodities!"

The camera turned back to the Mandarin, "And I am tired of the endless deception, lies, and evasion of responsibilities by you politicians, so I am here to challenge this cancerous world with my friends!"

"The explosion just now was great, wasn't it? This is the first lesson I teach you."

"Then it's time for the second lesson -"

The camera focused on a person who was being stepped on. His whole body was shaking, and he wanted to struggle but didn't dare.

"Who is this?" Kausi stared at the screen and asked Stark smoothly.

"The accountant of the largest oil company in the Federation is a Jew." Stark thought for a moment and added, "He is the current president's biggest supporter and has always been the president's white glove."

The Mandarin on the screen is still talking: "There is a phone next to me. The phone number has been saved on your phone. Now I give you 30 seconds. You have a chance to call. Otherwise, I will call you in 30 seconds. Kill this man!"

After a moment of pause, the phone next to him rang.

But instead of answering the phone, the Mandarin shot the accountant in the head and smashed it into pieces. Blood spattered and even sprinkled a few drops on the camera, slowly dripping down along the top of the screen.

"The third class will come soon. Mr. President, your army, your missiles, and the dog named Iron Man, I am waiting for your arrival!"

The screen quickly dimmed, and the logo of the Ten Rings Gang appeared on the screen.

"The signal came from Palestine..." Stark had a strange look on his face, "Could it be that this Mandarin is in Palestine now?"

"That's a trap!" Kausi frowned, "Do you think those bats will go to the base camp of the Holy City of the Three Religions? That's a countermeasure... inform your friend quickly and tell him not to be fooled!"

"I also think it's a trap..." Stark walked to the side and called Rhodes, then walked back, "Then where will their real station be?"

Kausu hesitated, "Where is your villa?"

"Villa? I have several villas, which one are you talking about?" As expected, it is the inadvertent pretense that hurts the most. Kausu, who is stingy, couldn't help but reach out his hand to block the aura of rich people coming towards him.

"The one on the beach...the one that looks like a blade!"

"In California!" Stark frowned, "You mean, they are actually in California?"

"It's just a guess..." Kausi tilted his head, "I'm only half sure, because California is not only the state where Hollywood is located, but Los Angeles is one of the important bases where vampires gather."

"What does Hollywood have to do with it?"

Tony Stark didn't quite believe Kausu's whim speculation, but he had no better way. The smart butler Jarvis can only be informed to locate the search scope in California.

In fact, the "Mandarin" in "Iron Man 3" was a poor actor hired by Killian from Hollywood, but no one expected that this actor turned out to be the real Mandarin. True and false, reversal and reversal, Marvel's screenwriters are at least first-rate masters in creating suspense.

But this time, the vampires are not the clumsy criminal minds of scientists like Killian. They are a race with a long history. Although they have all kinds of untimely arrogance and inexplicable sense of superiority, if they are considered to be idiots, then it is okay. It would be too small to underestimate the potential of a race.

"Sir, you have a call!"

Just as the two were staring at each other, Jarvis's voice came.

After just listening to a few words, Stark hung up the phone without saying a word.

"I just received the news that except for Pepper, the first lady, the daughter of Vice President Rodriguez, and the youngest son of the Secretary of State... were all mysteriously kidnapped and missing!"

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