Mulgore Hotel in Marvel

Chapter 228 The experience of zero-yuan purchase

Greenwich is a borough of London, England, located southeast of London and on the south bank of the Thames River. The International Longitude Conference held in Washington in 1884 decided to use the longitude passing through Greenwich as the prime meridian as the starting point for calculating time and geographical longitude in the world.

But this is just a saying on earth. What is really worthy of special mention is that when the orbits of the nine celestial bodies just form a delicate balance, the boundaries of the nine kingdoms will suddenly disappear, and the gathering point is at Greenwich.

"It is said that it happens once in five thousand years!" Kausu finally got tired after wandering around the town. He squatted on the curb to look at the long-legged beauties, while holding a hot dog in his left hand and a Coke in his right hand. , eating until his eyes, nose and eyebrows almost wrinkled into piles, "The Anglo-Saxons are really pitiful. Do they eat dog food every day? I know those guys in the United States are already miserable, but in London I feel We’ve arrived at a food desert—that magazine that sells tires actually lists 74 London restaurants in a serious way? Did they sell all their taste buds to Mephisto? I swear, they must be collecting dirty money!"

Belial stood quietly and listened to Kausi's complaints, and suddenly said: "Michelin is not as rich as you. In fact, you can do a better food review!"

"Oh, what you said makes sense!" Kausu's eyes widened, and he thought about it seriously, but then gave up the idea, "It's a pity that if I were to do this evaluation, then the whole The Western world combined cannot defeat a certain country... Well, at least until that country returns to the world status it had before 1500. Let's not talk about that for now."

"Where did I just say? By the way, once in five thousand years, they say that the nine realms will be connected in a straight line. But in fact, this is pure nonsense! The ecliptic planes of the nine realms are not on a horizontal line at all, even if they are connected Straight lines are at most projections - a more reliable statement is that their gravity is just in an absolutely balanced state, as if three planets formed a perfect equilateral triangle..."

"What will happen then?" At this point, Belial finally became a little interested.

"Part of the space in the nine realms resonated, and the planes distorted and overlapped, just like the opening of portals..."

"Then what are you doing squatting here?"

"Find the portal!"

"Then go find it!"

"I was thinking..." Kausu didn't say anything blindly. He tried his best to recall where the female Thor Jane Foster was sucked into the prehistoric ruins. It had been so long that he couldn't remember clearly. He only vaguely remembered that Daisy Louise, the dairy intern, first discovered several force fields that could move objects through the air. Jane Foster tracked the source of the signal all the way, and then came Got to a place...

"Container Yard!"

Kausu finally thought about it, but he suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

The Port of London is located on the north and south banks of the lower reaches of the Thames. It stretches from the mouth of the river upstream through the Tilbury port area and over the London Bridge to Teddington Dock, which is 80 kilometers long. There are no less than hundreds of large and small container yards. In what year should I find this horse?

"I remember it was a container yard, but there are so many places, where do I start first?" Counting the time, there is still at least a week before the plot of "Thor 2" takes place. Even if I find it, I won't go in. when.

"Maybe you're right!" Belial ignored Kausu's muttering. She turned her head in a certain direction and narrowed her eyes slightly. "I did sense signs of space distortion."

"Has it started yet?"

Kausu was a little surprised, but he quickly became excited, "This is the best. Ether particles have the ability to modify reality, and they are also a huge energy source. Obtaining ether particles will be very helpful for our future work. "

He followed Belial to a garbage dump.

"Uh! I did sense signs of space distortion..." Kausu scratched his head, picked up a stone from the ground and threw it over. Then the stone flew halfway and suddenly disappeared like a ghost.

"The space door is not fully open, only..." Kausu made a rough gesture, "It shouldn't be here. I remember it was near a container yard. It was very empty and almost no one passed by."

"Really? Then we can exclude the most prosperous storage yards!"

"Yeah, but we still have to make more preparations!" Kausi nodded, took out his mobile phone and called Tony Stark, "Tony, since I only have one mobile phone now, do you have Is there any way to lend Jarvis to me?"

"No problem!" Tony Stark's beaten voice came from the phone, "Mr. Bloodhoof, look around now to see if there is an electronics store?"


"Good, just walk in and do what I say."

Kausi took his mobile phone and walked into an electronics store not far away. "Okay, I'm already in. What should I do next?"

"Now find the youngest and most beautiful saleswoman and you turn on the speakerphone."

"OK, found it!"

"Beautiful lady, I need a portable tablet."

"Do you have a network interface here? I want to test its network status."

"Okay, it looks good..."

Tony Stark suddenly took a deep breath on the other side of the microphone, and then shouted: "Robbery!"

"Hit..." Kausi, who was in a hurry and had no time to hang up the phone, didn't react before he heard a heart-rending scream from the disgraced female clerk. The whole store suddenly went into commotion, and the alarm bell rang. stand up.

Your mother is a bastard, and your mother is a Hippi fairy... Cauvus scolded all the eighteen generations of Stark's ancestors in his stomach, but he could only helplessly see the guard pull out a gun and point it at him.

"Okay, okay, it's just a joke from a friend!" Kaus glanced at the phone, and Stark had indeed hung up the phone. And Belial also took a step back with tacit understanding, exposing the entire body of the guard to the black hole of the gun.

"Don't play tricks, do as I say, and let me see your hands all the time. Don't try to resist, stay still, if you move, I will shoot!"

"What a headache..." Cauvus glanced helplessly at the tablet still lying on the glass counter. A blue progress bar on the screen had reached 100%, and Stark's LOGO jumped with great joy.

It seemed that Jarvis had taken over the tablet. Kausu snapped his fingers. Under the influence of the lightning surge totem, the guard immediately fell to the ground and twitched continuously, as if he had been hit by high-voltage electricity.

"Hey, come here!" Kausi called to the clerk who was hiding under the counter and shaking his head. "How much does it cost? I want to buy - what? No money? Okay, it seems that the girls in London are all good people... "

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