Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 192 Sharpening the Gun in Battle

After getting the news, Tony Stark rushed over immediately.

He ignored the reception hall that was lying all over the floor, and just looked at the shapeless mass of meat paste on the ground.

"Will he be resurrected?" Stark asked.

Kaus knew what he meant, but he shook his head: "While the Flame Demon Hammer smashed him to death, the flames of hell had destroyed his life functions, and even if he still had a soul, it would be burned clean. "

"Also, don't expect that a high-level vampire will find out anything when you interrogate him. If they are willing to say it, they will say it very quickly; if they are not willing to say it, you won't even say it if you beat them to death - a group of monkeys interrogating you , if you are asked to hand over the core technology of the Mark mecha, will you be willing?"

"Okay!" Tony Stark thought for a while and decisively gave up this unrealistic idea.

"So what do we do now?"

"The situation has become complicated. At first we thought it was just the Ten Rings Gang and a group of vampires who were unwilling to be left alone. Now, they have a real leader. A leader who has more qualifications than anyone on earth. And he is very powerful. Strong, very strong!”

"Not even you?" Stark suddenly asked.

Kausu was silent for a long time, and then he sighed softly, "Maybe in the Mulgore Hotel, I'm still a little sure. But in Los Angeles... it's difficult!"

"Then let's go back to New York now!" Stark was much more decisive than Cauius. "I also want to go back to Stark Tower, where there are better servers and..."

"And Bruce Banner!" Cowus pursed his lips, "Before going back, remember to call Bruce to confirm whether Stark Tower is safe!"

Stark looked at Kaus, and Kaus looked at Stark. The two of them thought of Loki almost immediately. In the recent battle in New York, Loki, who liked to show off, gained the advantage and openly erected a portal on the top of Stark Tower.

The two people reacted almost at the same time, and Stark immediately dialed Bruce's phone. The long busy tone gave both of them a bad feeling.

After calling again, the call was finally connected, but only angry roars came from inside.

"Damn it, Bruce has turned into the Hulk! He's in danger!"

"Don't... come back..." Hulk, who has a mental age of only five years old, yelled two words into his mobile phone with all his strength. Then there was a "pop" sound, and the intercom was smashed into pieces.

"I'm going back first!" Kausi calmed down and ordered, "Tony, remember to inform Erica and the others on your way back and tell them that I have returned to New York."

When he mentioned Erica, he immediately thought of Carrie. His lips moved, but nothing came out.

Of course Tunmei can hang Cain up and beat him. But this time I relied on Carrie to get through. What about next time? What about next time? Who knows when Tunmei will leave the earth? When will he be taken away by his father-in-law? If there is no swallowing of girls, is it possible that life will be difficult?

"It's just a demon, I have to try to deal with it myself!"

As soon as Stark nodded, he saw a bright white light glowing between Cauvus' hands, a stream of light rising into the sky, and flying away without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"This guy……"

Stark hesitantly looked at the celebrities lying on the ground, hesitated for a moment, and then flew out.

Using [Astral Teleportation] to return to the basement, Kausi did not rush out, but sat down quietly.

Hulk is immortal, so even if Cain beats Hulk into one hundred and eight postures, it will only hit his fragile little heart - just like Thanos's set of military fists to teach Hulk how to be a human being.

Moreover, Hulk is the only superhero who has been trained in the basement. At least this time he will not be like the big green guy who was at a loss to Thanos in the original timeline.

"Just buy me some time, just a little bit!" Kausu thought silently.

The next moment, he had entered a meditative state.

There are countless rolling active volcanoes here, ejecting magma. Blue smoke envelopes the mountain passes. The fiery red magma and volcanic ash are ejected by huge pressure to a height of thousands of meters. Countless fire elves danced happily in it, like children playing adventurous games.

After the fire elemental lord Ragnaros, the fire demon, and his four followers, the gatekeeper Belloc, the dog handler Shannox, the creator Leolis, and the spider mother Bestilak, died in battle, the Fire Lord The world has completely become a paradise for fire elves.

A nearby volcano erupted again, spraying countless flames onto the ground. Although many of them gradually extinguished, many fireballs gradually gathered together and condensed into living creatures.

Cauvus ignored the birth of these little fire monsters. His soul flew quickly over the land of fire and came to the entrance of a deep cave. Countless cracks were densely packed like spider webs. Several nearby volcanoes were It has collapsed. Looking down from the ground, you can see the dark red magma flowing slowly in the depths.

He flew down without hesitation, passed through the long passage, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

What you see is a huge magma sea, like red-hot boiling water. It makes a boiling sound. Countless fireballs rise from the magma pool. Many fireballs turn into fiery red elves, jumping happily in the magma. .

There is a solid black ground in the center of the magma in the far distance, with red pillars towering into the sky. It is unknown what they are made of. From so far away, you can see the monstrous flames towering into the clouds.

The sky was full of red mist-like things, and countless red lightning bolts shuttled through the clouds like snakes, accompanied by a huge roar, which made it even more shocking. There are also legendary creatures like Phoenix looming in the clouds - these are not real Phoenix, but the incarnation of the fire element, but if placed outside, their true strength is no less than that of the real Phoenix.

"Okay..." Kausu flew to the piece of land and sat down quietly.

Against a vampire demon, the effect of air spells is greatly reduced. It's not that lightning spells are ineffective against demons, it's just that the original hellfire born in the deepest part of the Fire Realm is a powerful existence that even the world tree of Nordrassil cannot resist.

He sighed softly and let go of the restraint. The endless flames spread up, and his whole soul exploded in an instant, causing him to faint from the pain on the spot. I saw the blurred and scattered souls rapidly condensing and the body regenerating. The regenerated soul still couldn't withstand the swarming flames of hell, and was burned clean by a fire, leaving only a wisp of green smoke suspended in the air!

The green smoke condensed into a blood mist, and the blood mist spread and transformed into the soul form of Kaus, gradually condensing its limbs and growing its head again.

Burned out and reborn again and again, it's really timeless.

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