Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 212 Enemies don’t get together

"This is the township leader Li Beier from ahem..."

What did I just hear? A hell demon became the head of Asan Township? What kind of divine expansion is this?

Kausu's eyes widened when he saw Aunt Asan "Li Beier" in front of him, who had become old, ugly and fat, but was dressed in gold and jade and looked like a rich man.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and even used the perspective of his soul to look at the other person's real body again and again, only to confirm that the person standing there was not the real Ah San, but a beautiful fallen angel with black wings on his back.

"Nice to meet you!" Finally, he didn't forget the etiquette. Kaous shook hands with Belial, then pretended to salute with a smile, but actually asked in her ear, "What are you doing? Are you going to help Asan's town get rid of poverty?" Or are you planning to set up a very large magic circle and lack human sacrifices?"

"You know nothing!" Periyar smiled, "I have opened my eyes in these years, you know? If you have a Kshatriya status, you don't even need a Brahmin. As a powerful leader in a township, he can live a more comfortable and nourishing life than even the richest man in the world! Compared with this kind of life, I sometimes feel that the devil's life is worse than that of a village party secretary... What are you doing here?" (Nothing in this chapter) Any innuendo, all associations prohibited)

"I live here……"

"Oh, I'll come find you later!"

"Why are you looking for me?" Kausi took a step back in horror, "I will be very psychologically affected when you become like this. Besides, don't you still want to follow the tour group?"

"What kind of tour group?" Li Beier corrected Kausi's wording with a smile, "This is the 'Beautiful Countryside Construction' project team's inspection group organized by us to visit the construction achievements of our American counterparts and prepare to bring advanced experience back to the mainland... "

"Come on, don't think I don't understand!" Kausi interrupted Lieber angrily, "Who will tell me, when did Hell's Kitchen become an advanced brand of beautiful countryside? This is New York, one of the world-famous super cities. One! Can you find a more reliable place for your project visit?"

The low-pitched conversation between the two attracted the attention of a middle-aged man with a big belly in the tour group. He walked over with a shy belly and spoke in an official tone: "Xiao Li, do you have friends abroad? You have to pay attention to the impact when you go out. !”

"Ah, Director Kunale, I studied abroad in New York when I was young, and I met some old friends at that time..."

Kausi now knows how outrageous the concept of "bragging without drafting" is. His body looks like he is in his early twenties at most. But how did "Li Beier", a greasy aunt in her forties or fifties, become an "old friend she met while studying abroad"?

The problem is that the director actually believed it. He whispered a few words to Li Beier. Li Beier raised his head with a playful look and explained: "He is asking you if you can take us to a luxury store. He wants to buy some regular goods to take back to the country."

"Who are you going to kill?" Kausu didn't bother to say anything more. He waved his hand and called Jinpin's younger brother over, "They want to go shopping, take them there!"

"It has been arranged a long time ago, sir!" The young man was very knowledgeable and very good at getting things done. "Jinhuan Department Store Plaza is definitely a representative of high prices and low quality - yes, these rich Asan natives really like this. Set! After this deal, many old guys in Hell’s Kitchen will have a very easy time this month!”

After visiting the beautiful pier scenery at the mouth of the Hudson River, the group of publicly funded tour groups left in a hurry. Only "Li Beier" made excuses to stay.

"I finally feel relaxed!" Li Beier yawned in an indistinct manner and stretched. "Actually, you should also go to the East and see it. That is the real paradise on earth!"

"I'm more familiar with the East than you are!" Kausu replied angrily, "Do you plan to live like this for the next few years? And then go back to hell when you get tired of playing?"

"Don't be so serious in life!" Li Beier moved his fat body and patted Kausi's shoulder with his greasy hands. "Look, apart from those disgusting curry foods, as well as the dirty and smelly Apart from the water of the Ganges, that country is actually quite nice - so I haven't eaten in the past two years. Come on, go to your territory and get me some normal food to satisfy my hunger. I decided to wait until this experience is over. After that, I’ll go to the country to the east of India and have some fun, maybe becoming a village party secretary there will be more... hmm?”

East of India? Kausu frowned and remained silent.

The two were talking here, and Erica and Elsa behind them were also discussing something in a low voice.

"The image is too bad! How can he be a big villain? At most he is a small boss..."

"Maybe this is what the Demon God of Hell looks like? I have seen more disgusting monsters, ten thousand times more disgusting than this aunt!"

"I can't say for sure!" Erica didn't have much confidence, "But I have seen Mephisto... I think the villain should be like him!"

"Have you seen Mephisto?" Elsa suddenly became interested. "What does he look like? Is he ferocious, with a mouth full of fangs? Or is his head as big as a city? He can take one bite. Eat half of New York?"

"That's right - and you're kidding, he once corrupted a country with just one breath!" At some point, the greasy aunt came over and described it with excited gestures, "Theoretically Murphy Stowe has no specific image, he is the incarnation of the hell dimension, you can imagine him as a mist, a black mist covering the entire world!"

Both the beautiful killer and the beautiful hunter were shocked. With their skills, the other party didn't realize until they were right in front of their eyes. The other party's strength was simply awe-inspiring.

Kausi sighed and pulled "Li Beier" over, "You are also a demon god after all, so don't join in the fun with the little girl..."

"Boring guy!" Li Beier rolled his eyes and looked towards the warehouse not far away, "Huh? This power of faith..." She traced it all the way to Kausi, "What game are you playing? ? "God is Crazy Too"?"

"You even know this? It seems that you have had a lot of fun in the past two years!" Kausu was truly surprised.

"I haven't played. The other body is a homebody who has been playing games at home for two years."

Li Beier suddenly became interested, and she walked towards the warehouse, "Are you planning to establish some religious school? I'm very good at this, let me see your progress. Maybe I can give you a little A little suggestion...yo, Janata?"

Jia Li just came out of the warehouse and bumped into Li Beier.

The greasy aunt who was carefree just now jumped back a step, and her expression became weird.

"Are you..." Carrie looked at it doubtfully, "Beliar? Why do you only have half of it left?"

"The other half is squatting at home playing games!"

Kausu finally came to his senses and looked at the two of them with a puzzled expression, "Do you know each other?"

"We know each other!" Carrie nodded. "A few years ago, when I was the 'Son of God' on the planet Lagava, Beliyar was the 'Son of the Demon'. We had a lot of fun at that time!"

I don’t know what the concept of “a few years ago” in Tunmei’s mouth is...

Erica and Elsa's expressions became extremely exciting. They looked at the purple-haired girl with an almost perfect appearance, and then at the obese aunt with a shiny face and a waistline larger than her height. They couldn't match the two styles of painting.

"You stupid guys..." Li Beier glanced at the two women with contempt, "When did you understand that when you look at a person, you can't just look at the outside, but also see his soul?"

The bright sky suddenly darkened, and endless black fog enveloped half of the pier. Accompanied by lightning and thunder, Li Beier's body underwent a strange distortion. Six jet-black wings suddenly stretched out. Small and exquisite high-heeled leather boots stepped out of the black mist step by step, followed closely by The slender and straight legs, the slender waist, the exaggerated curves of the chest, and the black tight-fitting armor outline every inch of the figure to perfection.

When Belial lifted the metal mask, revealing the proud, cold, charming, awe-inspiring fallen angel face, ethereal, clear, and majestic voices sounded from all directions.

"Son of God, if you can, don't use your devouring talent. The battle we didn't finish ten thousand years ago, now it's time to decide the winner!"

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