Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 225 Five-Year Plan

"This is the situation!" Kaus put the box on the counter. "Mandarin was once a humble, timid, and cautious farmer. I am not interested in his past affairs, but these ten rings deserve our serious attention. "

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner were silent. After a while, Banner picked up the ring and sighed: "It took them millions of years to develop to the current level of technology. When they could no longer find the road ahead, they urgently They need to communicate with other intelligent creatures, but unfortunately, they are the only ones in that galaxy."

"These ten rings are enough to prove that they once had an extremely bright and glorious civilization that spanned the galaxy... But humans have not yet been able to fly out of the solar system. Even the nearest Alpha Centauri galaxy is more than 4.2 light-years away. Without the portal of Cauus, I don’t know when I would be able to witness the magnificence outside the universe with my own eyes!”

Tony Stark stretched out his hand towards the box. Just when he was about to grab the box, he paused, raised his head and looked at Cauius and Banner. Finally, he made up his mind and took the box in his hand.

"Put the things here with me first. They will be needed to develop Mavis."

"But the portal's energy... Kaus, do you have any other ideas?"

With a pair of glances, Kaous already knew Stark's attitude. He will use ten rings to change the atmosphere and landscape of Mavis, but he does not intend to use them to maintain the portal-that is an almost astronomical amount of energy. Even the Ten Commandments will be drained by the portal.

"There are two directions. One is the Cosmic Cube, but that thing is on Thor's planet."

"The other direction is to borrow some energy from other dimensions...Maintaining the portal requires a huge amount of energy, but we don't need to maintain a huge energy output all the time. Normally, only dark energy modules can meet the demand. Only in practice A lot of energy is used during the transmission process."

"Borrow?" Stark asked with interest, "Have you thought about where to... 'borrow' it from?"

"It's either hell or heaven..." Kausi smiled like a thief, "Of course, life in heaven has not been easy in recent years. The number of people who deserve to go to hell far exceeds the number of people who are qualified to go to heaven by ten times or more... …”

"But..." Dr. Banner raised his own question, "How can we 'borrow' energy from one dimension?"

"Ah, that's not a big problem!" Kaus took out a strange-looking instrument from the bag, "This thing is a wormhole centrifuge, a black technology developed by a German... daring engineer. It can Two different designated areas establish stable energy channels.”

A bunch of small robots made of broken gears and no bigger than a fist are named "remote pickers". These small things can pick up items from nearby corpses. Of course, "picking up" energy is also their job.

"Of course, the energy 'borrowed' from the hell plane is not suitable for direct use by the portal, so I have also prepared enough [evil energy generators]. I still have a lot of them there. Exploding a few will not affect the use... "

Tony Stark and Banner looked at each other in confusion. After a while, Banner muttered: "Such a portal must run stably for at least three months before I dare to walk in..."

"Maybe it will explode in the fourth month..." Stark endured it for a long time, but couldn't help but complain.

Kausu was not happy, "Hey, guys, I can guarantee that these things are reliable! Goblin technology... ahem, okay, but this is already the most effective method!"

"Okay, Kaous, don't scare them!" Belial, who was leaning against the counter, finally couldn't stand it any longer. She said slowly, "Why don't you go find Gu Yi? She's the one doing this. Expert!"

"That makes sense!"

Kaus suddenly understood and clapped his hands heavily, "Tony, help scan New York City with satellites. I need to find a magnetic field blank! Probably...not far from Manhattan."

"Done in one hour!"

Stark briefly explained a few words to Jarvis, and then made a confident gesture.

Just as the satellite changed its orbit, Frank and Steve walked in, followed by the white-bear Kingpin, who was followed by Erica and Stephanie.

"Did you make an appointment to get together?" Banner teased with a smile, stepped forward and hugged Captain America.

"Frank just took me to visit the factory. Those big guys are really awesome!" Steve was very excited. "This is my first opportunity to go to an alien planet... But it's a pity, guys, I have to lead the team. Dealing with Hydra, so I may have to miss the date this time!”

"You can join the second batch!" Kausi said seriously. "The first batch will mainly consist of a small number of engineering and technical personnel and unmanned machinery. In the early stage, an alien base needs to be built."

"Is there any more dog meat?" Kingpin said with a smile, "I think today's meeting does not need to be so formal. A little dog meat can make everyone's atmosphere more lively - my friend said that dog leg is very delicious!"

"Eat dog, eat dog!" Jiali jumped up from the sofa and reached out to catch the big orange cat. The element-devouring beast was so shocked that it quickly spit out a three-headed hell dog.

So the meeting turned into a barbecue, and everyone reported on their work progress. When it was Stark's turn, he took out a thick stack of documents.

“Four planetary rovers have returned. To our surprise, the planet’s geological activities are quite active, and the harmful substances in the atmosphere are much less than expected, which relieves us a lot of burden in the next work. "

"The portal's landing point is near the sun-facing side, and the distance from the nearest star is about 9 to 10 light minutes, which is a very suitable distance. Mavis's mass is very small, and its rotation period is 780 hours, which is about 1 day. It's equivalent to 32 days on Earth. There are about two-thirds of the lighting time every day, which creates good conditions for harnessing stellar energy."

"The lack of water resources is the biggest problem at present. There are not many free water molecules in the air, so we must be fully mentally prepared at this point - but there are many mineral resources. A rover can travel 100 meters away A helium-rich mining area was discovered forty kilometers away..."

Stark's introduction lasted for a full hour and a half, with Dr. Banner asking questions from time to time. Stephanie was jotting down quick notes next to her. Although she didn't quite understand the professional terms, she needed to record them and then hand them over to her father for evaluation.

Finally, Stark came to a conclusion: "According to the current common plan in the scientific community, it will take about three hundred years to transform this planet, one hundred years to transform the atmosphere, one hundred years to cultivate microorganisms, and one hundred years to introduce earth plants— —But the Material Reorganization Ring shortens this time by nine-tenths. So we only need thirty years to transform this planet into a habitable planet."

"No, we don't have thirty years!"

Cauvus, who had been listening quietly, suddenly interrupted Stark, "We only have five years!"

"Why five years?" Stark was a little surprised. "Five years is only enough for us to establish a few large bases, but the atmospheric transformation should be initially completed."

"We don't need to transform the entire planet into a habitable planet, but we need to plunder Mavis's minerals as much as possible like bugs, and then turn them into weapons and fleets!"

Cauvus' voice was not high, but very firm, "The main force of the Chitauri fleet is not far away!"

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