Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 210 The True Shaman

"Okay, I think we should talk!"

After discovering that Kausi had sneaked out for a few days, Erica, who already had a vague sense of a big sister, looked at the frustrated Stephanie and the cold Elsa with a funny look on her face, "You scared Kausi?" Ran!"

"I didn't!" Stephanie pointed at Elsa angrily, "She's the one who's cheating! Every time she makes out with Kavus, she repairs it with bloodstone. This is so shameless!"

Elsa said proudly: "Isn't this good? It's a new experience every time, and I also find it very exciting!"

"But Caus will be unhappy!"

Erica and Elsa looked at Stephanie together, making her blush with embarrassment, but refused to bow her head, "Am I wrong? Kausu is actually very gentle to each of us, isn't he? "

Erica scratched her red hair, "Okay, Elsa, this is the difference between Stephanie and us. She knows how to pay attention to men's feelings better than us, and she is obedient, attached, and considerate... Well, maybe this is Even though he knew that this little guy was very ambitious, the reason why Kaus decided to accept her was because she is really a little fairy who deserves to be pampered."

Elsa was also shocked and hesitated for a while, "You are right, I agree to her joining."

"Count me in!" Carrie hugged the big orange cat, raised the cat's paws and said loudly with great interest.

Elsa turned her head to glance at the purple-haired girl, and then quickly turned back - this was no surprise, Kausu would definitely do something when she became an adult, after all, everyone recognized Carrie's perfection.

"Carrie's situation is a bit special..." Erica frowned, "It's okay for me to be with Carrie every day, but Elsa should feel that Carrie hasn't grown up at all since you left for two years. Signs. I've always had a feeling that when Carrie comes of age, we'll all be dead!"

After completely absorbing the power of the black sky, Erica gained some of the perception abilities of the dimensional demon "beast". I have some vague suspicions about Carrie's future.

It has to be said that this conjecture is very close to reality - Tunmei is destined to be the successor of Tunxing. When Galactus dies, Tunmei will officially come of age, take over from her father and become the new generation spokesperson for Galactus, entering the next reincarnation of the universe.

But the question is, when will Galactus die?

The answer is the heat death of the universe and the end of time.

This is the only reason why the extremely hungry Uncle Tun was defeated by many people, but no one dared to actually kill him—not even to imprison or banish him.

In other words, Carrie will never reach adulthood in this cosmic era.

"Okay!" Elsa finally compromised, "I also want to ensure that I will never use bloodstone again, but it's not up to me - the bloodstone will repair the host on its own."

"Has Kaus solved the problem of blood stones?" Erica asked, "I mean the negative effects that will affect your mind."

"Solved!" Elsa nodded. On the night she returned to the Mulgore Inn, after both of them were exhausted, Cauvus forced himself to use the purification spell on the blood stone over and over again until all the cursed power contained in the blood stone was removed. clean.

"Then we don't need to worry about this matter. Let's go get Kaous back first, right?"

"agreed, agreed!"

When several women arrived at the pier, they were surprised to find Kausi sitting at the table with his legs crossed and smoking. Little Wolf William was sitting upright on the ground, with his eyes closed, looking at a few people. Turned a blind eye to the arrival of the enemy.

"What are you doing?" Erica asked curiously.

Carrie jumped over affectionately, and Kausi stroked her long hair, like a well-behaved kitten.

"A little experiment!" Kausi replied, "I discovered that this child has some special abilities, so I am conducting a great experiment."

"for example?"

Kausu did not answer directly, but coughed slightly and ordered, "William, I allow you to borrow the power of the flame!"

With a soft sound of "Peng", flames rose up all over William's body, and the room immediately became hot.

"William, I allow you to borrow the power of water!"

The next moment, the room became foggy, and it even began to rain lightly out of thin air.

The girls were all stunned by what they saw in front of them. Stephanie looked at everything in front of her in surprise, "What kind of ability is this?"

"I'm digging deeper into what he's capable of!"

Kaus tried to give an accurate definition of this phenomenon, "William seems to be able to form a subtle resonance with my energy. As long as he gets my permission, he can borrow my power to a limited extent..."

"No!" William opened his eyes. He bowed down respectfully and paid homage to Cous with the highest Indian etiquette. "I think this is faith. Mr. Cous Bradford, your wisdom , strength, and erudition made me personally feel ignorance and awe. I have never respected and convinced a person so much, but when you showed the true meaning of the universe in front of me, I felt that I found the way forward at that moment."

"Oh -" Erica looked at Kausu in surprise, "What did you do? Why does my apprentice think you are his god?"

"Nothing!" Kausi replied with a smile, "It's just that I kicked his soul out and led him around the universe a few times. Then I discovered that he could resonate with the elemental power in my body. Maybe this is a new research direction... huh?"

He suddenly froze.

Resonating with the elements and borrowing the power of nature at will - isn't this the shaman's spellcasting principle?

In Azeroth, shamans believe that all things are spiritual and can communicate with the earth, fire, storms and water. Many people believe that shamans believe in the power of the elements, when in fact they are in a state of equal communication.

Whether it is the native orc tribe of Draenor, the corrupted Draenei Exodar (The Broken), the Wildhammer dwarves of the mountains, the tauren of Kalimdor, the pandaren of Pandaria or the scattered trolls The tribes, their most respected high priests, all have lofty respect and belief in their ancestors, nature and gods, without exception, which makes them the leaders of the clan and possesses rich and colorful fighting skills.

Kaus thought for a while, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "William, in the name of Kaus Bradford, I grant you the right to use the power of the soul!"

Little Wolf William was a little confused. His age and experience were not enough to form a systematic concept of "soul". He hesitated for a moment, and then a tall shadow quietly took shape behind him.

"What is this? Your soul?" Erica was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a while.

Elsa was also startled by the shadow behind William that looked exactly like Kausi, "Are you stripping your soul? Stop, it's too dangerous..."

"Don't worry, it's just a soul projection!" Jiali recognized the truth of that thing.

"What projection?" Kaus smiled and said its name, "This is [the gift of the soul walker]!"

"Well, ladies, I am now honored to announce it to you!"

"——Mr. William Tallinn will become the chief high priest of the Bloodhoof Cult!"

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